CHURCH OF ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST AND PARISH SCHOOL 8908 Old Branch Avenue, Clinton, Maryland 20735 May 13, 2018
The Ascension of the Lord
PASTOR: Rev. Jaime Hernández IN RESIDENCE: Msgr. John B. Brady RETIRED PRIEST: Rev. Charles McCann DEACON: Paul Koester, (PD) Oscar Astigarraga (TD) SCHOOL PRINCIPAL: Ms. Ann Gillespie MINISTER OF REL. ED.: Sister Leilani G. Dumaliang, MCST. WEEKEND MASSES Saturday: 5:00 pm (Vigil) Sunday: 8:00, 9:45, 11:30 am, 1:00 pm and 4:00 pm (in Spanish) WEEKDAY MASSES Monday through Saturday, 8:30 am; Rosary follows daily Mass Holy Days Masses: As announced SACRAMENT LIFE BAPTISM Third Sunday of the month at 2:15 pm by appointment SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Saturday 4:00-4:30 pm, also any time by appointment SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY Please contact one of the parish priests or deacons six months before planning your wedding date RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS (RCIA) Thursday, 7:00 pm VISITATION OF SICK Please notify the Rectory of hospitalized parishioners and/or shut-ins
ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Each Monday after 8.30 am Mass and Thursday before 1st Friday of the month CHOIRS CONTEMPORARY ENSEMBLE: 9:45 am Mass; rehearsal every Monday, 7:00 pm, Rectory Basement GOSPEL CHOIR: Rehearsal after 1:00 pm Mass TRADITIONAL CHOIR: 11:30 am Mass; rehearsal Wednesday, 7:00 pm, Rectory Basement SPANISH CHOIR: Rehearsal after 4PM Mass, Rectory Basement
PARISH SECRETARY: Mrs. Janet Koester BOOKKEEPER: Mrs. Renita McNack DIRECTOR OF MUSIC: Mr. José Antonio Espinal PASTORAL COUNCIL MODERATOR: Mr. Christopher Page ASOCIADA PASTORAL DE MINISTERIOS HISPANOS: María de los Angeles Michelitch, 301-843-3805 DIRECTOR OF RCIA: Rev. Jaime Hernández RECTORY: TELEPHONE: 301-868-1070 RECTORY FAX: 301-868-7915 EMAIL:
[email protected] SCHOOL: 301-868-2010 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: 301-868-3026 REL./ED EMAIL:
[email protected] BEFORE/AFTER CARE: 301-868-7744 PARISH ORGANIZATIONS Pastoral Council: Monthly second Monday, 7:00 pm Sodality: Monthly, first Sunday after 9:45 am Mass Knights of St. John Ladies Auxiliary No. 310: Monthly, first Monday, 5:30 pm School Advisory Board: Monthly, last Monday, 7 pm Home and School Association: September, November, February & May, 7:00 pm Marriage Encounter: John & Kitty Vogel, 301-627-4126 St. John’s Athletic Club: As announced Family Rosary Crusade: As announced Knights of Columbus Council No. 11171: First & Third Tuesday, 7:30 pm St. John’s Seniors Lunch Bunch: Monthly, third Tuesday, 11:30 am Knights of St. John No. 378: Monthly, first Sunday, 11:30 am Rel. Ed. Advisory Committee: As announced Outreach Committee: As announced, Sharon Jacobs,301-888-1882 Precious Blood Apostolate: Every Thursdays 11pm. Lucy 301-248-6917and Luchie 301-335-2132.
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ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST, CLINTON MD -Readings for the week of May 13-20, 2018 Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Pentecost: Sunday:
Acts 1:1-11/Ps 47:2-3,6-9/Eph 1:17-23 or Eph 4:1-13 or 4:1-7,11-13/Mk 16:15-20 Acts 1:15-17, 20-26/Ps 113:1-8/ Jn 15:9-17 Acts 20:17-27/Ps 68:10-11,20-21/ Jn 17:1-11a Acts 20:28-38/Ps 68:29-30,33,36b/ Jn 17:11b-19 Acts 22:30;23:6-11/Ps 16:1-2a,5,7-11 Jn 17:20-26 Acts 25:13b-21/Ps 103:1-2,11-12,19-20b Jn 21:15-19 Acts 28:16-20,30-31/Ps 11:4-5,7/ Jn 21:20-25 Gn 11:1-9/Ps 104:1-2,24,35,27-28,29,30/ Rom 8:22-27/Jn 7:37-39 Acts 2:1-11/Ps 104:1,24,29-30,31,34/ 1Cor 12:3b-7,12-13 or Gal 5:16-25/Jn 20:19-23 or Jn 15:26-27;16:12-15
PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS The sick and the shut-ins of our parish community, especially: Betty Wells, Sterling Alvin Colberth, Emmanuel T. Siemonh, Georgia Beally, Anna Livesay, Jacqueline Holland, Bridget Peterson, Isabel Morales, Rosa María Santos, Carmelita Carter, Luigi Flaim, Jerry Sullivan, Mark Ballard, Luther Anderson, Tony Lembo, Regina Proctor, Teresa Sander, Sandy M. Ingram, Shirley Krucelyak, Laverne Ward-White, Ralph Peterson, Janet and Ed Madden, Fr. Pittman, Joyce Doyle, Janet Miller, Boots Padlan,Leslie Evans, and all parishioners who are ill.
WELCOME VISITORS and PARISHIONERS to St John the Evangelist Catholic Church, Clinton, MD.
Mission Statement for St. John the Evangelist Church Our Mission, rooted in Christ, is to create a spirit of hospitality and Evangelization. . We do this by celebrating the Liturgy with great care and devotion, and faithfully witnessing God’s presence and love in our lives. In doing so we share our God-given gifts and caring for those in need. The parishioners of St John's remain rooted in Christ by: Celebrating the Liturgy with great care and devotion, Witnessing faithfully to God's presence and love in our daily lives and effectively communicating that message, Creating a spirit of evangelization, hospitality and encouraging active participation by the entire congregation, Sharing our God-given gifts and caring for those in need.
SUNDAY, MAY 13 8:00 AM Parishioners of St. John 9:45AM George & Maria Pals & Joe Baciao (†) 11:30 AM John R & Lillie Proctor Sr. (†) 1:00 PM Luciano Gotis (†) 4:00 PM Parishioners of St. John MONDAY, MAY 14 8:30 AM Michael Marquis (†) TUESDAY, MAY 15 8:30 AM Friends of the Naughton Family WEDNESDAY, MAY 16 6:30 AM Francisco & Maria Vidigal (†) 8:30 AM Naughton Family THURSDAY, MAY 17 8:30 AM Naughton Family FRIDAY, May 18 8:30 AM June Zerbe (Birthday/another year of life) SATURDAY, MAY 19 8:30 AM Parishioners of St. John 5:00 PM Laize M & Doris M. Vidigal (†) SUNDAY, MAY 20 8:00AM Parishioners of St. John 9:45AM Rose McGinerty Conway (†) 11:30 AM Teresita Valerio Nifalar (†) 1:00 PM Souls in Purgatory 4:00 PM Francisca Dolores Jovel 8:00 PM Souls in Purgatory (†) Please submit all Mass intentions either in person or in writing at the rectory during normal work hours .
Our School This weekend, our 2nd graders celebrated their First Eucharist. Along with Religious Education, they celebrated two masses on Sunday to accommodate all 50 students. Congratulations to all of our First Communicants! We will celebrate our annual May Crowning on Monday, May 14th. Weather permitting, we will be in the Grotto next to the Church. All are welcome to join us for this beautiful celebration. The children will all bring flowers for Mary, we will hold a special prayer service and present Mary with a new crown. We would also like to wish all a “Happy Mother’s Day” to all of the women in our community who are mothers, grandmothers, aunts, godmothers or are mentors or special people in someone else’s life. Thank you for all that you do to make our world special! Please stop by school any time to see our wonderful community! You can also join us for morning or afternoon prayers every day. Our livestream broadcast of our morning (8:10 am)
and afternoon prayers (2:50 pm) is always available. The link can be found on our website:
THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD 2018 Senior Lunch Bunch Casino Trips Tues., May 22 Maryland Live Cost $30 P.P. Call Geraldine Williams (301) 868-4828 or Sharon Franklin (301) 627-0683 for information. Fri., July 20, 2018 All-you-can-eat Crab Cruise on the Choptank Hurlock, Maryland. Cost $98.00 per person. Contact Joyce Gresham (301) 856-2736 Summer of Service Catholic Charities Is your family looking for something to do together? Is your parish group, friend group or work team looking for a way to build community/ How about doint a one-time project for a few hours that makes a big difference to the people in our care: clean up a shelter, pack breakfast bags (Cup of Joe) for people who stay in our shelters, help load up food packages, and more. Choose from 24 projects a month: to one or do many! Most are appropriate for families and high school students. https:// calendar/ Here are a couple of examples of other opportunities: Help ‘em Smile! Southern Maryland Mission of Mercy helps 2,000 uninsured people experiencing dental issues obtain $2M work of emergency treatments. Event dates and place: July 26,27,& 28 @North Point High School Waldorf http:// Catholic Charities, the social service arm of the Church has many opportunities to make a difference in someone's life: mentor someone returning from incarceration, financial literacy instructor or coach, lead other volunteers, welcome people to emergency shelters, or take on a behind the scene project.
Since 1961 Fr. Jeffrey Samaha has been associated with St. John’s in Clinton. He was a member of the first graduating class from the school in 1966. He was ordained a priest on May 6, 1978. He celebrated his 40th Jubilee on May 6, 2018. Please accept his thanks for your support and know that you are in his prayers. Please continue to keep him in your prayers. If you are being admitted or have been admitted to the hospital and would like to receive communion please contact the rectory or have a family member contact the rectory with your name, the hospital, the room number and anticipated length of stay. This way either a priest or extraordinary minister of Holy Communion can provide the sacrament. The collection for the weekend of May 5-6 was $ 12,190.00 There will be a second collection on the weekend of May 12-13 for Cathoic Relief Services. Please be as generous as you are able.
MONDAY, MAY 14 7:30 –9:00 PM Legion of Mary (H) TUESDAY, MAY 15 11 AM-2PM Senior Lunch Bunch Mtg 7-9 PM English as a Second Language 7:30-8:30 PM En El Amor de Jesus (RB) WEDNESDAY, MAY 16 7:00– 8:15 PM Religious Education (S,H,C THURSDAY, MAY 17 11:00 PM Precious Blood (RB) FRIDAY, MAY 18 10:00 AM-MN Precious Blood (RB) 7:30-9:30 PM Youth Group Anniversary (H) SATURDAY, MAY 19 7:00 AM-MN Precious Blood (RB) 6:30 PM Catechist Appreciation (RDR) 7:00 –12MN En El Amor de Jesus (H) SUNDAY, MAY 20 1:30-3:30 PM Young Adult Group (RB) 3:00 PM Lord’s Servants Apostolate (C) 5:30-8:30 PM En El Amor de Jesus 8:00 PM Spanish Mass All Mass times are listed on the front of the bulletin, only special Masses will be listed in this section. (H)Hall,©-Church, (RDR)-Rectory Dining Room, (PS)-Print Shop, (MPR)-Multi Purpose Room, (RB)-Rectory Basement, (S)-School-(P) Pavilion, (WH) White House
Resurrection Cemetery All are welcome to attend the installation of a blessed Plaque honoring the sacred memory of the Enslaved Men and Women buried throughout the Archdiocese of Washington. Fr. Thomas LaHood will preside over the plaque installation ceremony at Resurrection Cemetery, 8000 Woodyard Rd., Clinton, MD, on Saturday, May 19th at 10:30AM. Although there are no burials of enslaved persons at Resurrection, the plaque invites cemetery visitors to remember and pray for those who await their resurrection in Christ in unknown graves anywhere within the boundaries of the Archdiocese. When he blessed the plaques at a special Mass in February, Cardinal Donald W. Wuerl said, “our brothers and sisters in the faith who were enslaved, who lived in human bondage, were treated with the same inequity at their burial. Many received no public marker… what we have come here to do today is to see that here and now all are properly remembered….Grant that these stones, placed in memorial of those who suffered in terrible bondage, may, by the power of your blessing, mark a place of rest and hope.”
“MISIÓN CUMPLIDA” Mis queridos hermanos: Jesús se despide de los apóstoles, pero anuncia que no les dejará solos. Promete la llegada del Espíritu que les dará fuerza para ser testigos hasta los confines del mundo. Los discípulos no comprendían bien sus palabras, pues querían que estuviera corporalmente con ellos para siempre. Veían en El, nos dice San Agustín, un maestro, un animador y un consolador, un protector, pero humano; si esto no aparecía a sus ojos, lo consideraban ausente, aunque en realidad sigue presente entre nosotros. A nosotros nos ocurre muchas veces lo mismo: no comprendemos lo que nos pasa y nos rebelamos ante ciertas situaciones de dolor y de prueba. Necesitamos, como dice Pablo en la Carta a los Efesios que “Dios ilumine los ojos de nuestro corazón para que comprendamos cuál es la esperanza a la que nos llama, cuál es la riqueza de gloria que da en herencia a los santos y cuál es la extraordinaria grandeza de su poder para nosotros, los que creemos”. ¿Nos quedamos mirando al cielo? Es la hora de recoger el "relevo" que Cristo nos da. Es la hora de la Iglesia y del Espíritu. Es la hora de la madurez. Es como si Jesús nos hubiera dado un empujón desde la rampa de lanzamiento para que ahora nosotros siguiéramos la carrera con lo que Él nos había enseñado. El Reino tenemos que construirlo nosotros mismos, Dios con su providencia amorosa velará para ayudarnos, pero no le pidamos que Él sea el que nos solucione todo, somos nosotros los que tenemos que hacerlo.
La gran tentación que tenemos es quedarnos parados mirando al cielo: "¿qué hacéis ahí plantados?". Hoy día también somos tentados si vivimos una fe desencarnada de la vida. La Iglesia somos todos los cristianos, luego todos tenemos que implicarnos más en la defensa de la dignidad del ser humano, de la vida, de la paz, de la justicia. ¿Cómo vivo yo el encargo que Jesús me hace de anunciar su Evangelio?, ¿qué estoy haciendo para que mi fe me lleve a la transformación de este mundo?, ¿cómo asumo el compromiso de la Eucaristía, la misión que cada domingo se me encomienda en la mesa del compartir? Recuerda que la Eucaristía es el sacramento del servicio.....a Dios y al hermano. Dios nos echa una mano. La misión va acompañada de signos: echar demonios, hablar lenguas nuevas, coger serpientes en las manos, imponer las manos a los enfermos….Sería egoísta guardarse para sí los dones que uno ha recibido, sabiendo además que El está a nuestro lado protegiéndonos. El camino del cristiano tiene que ser igual que el de Cristo. Es la hora de ser cristianos comprometidos. No nos escondamos cuando vemos que nuestro mundo necesita tanto la Buena Noticia de la salvación. La gracia que has recibido no es para ti, es para la construcción de la comunidad, para el bien de los hermanos. Primero hay que estar al lado de hermano que sufre, del hermano que pasa dificultades, del hermano solo y abandonado. Sólo así podremos estar cerca de Dios, ascender hasta El. ¿Eres consciente de la misión que Jesús en su ascensión te encomienda?»
CLASE PRE BAUTISMAL Para los próximos Bautizos, favor de inscribirse, en la oficina parroquial o con la Señora María de los Ángeles, debe de estar registrado para poder asistir a la clase bautismo. Es una sola clase de Bautizo. Nos reuniremos en la Rectoría (sótano) a las 4:00 PM, el sabado de 02 junio 2018. Padres y Padrinos tienen que asistir a la clase Bautismal y participar en la charla. Por favor traiga una copia del certificado de nacimiento de la clase. (No traiga a sus niños a la clase de Bautismo por favor)
Juventud Para Cristo Te Invita A Su 5 Anversario “Tu Eres Un Milagro De Dios, Evangeliza Su Amor” Cuando: Viernes, 18 de Mayo-a Las 7:00 PM Donde: Parroquia San Juan El Evangelista, 8908 Old Branch Avenue Clinton, MD 20735 Habra’: Dinámicas, Alabanza, Oración, Palabra de Dios, Venta de Comida y mucho mas
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