Kingston Elementary School 2018 – 2019 Lista de Útiles Escolares Segundo Grado 1~Mochila- (NO MOCHILAS CON RUEDITAS) 2~Cajas de 24 Crayones CRAYOLA 2~Cajas de marcadores lavables (Washable) de Colores- Punta Gruesa (Wide) 36~Lápices amarillos #2 CON PUNTA – (SIN DISEñOS) Marca Ticonderoga o Americas Best SOLAMENTE 1~tijeras, puntiagudas 1~Carpeta (Binder) de 1 ½ pulgadas, de tapa dura con doble bolsillo (NO TRAPPER KEEPER) 1~libreta espiral-100 hojas, líneas anchas (Wide Ruled) 1~botella de pegamento (Elmer’s)-Tapa Naranja 4~Pegamentos de tubos GRANDES 2~Cajas grandes de Kleenex 4~Marcadores para borrado en seco (Dry Erase Expo) (DELGADOS y NEGRO SOLAMENTE) 1~Caja transparente de plástico-tipo contenedor para guardar zapatos (NO TAPA) 4~carpetas de doble bolsillo (1 Azul, 1 Amarillo, 1 Rojo, 1 Verde- COLORES SOLIDOS) 2~borradores rosas (Pink Pearl) 1~borrador (Dry Eraser) o calcetín blanco y limpio (para usar como borrador) 1~par de audífonos/auriculares (deben quedarse en la escuela) 1~par de tenis-son requeridos para el gym y deben quedarse en la escuela
Si tu apellido comienza con: A-L~ 1 caja de bolsas Ziploc tamaño galon (GALLON) M-Z~ 1 caja de bolsas Ziploc tamaño sándwich (SANDWICH) *Agradeceríamos cualquier donación de lápices #2- (sin diseños, por favor) o cajas de Kleenex. **Puede que se necesite reemplazar los útiles durante el año
All school supplies will remain at school through out the year. ALSO, when buying uniforms, please get a solid colored sweater or non-hooded sweatshirt.
A butterfly is getting ready to fly. Do you know anything about butterflies? A butterfly rests upon the leaf. There is more than one kind of butterfly. Butterflies land ...
1 box of snack, sandwich, quart or gallon size baggies. • Girls—napkins. • Boys-- paper plates. • One ream of Xerox paper. • One pair of headphones/earbuds.
She studied the flower before she drew it. He was surprised to see such a big statue. He walked slowly toward the art table. The picture of the bear looks very ...
Students in grades 1-5will go to the playgroundto meet their teachers. ... directly to the playground on the southern, side entrance of the building (off of ...
First Grade Supply List. 2019-2020. Dear Families,. Welcome to First Grade! This year rather than each family buying basic supplies, we are asking that you ...
1 container of baby wipes. ⬜. 1 bottle of hand soup. FOR GIRLS ONLY. ⬜. 1 box of quart size Ziploc bags. ⬜. 1 container of Wet Ones (40ct)antibacterial ...
Dear Families,. Welcome to First Grade! This year rather than each family buying basic supplies, we are asking that you purchase the sanitary supplies.
Rhyme and Sort. Read the three words below. Then, cut out the words at the bottom. Glue each word under the word that rhymes. tap mug hen hug map tug ten ...
2. ELMER'S Glue – 4 oz. bottle (You may prefer to purchase one at the beginning of school and send the other as needed.) 1. CRAYOLA crayon – 8 count box (to be kept at home for homework). 2. CRAYOLA crayons – 24 count box (You may prefer to purchase
During the summer all students entering Grade 1 should read 20 minutes every day. Dear Families: Summer ..... to make each word. Write the word on the line. g ...
This organization, program or activity is not affiliated with the Green Bay Area Public School District nor is it a school-sponsored activity. The District does not ...
1 pair of Fiskar scissors. 1 par de tijeras marca Fiskar. Additional ítems for Ms.Bentancourt Útiles adicionales para las maestras and Mrs. Palomares only.
This organization, program or activity is not affiliated with the Green Bay Area Public School District nor is it a school-sponsored activity. The District does not ...Falta(n):
Francis X. Hegarty Elementary School. Island Park School ... I don't like. Building on this gram-. This month, third grade students will ... âI travel on foot to school.