twenty five. Some of the results of the economic crisis on young Spaniards are dreadful, like the data that shows that the number of “ni-nis” has been increasing ...
Ejercicio 2(c) Lee el texto Repercusiones de la crisis económica, y luego contesta en español las preguntas que siguen. Aviso: debes contestar en tus propias palabras en español. (You MUST use your own words in Spanish, as far as possible.) [10] (i) Explica el significado de las palabras siguientes “el paro es menor cuanto mayor es el nivel educativo”. [2]
(ii) En la actualidad, ¿qué puede dificultar el acceso a los estudios universitarios?
(iii) Da dos consejos ofrecidos por Margarita Salvador para animar a los jóvenes parados. [2]
Ejercicio 3 Translate the following text into SPANISH:
Spain is the EU country with the highest youth unemployment. Her situation is in contrast to that of other members like Holland and Germany where unemployment affects less than 9% of those under twenty five. Some of the results of the economic crisis on young Spaniards are dreadful, like the data that shows that the number of “ni-nis” has been increasing for eight years. Some people think that a solution may be found in offering more training to the unemployed. Although the OCDE says that it makes sense for people to take responsibility for some of the costs of their own education, it also warns that increasing costs may lead to obstacles to accessing higher education. Some Spanish experts recognize that more than ever today things will remain difficult for young Spaniards unless they look for work abroad.
Ejercicio 3 Translate the following text into SPANISH:
Spain is the EU country with the highest youth unemployment. Her situation is in contrast to that o other members like Holland and Germany where unemployment affects less than 9% of those unde twenty five. Some of the results of the economic crisis on young Spaniards are dreadful, like the dat2 that shows that the number of "ni-nis" has been increasing for eight years. Some people think that a solution may be found in offering more training to the unemployed. Although the OCDE says that it makes sense for people to take responsibility for some of the costs of their own education, it also warns that increasing costs may lead to obstacles to accessing higher education. Some Spanish experts recognize that more than ever today things will remain difficult for young Spaniards unless they look for work abroad.
6 Ejercicio 3 Translate the following text into SPANISH: Spain is the EU country with the highest youth unemployment. Her situation is in contrast to that a other members like Holland and Germany where unemployment affects less than 9% of those unde twenty five. Some of the results of the economic crisis on young Spaniards are dreadful, like the dat2 that shows that the numMr of "ni-nis" has been increasing for eight years. Some people think thcii a solution may be found in offering more training to the unemployed. Although the OCDE says that it makes sense for people to take responsibility for some of the costs of their own education, it also warns that increasing costs may lead to obstacles to accessing higher education. Some Spanish experts recognize that more than ever today things will remain difficult for young Spaniards unless they look for work abroad.
8 A. El mundo del cine Después de elegir UNA de las películas siguientes, escribe una redacción en español sobre UNO de los dos temas propuestos para cada película. Cada redacción debe ser de aproximadamente 400 palabras. 10. Guillermo del Toro, El laberinto del fauno (a)
“La película analiza las repercusiones sociales del miedo en los primeros años del franquismo.” Comenta esta afirmación.
10 B. El mundo de la literatura Después de elegir UNO de los textos siguientes, escribe una redacción en español sobre UNO de los dos temas propuestos para cada texto. Cada redacción debe ser de aproximadamente 400 palabras.
Laura Esquivel: Como agua para chocolate (a)
Comenta esta afirmación: “las mujeres son mucho más fuertes que los hombres en esta novela”.
26 sept. 2018 - Zina, Z ¿ OCZ GCE hl/ 20111. Vista la renuncia presentada por el Médico Cirujano Enrique Eduardo Álvarez. Correa, al cargo de Ejecutivo ...
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u lary. A bo ve P ro ficient stude nts typically use co ntext clue s to dete rm ine w o rd m eaning, and use interpretatio n an d infere nce to fully co m prehe nd a sto.
Natural Leaders es un programa de padres voluntarios multiculturales en varios distritos en todo el estado de Washington. .... community)They help schools to organize family activities: family-school positive relationship, events (am, pm), bingo nigh
... 30 de junio de 2020. Comidas a precio reducido 185% del Índice Federal de Pobreza. Central Dist 51. NA. 3.00. NA .40. Angie Tribbett, Food Service Director ...
Evidence of custody of the child, including but not limited to judicial custody orders or guardianship papers; documents must have been issued within the past 60 ...
SPANISH. Info Packet - Essentials, Level 1 & Level 2 ... PLANS. CLASS 7. FOOD. CLASS 8. EATING OUT. CLASS 9. WEATHER & CLOTHING. CLASS 10. SHOPPING. You will be able to read, write, and pronounce Spanish. You will also be ... common pains and ailment
(Autismo, ADD/ADHD/alergia al gluten/alergia severa a algún alimento, etc.): ¿Su familia está registrada en Santiago de Compostela? Si No Esta inscripción es ...
First we take the present tense of the verb ' _ _' then _ plus the i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. e.g. bailar, jugar, vivir. G) Translate these sentences into Spanish: Tomorrow I ...
E-Mail: [email protected]. Office: Language Building 403E. Office Hours: TR 1:00-2:00. Libro de texto: Revista: Conversación sin barreras de José A. Blanco ...
room is big and has many chairs. ... grandes.—The blue bird has two big wings. El pez no tiene las patas.—The fish does not ... what their preferred activities are.
language at the same time! This month our ... Francis X. Hegarty Elementary School ... studio. Also this month, students will learn to conjugate the verb ir– to go.
Francis X. Hegarty Elementary School. Island Park School District mar, we will ... car. We will also talk about our favorite vacations we've taken or hope to take in.