Francisco Ramos, Ph.D. School of Education Loyola

Courses taught: Language Policies in Education. 1999 ... Center for Teaching Excellence, Loyola Marymount University. 2014. Summer ... VI National Conference for Teachers of English, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional. Francisco Morazán.
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Francisco Ramos, Ph.D. School of Education Loyola Marymount University 1 LMU Drive, suite 2649 Los Angeles CA 90045 Ph# 310 / 338 – 4515 e-mail: [email protected] EDUCATION Ph.D., Language, Literacy, and Learning. 2000 University of Southern California, Rossier School of Education. Title VII Doctoral Fellowship from the Office of Bilingual Education and Minority Learning Language Affairs (OBEMLA). Dissertation: Teachers’ beliefs about native language instruction for language minority students: A crosssectional study (Chair: Robert Rueda). 2nd Place Winner of the 2nd Dissertation Competition of the Bilingual Education Research Special Interest Group, American Educational Research Association. M.A., TESOL. 1995 California State University Los Angeles. 1994 California Teachers’ Association Scholarship for members/dependents. Licenciatura en Filosofía y Letras. Sección: Filología Inglesa. Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain.


Diplomatura en Profesorado de E.G.B. Especialidad: Lengua Española e Idiomas Modernos. Escuela Universitaria de Formación del Profesorado de Soria, Spain.



Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol Trainer of Trainers Institute.


Administrative Credential. California State University Dominguez Hills.


Certificate of Proficiency in English. University of Cambridge, England.


California Clear Multiple Subject Teaching Credential. Authorizes holder to teach grades K-12 and adults.


Curso de Formación de Profesores de Español para Extranjeros. Authorizes holder to teach Spanish as a Second or Foreign Language to foreigners.


Bilingual Certificate of Competence-Spanish. Authorizes holder to teach ELs in Spanish as well as ESL in grades K-12 and adults.


California Basic Educational Skills Test. California Education Code requirement prior to first teaching credential.



Certificado de Aptitud Pedagógica. Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain. Authorizes holder to teach in public high and vocational schools in Spain.

UNIVERSITY EXPERIENCE 2012-Present Professor, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles. Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Courses taught: Theories of second language acquisition (graduate and undergraduate students); Methods in English Language Development and Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (for elementary as well as secondary school settings) (graduate and undergraduate students). 2007-2012

Associate Professor, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles. Department of Language and Culture in Education. Courses taught: Theories of second language acquisition (graduate and undergraduate students); Methods in English Language Development and Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (for elementary as well as secondary school settings) (graduate and undergraduate students); Bilingualism, Cognition and Identity.


Assistant Professor, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles. Bilingual/Bicultural and Second Language Acquisition Programs, Teacher Education Department. Courses taught: Theories of second language acquisition (graduate and undergraduate students), Methods in English Language Development and Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (for elementary as well as secondary school settings) (graduate and undergraduate students).


Assistant Professor, Florida International University, Miami. TESOL Department, School of Education. Courses taught: Curriculum Development for ESL, Methods of teaching ESL, Issues in ESOL.


Instructor, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles. Summer semester. Courses taught: Education and Politics.


Instructor, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles. Spring and Summer semesters. Courses taught: Language Policies in Education.


Instructor, California State University Fullerton. Fall semester. Courses taught: Strategies for Academic Competence across the Curriculum.


T.A. / R.A. for Dr. Stephen Krashen, University of Southern California Fall and Spring semesters.


Instructor, California State University Fullerton. Fall semester. Courses taught: Multicultural Education.

K - 12 EXPERIENCE 2000-2001

Categorical Programs/Bilingual Coordinator. Cohasset Street School, LAUSD.



Bilingual Coordinator. Rosemont Avenue School, LAUSD.


Bilingual teacher. Sheridan Street School, LAUSD.


High school English teacher. Instituto Comte de Rius, Tarragona, Spain.


English teacher. European Social Fund, Instituto Comte de Rius, Tarragona, Spain.


Business English Teacher. Chamber of Commerce, Soria, Spain.


High school English teacher. Colegio Nuestra Señora del Pilar, Soria, Spain.


Master Teacher Center for Teaching Excellence, Loyola Marymount University.


Summer Research Grant for Continuing Faculty. Loyola Marymount University.


Summer Research Grant for Continuing Faculty. Loyola Marymount University.


Fulbright Specialist Roster Candidate.


Patricia Walsh Grant. Center For Teaching Excellence, Loyola Marymount University.


Keynote speaker. VI National Conference for Teachers of English, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán. Tegucigalpa, Honduras.


English Language Specialist, Department of State, American Embassy, Tegucigalpa, Honduras, in collaboration with the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán. Workshop leader with English professors at the UPNFM.


Summer Research Grant for Continuing Faculty. Loyola Marymount University.


Spencer Foundation Grant. $18,600 for study entitled: “Improving the Preparation of First Year Catholic School Teachers Through Self-Reflection.” (Re# 200900125)



Patricia Walsh Grant. Center For Teaching Excellence, Loyola Marymount University.


Summer Research Grant for Continuing Faculty. Loyola Marymount University.


Rick Sullivan Award. California Association of Teachers to Speakers of Other Languages (CATESOL).


Summer Research Grant for Continuing Faculty. Loyola Marymount University.


Summer Research Grant for Continuing Faculty. Loyola Marymount University.


40th Annual Convention Professional Development Scholarship. Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). Summer Research Grant for Continuing Faculty. Loyola Marymount University.

2006 2005

Keynote speaker. Annual meeting of the United Teachers of Los Angeles Bilingual Education Committee.


Summer Research Grant for New Faculty. Loyola Marymount University.


Florida International University Foundation Internal Research Award.


Second place winner, 2nd Dissertation Competition Award of the Bilingual Education Research Special Interest Group. American Educational Research Association.


Latino Honor Society. University of Southern California.


Title VII Doctoral Fellowship. Office of Bilingual Education and Minority Language Affairs (OBEMLA).


California Teachers Association (CTA) Scholarship. Member/Dependent Scholarship Program.

BOOKS Ramos, F. (2016). Nine simple, foolproof, paper-and-pencil activities for effective teachers. Los Angeles, CA: Aristotext. Ramos, F., & Ruiz-Omeñaca, J.V. (2010). La educación física en centros bilingües: Del establecimiento de una línea pedagógica a la elaboración de propuestas de acción. Sevilla, Spain: Wanceulen.


PUBLICATIONS – REFEREED Shabazian, A., & Ramos, F. (2018). Parental views of minority language instruction in a Spanish Enrichment program and for English Language Learners. Porta Linguarum, 30, 71-87. Ramos, F., & Krashen, S. (2013). Arnold's advantages: How Governor Schwarzenegger acquired English through de facto bilingual education. International Multilingual Research Journal, 7, 220-229. Ramos, F. (2012). Exploring the impact of self-reflection on novice Catholic school teachers’ practices with English Language Learners. Journal of Catholic School Studies, 84(2), 26-39. Ramos, F. (2012). Norman Podhoretz’s attacks on bilingual education. Journal of Bilingual Education Research & Instruction,14(1), 116-120. Ramos, F. (2012). Steering a drifting ship: Improving the preparation of first-year Catholic school teachers through self-reflection. Estudios Sobre Educación, 22, 73-91. Ramos, F., & Ruiz, J.V. (2011). La educación física en centros bilingües de primaria inglés-español: de las singularidades propias del área a la elaboración de propuestas didácticas prácticas con AICLE. Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada, 24, 153-170. Ramos, F. (2009). “Why do we do this?” Reflections of a two-way immersion school principal on the roles of parents, teachers, and her own, in the program. Estudios de Lingüística, 23, 225-240. Ramos, F. (2009). California/Spain Visiting Teachers Program participants' opinions about the use and effects of students' primary languages in the classroom. International Multilingual Research Journal, 3(2), 51-71. Ramos, F. (2009). Una propuesta de AICLE para el trabajo con textos en el aprendizaje de segundos idiomas. Porta Linguarum 12, 169-182. Ramos, F. (2009, March). AITBA: Un modelo efectivo para el trabajo con textos en segundas lenguas. Segundas lenguas e inmigración en red, 2, 104-122. Available at: Ramos, F. (2007). Fomentando el bilingüismo en la escuela en dos contextos diferentes: Los programas bilingües inglés-español en Estados Unidos y Andalucía. Revista Española de Educación Comparada, 13, 341-359. Ramos, F. (2007). Opiniones de alumnos de un programa bilingüe andaluz sobre su programa y sobre el bilingüismo. Revista Electrónica de Investigación Educativa, 9(2). Available at: Ramos, F. (2007). Programas bilingües y formación de profesores en Andalucía. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación, 44, 133-146. Ramos, F. (2007). What do parents think of two-way bilingual education? An analysis of responses. Journal of Latinos and Education 6(2), 139-150. Ramos, F. (2005). Spanish teachers’ opinions about the use of Spanish in mainstream classrooms before and after their first year in California. Bilingual Research Journal 29(2), 411-433.


Ramos, F., Dwyer, E., & Pérez-Prado, A. (2004). Two-way bilingual education school principals on finding highly-qualified two-way bilingual education school teachers: Current challenges and possible solutions. Sunshine State TESOL Journal 3(2), 17-27. Dwyer, E., Martínez-Pérez, L., Ramos, F., & Pérez-Prado, A. (2004). Two-way bilingual education in Miami: Bridging public school administrator experiences to university teacher preparation programs. Florida Educational Leadership, 5(1), 54-58. Ramos, F. (2003). Filipino parents’ opinions about bilingualism and bilingual education programs: Does information affect support? Pacific Educational Research Journal 12(1), 43-55. Ramos, F. (2003). La enseñanza del inglés a estudiantes inmigrantes en Estados Unidos: Un breve resumen de programas y métodos. Revista Electrónica de Investigación Educativa 5(2), 66-80. Ramos, F., & deJong, E. (2003). Reading the fine print: Implications of English-Only initiatives for school personnel. Florida Educational Leadership, 4(1), 13-18. deJong, E., & Ramos, F. (2003). Current English-Only initiatives: Misconceptions and broken promises. Sunshine State TESOL Journal, 2(1), 22-32. Ramos, F. (2003). Pre-service teachers' attitudes toward theoretical and practical aspects of native language instruction in the schooling of language minority students. Mosaic, 8(1), 16-20. Ramos, F. (2002). Referéndums educativos en Estados Unidos: ¿Educación ó asimilación? Revista Española de Educación Comparada, 8, 205-225. Ramos, F. (2001). Teachers’ opinions about the theoretical and practical aspects of the use of native language instruction for language minority students: A cross-sectional study. Bilingual Research Journal, 25(3), 357-374. Ramos, F., & Krashen, S. (1998). The impact of one trip to the public library: Making books available may be the best incentive for reading. The Reading Teacher, 51(7), 614-615. CONTRIBUTIONS TO PROFESSIONAL VOLUMES Delicado, G., Alonso, L., & Ramos, F. (2019). A comparative study of bilingual teacher preparation programs in California and Spain. In G. Guzman Johannessen (Ed.) Bilingualism and bilingual education: Politics, policies and practices in a globalized society (pp. 81-101). Berlin, Germany: Springer. Ramos, F. (Ed.). (2017). Proceedings from the IV International Colloquium on Languages, Cultures, Identity, in Schools and Society. Available at: Ramos, F. (Ed.). (2017). Proceedings from the III International Colloquium on Languages, Cultures, Identity, in Schools and Society. Available at:


Ramos, F. (Ed.). (2016). Proceedings from the II International Colloquium on Languages, Cultures, Identity, in Schools and Society. Available at: Ramos, F. (2014). Algunos retos actuales y posibles alternativas en las preparatorias del sistema escolar estadounidense. In J. Tarango y J. L. García-Rodríguez (Eds.) Modelos e iniciativas en educación media superior. Perspectivas internacionales, (pp. 67-88). Buenos Aires, Argentina: Alfagrama Ediciones. Ramos, F. (2013). Richard Rodriguez, Norman Podhoretz, and Arnold Schwarzenegger: Learning English by “immersion.” Really? In M. S. Plakhotnik & S. M. Nielsen (Eds.). Proceedings of the 12th Annual South Florida Education Research Conference. Miami, FL, 165-172. Ramos, F. (Ed.) (2012). “I had no clue how tough it would become”: Novice Catholic school teachers’ reflections throughout their first year in the classroom. Los Angeles, CA: PLACE. Ramos, F. (2011). Algunas estrategias efectivas para el trabajo con textos en segundos idiomas. En F. Villalba y J. Villatoro (Eds.). Educación intercultural y enseñanza de lenguas, vol. I. (pp. 168-175). Madrid, Spain: Prácticas en educación. Ramos, F. (2011). Opiniones de maestros y profesores sobre el uso del idioma materno de sus alumnos en el aprendizaje de segundas lenguas. En F. Villalba y J. Villatoro (Eds.). Educación intercultural y enseñanza de lenguas, vol. I, (pp. 176-183). Madrid, Spain: Prácticas en educación. Ramos, F. (2009). Estrategias para el trabajo con textos en la clase de idiomas. Actas del XLIII Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Europea de Profesores de Español (pp. 285-295). Madrid, España: Asociación Europea de Profesores de Español. Ramos, F. (2006). Programas bilingües inglés-español en Estados Unidos y en España: Dos innovaciones en la enseñanza de idiomas. Actas del XL Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Europea de Profesores de Español (pp. 334-342). Valladolid, España: Asociación Europea de Profesores de Español. Pérez-Prado, A., Ramos, F., Dwyer, E. & Martínez-Pérez, L. (2004). Improving teacher preparation for bilingual programs: Listening to the practitioners. Proceedings of the BilngLatAm 2004 First International Symposium about Bilingualism and Bilingual Education in Latin America, 257-267. Ramos, F., & Krashen, S. (2004). The impact of one trip to the public library: Making books available may be the best incentive for reading. In Preparing reading professionals: A collection from the International Reading Association (pp. 289-290). Newark, DE: International Reading Association. Ramos, F. (1999). Guess my combination! In N. Shameem & M. Tickoo (Eds.), New ways in using communicative games in language teaching (pp. 36-37). Alexandria, VA: TESOL. Ramos, F. (1999). Who did it? In N. Shameem & M. Tickoo (Eds.), New ways in using communicative games in language teaching (p. 38). Alexandria, VA: TESOL. Ramos, F. (1997). Sorry to interrupt you, but.... In M. Lewis (Ed.), New Ways of Teaching Adults (pp. 170172). Alexandria, VA: TESOL, Inc.



Ramos, F. (February, 2016). Language, Culture, Identity Forum. TESOL Spain eNewsletter. Ramos, F. (2013). Keeping class in order. Language magazine, 12(5), 28-30. Ramos, F. (2012). Well, of course I learned English, yet not everybody is Mauro Mújica. NABE Perspectives, 34(3), 11-13. Ramos, F. (2012). A critique of Ernesto Caravantes’ books. The Multilingual Educator (Conference Edition), 34-37. Ramos, F. (2011). My home es su casa. Language Magazine. Available at Ramos, F., & Krashen, S. (2011). Success without bilingual education? Acquisition of academic language in English through comprehensible input. NABE News, 33(4), 13-14. Bywater, K., & Ramos, F. (2010). On Intercultural Communication (IC). CATESOL News, 41(4), 17. Rodríguez, J.M., & Ramos, F. (2009). A conversation with Krashen. Language magazine, 8(5), 28-30. Rodríguez, J.M., & Ramos, F. (2009). Una conversación con Stephen Krashen. Revista Electrónica de Didáctica del Español como Lengua Extranjera. Available at: Ramos, F. (2006). Music to our ears. Language magazine, 5(9), 24-27. Ramos, F. (2002, November). Heroes, villains and anti-bilingual initiatives. Hispanic Vista. Available at: Ramos, F. (2002, May/June). The problems are the same: Forming reciprocal relationships with community persons and organizations in other countries. NABE News, 25(5), 11-13. Ramos, F. (2001, September/October). Knowledge or beliefs? Responses from students in a teacher preparation program. NABE News, 25(1), 19-20. Ramos, F., & Krashen, S. (2001, July/August). Easing the rows to hoe: “De facto” bilingual education in self-reported cases of second language acquisition. NABE News, 24(6), 32-33. Ramos, F. (2001, Spring/Summer). The not always considered importance of “de facto” bilingual education. TESOL Bilingual Basics, 4(1), 9-10. Herda, R., & Ramos, F. (2001). How consistently do students read during Sustained Silent Reading? A look across the grades. California School Library Association Journal, 24(2), 29-31. Ramos, F. (2001). El futuro de la educación bilingüe en Estados Unidos [The future of bilingual education in the United States]. Comunidad Escolar, 670, 3. Ramos, F. (2000). El multiculturalismo en las aulas españolas [Multiculturalism in Spanish classrooms]. Comunidad Escolar, 664, 3.


Ramos, F. (2000). Filipino parents’ attitudes toward bilingual education. NABE News, 23(6), 25-28. Ramos, F. (1999). Two opposing views of bilingualism. TESOL Matters, 9(3), 13. Ramos, F. (1998). The Wonder of Reading: Nonprofit organization helps school transform libraries. Reading Today, 16(1), 10. Ramos, F. (1998). The Unzufficient exposure hypothesis revisited. CABE Newsletter, 21(5), 12, 34. Ramos, F. (1998). The “other” starting lineup. TESOL Matters, 8(2), 10. Ramos, F. (1998). The HomeBase fallacy. TESOL Bilingual Basics, 1(1), 3. Ramos, F. (1997). A Band-Aid remedy for a big injury: Bringing schools to libraries. California School Library Journal, 21(1), 16-17. Ramos, F., & Krashen, S. (1997). Success without bilingual education? Some European cases of de facto bilingual education. CABE Newsletter, 20, 6-7. Ramos, F. (1995). Inmersión y bilingüismo. Comunidad Escolar, 508, 3. MANUSCRIPTS IN PREPARATION AND CURRENTLY UNDER REVIEW BOOK REVIEWS Ramos, F. (2014). Discovering and developing talents in Spanish-speaking students. Journal of Latinos and Education, 13, 80-81. Vera, B., & Ramos, F. (2013). Change(d) agents: New teachers of color in urban schools. Journal of Latinos and Education, 12(3), 284-285. Ramos, F. (2013). Words were all we had: Becoming biliterate against the odds. Journal of Latinos and Education, 12(2), 152-153. Ramos, F. (2011). We ARE Americans: Undocumented students pursuing the American dream. Journal of Latinos and Education, 10(2), 173-174. Ramos, F. (2011). Forging multilingual spaces: Integrated perspectives on majority and minority bilingual education. Language Policy, 10(1), 73. Ramos, F. (2011). ESL/EFL & bilingual







Ramos, F. (2011). A sophisticated introduction to Applied Linguistics. Linguistics and Education, 22, 456457.


Ramos, F. (2009). Teaching English Language Learners K-12: A quick-start guide for the new teacher. Journal of Latinos and Education,8(2), 176-178. Ramos, F. (2007, December). Summer reading: Program and evidence. Language Magazine, 7(4), 56. Ramos, F. (2007, January). Writing instruction K-6: Understanding process, purpose, audience. Education Review Ramos, F. (2003). Language, ethnicity, education, and identity: All make up who we are. NABE News, 27(3), 32-33. Ramos, F. (2003). How to design and implement a two-way bilingual program. NABE News, 27(2), 28-29. Ramos, F. (1997). Language minority students in the mainstream classroom. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 40, 413-415. NEWSPAPER COLLABORATIONS Free-lance contributor to “La Opinión” (Los Angeles) from 1997 to 2005. INTERNATIONAL AND NATIONAL REFEREED CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS Ramos, F. (2018, April). A comparative study of two bilingual teacher preparation programs in different contexts: Extremadura and Los Angeles. Presented at the 4th International Conference on the Historical Links between Spain and North America: New Cultural Cartographies, New York. Ramos, F. (2016, November). STEM, STEAM, Creativity... Presented at the Creativity through Interaction in the English Class. Centro Autonómico de Formación e Innovación, Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Ramos, F. (2016, February). Developing well-sequenced lessons for English learners. Presented at the Competencias Profesionais Docentes No Ensino de Linguas Estranxeiras, Centro Autonómico de Formación e Innovación, Santiago de Compostela Spain. Ramos, F. (2016, February). Five simple, paper-and-pen activities for effective teachers. Presented at the Competencias Profesionais Docentes No Ensino de Linguas Estranxeiras, Santiago de Compostela Spain. Ramos, F. (2015, March). Novice Catholic school teachers’ reflections throughout their first year in the classroom. Presented at the 59th Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society, Washington, D.C. Ramos, F. (2014, May). Consideraciones sobre el bilingüismo: Lengua, Cultura, Identidad. Presented at the University of Valladolid, Soria, Spain. Ramos, F. (2014, May). Developing well-organized lessons for second/foreign language learners. Workshop at the College of Education, University of Granada, Spain.


Ramos, F. (2014, May). "I learned English by immersion... or not." The real English acquisition process of Arnold Schwarzenegger. Presented at the Instituto Franklin´s American Mosaic Conference. University of Alcala, Madrid, Spain. Ramos, F. (2014, March). Practical Strategies for developing well-organized lessons for ELLs. Presented at the Annual Conference of TESOL, Portland, Oregon. Ramos, F. (2014, March). Novice Catholic school teachers’ reflections throughout their first year in the classroom. Presented at the 58th Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society, Toronto, Canada. Ramos, F. (2013, August). Hacia una educación preparatoria de calidad en los Estados Unidos: Retos y posibles soluciones. Presented at the Simposium Internacional: La innovación, el futuro de la educación media superior en México. Chihuahua, México. Ramos, F. (2010, April). Creating well-developed lessons for English Language Learners. Presented at the VI National Conference for Teachers of English. Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Ramos, F. (2010, April). Practical activities and strategies to increase student involvement in class. Presented at the VI National Conference for Teachers of English. Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Ramos, F. (2009, April). Creating well-sequenced lessons for all kinds of students. Presented at the National Catholic Education Association Conference. Minneapolis, Minnesota. Ramos, F. (2009, April). Creating and developing well-sequenced lessons for all kinds of students. Presented at the National Catholic Education Association Conference. Anaheim, California. Ramos, F. (2008, July). Estrategias para el trabajo con textos en la clase de idiomas. Presented at the XLIII Congreso de la Asociación Europea de Profesores de Español. Madrid, Spain. Ramos, F. (2007, September). Visiting Spanish teachers’ opinions about L1 instruction and use. Presented at the Spanish and the New South: An international dialog conference. Raleigh, NC. Ramos, F. (2007, July). Aplicación de principios de aprendizaje de segundos idiomas a la lectura y el trabajo con textos. Presented at the XLII Congreso de la Asociación Europea de Profesores de Español. Santander, Spain. Ramos, F. (2007, July). Estrategias para la construcción negociada del texto en el aprendizaje de segundos idiomas. Presented at the Centro Internacional de la Cultura Escolar, Berlanga de Duero, Spain. Ramos, F. (2006, December). Interculturalismo y multiculturalidad en el sistema educativo californiano. Foro intercultural, Master en Interculturalidad de la Universidad de Valladolid. Soria, Spain. Ramos, F. (2006, October). The presence of Spanish in US schools: Current situation and future perspectives. Presented at the 2nd Seminar on International Spanish Academies. Miami, FL. Ramos, F. (2006, March). El español en el sistema escolar estadounidense: Análisis del presente y perspectivas de futuro. Presented at the Seminario Anual de Asesores Técnicos de Educación en Estados Unidos y Canadá. San Diego, CA.


Ramos, F. (2005, July). Programas bilingües inglés-español en Estados Unidos y en España: Dos innovaciones en la enseñanza de idiomas. Presented at the XL Congreso de la Asociación Europea de Profesores de Español. Valladolid, Spain. Ramos, F. (2005, March). Creating well-organized lessons for English Language Learners. Presented at the annual meeting of TESOL. San Antonio, TX. Ramos, F. (2004, July). El español como soporte para aprender inglés: Opiniones de maestros españoles en California. Presented at the annual Congreso de la Asociación Europea de Profesores de Español. Segovia, Spain. Ramos, F. (2004, July). Referendums educativos y programas bilingues en español en Estados Unidos. Presented at the annual Congreso de la Asociación Europea Profesores Español. Segovia, Spain. Ramos, F. (2004, February). Finding highly qualified two-way bilingual education teachers: Current challenges and possible solutions. Presented at the annual meeting of TESOL. Long Beach, CA. Ramos, F. (2002, July). Inmigración, educación y bilingüismo. Presented at the annual Curso de Español para Extranjeros organized by the Chamber of Commerce. Soria, Spain. Ramos, F. (1999, July). La Proposición 227 y sus repercusiones sobre el español en California. Presented at the Congreso de la Asociación Europea de Profesores de Español. Zaragoza, Spain. Ramos, F. (1996, November). Developing First Language Literacy through Fables. Presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Mexican American Educators, Los Angeles, CA. Ramos, F. (1996, October). Teacher conflicts in bilingual settings: A cause analysis. Presented at the annual meeting of the Comparative and International Education Society. Sacramento, CA. STATE, REGIONAL, AND LOCAL CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS Ramos, F. (2013, May). Richard Rodriguez, Norman Podhoretz, and Arnold Schwarzenegger: Learning English by ”immersion.” Really? Presented at the 12th Annual South Florida Education Research Conference. Miami, FL. Ramos, F. (2011, July). Adaptación a la diversidad lingüística y cultural de la escuela californiana. Presented at the Spanish Resource Center Sessions, University of Southern California. Los Angeles, CA. Ramos, F. (2011, May). La planificación de las clases de distintas materias del currículo en español. Presented at the Spanish Resource Center Sessions, University of Southern California. Los Angeles, CA. Ramos, F. (2010, November). Creating effective lessons for second language learners. Presented at La Cosecha, 15th Annual Dual Language Conference. Santa Fe, NM. Diaz-Rico, L., Bywater, K., Ramos, F., & Brown, M. (2010, April). Plumbing your own depths as an intercultural educator: An affair of the heart. Presented at the California Association of Teachers to Speakers of Other Languages (CATESOL) State Conference. Santa Clara, CA.


Bywater, K., & Ramos, F. (2010, April). Intercultural communication: What does it mean to you? How do you use it? Presented at the California Association of Teachers to Speakers of Other Languages (CATESOL) State Conference. Santa Clara, CA. Ramos, F. (2010, March). ¿Qué clase de español necesitan? Repercusiones sobre la enseñanza del español en la universidad de las políticas educativas estadounidenses. Presented at the “La enseñanza del español en el sur de California” workshop, California State University Long Beach. Long Beach, California. Ramos, F. (2009, December). ¿Qué piensan los maestros del uso del idioma nativo de los estudiantes minoritarios en el salón? Presented at the Jornada Pedagógica Internacional para la Educación Bilingüe, Loyola Marymount University. Los Angeles, California. Ramos, F. (2009, December). Definición de interculturalidad y sus matices. Panel participant in the Mesa redonda sobre interculturalidad en la enseñanza del español como lengua adicional. Jornada Informativa, Spanish Resource Center Sessions, University of Southern California. Los Angeles, CA. Ramos, F. (2009, November). Creating well-developed lessons for second language learners. Presented at La Cosecha, 14th Annual Dual Language Conference. Albuquerque, NM. Ramos, F. (2008, October). Scaffolding the English acquisition process of ELLs. Presented at the California Association of Teachers to Speakers of Other Languages (CATESOL) State Conference. Pasadena, CA. Ramos, F. (2008, October). Scaffolding the English acquisition process of ELLs. Presented at the California Association of Teachers to Speakers of Other Languages (CATESOL) Los Angeles Regional Conference. Biola University, CA. Ramos, F. (2008, April). Scaffolding the English acquisition process of ELLs. Presented at the Region IIILos Angeles County Para-educator/Parent conference of the California Association for Bilingual Education. Pasadena, CA. Ramos, F. (2008, April). Scaffolding the English acquisition process of ELLs. Presented at the annual statewide CATESOL Conference. Sacramento, CA. Ramos, F. (2008, March). Creating well-organized lessons for ELs. Presented at the annual meeting of the California Association for Bilingual Education, San Jose, CA. Ramos, F. (2007, June). Language acquisition and cultural diversity. Presented at the Setting Students Success II Conference, Office of Faith Formation, Department of Catholic Schools. Orange County, CA. Ramos, F. (2007, March). AITBA: An effective framework to teach ELs. Presented at the annual meeting of the California Association for Bilingual Education, Long Beach, CA. Ramos, F. (2007, February). Posibilidades de formación y acreditación en colleges y universidades de Estados Unidos. Presented at the Spanish Resource Center Sessions, University of Southern California. Los Angeles, CA. Ramos, F. (2006, March). Creating well-organized lessons for ELLs: AITBA. Presented at the annual meeting of the California Association for Bilingual Education, San Jose, CA. Ramos, F. (2005, March). Blaming only teachers and students: The easiest way out. Keynote speaker at the annual meeting of the United Teachers of Los Angeles Bilingual Education Committee. LA, CA.


Ramos, F. (2005, February). Foreign teachers and primary language instruction for language minority students: Opinions before and after their first year in California. Presented at the annual meeting of the California Association for Bilingual Education, Los Angeles, CA. Ramos, F. (2005, February). Finding qualified two-way bilingual teachers: Current challenges and possible solutions. Presented at the annual meeting of the California Association for Bilingual Education. Los Angeles, CA. Ramos, F. (2004, November). El antes y después de la Proposición 227 en California. Presented at the Spanish Resource Center Sessions, University of Southern California. Los Angeles, CA Ramos, F. (2003, November). Actitudes hacia el uso del idioma nativo con estudiantes minoritarios: Respuestas de maestros antes y después de su primer año en California. Presented at the annual Jornada Pedagógica para la Educación Bilingüe. Loyola Marymount University. Los Angeles, CA. Ramos, F. (2003, April). Improving the preparation of teachers wishing to work in two-way bilingual schools: Listening to practitioners. Presented at the annual College of Education Research Conference. Miami, FL. Ramos, F. (2002, October). 227, 203, 31, 2 and ELLs. Presented at the 1st Fall Professional Development Symposium, Florida International University. Miami, FL. Ramos, F. (2002, November). Knowledge, beliefs, Proposition 227, and other people’s children. Presented at the annual meeting of the Sunshine State TESOL. West Palm Beach, FL. Ramos, F. (2002, October). La Proposición 227: Orígen, evolución y consecuencias. Presented at the Programa de conferencias, Centro Español de Recursos, Consulado de España. Los Angeles, CA. Ramos, F. (2002, March). The CALLA. Presented at the annual meeting of the United Teachers of Los Angeles Bilingual Education Committee. Los Angeles, CA. Ramos, F. (2002, March). Knowledge, beliefs, 227, bilingual education. Presented at the annual meeting of the United Teachers of Los Angeles Bilingual Education Committee. Los Angeles, CA. Ramos, F. (2002, February). ¿Qué pasó en California? Proposition 227 and its effects on TESOL. Poster session at the Linguistics Colloquium, Florida International University. Miami, FL. Ramos, F. (2000, March). I got model A or model B. What should I do? Presented at the annual meeting of the United Teachers of Los Angeles Bilingual Education Committee. Los Angeles, CA. Ramos, F. (1999, October). Literacy, the library, and the reader: An innovative approach. Presented at the annual meeting of the LA Regional CATESOL Conference. Los Angeles, CA. Ramos, F. (1999, March). Application of ELD and SDAIE in the classroom. Presented at the annual meeting of the United Teachers of Los Angeles Bilingual Education Committee. LA, CA. Ramos, F. (1998, March). Forum on the “English for the children” initiative. Presented at the annual meeting of the United Teachers of Los Angeles Bilingual Education Committee. Los Angeles, CA. Ramos, F. (1997, February). Teacher conflicts in bilingual settings: A cause analysis. Presented at the annual meeting of the California Association for Bilingual Education. San Diego, CA.



Ad-hoc reviewer for Revista Mexicana de Investigación Educativa, Journal of Latinos and Education.


Past Editor, Bilingual Education Interest Section (BEIS) TESOL Newsletter.


Editor, Bilingual Education Interest Section (BEIS) TESOL Newsletter.


Reviewer for Journal of Multilingual Education Research and Journal of Catholic Higher Education.


Ad-hoc reviewer for Urban Education.


Member of the panel for the "Terminemos el cuento" contest, organized by the Unión Latina, and sponsored by the Ministerio de Educación, Política Social y Deporte of Spain and by the Secretaría General Iberoamericana, in cooperation with the Education Office of the Consulate General of Spain and the California Department of Education.


Reviewer for the International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism and Porta Linguarum, University of Granada, Spain.


Member of the Board of Reviewers of the Revista Iberoamericana de Educación.


Member of the Board of Reviewers of the Revista Electrónica de Investigación Educativa.


Member of the panel for the “Escribo en español” literary contest for California public schools organized by the Education Office of the Consulate General of Spain.


Chair Elect, Bilingual Education Interest Section (BEIS), TESOL.


State and National Expert Team for the revision of the Professional Standards for Bilingual Educators P-12, New York State Association for Bilingual Education


Chair Elect-Elect, Bilingual Education Interest Section (BEIS), TESOL


Member-at-large, Bilingual Education Interest Section, TESOL


Proposal reviewer annual TESOL Conference.


Proposal reviewer Annual Statewide CATESOL Conference.


Member of the Board of Directors, Institute for Language and Education Policy



Interim Vice-President, California Chapter, Institute for Language and Education Policy.


Co-Coordinator, CATESOL Intercultural Communication Interest Group.


Proposal reviewer Annual AERA and TESOL Conferences.


Program chair and proposal reviewer Los Angeles Regional CATESOL Conference.


Presenter, Spanish Resource Center Sessions, Education Office, Consulate of Spain.


Member of the Miami-Dade County Public Schools Division of Bilingual Education and World Languages Multilingual Task Force.


Director, International Colloquium on Languages, Cultures, Identity in Schools and Society


Acting Chair, Department of Language and Culture in Education


Acting Chair, Faith and Justice Research Review Committee


LMU’s Faculty Senate.


School of Education’s Teaching, Scholarship, and Service Committee.


University Research Committee.


Search Committee, Sociocultural Foundations of Education.


Chair, School of Education’s Integrating Theory and Practice Committee, LMU.


Selection committee PLACE program.


Search Committee, Educational Psychology.


Selection committee Ed.D. program in Educational Leadership for Social Justice.


Selection committee PLACE program.


LMU’s Library committee.


Dean’s Grants committee member, Florida International University.

AFFILIATIONS 2006-present

Institute for Language and Education Policy (Founding member)



Asociación Europea de Profesores de Español


Miami Dade TESOL.


Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL).


California Association of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (CATESOL).


California Association for Bilingual Education (CABE).