Spanish 1-Pre AP/Mrs. Alanis. OBJECTIVE: Students will create a current events notebook featuring five Spanish- speaking countries. DUE DATE: August 12, ...
Current Events Notebook Summer Assignment: Must be completed in order to remain on the Pre AP class roster. Spanish 1-Pre AP/Mrs. Alanis OBJECTIVE: Students will create a current events notebook featuring five Spanish- speaking countries. DUE DATE: August 12, 2019. Assignments will be collected at the front desk at NHS. INSTRUCTIONS:
Students will collect a total of 10 newspaper or magazine articles for 5 Spanish-speaking countries. Two articles will represent each country. Cut and paste each article on a separate sheet of computer paper. Read and summarize each article. The summary must be in your handwriting, each one on a separate sheet of paper. The only internet source you are able to use is the New York Times Sunday edition section, Las Americas. I will accept only ONE sports related article. All work should be placed in a folder. Include a title sheet with the following: Name Español 1 (Pre AP) Current Events Notebook