Español I - La Tarea (Homework) HANDOUT: 11 de agosto 2016 C1
NAME ________________________ DUE: 18 de agosto 2016 C2
CADA DIA (EVERY DAY) Oración - Thank God for the plans He has “to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jer. 29:11). Show God your appreciation by doing your school work for Him, rather than for people (Col. 3:23). Email prayer request(s) to me at . Versiculo - Write, speak and practice daily. Think of ways The Lord is your shepherd. "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want," Psalm 23:1
"Jehová es mi pastor, nada me faltará," Salmo 23:1
Tarjetas y Quizlet - Study vocabulary using your note cards and Quizlet daily. Copy and paste the Quizlet link into your browser to study and play games. CH1:
THE WEEK AHEAD: Chapter 1, Paginas 1-11
VOCABULARIO: Greetings, leave-taking, obtaining and giving names, numbers 1-10, professions, family relationships, classroom expressions, days of the week and the alphabet. GRAMÁTICA: Formal vs. familiar, definite and indefinite articles, punctuation, capitalization, syllables, masculine and feminine forms. PRONUNCIACIÓN: Word division. Homework Reminder:
Write complete sentences in activities (not just the answers); Write your nombre (name), actividad (activity) and pagina (page) number on your tarea (homework); Make a note of anything you don't understand and email it to me before noon, Wednesday.
DAY 1 - READ PAGINAS 1-6 ACTIVIDADES: #1 pagina 4 #2 pagina 4 #3 pagina 4 #4 pagina 5 #5 pagina 5 #6 pagina 6
Write formal (¡Buenos Días!) or informal (¡Hola!) Greetings. Write appropriate time-of-day greeting. Write formal greeting (¿Cómo está usted, _____?) or informal (¿Cómo estás, _____?). Practice and be prepared to do this in class (giving and obtaining names). Write complete sentences to answer questions about names of others (Ex: Mi padre se llama Jerry). Complete sentences using two adjetivos each from pagina 5.
DAY 2 - READ PAGINAS 6-8 ACTIVIDADES: #7 pagina 6 #8 pagina 6 #9 pagina 6 #10 pagina 7 #11 pagina 8 #12 pagina 8
Change adjetivos in Actividad 6 from masculine to feminine. Write names and phone numbers: El numero de Raúl es seis-dos-cuatro-nueve-uno-cinco-tres. Practice and be prepared to give and exchange phone numbers in class. Write the sentences and provide the correct family relationship information from the family tree. Write answers to ¿Quién es? and ¿Quiénes son?. Write answers to ¿Tiene Ud.?, ¿Cuantos?, ¿Cómo se llaman?
DAY 3 - READ PAGINAS 9-11 #13 pagina 9 Practice and be prepared to do this in class (identifying classroom objects). #14 pagina 10 Write days-of-the-week questions and answers: hoy (today), mañana (tomorrow), ayer (yesterday). #15 pagina 11 Practice verbally spelling names, using the Spanish alphabet. QUIZLET: Take a practice test for Chapter 1 (default is 20 questions). Print the test (with the score) and bring it to class Thursday. DAY 4 – WORKSHEET WORKSHEET: Complete Chapter 1 Worksheet (print from Engrade or email sent to parent Tuesday, 8/18). CLASS DAY - ¡Venga la clase! Bring the following: __Homework Sheet (graded and signed by parent) __Homework __Note Cards __Chapter 1 Worksheet __Quizlet Practice Test
My student completed ________% of the homework assignments and practiced the vocabulary note cards __________ days with me. PARENT NAME (PRINT): ________________________________________________
SIGNATURE: __________________________________________________________