Intermediate CW 08 01

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Intermediate | Confusing Words Lesson 08 LEVEL 6_

Confusing Words Lesson 08 | See or Look See EXAMPLES

Example Sentences: Did you see the actress pass? What do you see? Is he seeing things again? Tell me what you saw in the museum.

Tips for using See Use “See” when referring to the sense of sight, to noticing and observing It's so foggy, I can barely see anything. He saw his colleague cheat at the test. Never before have I seen such a beautiful landscape! Example Dialogue: Lars

: I think I just saw someone get robbed!

Wendy : Are you sure? Lars

: Seriously. I thought I was just seeing things because I was worn out from work.

Wendy : So you aren’t even sure? Start again, what exactly did you see?

DEFINITION: SEE: to notice or become aware of someone or something by using your eyes See | Saw | Seen| Seeing

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Intermediate | Confusing Words Lesson 08 LEVEL 6_

Confusing Words Lesson 08 | See or Look Look EXAMPLES

Example Sentences: Look! There’s that famous actor! Why is everyone looking at me? Von has been looking at that painting since we came. The lion looked at the meat hungrily.

Tips for using Look Use “Look” when directing your eyes to something and closely watching it I am looking, but I don't see anything! That strange man keeps looking at us. Don't look inside yet, the room is not ready. Example Dialogue: Queen : What happened to you? Jake

: I accidentally cut myself with scissors.

Queen : Oh, my! That looks pretty bad. You’d better go to the doctor or something. Jake

: Yes, I am going to have it looked at right now. Can you accompany me?

DEFINITION: LOOK: to focus your eyes on something specific Look | Looked| Looking

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Intermediate | Confusing Words Lesson 08 LEVEL 6_

Confusing Words Lesson 08 | See or Look PRACTICE

Answer see or look (in a correct form) to complete the sentences.

1 | Can you please take a

2 | I think I have already

3 | What exactly are we

4 | Let’s



the President!

my pants? I can’t find them anywhere.

at the beautiful dress wistfully.

8 | I’m really excited to

9 | She

that movie.

at it!

6 | Has Kelly

7 | She

at this photograph?

this movie! The trailer was superb!

at me curiously, then winked

10 | I am not quite sure of what the witness


APPLICATION: Create your own sentences using see or look.

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Intermediate | Confusing Words Lesson 08 LEVEL 6_

Confusing Words Lesson 08 | See or Look EXERCISE Answer see or look (in a correct form) to complete the sentences.

(David and Kevin ran into each other.)


: Hi, Kev! I

you from across the street. Where are you going?


: I’m heading to the mall. I need to


: I’ll go with you. I want to


: I’ve

at some jewelry to buy as a gift.

the Christmas decorations.

them already. They are magnificent! There are lights, Santa on a chair

and a mistletoe.


: Don’t ruin it for me! I want to


: Sorry! Try to

it for myself!

the Santa’s little helpers. They are adorable!

APPLICATION: Create your own dialogue using see or look with your teacher.

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