el barrio = the neighborhood los Estados Unidos = the United States la semana santa = Holy Week ... 18. dieciocho. •. 19. diecinueve. •. 20. veinte. •. 21. veintiuno.
Destinos -- Episodio 3 -- El comienzo (The Beginning)
Vocabulario del episodio busca = he/she/it looks for la abuela = the grandmother al norte = to the north al sur = to the south al este = to the east al oeste = to the west el mar = the sea las montañas = the mountains iglesias = churches mercados = markets la catedral = the cathedral el torre de la Geralda = the Geralda Tower la calle = the street el barrio = the neighborhood los Estados Unidos = the United States la semana santa = Holy Week (the week leading up to Easter) los pajaritos = the little birds la carta = the letter le escribió = wrote to him vive = lives murió = died
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1. uno 2. dos 3. tres 4. cuatro 5. cinco 6. seis 7. siete 8. ocho 9. nueve 10. diez 11. once 12. doce 13. trece 14. catorce 15. quince 16. dieciséis 17. diecisiete 18. dieciocho 19. diecinueve 20. veinte 21. veintiuno