In what ways have you witnessed your candidate in his/her growth in Christian ... In what ways are Catholic faith and the church community important to you?
Confirmation Sponsor Form Name of Teen: ________________________________________________________________________________ Your Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Your Address: ________________________________________ City:________________________ ZIP:_________ Cell Phone:_(_____)_______-_____________ Email: _________________________________________________ Are you a fully initiated Catholic in good standing with the church? ____Yes ____No Have you received the below Sacraments? Baptism ____Yes ____No First Holy Communion ____Yes ____No Confirmation ____Yes ____No How long have you known this Candidate?: __________________________________________________ What is your relationship to him/her? ______________________________________________________ In what ways have you witnessed your candidate in his/her growth in Christian faith?:______________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Do you value living your life according to Catholic values, moral and teachings? ____Yes ____No In what ways are Catholic faith and the church community important to you? ________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Do you attend mass:
Once or twice a month
At what parish do you attend Mass? ________________________________________________________ Are you at least 16 years of age? Are you:
_____ Yes _____No Divorced & not remarried
Divorced & remarried
If married, were you married in the presence of a priest or deacon in accordance with Catholic marriage regulations? _____Yes ______No If not, why not? ______________________________________________________________________________ Are you in an annulment process for any previous marriage of yourself or your spouse? ______Yes ______No
I testify to the accuracy of my answers: Signature of Sponsor Revised May 2017
La Iglesia de San Noberto
Forma para Padrino/Madrina de Confirmacion Nombre del Joven: _____________________________________________________________________________ Su Nombre: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Direccion: ________________________________________ Ciudad:________________________ ZIP:_________ Número Celular: (_____)_______-_____________ Email:______________________________________________ ¿Eres un católico completamente iniciado en buenos términos con la Iglesia? ____ Sí ¿Ha recibido los siguientes sacramentos? Bautismo ____ Sí ____No Primera Comunión ____ Sí ____No Confirmacion ____ Sí ____No
¿Cuánto tiempo hace que conoce esta Candidato?:___________________________________________________ ¿Cuál es su relación con él/ella? ________________________________________________________________ ¿De qué maneras has sido testigo de su candidato en su crecimiento en la fe?: ____________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ¿Se valora a vivir su vida de acuerdo a los valores católicos, moral y enseñanzas? ____ Sí ____No ¿De qué manera son la fe católica y la comunidad de la iglesia importante para usted?________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ¿Asiste la Misa:
Cada Semana
Uno o dos veces cada mes
Navidad y Pascua
¿A qué parroquia asiste usted a misa? _____________________________________________________________ ¿Tienes por lo menos 16 años de edad? Eres:
_____ Sí _____No
Divorciado y no vuelto a casar
Divorciado y casado
Si es casado, estabas casado en presencia de un sacerdote o diácono, de acuerdo con las regulaciones del matrimonio Católicos? ______Sí _______No Si no, por que no? _______________________________________________________________ ¿Está usted en un proceso de anulación de un matrimonio anterior de sí mismo o su cónyuge _____ Sí _____No
Doy testimonio de la veracidad de mis respuestas: Firma de Padrino Revised May 2017
YES NO Are you living with another person in a romantic relationship or as a couple? I sign this document in the presence of a Catholic priest or deacon or a ...
your godchild the meaning of life of Catholic discipleship. The Code ... active in the Catholic Church, regularly attend Mass on Sunday and strive to live my faith.
sponsor at Confirmation (Canon 893) are the same as those for godparents at Baptism. (Canon 874): You may not be the parent of the person being confirmed; ...
sponsor must be in a valid Catholic marriage; i.e., either married in the Catholic Church by a priest, deacon; or, if married in a non-Catholic Church, with special ...
St. Stephen Catholic Church. Confirmation Sacristy Record. STUDENT INFORMATION. Full Legal Name: Age: ______. Nombre y apellido de niño/niña. Address ...
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wicked- ness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do ...
the role of Confirmation sponsor, a person must meet all the following ... Selection of a Confirmation Name ... 46833 Harry Byrd Highway, Sterling, VA 20164.
Classes are provided in English and Spanish. Presented by the. Archdiocese of San .... This person has received Baptism and First. Eucharist. Our Parish will ...
no lucrativa. Con dinero de patrocinadores podremos comprar uniformes adicionales y equipo para nuestros programas de jóvenes. En regreso, nuestra organización incluirá publicidad de su negocio en el programa que será distribuido en todos los juegos
"Sponsors for the sacrament of Confirmation must meet the conditions outlined in the Code of Canon Law Can. 874 §1 and in this policy. The person admitted to ...
¿Qué es la confirmación? A través de la historia de la Iglesia, una de las primeras herramientas para enseñar y expresar la fe Cristiana son la liturgia y los ...
Juniors or Seniors in High School (Freshman and Sophomores will not be confirmed at St Paul's) ... Confirmation Ceremony will take place Sunday June 9, 2019.
Si toma sus Notas de misa en una iglesia católica que no sea St. Mary / St. Henry, por favor adjunte el boletín de esa Parroquia a esta hoja. • Los estudiantes de ...
Sessions (2:00 PM to 3:30 PM in Father Pondant Hall):. September 22. October 6 and 20. November 3 and 17. December 8 and 15*. January 5 and 19. February ...