23 ago. 2018 - Join us at St. Rose Par- ... Santa Rosa de Sacramento el 18 de agosto. .... Thursday: St. Rose of Lima, Virgen Ez 36:23-28 / Ps 51:12-15, 18-19 ...
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St Charles Borromeo •

St Charles Borromeo Grateful to Our Giving Community, We ask the Lord to compensate its generosity. Previous Sunday Collection $8,302.00 The median of the past years’ operating expenses is $619,893 which sets the goal for each Sunday to $11,009.00. Agradecemos a Nuestra Comunidad Dadivosa por su generosidad. Colecta del fin de semana pasado $8,302.00 Los gastos del año pasado fueron $619,893 Objetivo de colecta semanal para cubrir gastos es de $11,009.00.

Our St Vincent de Paul group here at St Charles strives to serve those on the outermost fringes of society in our parish community. With your generous donations of cash, food and toiletries we are able to provide for the needs of those who come to us for aid. Thank you for all that you do to alleviate the burdens of so many in need in our parish. Our hotline number is 916 733-2010 for all your questions or concerns.

SBC School News

Although school started this past week, it is not too late to join our school family and ensure the happy, healthy and outstanding Catholic education for your child. We have openings in Preschool - start early grounding your child in the Catholic faith. Call the school office for information - 916-421-6189. Back to School Nights are Tuesday, Aug. 21 for grades 6-8 and Wednesday, Aug. 22 for grades Pre-K through 5. The program starts in the gym at 5 pm. Fingerprinting is available only on Wednesday evening. SCB Youth Group /Grupo de Jovenes Adolecentes de SCB Set our Hearts OnFire! Get ready to set your hearts OnFire as we travel to Vallejo on Saturday, September 15, 2018. Tickets are $52.00 and can be purchased online or after the Sunday Masses on August 19th. Ticket price goes up after September 1st. Get your tickets early! OnFire is an event for High School teens and young adults and includes a live Mass, guest speakers, Adoration and all you can eat lunch buffet. Join youth from 7 Dioceses across Northern California. OnFire NorCal Jam-2018.

Save the Date!-BBQ- Invitation & Information Night All parish youth are invited to attend a BBQ on Friday, August 24th in the parish courtyard. We will be welcoming Father Alex, and learning about upcoming youth events for this and next year. We invite teens to bring something to share, Friday, August 24th from 6pm – 8pm. For more information om contact the Ana Macias 916-217-4391.

Catholic Faith Formation (CFF) English 2018-2019

Registration is now going on for Catechism , Monday - Friday from 9:00am—5:00pm (Closed on Thursdays), last day of registration in on August 31st (Friday). For new students, please bring a copy of your child’s baptismal certificate. Registration fee is $80.00. Classes start on Sept. 8 (Sat.). For more information, you may contact the CFF office: Sr. Josie at 916-4217174.

Formación Catequética en la Fe (CFF) en Español 2018-2019

La Registracion para catequesis en Espanol seran del 16 al 31 de Agosto. Favor de pasar a la Oficina de Catequesis, durante horas de oficina que son las siguientes: Lunes, Martes, Jueves y Viernes de 2:30 pm a 5:30 pm; Sábados de 9:00 am a 2:00 pm. No hay servicio de oficina los Miércoles y Domingos. Para mas información comuníquese con Hna. Patricia, HCJC at (916) 421-1063. (Por Favor recuerde que no se aceptan originales ni se sacan copias). Requisitos: PRE – CONFIRMACIÓN: (Primer año de Catequesis partir de 12 años) * Copia de Fe de Bautismo * Comprobante de haber cursado un a+ño antes de catequesis CONFIRMACIÓN: * Copia de Fe de Bautismo * Copia de Primera Comunión *Comprobante de haber cursado un año antes de catequesis.

English Confessions for the month of August ONLY Wednesday 5:30-6:50pm Saturday 3-4:45pm Sunday 10-10:20am & 4:30-4:50pm


This is to inform you that the Church will be under renovation next year starting JUNE TO SEPTEMBER (2019). The Church will not be in service for WEDDING or QUINCEANERA MASSES DURING THESE MONTHS.


St. Vincent De Paul Society

PRE- COMUNIÓN: (Primer año de Catequesis a partir de 8 años) * Copia de Fe de Bautismo. PRIMERA COMUNIÓN: (Segundo año de Catequesis partir de 9 años) * Copia de Fe de Bautismo *Comprobante de haber cursado un año antes de catequesis.

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RICA -(RITO DE INICIACION CRISTIANA PARA ADULTOS con 17 años cumplidos) BAUTIZO: *Copia de Acta de Nacimiento PRIMERA COMUNIÓN: *Copia de Fe de Bautismo CONFIRMACIÓN: * Copia de Fe de Bautismo *Copia de Primera Comunión.

August 18 – August 24, 2018

Saturday 8:00am - -Elde Martensen Abe -5:00pm- -Maria E. Marquez, †Gnett Castro, †Rolando & Nicasio Torralba, 6:30pm- †Leticia Cervantes, †Reynaldo Cervantes Villafan, †Maria Isaias Martinez, †Cevera Hernandez, †Joaquin Salazar Sunday 7:30am- -Elena, Glenn Biete & Family, †Taylor Barlow, †Don Fisher, †Eunice Chinakwe, †Artemio Amurao 9:00am- †Alberto Sanchez, †Juanita Casillas, †Gloria Juarez 10:30am- †Myrna Q. Panelo, †Manuel & Anita Pagdilao, †Nolsherwin & Alex Randy Pandilao, †Alejandro Bautista 12:00pm- -Dennis & Mae Cana, †Eunice Chinakwe, †Leonardo Bumanglag 1:30pm- †Miguel Arcenio Aguilar, †Maria Isaias Martinez, †Cevera Hernandez, †Joaquin Salazar 5:00pm- -Elde Martensen Abe, 6:30pm- †Tiofila Ortiz, †Martin Franco Jaime, †Ramona Ventura Monday 8:00am- -Elde Martensen Abe Tuesday8:00am- -Elde Martensen Abe, -Tevita Fifitaila 6:00-6:45 pmConfessions / Confesiones 7:00pm- †Quirina Martinez Wednesday 8:00am– -Elde Martensen Abe, †Jose Manuel Pardo Santoyo, †Honesto, Juanita & Roel Tatlonghari 6:00-6:45 pm - Confessions / Confesiones 7:00pmThursday8:00am- -Elde Martensen Abe, †Myrna Shanklin Friday8:00am--Elde Martensen Abe, †Esteban Perido, Saints & Readings for the Week Sunday: TWENTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Prv 9:1-6 / Ps 34:2-7 / Eph 5:15-20 / Jn 6:51-58 Monday: St. Bernard, abbot, Doctor of the Church, Ez 24:15-24 / (Ps) Dt 32:18-21/ Mt 19:16-22 Tuesday: St. Pius X, Pope, Ez 28:1-10 / (Ps) St 32:26-28, 30, 35-36 / Mt 19:23-30 Wednesday: The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Ez 34:1-11 / Ps 23:1-6 / Mt 20:1-16 Thursday: St. Rose of Lima, Virgen Ez 36:23-28 / Ps 51:12-15, 18-19 / Mt 22:1-14 Friday: St. Bartholomew, Apostle, Rev 21:9b-14 / Ps 145:10-13ab, 1718 / Jn 1:45-51 Saturday: BVM, St. Louis, St. Joseph Calasanz, Priest, Ez 43:17b / Ps 85:9-14, Mt 23:1-12 Sunday: TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Jos 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b / Ps 34:2-3, 16-21 / Eph 5:21-32 / Jn 6:60-69

Les queremos informar que el proximo año la iglesia estara en remodelacion empezando de JUNIO a SEPTIEMBRE 2019. No celebraremos misas de BODAS y QUINCEAŇERAS DURANTE ESTOS MESES.

Knights of Columbus council 4443

On August 23rd we are hosting an “open house” to any catholic men over the age of 18, this will give us an opportunity to provide information about our organization and answer any questions that they might have. Hopefully we will get new members to join. Attached is our flyer, can you please post it in the August 12th and 19th parish bulletin? Also would it be possible that our event be included in the August 12th and 19th announcements? Thank you for your time. If there are any questions please contact our Worth Grand Knight Jesse Cheguina at 916-402-2518.

Deaf Ministry Event / ASL Mass and Fellowship

Save the date for the half-day ASL Prayer Retreat at Christ the King Retreat Center in Citrus Heights on Saturday, October 28, 2018. Fr. Paul Zirimenya, one of 12 Deaf Priests in the United States and Pastor of St. Benedict's Deaf Church in San Francisco, will lead the retreat. ASL Confession, Mass, Lunch, and teaching on various types of prayer are included. For more information contact: Jo Kristine Clark, Deaf Ministry Contact at Cell/Text 530-9024254 or [email protected]

Renew me Lord Retreat /Retiro Renuevame Señor

The Office of Family and Faith Formation would like to invite you to attend the Renew Me Lord retreat! A beginning of the Year Retreat for Faith Formation Teams. Join us at St. Rose Parish, Sacramento on August 18. Please RSVP to Julia Jimenez at [email protected] or 916-733-0177. All are invited. ¡La Oficina de Familia y Formación de la Fe los invita al retiro Renúevame Señor! Un Retiro de principio de año para los Equipos de Formación de Fe. Únanse a nosotros en la parroquia Santa Rosa de Sacramento el 18 de agosto. Favor de comunicarse con Julia Jimenez por email a [email protected] o 916-733- 0177. Todos son invitados.

Respect Life Gathering

Anyone passionate about the pro-life cause is welcome. Saturday, August 25 at St. John the Baptist parish in Folsom. Bishop Soto will celebrate the Opening Mass at 8:30 and the program will run from 10 - 3. Attendance is free, but pre-registration by 8/14 is required. To register go to