HHH's are a great way to let people get an up-close feel for Purium products. ... Call to action, "...we really need your help to get this message out. We have the most ... Book your HHH within the next 7 days! TELL EVERY NEW MEMBER THIS:.
Healthy Happy Hour Format - 10 STEPS (for quick reference) HHH's are a great way to let people get an up-close feel for Purium products. They also get to meet with others who are already on their journey or thinking about it. They get to taste the products, hear the stories, watch the videos and share the excitement of the possibilities that Purium offers. 1. Meet and greet, mix and mingle, sampling and letting guests look at display. 5-10min 2. (Presentation begins) Start by introducing yourself and sharing your story. Remember, people don’t hear what you say, they hear what you feel about what you say...come from your heart and you’re all good. 3min 3. Introduce Dave and Amy from Prosper Magazine then play “Farm to Family” video. 10min 4. Core3 explanation, 30-day supply. Have products at front of room with you and go through features and benefits. Minimal effort, maximum results, $50 loyalty Gift Card. And one more thing…” condense the 30 days to 10 days and experience a10 Day Transformation. 5. Bring up 2 people for testimonials. 1 testimony for Core3 and 1 for accelerated Ten Day Transformation. 6. Play Ten Day Transformation animated video. 7. Pass out enrollment tear sheets and explain “join wholesale” and “add-ons” (boosters, additional core3, kids, bio, etc.) “EVERYONE HERE WILL RECEIVE A $50 gift card (hold up an actual gift card) to apply to any purchase or pack you choose! Our company is the ONLY Company with this gift card marketing program. And when you join as a wholesale member (point to the enrollment sheet,) YOU GET 5 cards for FREE.” 8. Play referral marketing animated video. “If you like what you seen here tonight, if you are passionate about health and wellness, if you like having fun while getting healthy and being connected with a likeminded community, think about getting one of the 2 following packs…” Then explain Platinum and Launch packs. 9. Call to action, "...we really need your help to get this message out. We have the most amazing community who want to help others but we need more people and this is an opportunity of a lifetime for you to partner up with a company that is going to change the world, on the LARGEST team in the company with the most support ever!" Then go back to the enrollment sheet and quickly point to the Platinum and Launch packs. Announce the date of your NEXT HHH and invite them to return with 2 or 3 friends. 10. THANK GUESTS FOR COMING and help then to ENROLL!!! I’m happy to answer any questions you have and help you get started! Then meet each guest individually, shake hands, ask questions to learn their goals and interests and show them how to get started.
BOOK YOUR NEXT HHH. NEVER LEAVE HHH WITHOUT BOOKING THE NEXT ONE! Best way to launch your business is with a series of consistent HHH’s. Book your HHH within the next 7 days! TELL EVERY NEW MEMBER THIS: “You can invite all of your friends and family over to your own home and I’ll come over to do the presentation for you! It’ll be so much fun and for having your first HHH, you’ll get an awesome Purium product for FREE!” SET THE INTENTION AND ASK EVERY GUEST THIS QUESTION: “When would you like to book your very own HHH?”