Curriculum Vitae Heriberto Avelino

Ad–hoc reviewer. Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology. Ad–hoc reviewer. .... Helsinki Winter School in Cognitive Neuroscience. University of Helsinki, Fin- land.
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Curriculum Vitae Heriberto Avelino Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia Dirección de Lingüística Av. Paseo de la Reforma y Gandhi S/N Col. Chapultepec Polanco Deleg. Miguel Hidalgo Ciudad de México México C.P. 11560 Tel. 55536231, Ext. 412520 Present position:

Professor - Research Scientist

Education Postdoctoral Research Fellow. University of California, Berkeley. 2004-2006. Ph.D. in Linguistics. University of California, Los Angeles. 2004. M.A. in Linguistics. University of California, Los Angeles. 2001. B.A. in Linguistics. National School of Anthropology and History [Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia]. 1997.

Professional Experience Researcher. National Researcher’s System, National Council of Science and Technology. Visiting researcher. Department of Linguistics. University of California, Berkeley. Distinguished research chair. Center for Research and Advanced Studies in Social Anthropology in Mexico City. 2014. Senior Scientist, Phonetics Laboratory Director. Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. 2009-2013. Postdoctoral research fellow. Department of Linguistics. University of California, Berkeley. 2007. Researcher. Cognitive Brain Research Unit. University of Helsinki, Finland. 2005. Expert witness. Voice identification in court, assisting Dr. Peter Ladefoged. 2004. Evaluator of the Spanish Intelligibility Test, by Dr. Daniel Kempler. Speech and Hearing Clinics, Los Angeles County/USC Medical Center. Associate Editor. Tlalocan. 1996–1997. Associate Researcher. Indigenous Languages Seminar. Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas, UNAM, 1994–1997. 1

Researcher Assistant. Vocabulario trilingüe Español–Nahuatl–Otomi de Alonso Urbano (1605). Yolanda Lastra researcher and Thomas Smith–Stark, coordinator, ‘Biblioteca Novohispana de Lenguas Indígenas’. El Colegio de México. 1992–1995.

Publications Articles in peer-reviewed journals Avelino, Heriberto (submitted) On the Typology of Complex Nasals Avelino, Heriberto; Roberto Zariquiey; Jorge Pérez. 2019. Nasal coarticulation and prosody in Kakataibo. Phonetica, Avelino, Heriberto. 2019. The ecology of variation and change in the context of language attrition: Puz˜aP (Chichimec, Otomanguean) vowels. Language Ecology. 2018. Avelino, Heriberto. México City Spanish. Journal of the International Phonetic Association. 2013. Héctor Paniqueo, Scott Sadowsky, Gastón Salamanca, Heriberto Avelino. Mapudungun. Journal of the International Phonetic Association. 2012. Karla Sandoval, Isabel Medizabal, Peter Underhill, Leonor BuentelloMalo, Rosenda Peñaloza-Espinosa, Heriberto Avelino, María López, Francesc Calafell, David Comas. Y-Chromosome Diversity in Native Mexicans Reveals Continental Transition of Genetic Structure in the Americas. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 148:395 – 405. 2010. Acoustic and Electroglottographic Analyses of Nonpathological, Nonmodal Phonation. Journal of Voice, 3: 270-280. 2010. Percecptual Constancy and Context Enhancement. Revista de Lingüística Teórica y Aplicada, Vol. 48, n. 1. Universidad de Concepción, Chile. 2009. Karla Sandoval, Leonor Buentello-Malo, Rosenda Peñaloza-Espinosa, Heriberto Avelino, Antonio Salas, Francesc Calafell, David Comas. Linguistic and maternal genetic diversity are not correlated in Native Mexican. Human Genetics. 126:521–531. 2009. Ian Maddieson, Heriberto Avelino and Loreta O’connor. The phonetics structures of Lowland Chontal of Oaxaca. International Journal of American Linguistics. 2006. The typology of Pamean number systems. Linguistic Typology, 10, 41-60. 2001. Índice de Tlalocan. Tlalocan. Vol. XIII. Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas, UNAM. 2000. El Sistema de Numeración en Pame Central. Anales de Antropología. 33:345–359. Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas, UNAM. 1999. Morfología y Organización Prosódica en Pame Norte. Dimensión Antropológica, Vol. 13. Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia.

Unpublished manuscripts (upon request) Estudios Gramaticales de las lenguas Pames. (book draft, upon request) Aerodynamics and acoustics of glottalized consonants in Mayan languages. Electroglottographic and aerodynamic correlates of Hindi breathy vowels: Implications for historical linguistics. John Ohala, Manju Ohala (co-authors) 2

with Daniel Voigt, Ana María Ospina. Yuhup. Journal of the International Phonetic Association.

Datasets German. High speed video recordings of final devoicing phenomena. Andalusian Spanish. Ultrasound recordings of vowel harmony phenomena. Yuhup (Amazonian). High speed video, electroglottographic and acoustic recordings of laryngeal contrasts. Yuhup (Amazonian). Aerodynamic and acoustics recordings of nasal contrasts; narratives. Yuhup (Amazonian). Ultrasound recordings. Aymara (Peru). Aerodynamic and acoustics recordings of ejective and plain stops. Kakataibo (Panoan, Amazonian). Aerodynamic and acoustics recordings of nasal contrast phenomena. Aguaruna (Jivaroan, Amazonian). Aerodynamic and acoustics recordings of nasal contrast phenomena. Makuna (Tucanoan, Amazonian). Acoustic recordings. Yukuna (Arawak, Amazonian). Acoustic recordings. Tarascan (isolate, Mexico). Articulatory (palatography) and acoustic recordings, video of final devoiced articulations. Pima (Uto-Aztecan) Articulatory (palatography) and acoustic recordings, texts and oral narratives. Mayan languages: Yucatec Maya, Ch’ol, Tzotzil, Tzeltal, Tojolabal. Aerodynamic and acoustic recordings of ejective and plain stops. Mixe-Zoquean languages: Santa Maria Ocotepec Mixe, Alotepec Mixe. Electroglottographic and acoustic recordings. Chichimec (Otomanguean). Aerodynamic and acoustics recordings of nasal contrast phenomena; electroglottographic data of laryngeal phenomena. Yalálag Zapotec (Otomanguean). Aerodynamic, elcetroglotographic and acoustic recordings. Northern Pame and Central Pame (Otomanguean). Acoustic recordings. Chinantec (Otomanguean). Acoustic recordings. Kiliwa (Yuman). Acoustic recordings of segmental contrasts; video recordings of narratives. Lowland Chontal (Tequistlatecan). Acoustic recordings. Spanish. Plethymosgraphic data. Shipibo. Acoustic recordings. Video recordings of unrealeased articulations.

Books (edited) Heriberto Avelino, Matt Coler and Leo Wetzels (eds.) 2016. Laryngeal Features in Languages of the Americas. Brill. Avelino, Heriberto. (Ed.) 2011. New Perspectives in Mayan Linguistics. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.


Avelino, Heriberto, Jessica Coon, Elisabeth Norcliffe (eds.) 2009. New Perspectives in Mayan Linguistics. MIT Working Papers in Linguistics. MIT Press.

Sections in books and proceedings Enrique Palancar and Heriberto Avelino. (submitted). Morphological Complexity in the verb inflection of Chichimec. In Endangered complexity: inflectional classes in Oto-Manguean languages. Matthew Baerman and Enrique Palancar (eds.). Avelino, Heriberto. 2016. Phonetics in Phonology: A cross-linguistic study of laryngeal contrast. Laryngeal Features in Languages of the Americas. H. Avelino, M. Coller, and L. Wetzels (ed.) Brill. Avelino, Heriberto, Eurie Shin and Sam Tilsen. 2011. The Phonetics of Laryngealization in Yucatec Maya. In New Perspectives in Mayan Linguistics, Heriberto Avelino (Ed.) Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Avelino, Heriberto. 2011. Intonational Patterns of Topic and Focus Constructions in Yucatec Maya. En New Perspectives in Mayan Linguistics, Heriberto Avelino (Ed.) Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Avelino, Heriberto. 2011. Preface. In New Perspectives in Mayan Linguistics, Heriberto Avelino (ed.) Cambridge Scholars Publishing. —. 2009. Intonational Patterns of Topic and Focus Constructions in Yucatec Maya. In New Perspectives in Mayan Linguistics, Heriberto Avelino (Ed.) MIT Working Papers in Linguistics. MIT Press. —. 2004. Left hemisphere processing of tone and selective attention in Yalálag Zapotec Proceedings of the 29th Berkeley Linguistic Society. UC Berkeley. Avelino, Heriberto and Sahyang Kim. 2004. Variability and constancy in the articulation and acoustics of Pima coronals, Proceedings of the 29th Berkeley Linguistic Society. UC Berkeley. Avelino, Heriberto and Virgil Lewis. 2004. Pima causatives and argument structure ‘saturation’, Memorias del Encuentro de Lingüística en el Noroeste. In memoriam Ken Hale, Unison, Hermosillo, Sonora, México. Avelino, Heriberto. 2003. Categorical perception of phonemic tone in Yalálag Zapotec. International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Barcelona, España. Kim, Sahyang and Heriberto Avelino. 2003. An intonational study of focus and word order variation in Mexican Spanish, La tonia: dimensiones fonéticas y fonológicas. Esther Herrera and Pedro M. Butragueño (eds.) El Colegio de México. México D.F. Avelino, Heriberto. 2002. Sandhi Tonal en Pame Norte. Análisis Fonológico y Evidencia Fonética. Estudios Lingüísticos sobre algunas lenguas mexicanas. Del cora al maya yucateco, Paulette Levy (ed.) Seminario de Lenguas Indígenas, Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas, UNAM. pp, 15–58. —. 2009. Optimización dinámica y cambio morfológico en lenguas pames. En Susana Cuevas (ed.) La lengua y la antropología para un conocimiento global del hombre. Homenaje a Leonardo Manrique. INAH, pp. 161–176.


—. 1996. El Sistema Consonántico del Pame Central. Tercer Encuentro de Lingüística en el Noroeste. Memorias. Serie Lingüística. Tomo 1: Lenguas Indígenas, volumen 1. Editorial UniSon, pp. 41–67-

Teaching Instructor. Phonetics and phonology in the field. Winter School in Language Documentation and Fieldwork: Theory Meets Practice. Hebrew University of Jerusalem. February, 2016. Instructor. Introduction to Bio-statistics. National Institute for Respiratory Diseases. Mexico City. 2015. Instructor. Intensive field methods: Methods and techniques for phonetic data gathering, processing and analysis. Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. November, 2015. Instructor. Properties and functions of phonation modes. Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas and Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo, Madrid, Spring 2015. Instructor. Methods and tools for Language documentation. First Bilateral Workshop Germany–Mexico and First Latinamerican School of Typology and Language Documentation. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social-Universität zu Köln (financed byt Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and CONACYT. Morelia, México. March, 2015. Instructor. Workshop on Linguistic Corpus Generation for Elementary Education. UNICEF-DGEI/CIESAS. Fall, 2014. Instructor. Phonetics and Phonolgy of Voice. Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas and Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo, Madrid, Spring 2014. Instructor. Aerodynamic Methods and Techniques. Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas and Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo, Madrid, Winter 2012. Instructor. Phonetic Field Methods and Experimental Phonology. Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas and Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo, Madrid, Winter 2011. Instructor. Phonetic Field Methods and Experimental Phonology. Universidad de Sonora, Primavera 2011. Instructor. Phonetic Field Methods and Experimental Phonology. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Summer, 2011. Instructor. Phonetics. The Leipzig Scholl of Human Origins. Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, 2011. Instructor. Field Phonetics and Laboratory Phonology. University of Concepcion, Chile. Summer, 2010. Instructor. Field Phonetics. 3L International Summer School on Language Documentation and Description. 2010. Instructor. Field Phonetics and Laboratory Phonology. DGfS-CNRS Summer School on Linguistic Typology. 2010.


Instructor. Contemporary Phonology. University of Concepcion, Chile. Summer, 2009. Assistant Professor. Introduction to Linguistics; Intermediate Phonology; Advanced Phonology; Analysis and Argumentation. Department of Linguistics, University of Toronto. 2007-2008. Lecturer. Advanced Phonetics, Introduction to Phonetics, Field Methods I, II (Yucatec Maya), Graduate Seminar I, II, III, Directed studies. Department of Linguistics. Stanford University. 2006-2007. Adjunct Assistant Professor. Graduate Seminar. Department of Linguistics. University of California, Berkeley, 2006. Teaching Associate. Introduction to Linguistics; Phonology. Department of Linguistics. University of California, Los Angeles. 1999, 2003. Teaching Assistant. Department of Spanish and Portuguese. Spanish 2. University of California, Los Angeles. 1999. Lecturer. Phonetics Workshop-Seminar. Indo-American Linguistics Program, Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social. Mexico. 2004. Lecturer. Phonology. Graduate Program in Linguistics. Universidad de Colima, Mexico. 1997. Lecturer. Field Methods and Phonology. Undergraduated Program in Linguistics. National School of Anthropology and History. Mexico. 1993 – 1997. Lecturer. Spanish Phonology. Mexican Insitute for Audition and Language, IMAL. Masters program in language and auditory pathology. 1996. Lecturer. Spanish Phonetic and Phonology. Neurolinguistics and Psicopedagogy Superior College. BA program in Neurolinguistics. 1996.

Invited talks as keynote speaker (recent) 2019. Lenguas y genes en Mesoamerica. Seminario de Antropoloía Molecular. Dirección de Antropología Física. Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia. 2018. Symposium on Oaxacan Linguistics. UCLA. 2016. Berkeley Phonetics and Phonology Phorum. Department of Linguistics. UC Berkeley. 2015. Colloquium. Department of Linguistics. Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. 2015. Primer Taller Bilateral Alemania-México y Primer Escuela Latinoamericana de Tipología y Documentación Lingüíüística. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social-Universität zu Köln (financed by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and CONACYT. Morelia, México. March, 2015. 2014. Primeras Jornadas de Lengua y Cultura. En honor a Víctor Franco. Center for Research and Advanced Studies in Social Anthropology, Mexico. 2014. Workshop on the Sound Systems of Mexico and Central America. Yale University.


2012. The study of human voice from an interdisciplinary perspective. From endangered languages to language pathologies. National Institute for Respiratory Diseases. Mexico City. 2011. Berkeley Tone Workshop. University of California Berkeley, 18-20 February 2011. 2010. 12th Conference on Laboratory Phonology. Invited discussant. University of New Mexico. 2010. Phonetic Explanations for a Mayan Puzzle. Formal Approaches to Mayan Linguistics. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Department of Linguistics.

Fieldwork Northern Pame, Central Pame (2017), Mexico Chichimec 2014. Mexico South Aimara, Awajun and Cashibo-cacataibo. 2013, with Roberto Zariquiey and Jorge Ivan Perez. Peru. Chinantec, Amuzgo, Triqui, Zapotec. October-November 2012. National Institute for Respiratory Diseases. Mexico. Yuhup, Makuna and Yukuna. November, 2011, with Ana Maria Ospina and Daniel Voigt. Colombia Tojolabal, Ch’ol, Tzeltal, Tzotzil. February, March, 2010. Chiapas, Mexico. Purepecha. January, 2010. Michoacan, Mexico. Dayak languages: Samandang, Baram, Kwalan, Simpang. November-December, 2009, with Uri Tadmor. Kalimantan, Indonesia. Lowland Chontal. 2005, with Ian Maddieson. Oaxaca, Mexico. Yucatec Maya. 2006, 2007, 2010. Intensive fieldwork in San Francisco, California Yucatan and Campeche, Mexico. Kiliwa. Two weeks December, 2007. Baja California, Mexico. Santa Maria Ocotepec Mixe. June, 2006, with Ian Maddieson. Oaxaca, Mexico Alotepec Mixe. June 2006. Oaxaca, Mexico. Pima. 200-22003. One year long Field Methods class at UCLA; two weeks fieldwork in Gila River, Arizona, with Peter Ladefoged. Yalálag Zapotec. 2001-2003. Intensive fieldwork in Los Angeles California and Oaxaca Mexico. Santiago Comaltepec Chinantec. 2001. One month fieldwork in Los Angeles, USA. Matlatzinca. 1996, 1997. One month over the two years. Estado de Mexico, Mexico. Northern Pame and Central Pame. 1991, 1994, 1995, 1997. Two months each year, San Luis Potosi, Mexico.

Presentations in Conferences Avelino, Heriberto. 2018. “Nuevas tecnologías en la documentación y análisis de las lenguas en peligro de extinción”, Quinto Congreso Internacional del Patrimonio Cultural y las Nuevas Tecnologías, INAH. México


Avelino, Heriberto. 2018. “Los Sismos de 19-S y el INAH: Hacia la gestion integral del riesgo y la creación de protocolos administrativos en situaciones de desastre”, II Congreso Nacional de Investigadores del INAH. Avelino, Heriberto. 2017. “Una perspectiva ecológica del cambio y variación lingüística en el contexto de atrición lingüística: El caso del Puz˜aP (chichimeco)”, XIX Coloquio Internacional sobre Otopames, IIA-UNAM. Avelino, Heriberto. 2017. “Re-creación de identidades entre las generaciones de zapotecos y mayas yucatecos nacidos en Estados Unidos a través de las prácticas musicales y dancísticas”, XIII Foro Internacional de Música Tradicional, ”Migración, braceros y mojados; fusiones y nuevas creaciones”, Museo Nacional de Antropología e Historia. INAH. Avelino, Heriberto. Una Nueva Teoría de la Tonogénesis en Maya Yucateco. 2016. III Mesa Redonda del Mayab. Festival Inernacional de la Cultura Maya. Centro INAH Yucatán. Avelino, Heriberto. 2014 Un estudio translingüístico del contraste laríngeo (tono y voz laringalizada): Evidencia de lenguas Mesoamericanas. Encuentreo Internacional de Lingüística en el Noroeste. Universidad de Sonora. Avelino, Heriberto. 2013. Typologically informed Phonetic/Phonological Fieldwork, Phonetically/Phonologically grounded Typology at the Association for Linguistic Typology 10th Biennial Conference (ALT 10). Leipzig, Germany. Lancia, Leonardo, Heriberto Avelino and Daniel Voigt. 2013. Measuring laryngealization in running speech: inter-action with contrastive tones in Yalálag Zapotec. Interspeech 2013 Lyon, France. Lancia, Leonardo, Heriberto Avelino and Daniel Voigt. 2012. Studying the interaction between irregular voice quality and lexical tones with recurrence analysis and functional mixed models. Workshop Tone: “Theory and Practice” MPI-EVA, Leipzig. Avelino, Heriberto and Daniel Voigt. 2012. Laryngeal dynamics of final devoicing in German: Evidence from High Speed Video-endoscopy. Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America. Portland, Oregon. Avelino, Heriberto and Enrique Palancar. 2012. Morphological Complexity in the verb inflection of Chichimec. Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Indigenous Languages of the Americas. Portland, Oregon. Avelino, Heriberto, Ana Maria Ospina and Daniel Voigt. 2012. Vowel harmony in Yuhup: Evidence from acoustics, electroglottography, aerodynamics and ultrasound imaging. Amazonicas 4. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Peru, Lima, Peru. Voigt, Daniel; Heriberto Avelino and Leonardo Lancia. 2011. Comparing creaky and pathological phonation using recurrency analysis. Pan European Voice Conference (PEVOC9). Marseille, France. Avelino, Heriberto. 2010. Tipología y Universales fonéticos de rasgo laríngeos: Evidencia de lenguas Mesoamericanas. Coloquio Internacional Amazónicas 3, La Estructura de la Lenguas Amazónicas: Fonología y Sintaxis. Simposio Fonología y fonética de rasgos laríngeos Bogotá, Colombia, abril 19 – 24.


—. 2010. Tipología y Universales fonéticos de rasgo laríngeos: Evidencia de lenguas Mesoamericanas Thomas Smith-Stark: IV Conferencia sobre lenguas otomangues y sus lenguas vecinas. Biblioteca Fray Francisco de Burgoa, de la Universidad Autónoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca, en la ciudad de Oaxaca, México, abril 16 - 18. —. 2009. Diachronic phonology and dynamic optimization in Pamean languages. Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas. San Francisco. —. 2008. Intonational patterns of Topic and Focus constructions in Yucatec Maya, Symposium “New Perspectives in Mayan Linguistics” hosted by the Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas. Chicago. —. 2007. A cross-linguistic study of laryngeal contrast: Phonation and Tone International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Saarland, Germany. Avelino, Heriberto and Silke Hamman. 2007. An acoustic study of plain and palatalized sibilants in Totontepec Mixe, International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Saarland, Germany. Avelino, Heriberto, Sam Tilsen and Euri Shin. 2007. The phonetics of laryngealization in Yucatec Maya. Linguistic Society of America. Anaheim. Avelino, Heriberto. 2006. An acoustic study of laryngeal contrast in three American Indian Languages. Acoustic Society of America. Honolulu, Hawaii. —. 2006. Clearing the Throat: Laryngeal contrast in American Indian languages. Endangered Languages, Endangered Sounds: Laboratory, Field, and Phonetic Universals. In Honor of Ian Maddieson. UC-Berkeley. Avelino, Heriberto (with Anna Shestakova and Risto Näätänen). 2006. Neural correlates to a three way constrast of duration in speech and non-speech stimuli. The 14 Manchester Phonology Meeting. Manchester, UK. Avelino, Heriberto (with Ian Maddieson and Loretta O’connor). 2006. Lowland Chontal phonetics. Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas. Albuquerque. Avelino, Heriberto. 2006. Perceptual constancy and contextual enhancement. Linguistic Society of America. Albuquerque. —. 2006. The phonetic structures of endangered mexican languages project: Consequences of field work phonetics for phonological theory. The 14 Manchester Phonology Meeting. Mancheser, UK. —. 2005. Reference frame and scaling in the perception of tone. Acoustical Society of America. Minneapolis. —. 2005. Linguistic ontologies and data categories for language resources. 2005 E-MELD Workshop on Digital Language Documentation. In conjunction with the 2005 LSA Institute, MIT. —. 2005. The Phonetic Structures of Endangered Mexican Languages, Conference on Endangered Languages and Cultures of Native America, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. —. 2005. Vowel space in three Ayuuk (Mixe) languages. Linguistic Society of America. San Francisco.


—. 2005. Articulation and acoustics in two American Indian Languages: Pima and Yalálag Zapotec. Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas. San Francisco. —. 2005. Cognitive Systems and Diversity: Linguistic and Mathematical Reasoning in Mesoamerican Languages. Organization for Northern California Ethnomathematics (ONCE) and the Exploratorium Teacher Institute. Avelino, Heriberto and Ian Maddieson. 2005. Glottalized consonants in Oaxaca Chontal, Acoustic Society of America, Vancouver, Canada. Avelino, Heriberto and Fernando Nava. 2005. A Mexican model of language documentation and preservation, Conference on Endangered Languages and Cultures of Native America, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. Avelino, Heriberto. 2004. Optimización dinámica y cambio morfológico en lenguas pames. Homenaje a Leonardo Manrique. INAH. —. 2004. Gender and Individual Differences in Voice Quality. Evidence from Yalálag Zapotec. Conference of Otomanguean and Oaxaca Languages. UC Berkeley. —. 2004. Dispersion/Focalization in a dense vowel system: Santa Maria Ocotepec Mixe Workshop of American Indigenous Languages. UC Santa Barbara. —. 2004. Phonetics and Phonology of Non-modal Phonation in Yalálag Zapotec. Linguistic Society of America. Boston. —. 2004. Fonética y fonología de la fonación no modal. Invited lecture. Seminario de tipología de las lenguas indígenas americanas, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia. Avelino, Heriberto, John Foreman, Pamela Munro and Aaron H. Sonnenschein. 2004. Covert subjects in Zapotecan. Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas. Boston. Avelino, Heriberto and Virgil Lewis. 2003. Pima causatives and argument structure ‘saturation’, Encuentro de Lingüística en el Noroeste. In memoriam Kenn Hale, Unison, Hermosillo, Sonora, México. Avelino, Heriberto and Sahyang Kim. 2003. Variability and constancy in the articulation and acoustics of Pima coronals, 29th Berkeley Linguistic Society. Avelino, Heriberto. 2003. Left hemisphere processing of tone and selective attention in Yalálag Zapotec. 29th Berkeley Linguistic Society. —. 2003. Categorical perception of phonemic tone in Yalálag Zapotec. International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Barcelona, España. —. 2002. Diversity and unit of languages in the border of linguistic areas: Evidence from Pamean number systems; presented at the Workshop on the structure and constituency in the languages of the Americas. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. —. 2000. Phonetic correlates of Fortis–Lenis in Yalálag Zapotec; presented at Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas, American Anthropological Association. San Francisco. Avelino, Heriberto Violeta Vázquez, Lenin Noh, América Meléndez y Miguel Angel Domínguez. 1998. Flexión nominal en Matlatzinca, II Coloquio de Lingüística en la ENAH. México. 10

Avelino, Heriberto. 1998. Sistema de Parentesco en Chichimeco y Pame, Segundo Coloquio de Otopames. Museo Nacional de Antropología. —. 1997. Floating Tones in Northern Pame, XXVII Meeting of The Lingustics Association of Southwest. UCLA, Los Angeles. —. 1996. La construcción de segmentos complejos como unidades fonológicas, I Coloquio de Lingüística en la ENAH. México. Garcia, Consuelo and Heriberto Avelino. 2004. La lengua Chichimeca: Crónica de una muerte anunciada [The Chichimec language: Chronicle of an announced death]. VI Coloquio Internacional sobre Otopames. UNAM, Mexico. Kim, Sahyang and Heriberto Avelino. 2002. An intonational study of focus and word order variation in Mexican Spanish, La tonia: dimensiones fonéticas y fonológicas. El Colegio de México. México D.F.

Member of editorial boards LOQUENS. Spanish Journal of Speech Sciences / Revista española de Ciencias del Habla”. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientf́icas, Spain Revista de Lingüística Teórica y Aplicada Universidad de Concepción. Facultad de Humanidades y Arte

Refereeing (* = more than three; ** = more than five) Ad–hoc reviewer*. National Science Foundation Ad–hoc reviewer. Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology Ad–hoc reviewer. The Endangered Languages Documentation Programme Ad–hoc reviewer**. International Journal of American Linguistics Ad–hoc reviewer. Laboratory Phonology 12 Ad–hoc reviewer.* Journal of the International Phonetic Association Ad–hoc reviewer. Journal of Phonetics Ad–hoc reviewer. Phonology Ad–hoc reviewer. Australian Journal of Linguistics Ad–hoc reviewer. Language Documentation and Conservation Ad–hoc reviewer. Revista de Filología y Lingüística de la Universidad de Costa Rica Ad–hoc reviewer. Estudios de lenguas amerindias 3, Universidad de Sonora Ad–hoc reviewer. Oxford University Press Reviewer*. Papers submitted to the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Hong-Kong, 2011 Reviewer*. Papers submitted to the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Saarbrücken, Germany, 2007 Consultant. Speech and Hearing Clinics at the Los Angeles County/USC Medical Center Ad–hoc reviewer. Anales de Antropología, Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas, UNAM

Supervising, member of advisory committees 11

2014. Maria Consuelo García. Bilingual teacher (Chichimeco language). General Direction for Indigenous Education, SEP, Mexico. 2014. Maria de Jesus Lopez. Bilingual teacher (Chichimeco language). General Direction for Indigenous Education, SEP, Mexico. 2010-2013. Daniel Voigt. Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. Post-doctorate. 2010-2013. Leonardo Lancia. Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. Laboratory assistant. 2009. Sven Grawunder. Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. Post-doctorate. 2011. Mario Etzrodt. Aufbau einer Messeinrichtung zur phonetischen Feldforschung. Fachbereichs Elektrochnik un Informationstechnik. Hoschschule für Technik Wirstchaft un Kultur. Leipzig. [Building a Measuring Device for Phonetics Field Research. Department of Information Technology and Electronics School of Engineering, Economics and Culture, Leipzig (MA thesis equivalent)]. 2010. Darja Appelganz. Word final devoicing in Russian and German: Electroglottographic Analysis. Bremen University. Bachelors thesis. Chair. 2010. Sofia Kanibolotskaia. Aerodynamic Study of Word-Final Devoicing in Russian. University of Toronto Master thesis(co-chair with Keren Rice).

Conferences organized 2015. First Bilateral Workshop Germany-Mexico and First Latin American School on Language Documentation and Linguistic Typology. Morelia, Mexico. Organizer together with Nicolaus Himmelmann, Katja Hannß and Frida Villavicencio. 2013. Association for Linguistic Typology 10th Biennial Conference (ALT 10). Leipzig, Germany. Organizer together with Martin Haspelmath, Bernard Comrie, Frank Seifart, David Gil and Claudia Schmidt. 2013. Workshop “Phonetic/phonological typology and fieldwork” with Claudia Schmidt. 2012. Workshop“Tone: Theory and Practice” MPI-EVA. Organizer together with Ian Maddieson and Claudia Schmidt. 2012. Symposium Morphological Complexity in Languages of the Americas. Hosted by the Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas. Portland, Oregon. Keren Rice, co-organizer. 2012. Amazonicas 4. La Estructura de las Lenguas Amazónicas: Fonología y Sintaxis. Lima, Perú Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú - Lima. Co-organizer of the Symposium Armonía Segmental en Lenguas Amazónicas/Segmental Harmony in Amazonian Languages with Elsa Gomez-Imbert. 2010. Phonetic Universals. MPI-EVA. October. 2008. New Perspectives in Mayan Linguistics. Hosted by the Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas. Chicago.

Grants, Fellowships and Honors


2015. First Bilateral Workshop Germany-Mexico and First Latin American School on Language Documentation and Linguistic Typology, with Nikolaus Himmelmann and Katja Hannß, U of Köln. Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). 52350 euros; matching funds from National Council for Science and Technology/Center for Research and Advanced Studies in Social Anthropology/National Institute for Indigenous Languages. 2012-2013. Phonetic Documentation of three Peruvian languages: South Aimara, Awajun and Cashibo-Cacataibo, with Roberto Zariquiey. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. 50000 Peruvian nuevos soles (19227 US dollars, 14915 euros); matching funds from the Max Planck Gesellschaft. 2012. Workshop ”Tone: Theory and Practice” Department of Linguistics MPIEVA. Organizer together with Ian Maddieson and Claudia Schmidt. Max Planck Society 5,000 euros. 2012. Respiration in Speech: Physiological, Acoustic and Aerodynamic correlates of Phonological features in Mexican Indigenous languages, with Mario Vargas and Luis Torre (National Institute of Respiratory Diseases, Mexico) Max Planck Society. National Institute of Respiratory Diseases, Mexico 3,000 euros; matching funds from the Max Planck Gesellschaft. 2011. Grant awarded to the project Las estructuras fonéticas de las lenguas yuhup, yukuna y makuna [The phonetic structures of Yuhup, Yukuna and Makuna] Ana Maria Ospina Bozzi (co-PI) $ 39.460.000 CP (22, 420.45 USD), Universidad Nacional de Colombia; matching funds from the Max Planck Gesellschaft. 2011. Award to the best poster at the Pan European Voice Conference (PEVOC9). Marseille, France. 2007-2008. Endangered Languages Fund grant to work on the documentation and preservation of Kiliwa (Yuman, Mexico). 2007. Bing Overseas Studies Program grant to conduct fieldwork on Yucatec Maya with a group of students from Stanford University in Mexico. 2005. Fellowship from the Finnish government to carry out training on brain imaging techniques at the Cognitive Brain Research Unit, University of Helsinki. 2004 – 2005. Research Fellowship. Ian Maddieson„ co-PI. The Phonetic Structures of Endangered Mexican Languages. University of California Berkeley. 2003 – 2004. Dissertation Grant. University of California–MEXUS. 2001. Research Fellowship. Peter Ladefoged, co-PI. Phonetic Studies of the Pima Language. Institute of American Cultures. UCLA. 1998 – 2004. Doctorate Fellowship. CONACYT/University of California– MEXUS. 1999. President’s Fellowship. UCLA. Honorable Mention. Undergraduate dissertation [Tesis de licenciatura]. Annual Prizes of the National Institute of Anthropology and History. 1999. Honorable Mention. Defense of the thesis “Fonología y Morfofonología del Pame Norte”. ENAH, INAH.

Additional Coursework 13

First aids and CPR cdretificate. Mexican Red Cross. 2019 Derecho a la verdad de víctimas de violaciones graves a derechos humanos. Amnistía Internacional-Universidad Iberoamericana-Museo Memoeria y Tolerancia, 8 horas, 5, 12, 19, 26 de septiembre del 2018. Técnico Básico en la Gestión Integral del Riesgo, Escuela Nacional de Protección Civil-Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres, 2017-2018. Gestión del Riesgo Volcánico, Escuela Nacional de Protección Civil-Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres 5 horas, 27 julio del 2018. Atlas Nacional de Riesgos, Escuela Nacional de Protección Civil-Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres, 7 horas, 25 agosto del 2017. Helsinki Winter School in Cognitive Neuroscience. University of Helsinki, Finland. 2003. Risto Näätänen, mentor. Grammatical Relations. Argument Structure, Case and Voice in North American Indian Languages, Marianne Mithun. University of California at Santa Barbara. 2001. Basic Linguistic Theory, Robert M. W. Dixon. University of California at Santa Barbara. 2001. Structure of Northwestern Indian Languages, Emmon Bach. University of California at Santa Barbara. 2001. Changes of Voice in Mayan Languages, Nora England. 1998. Universals and Particulars in Syntax, William Foley. 1996. Seminar on Natural Phonology, Wolfang Dressler. 1994. An introduction to Grammatical Description from a Functional and Typological Perspective, Tomas Givon. 1994.

Membership of Professional Associations Asociación Iberoamericana de Ciencias del Habla. President Association for Linguistic Typology. Nominating committee International Phonetic Association Linguistic Society of America Acoustical Society of America Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas Asociación Mexicana de Lingüística Aplicada Linguistic Association of the Southwest American Anthropological Association International Study Group on Ethnomathematics

Service Search and Rescue Canine Brigade University of Colima, Mexico. Handler.

References Ian Maddieson Department of Linguistics MSC 03-2130 University of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM, USA 87131-1196 14 John Ohala Department of Linguistics 1203 Dwinelle Hall, University of California at Berkeley Berkeley, CA USA 94720-2650 Pam Munro UCLA Linguistics Department 3125 Campbell Hall UCLA Box 951543 Los Angeles CA, USA 90095-1543