Hope Guevara (Temporary Bulletin Volunteer: Holly Coco)
St. James Catholic Church Bulletin 515358 Office Phone: 830-672-2945 Fax Phone: 830-672-1058
Catholic Community of Gonzales and Waelder 417 N. College St. Gonzales, Texas 78629 Phones: Parish Office...........................(830) 672-2945 Fax ...........................................(830) 672-1058 Religious Education ..............(830) 672-6291 Sacred Heart Hall ..................(830) 672-6230
E-Mails: Fr. Stan Fiuk……………………...sfiuk@hotmail.com Fr. Michael Peinemann……..mep39 joanofarc@gmail.com Parish Office……………………..catholic@stx.rr.com CCD Office………………………...prodz@stx.rr.com
Website: ……………………………ccgaw.org
Sacred Heart
At St. John and St. Lawrence Parish Staff: Rev. Canon Stan Fiuk…………………………...Pastor Rev. Michael Peinemann……..….Parochial Vicar Rev. Mr. Terry Brennan……………………….Deacon Rev. Mr. John Klapuch………………………..Deacon Rev. Mr. Alfonso Moreno…………………….Deacon Mrs. Hope Guevara………………………….Secretary Mrs. Charlene Baker……………………Bookkeeper Mrs. Patricia Gonzalez……..Director of Relig. Ed Mr. Tim Decker………… Custodian/Maintenance
Saint James
At College and St. Lawrence
Saint Patrick
In Waelder on Hwy 90
Our Mission The St. James and Sacred Heart Catholic communities – blessed with the love of the Father, through faith in Jesus Christ and with guidance from the Holy Spirit – will work together to form one unified Catholic and apostolic Church committed to hospitality, stewardship and fellowship among diverse parishioners through religious education and a dedication to believing, living and sharing the Word of God.
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Catholic Community of Gonzales and Waelder
Mass Intentions Monday, 3/25 7:00 AM Adela Technik by Bill Technik Family Tuesday, 3/26 7:00AM Erica Frandsen (lvg.) by Alicia Montoya 9:30AM Kyle Frandsen (lvg.) by Alicia Montoya 6:00 PM Kinleigh Frandsen (lvg.) by Alicia Montoya Wednesday, 3/27 7:00 AM Emma Frandsen (lvg.) by Alicia Montoya 10:00 AM Kerri Bell (lvg.) by Alicia Montoya 5:30 PM Ludwig Molnoskey by Family Thursday, 3/28 7:00 AM Brian Bell (lvg.) by Alicia Montoya 12:00 PM Alicia Montoya (lvg.) by Kerri Bell Friday, 3/29 7:00 AM Mary Bea Arnold by Shirley Hodges Saturday, 3/30 5:30 PM Marvin/Gerald Klapuch by Tim/Mickey Klapuch Janie Pickering by Larry Baker Family Martha Hernandez by Family Charles “Chili” Lloyd by Shirley Hodges Sunday, 3/31 8:00 AM Deceased members of the Campos & Martinez Families by family members Deceased members of Esparza Family 9:30 AM Billy James Benes by Stan/Helen Hahn Bernard Hajousky by Family 11:30 AM Nicolas Esparza, Sr. by Family Martina Arzola Ramirez by Family Carlos Saenz, Sr. by Family 5:15 PM Eric Montoya (lvg.) by Alicia Montoya
March 24, 2019
Monday – Feast of Annunciation Mass 7AM La Anunciacion del Senor – Misa 7AM
(SJ) (TN) (SP) (SJ) (HN) (SJ) (SJ) (SH) (SJ) (SJ)
(SJ) (SP)
Ministers for Next Sunday Thank You for Serving 5:30 PM Lector Tim/Michelle Decker Min of Communion Lupe Saldana/ Kathy Connally 8:00 AM Lector Osvaldo Castelan/Pily Romero/Belen Leon Min of Communion Sandra Gonzalez/Lupe Mendoza, Paty y Jesus Gonzalez 9:30 AM Lector K of C 4th Min of Communion K of C 4th 11:30 AM Lector Santiago Ibarra/Juanita Flores Min of Communion Sam /Janie Melchor 5:15 PM Lector Amanda Longoria Min of Communion Sesar/Jose Almaguer
2nd Collection Next Week: Catholic Relief Services
Sacrificial Giving: Thank You! St. James $3604.05 Sacred Heart $2342.25 St. Patrick $744.35 Stewardship Reflections We can all be like the barren fig tree at times. Do you cling to what you have or do you generously share with others? How will you respond when God asks you what you have done with all the gifts He has given you? Remember, not only are we called to be generous, we are called to develop and nurture our gifts and return with increase.
MID-LENT CHECK-IN God says to Moses, “This is what you shall tell the Israelites: I AM sent me to you . . . The LORD, the God of your ancestors, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob” (Exodus 3:14, 15). As Jesus would later say, God is not a God of the dead, but of the living, and so we believe that the dead will one day rise At this midpoint of Lent, we pause to consider how our repentance is leading us to the Resurrection, to our reunion with the great “I AM.” Part of our repentance involves working to secure justice for all and helping our neighbor to live in God’s ways. We encourage each other and nurture each other, like the compassionate gardener of today’s Gospel, who tells the owner of the orchard that he will nurture the tree, fertilize it, and perhaps it will bear fruit.
Reflexiones sobre dar generosamente Todos podemos ser como la higuera estéril a veces. ¿Te aferras a lo que tienes o compartes generosamente con los demás? ¿Cómo responderás cuando Dios te pregunte qué has hecho con todos los dones que Él te ha dado? Recuerde, no solo estamos llamados a ser generosos, estamos llamados a desarrollar y nutrir nuestros dones y regresar con aumento.
MITAD DE CUARESMA, ¡REGISTRATE! Dios dice a Moisés, “Yo soy el que soy. Explícaselo así a los israelitas: ‘Yo soy’ me envía a ustedes’. El Señor, el Dios de sus antepasados, el Dios de Abrahán, el Dios de Isaac, el Dios de Jacob” (Éxodo 3:14, 15). Como Jesús diría luego, Dios no es un Dios de muertos sino de vivos y así creemos que los muertos resucitarán un día. En esta tiempo, la mitad de la Cuaresma, hacemos una pausa para considerar cómo nuestro arrepentimiento nos lleva a la Resurrección, a nuestra reunión con el gran ‘Yo soy’. Parte de nuestro arrepentimiento supone trabajar para asegurar la justicia para todos y ayudar a nuestro prójimo para vivir de acuerdo a la voluntad de Dios. Nos animamos y cuidamos unos a otros; así como el jardinero compasivo del Evangelio de hoy, quien dice al dueño de la huerta que él cuidará el árbol, lo fertilizará y quizá pueda dar fruto. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
The LORD secures justice and the rights of all the oppressed. — Psalm 103:6
Third Sunday of Lent
Catholic Community of Gonzales and Waelder
Lenten Parish Penance Service 6PM Wednesday March 27 at St. James The Lenten Mission Presence: The Mystery of the Eucharist continues this week with Bread for the Journey which focuses on the necessity of the Eucharist for our spiritual nourishment and explores the different parts of the Liturgy of the Mass. The evening will offer opportunities for prayer, reflection and deeper understanding of the mystery of our faith. Thursday, March 28 at 7:00 PM in the Saint James Sanctuary.
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Servicio de Penitencia Parroquial: miércoles, 27 de marzo, 6 pm (SJ) La presencia de la Misión de Cuaresma: El Misterio de la Eucaristía continua esta semana con Marzo 28 • Pan para el Camino Se enfoca en la necesidad de la Eucaristía para nuestro alimento espiritual y explora las diferentes partes de la Liturgia de la Misa. Noches de Misión adicionales: 4 de abril: Fundamentos Bíblicos de la Eucaristía-
Bonus Opportunity: To continue the mission journey and dive deeper into the scriptural explanation of the Eucharist, join us at 7pm Thursday April 4 for Biblical Foundations of the Eucharist .
Servicios Ecuménicos Cuaresmales: se llevará a cabo todos los miércoles, 12 del mediodía en First Baptist Church. No se proporcionará almuerzo después del servicio.
Lenten Ecumenical Gatherings: will be held every Wednesday, 12 noon at First Baptist Church. Lunch will not be provided following the service.
Misas durante Cuaresma: Misa cada mañana de lunes a viernes de 7 am, St. James; también el martes 6:00 pm (SP), miércoles 5:30 pm (SJ), jueves 12 pm, (SH).
Lenten Daily Masses: Mass each morning Mon-Fri 7 am, St. James; also Tue 6 pm (SP), Wed 5:30 pm (SJ), Thu 12 pm (SH).
Vía Crucis: el miércoles 6 pm (SJ), el viernes 6:30 pm (SH, SP).
Stations of the Cross: Wed 6 pm (SJ), Fri 6:30 pm (SH, SP) Please remember in prayer Courtney Lee Flores-Ivy who recently died and her premature newborn baby who remains in intensive care. Congratulations and blessings to Osbaldo Sanchez & Maria Reyna for their upcoming Sacrament of Matrimony. Osbaldo and Maria receive our community’s blessing as you prepare to live this beautiful sacrament! Advocacy Day-Save the Date! On Tuesday, April 4, 2017, Catholics from across the Lone Star State will unite for the 2017 Texas Catholic Faith In Action Advocacy Day in Austin. Legislative Advocacy Days are an opportunity for Catholics around the state to participate in the political process by voicing the concerns of the Texas Bishops. Participants are invited to visit the State Capitol and meet with legislative staff to discuss the Bishops’ Legislative Concerns regarding issues that affect the life and dignity of the people of Texas. If you are interested in participating in Catholic Advocacy Day visit our website at www.archsa.org/Advocacy-day.
Por favor, recuerde en oración a Courtney Lee Flores-Ivy, quien falleció recientemente, ya su bebé recién nacido prematuro que permanece en cuidados intensivos Felicitaciones y bendiciones a Osbaldo Sanchez y Maria Reyna por su próximo Sacramento del Matrimonio. ¡Osbaldo y María reciben la bendición de nuestra comunidad mientras te preparas para vivir este hermoso sacramento! Jornada Católica- Reserva el día! El martes 4 de abril de 2017, los Católicos de Texas nos uniremos para participar en la Jornada Católica por Texas en la ciudad de Austin. Nuestra participación en esta jornada legislativa es la oportunidad que tenemos como Católicos de ser partícipes del proceso político en nuestro Estado, dando voz a los asuntos de interés para nuestros Obispos. Los participantes podrán visitar el Capitolio del Estado y reunirse con el personal de apoyo legislativo para discutir los asuntos que más nos preocupan y que afectan la vida y la dignidad del pueblo de Texas. Si estás interesado en participar en la Jornada Católica por Texas, visita el sitio de Internet: www.archsa.org/Advocacy-day. Adoración Eucarística Adoración Eucarística el Viernes, 7 am - 8 pm: Saint James.
Eucharistic Adoration this Friday, 7 am -8 pm: Saint James. Prayers and Patience - Our Parish Secretary, Hope Guevara is anticipated to be out of the office from March 25 thru Apr 12. . Please keep Hope in your prayers while she recuperates from her medical procedure. While Hope is recovering, the office will remain open with the help of volunteers Lydia Raman, Lupe Saldona, Holly Coco, and Moises Rivera. Please remember to be patient and kind to the office staff and volunteers. Pray for Hope.
Oraciones y paciencia - se anticipa que la secretaria de nuestra parroquia, Hope Guevara, estará fuera de la oficina del 25 de marzo al 12 de abril. Por favor, mantenga a Hope en sus oraciones mientras ella se recupera de su procedimiento médico. Mientras Hope se recupera, la oficina permanecerá abierta con la ayuda de las voluntarias Lydia Raman, Lupe Saldona, Holly Coco y Moises Rivera. Recuerde ser paciente y amable con el personal de la oficina y los voluntarios. Ora por la esperanza.
Knights of Columbus Pescado Frito
Knights of Columbus FISH FRY April 5, 2019 – St. James Parish Hall SERVE 4:30pm-6:30pm; $10 Plate Tickets on sale after Sunday Masses or ask any Knight for tickets. Call Ian Schurig for more information (830) 203-0129.
5 de abril de 2019 - St. James Parish Hall SERVIR 4:30 pm-6:30pm; Plato de $ 10 Entradas a la venta después de las misas de domingo o pedir entradas a cualquier Caballero. Llame a Ian Schurig para más información (830) 203-0129.
Bulletin deadline is Monday at Noon. Please send your ministry news to: catholic@stx.rr.com.
La fecha límite para el boletín es el lunes al mediodía. Por favor envíe las noticias de su ministerio a catholic@stx.rr.com.
Sacred Heart Guadalupanas meet every first Saturday of the month and participate in the 8:00 A.M. Mass every first Sunday of the month. St. Patrick’s Guadalupanas meet every first Sunday of the month. Knights of Columbus participate in the 9:30 A.M. Mass every fourth Sunday of the month and meet at 7 P.M. every second Wednesday of the month at the K.C. Hall. Officer/Business meeting held on the last Tuesday of the month at 6 P.M. The Altar Society meets every second Tuesday of the month in the conference room at 9 A.M. ACTS Core Committee meets every third Tuesday of the month in the conference room at 6 P.M. Catholic Daughters of America meet every fourth Tuesday of the month in the St. James Hall at 6 P.M. Sacred Heart Choir practice Tuesday 7P.M. Sacred Heart Parish Hall
Week-At-A-Glance Sun ...... Mar 24, 11 am .......................................................CCD K-6 Sun ...... Mar 24, 6:15 pm, SHC ............................ Baptism Instruction Tue ....... Mar 26, 6pm, SJH ................................... Catholic Daughters Wed...... Mar 27, 6pm, SJ ................................. Parish Penance Service Wed...... Mar 27, 6:30pm ......................................................CCD 7-12 Wed...... Mar 27, 7pm, KCH ........................................ KC Officer Mtg Thur ..... Mar 28, 7pm, SJ ........ Presence: The Mystery of the Eucharist Fri. ....... Mar 29, 7am-8pm, SJ .............................................Adoration Sun ....... Mar 31, 11 am ......................................................CCD K-6 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament every 1st Friday 7AM to 8PM (alternating between SJ & SH) Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament every 1st Tuesday after the 6 P.M. Mass. (SP) Bible Study every Monday @ 7:00 P.M. in the Sacred Heart Hall. Estudio Bíblico Lunes a las 7:00 P.M. en el Salón de Sacred Heart. Divine Mercy Monday-Thursday @ 3 pm at Sacred Heart Church. El Santo Rosario se reza cada Domingo antes de la misa de 8:00 A.M. The Holy Rosary will be recited before the 9:30 A.M. mass by the following: 1st Sunday-Youth, 2nd Sunday-St. James Altar Society, 3rd Sunday-Catholic Daughters of America, 4th Sunday-Knights of Columbus, and 5th Sunday-Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus. The Holy Rosary will be recited every Monday @ 6:30 P.M. at Sacred Heart Church. Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help every Wednesday after 5:30 P.M. Mass at St. James Church.
READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Is 7:10-14, 8:10; Ps 40:7-11; Heb 10:4-10; Lk 1:26-38 Tuesday: Dn 3:25, 34-43; Ps 25:4-5ab, 6-7bc, 8-9; Mt 18:21-35 Wednesday: Dt 4:1, 5-9; Ps 147:12-13, 15-16, 19-20; Mt 5:17-19 Thursday: Jer 7:23-28; Ps 95:1-2, 6-9; Lk 11:14-23 Friday: Hos 14:2-10; Ps 81:6c-11ab, 14, 17; Mk 12:28-34 Saturday: Hos 6:1-6; Ps 51:3-4, 18-21ab; Lk 18:9-14 Sunday: Jos 5:9a, 10-12; Ps 34:2-7; 2 Cor 5:17-21; Lk 15:1-3, 11-32 Alternate readings (Year A): 1 Sm 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a; Ps 23:1-6; Eph 5:8-14; Jn 9:1-41[1, 6-9, 13-17, 34-38]
Office Hours Monday-Friday 8:00—12:00 PM 12:30 PM—4:30 PM
Sacrament of Baptism Interview with Parents Bring State Birth Certificate—required Second Tuesday of Each Month anytime between 7:00 and 8:30 PM at office or second Tuesday of Each Month anytime between 5:00 and 6:00 PM at St. Patrick or by special appointment with Deacon.
Class for Parents and Godparents 4th Sunday of Each Month 6:15 PM at Sacred Heart Baptism celebrated at the end of any Sunday Mass Preparation may be done before child is born.
Sacrament of Marriage Please Call Office At least Six Months Prior to wedding
Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) Saturday 4:30-5:15 PM (St. James) Tuesday 5:15-5:45 PM (St. Patrick) Immediately before or after Masses (on request) or by special appointment
Adult Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist Call office or join our RCIA group
Quinceanera Requirements Effective Oct 1st, 2018 changes have been made for Quinceanera scheduling. Must be attending CCD beginning Jr. High and complete 7th and 8th grade and be enrolled in 9th grade. No more than 6 absences each year. No pre reservations are to be made until you have clearance from church office.
Mass Schedule Saturday 5:30 PM—St. James Sunday 8:00 AM—Sacred Heart (Spanish) 9:30 AM—St. James 11:30 AM—St. Patrick (Spanish/English) 5:15 PM—Sacred Heart Monday No Masses (7am during Lent only) Tuesday 6:30 AM—St. James 9:30 AM—Texan Nursing/Rehab. 6:00 PM—St. Patrick (Spanish/English) Wednesday 10:00 AM—The Heights Nursing/Rehab. 5:30 PM—St. James Thursday 12:00 PM—Sacred Heart Friday 6:30 AM—St. James (every other week— Sacred Heart)