Eligibility of organisations from non-EU countries Article 8 of the Regulation No 1295/2013 establishing the Creative Europe Programme stipulates that countries other than EU Member States may participate in the Programme. This participation is subject to the conditions referred to in the same article. The table below gives an indication of non-EU countries that are likely to fulfil these conditions in time to be eligible for the 2015 round of Calls for Proposals. Applications from cultural and creative organisations from the countries that may participate in the programme as of 2014 will be taken into consideration in the Award Decision process. For projects from countries that might participate as of 2015, the final selection of projects is dependent on the signing and notification of an Agreement with the European Commission before the Award Decisions for the projects. Please refer to the guidelines for the different calls for further details and timetables.
Organisations eligible to apply in the Culture Subprogramme?
Organisations eligible to apply in the MEDIA Subprogramme?
Countries that participate in the Creative Europe Programme as of 2014 Iceland
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
Republic of Serbia
Countries that participate in the Creative Europe Programme as of 2015 Turkey
Countries that are likely to participate as of 2015 Georgia
For Georgian, Moldovan, Turkish and Ukrainian organisations, partial participation in the MEDIA Subprogramme will be possible, i.e. participation in training, festivals, audience development and market access activities.
An application can receive a maximum total of 100 points. The number .... abovementioned call, declare that I am aware of Article 57 of the Financial Regulation,.
15 jun. 2015 - 1 January 2011, and who belong to the special social security system for civil servants (passive classes). France: The official retirement age depends on the date of ...... Belgium (Flemish Community), Latvia, and Finland don't follow
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Programa nacional de Almuerzo y Desayuno escolar llamado Community Eligibility. Provision ... 2018-2019. Alternative Center for Education Anderson Middle.
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foster outlining and implementing of tailored country-specific and inter-country interventions, prioritizing countries for ...... Dr Myriam Ben Mamou. Dr Shahin ...
UE intends to bridge two political entities (UNASUR and European Union) through two strategies: mobility (EMA 2 experiences) and recognition (using the tools ...
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9 may. 2016 - Dr Duncan Holtom, Jack Watkins and Silvia Siladi. From People and Work Unit. Editors. Alfonso Aliberti, Laura López-Bech. Graphic Design. Laurent Doucet ..... 7. Smith (2001) highlights the importance of “informal” education and “associ
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