diocesan chronicle

30 dic. 2018 - no longer active. This past ... Mira: no puedes captar el vuelo de la melodía hasta que la ... omnipotence and our conversion does not lie within.
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News of the Diocese of Baker

December 30, 2018 Volume 9 • Number 25


Saint Elizabeth of Hungary Celebrates 80 Years of Worship and Service: 1938-2018 November 17th and 18th Saint Elizabeth of Hungary Church in John Day celebrated 80 years of worship and service with Bishop Cary. Bishop Cary spoke to the parishioners and prepared them for the Sacrament of confession on November 17th before the 80th Anniversary Vigil Mass. After Mass the parishioners enjoyed dinner with Bishop Cary and shared in fellowship with their parish. Festive celebrations were well attended on Saturday and Sunday. The theme for the 80th Anniversary celebration was “80 Years of Worship and Service”. The children of the parish designed a banner with the help of their teachers. Parish Council members and the parishioners helped in many ways to make the 80th Anniversary a success. St. Elizabeth of Hungary Catholic Church was established in John Day in 1938. The first pastor, Msgr. George Murphy, came to the new parish on September 3rd the same year and celebrated the first Mass the next day. A new Church was built within three months and was ready for the Christmas Vigil Mass in 1938. From Msgr. Murphy to this day, there have been 17 pastors serving this great parish at John Day. For the last 80 years, the parish consisted of three missions namely St. Charles in Seneca, St. Katherine in Dale, and St. Anne in Monument. St. Charles and St. Katherine missions are no longer active. This past year has been a year of success in many ways. We were able to get done two long-felt needs of the church, namely a sound system and a new carpet. The faithful of this parish are generous in giving with joy for the needs of the church.

Saint Elizabeth parishioners admire the 80-year faith journey displayed in the parish hall.

Fr. Christie and Bishop Cary enjoying a chance to visit over dessert.

All gathered for a group picture to add to their history.

We are thankful to all our parishioners for their generosity in donating their time, talent and resources. Our pride is that we have a faith-filled community of love and mercy. —Fr. Christie Tissera, Pastor

Thoughts Along The Way Bishop Liam Cary

Time Begins Again Thoughts for the New Year harvested from my notebooks . . . . “Trust time. Time is music, and the space out of which it resounds is the future. . . . Entrust yourself to the grace of time. You cannot interrupt music in order to catch and hoard it. Let it flow and flee, otherwise you cannot grasp it. You cannot condense it into one beautiful chord and thus possess it once and for all. Patience is the first virtue of the one who wants to perceive. . . . For look: you cannot grasp the melody’s flight until the last note has ended.” —Hans Urs von Balthasar “If you wish to gain the habit of patience, you should not avoid the people, things, and circumstances which particularly try your patience. Meet them with a good will and the resolve to submit to their unpleasant effect on you, but at the same time prepare yourself to suffer them with unshakeable calmness of spirit.” —Lorenzo Scrupoli “. . . it is inescapable for a disciple of Jesus . . . to stand in his own weakness and therefore in temptation. Since Jesus suffered and endured our weakness, and died on account of it in order to rise from it, the power of God lies deeply concealed in every human weakness like a seed that will germinate in faith and surrender. As long as we go on resisting our weakness, the power of God cannot come into its own within us. . . . For the miracle of God’s omnipotence and our conversion does not lie within our reach.” —Andre Louf, OCSO “What is laudable is not being unable to sin, but being unwilling to do so. . . . To be able to want what is harmful to you is at once an impotent and mighty power, and the more you want it, the weaker you will be . . . . Among all the works of man, the greatest is to want what he ought to want. The more a person wants this, the more he attains it; and the more he attains it, the more he wants it—to desire what is really good is in fact to attain it.” —Guigo the Carthusian “. . . we should not be astonished to find ourselves imperfect, for we should never see ourselves otherwise in this life; nor should we let this upset us, as it cannot be helped, but rather let it be a cause for humility, for this is indeed the whole point of our being left with imperfections . . . .” —St. Francis de Sales “As love grows stronger, so does the desire to praise increase. . . . The heart that loves little always sees little or . . . nothing to praise.” —Mother Mary Francis, P.C.C.

“Have an intimate desire that His Majesty grant you what He knows you lack for His honor.” —St. John of the Cross “Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset.” —St. Francis de Sales “To God pertains the business that His servant undertakes. Therefore, God watches over it with great fidelity. With hope in Him rather than in ourselves, we must dare to undertake the endeavor of the service of God . . . .” —St. John of Avila

Pensamientos A Lo Largo Del Camino Obispo Liam Cary

Nueva Comienza del Tiempo Pensamientos para el Año Nuevo cosechados de mis cuadernos . . . . “Confía en el Tiempo. El tiempo es música, y el espacio del que resuena es el futuro. . . . Confía en la gracia del tiempo. No puedes interrumpir la música para atraparla y atesorarla. Deja que fluya y escape; si no, no la puedes entender. No puedes condensarla en un hermoso acorde y, por lo tanto, poseerla de una vez por todas. La paciencia es la primera virtud de quien quiere percibir. . . . Mira: no puedes captar el vuelo de la melodía hasta que la última nota haya terminado”. —Hans Urs von Balthasar “Si deseas adquirir el hábito de la paciencia, no debes evadir a las personas, cosas, y circunstancias que en particular prueban tu paciencia. Encuéntralos con buena voluntad y con la resolución de someterte a su desagradable efecto en ti. Pero al mismo tiempo prepárate para sufrirlos con una inquebrantable calma de espíritu”. —Lorenzo Scrupoli “. . . es ineludible para un discípulo de Jesús. . . pararse en su propia debilidad y por lo tanto en la tentación. Ya que Jesús sufrió y soportó nuestra debilidad, y murió a causa de ello para poder resucitar de ello, el poder de Dios está profundamente oculto en la debilidad de cada ser humano como una semilla que germinará en la fe y se rendirá. Mientras continuemos resistiendo nuestra debilidad, el poder de Dios no puede llegar a ser propio dentro de nosotros. . . . Porque el milagro de la omnipotencia de Dios y nuestra conversión no está a nuestro alcance”. —Andre Louf, OCSO

“Lo que es loable no es ser incapaz de pecar, pero no estar dispuesto a hacerlo. . . . Poder querer lo que es dañino para ti es a la vez un poder impotente y poderoso, y cuanto más lo desees, más débil serás. . . . Entre todas las obras del hombre, la más grande es querer lo que debería querer. Cuanto más lo quiere una persona, más lo logra; y cuanto más lo logra, más lo quiere: desear lo que es realmente bueno es, de hecho, lograrlo”. —Guigo el Cartusian “. . . no nos debe asombrar el encontrarnos imperfectos, porque nunca deberíamos vernos de otra manera en esta vida; tampoco debemos dejar que esto nos moleste, ya que no se puede evitar, sino que sea una causa de humildad, porque de hecho este es el punto central de nuestro ser criatura con imperfecciones. . . .” —San Francisco de Sales “A medida que el amor se hace más fuerte, así también aumenta el deseo de alabar. . . . El corazón que ama poco, siempre ve poco o. . . nada para alabar”. —Madre Mary Francis, P.C.C. “Ten un deseo íntimo de que Su Majestad te conceda lo que Él sabe que te falta para Su honor”. —San Juan de la Cruz “No pierdas tu paz interior por nada, aunque todo tu mundo parezca trastornado”. —San Francisco de Sales “A Dios pertenece el negocio que Su siervo emprenda. Por eso, Dios lo cuida con gran fidelidad. Con esperanza en Él y no en nosotros mismos, debemos atrevernos a emprender el empeño del servicio de Dios. . .” —San Juan de Avila


Bishop’s Spiritual Retreat Mundelein Seminary, Chicago

PRIESTLY ORDINATION ANNIVERSARIES Congratulations to the following as they celebrate their ordination anniversaries during January. Rev. Thomas Puduppulliparamban, Enterprise Jan 01, 2000 Rev. Jose Thomas Mudakodiyil, Bend Rev. Joseph Thomas, Sisters

Jan 28, 2002 Jan 03, 2004

We are most grateful for the years of service of all our Priests and Bishop. Please keep them in your prayers and pray daily for vocations to the priesthood and religious in the Diocese of Baker.

Through the generosity of many, we are nearing our annual goal of $625,000. As of mid-December, we have achieved 92% of goal through the efforts of every parish and mission throughout our Diocese. We thank everyone who has helped us get this far. Through the efforts of the Bishop’s Annual Appeal, our diocese presents a legacy of quality education and formation, pastoral support, the initiative to foster vocations as well as respect for life. You also support your parish as it helps individuals through its ministries – educational, social outreach, pastoral and even missionary. Yet, there remains a host of other needs that are beyond the ability of any one parish to meet. This year’s theme, Sharing Our Faith embodies the spirit of stewardship: by giving to the Annual Appeal we also become the recipients of God’s many gifts and blessings. Parishes that have reached 100% of goal:  Holy Family, Christmas Valley  Holy Trinity, Sunriver  Our Lady of Loretto, Drewsey  Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Chiloquin  Our Lady of the Snows, Gilchrist  Our Lady of the Valley, La Grande  Sacred Heart, Klamath Falls  Sacred Heart, Union  Saint Alphonsus, Dufur  Saint Anne, Monument  Saint Anthony, North Powder  Saint Catherine, Fossil  Saint Edward, Sisters  Saint Elizabeth, John Day  Saint Francis de Sales Cathedral, Baker City  Saint Helen, Pilot Rock  Saint James, Bly  Saint John, Paisley  Saint Joseph, Prineville  Saint Katherine, Enterprise  Saint Mary, Elgin  Saint Mary, Hood River  Saint Patrick, Heppner  Saint Patrick, Lakeview  Saint Patrick, Madras If you have not yet made a  Saint Patrick, Vale gift to the BAA, we invite you  Saint Pius X, Klamath Falls to do so today. There are  Saint Pius X, Wallowa envelopes at your parish, but did you know you can give  Saint Richard, Adel online?  Saint Thomas, Crane Visit www.dioceseofbaker.org  Saint Thomas, Plush and click on “Donate Online”  Saint William, Ione to make your gift.

St. Mary Catholic School wishes you a Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! from St. Peter Catholic School

Children participate in a “Live Rosary” with balloons.

Institution of New Acolytes in La Pine

December 2nd, the First Sunday of Advent, was a very special day at Holy Redeemer Church in La Pine. After completing their study and training, the Most Reverend Bishop Liam Cary celebrated Holy Mass and instituted four new acolytes: Rob Landles, Bob Seidenberg, Phil Keifer and Steve Teters. The only instituted Acolyte for Holy Redeemer Church, Henry Davis, who is semi-retired, came all the way from Canby to lend support at the altar. C.J. Payne, grandson of Phil Keifer, and Dezirha Landles, daughter of Rob Landles, were altar servers along with Nolan Worl.

A color guard from the Knights of Columbus was also present. Brother Knights from Bend and the parish were there to cheer and pray for their four Brother Knights who were instituted acolytes by the Bishop. After Mass, the new acolytes were celebrated with cake and desserts while the Bishop greeted parishioners and gave his blessing to those who requested. Thank you to all who helped to make this Mass so special. Please keep our new acolytes and their ministry in your prayers. Submitted by LorriAnn Landles