environmental disclosure

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Environmental Disclosure - Quarterly Comparisons ENCOA Projected Data for 2012 Calendar Year Actual Data for the Period 01/01/12 - 12/31/12 Generation Resource Mix A comparison between the sources of generation used to produce this product and the historic regional average supply mix.

Other 1%


Wind 2%

Other 1%

Coal 42%

Nuclear 35%

Natural Gas 19%

Environmental Characteristics A description of the characteristics associated with each possible generation resource.


Wind 2%

Biomass Power Coal Power Hydro Power Natural Gas Power Nuclear Power Oil Power Other Sources Solar Power Unknown Purchased Resources Wind Power

Hydro 1%

Coal 42%

Nuclear 35%

Natural Gas 19%

Hydro 1%

Air Emissions and Solid Waste Air Emissions and Solid Waste Wildlife Impacts Air Emissions and Solid Waste Radioactive Waste Air Emissions and Solid Waste Unknown Impacts No Significant Impacts Unknown Impacts Wildlife Impacts

Air Emissions A comparison between Carbon Dioxide the air emissions related to this Sulfur Dioxide product and the regional average air emissions. Nitrogen Oxides Regional Average

Type: Quantity: Radioactive High-Level Radioactive Waste Lbs./1,000 kWh Waste Low-Level Radioactive Waste Ft³/1,000 kWh Radioactive waste With in-depth analysis, the environmental characteristics of any form of electric generation will reveal benefits as well as costs. For further information, contact ENCOA at www.encoa.com or by phone at 1-888-857-5415.