Chemistry I Sem II exam

Tin reacts with fluorine to form two different compounds, A and B. Compound A contains 38.5 g of tin for each 12.3 g of fluorine. Compound B contains 56.5 g of ...
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Chemistry I Sem II exam On a seperate sheet of paper provide a short answer for three of the following Questions. Please State the Question and answer in full sentences with correct sentence structure, spelling and punctuation. 1. Tin reacts with fluorine to form two different compounds, A and B. Compound A contains 38.5 g of tin for each 12.3 g of fluorine. Compound B contains 56.5 g of tin for each 36.2 g of fluorine. What is the lowest whole-number mass ratio of tin that combines with a given mass of fluorine? 2. How many representative particles are in 1.45 g of a molecular compound with a molar mass of 237 g? 3. Find the mass in grams of 3.10


molecules of F .

4. Find the number of moles of argon in 607 g of argon. 5. Find the mass, in grams, of 1.40


molecules of N .

6. What is the percent composition of NiO, if a sample of NiO with a mass of 41.9 g contains 33.1 g Ni and 8.8 g O? 7. What is the percent by mass of hydrogen in aspirin, C H O ? 8. Calculate the molecular formulas of the compounds having the following empirical formulas and molar masses: C H , 58 g/mol; CH, 78 g/mol; and HgCl, 236.1 g/mol. 9. Balance the everyday equation described in the following sentence. "A tricycle is made of a handle, a body, three wheels, and two axles. H B W A HBW A 10. Complete and balance the following equation. Cd(NO ) NH Cl 11. Balance the following equation. NaClO NaCl O 12. Balance the following equation. Mg H PO Mg (PO ) H 13. Balance the following equation. (NH ) CO NaOH Na CO



14. Balance the following equation. C H




15. Balance the following equation. Complete the equation first, if necessary. Ba H O Ba(OH) H 16. Balance the following equation. Au O Au O 17. Balance the following equation. Na PO ZnSO Na SO

Zn (PO )

18. Complete and balance the following equation. Al Cl

19. Complete and balance the following equation. CH



20. Complete and balance the following equation. Fe (SO ) Ba(OH) 21. Balance the following equation. Indicate whether combustion is complete or incomplete. C H O CO H O 22. Balance the following equation. Indicate whether combustion is complete or incomplete. 2C H OH O CO H O 23. Write a balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction. H PO (aq) Ca(OH) (aq) Ca (PO ) (aq) H O(l) 24. Complete and balance the following equation: K PO BaCl 25. What is a pressure of 0.520 atm equal to in mm of Hg? 26. What is a pressure of 622 mm Hg equal to in atm? 27. At what temperature do particles theoretically have no kinetic energy? 28. The vapor pressure of 10 mL of ethanol at 20 C is 5.85 kPa. What is the vapor pressure of 20 mL of ethanol at the same temperature? 29. What is the pressure (in atm) at the normal boiling point of water? 30. What is the angle measurement in cubic, tetragonal, and orthorhombic crystal systems? 31. The volume of a gas is 250 mL at 340.0 kPa pressure. What will the volume be when the pressure is reduced to 50.0 kPa, assuming the temperature remains constant? 32. A balloon filled with helium has a volume of 30.0 L at a pressure of 100 kPa and a temperature of 15.0 C. What will the volume of the balloon be if the temperature is increased to 80.0 C and the pressure remains constant? 33. A gas has a volume of 590 mL at a temperature of –55.0 C. What volume will the gas occupy at 30.0 C? 34. A rigid container of O has a pressure of 340 kPa at a temperature of 713 K. What is the pressure at 273 K? 35. A 10-g mass of krypton occupies 15.0 L at a pressure of 210 kPa. Find the volume of the krypton when the pressure is increased to 790 kPa. 36. A gas has a pressure of 710 kPa at 227 C. What will its pressure be at 27 C, if the volume does not change? 37. A gas occupies a volume of 140 mL at 35.0 C and 97 kPa. What is the volume of the gas at STP? 38. A gas storage tank has a volume of 3.5 10 m when the temperature is 27 C and the pressure is 101 kPa. What is the new volume of the tank if the temperature drops to –10 C and the pressure drops to 95 kPa? 39. How many moles of N are in a flask with a volume of 250 mL at a pressure of 300.0 kPa and a temperature of 300.0 K? 40. The gaseous product of a reaction is collected in a 25.0-L container at 27 C. The pressure in the container is 300.0 kPa and the gas has a mass of 96.0 g. How many moles of the gas are in the container?

41. What is the pressure exerted by 32 g of O in a 22.0-L container at 30.0 C? 42. A mixture of gases at a total pressure of 95 kPa contains N , CO , and O . The partial pressure of the CO is 24 kPa and the partial pressure of the N is 48 kPa. What is the partial pressure of the O ? 43. Use Graham’s law to calculate how much faster fluorine gas, F , will effuse than chlorine gas, Cl , will. The molar mass of F = 38.0; the molar mass of Cl = 70.9. 44. What is the angle between the bonds of a water molecule? 45. At what temperature does liquid water have its maximum density? 46. What is the percentage of water in the hydrate CoCl


47. How many grams of copper sulfate pentahydrate (CuSO water?

? 5H O) would you heat to produce 29.8 g of

Chemistry I Sem II exam Answer Section SHORT ANSWER 1. ANS: The mass ratio of tin per gram of fluorine is 2:1. Compound A: 38.5 g Sn/12.3 g F = 3.12 g Sn/1.00 g F Compound B: 56.5 g Sn/36.2 g F = 1.56 g Sn/1.00 g F 3.12 g Sn (Compound A)/1.56 g Sn (Compound B) = 2/1 PTS: 1 DIF: L3 OBJ: 9.5.1 2. ANS: 1.45 g 1.00 mol/237 g 6.02 = 3.68 10 molecules

REF: p. 274 | p. 275


PTS: 1 DIF: L2 STA: Ch.Ch.2.3 3. ANS: 3.10 10 molecules 1 mol F /6.02 = 19.6 g F

molecules/1.00 mol

REF: p. 292



OBJ: 10.1.2

38.0 g F /1 mol F

PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 297 STA: Ch.Ch.2.3 4. ANS: 607 g Ar 1 mol Ar/39.9 g Ar = 15.2 mol Ar

OBJ: 10.2.1

PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 299 OBJ: 10.2.1 STA: Ch.Ch.2.3 5. ANS: 1.40 10 molecules N (1.00 mol N /6.02 10 molecules N ) (28.0 g N /1 mol N ) = 6.51 g PTS: 1 DIF: L3 OBJ: 10.1.2 | 10.2.1 6. ANS: 33.1 g Ni/41.9 g NiO 100% = 79% Ni 8.8 g O/41.9 g NiO 100% = 21% O

REF: p. 291 | p. 297 STA: Ch.Ch.2.3

PTS: 1 DIF: L2 REF: p. 307 STA: Ch.Ch.2.3 7. ANS: 8.00 g H /180 g C H O 100% = 4.44% H

OBJ: 10.3.1

PTS: 1 DIF: L3 REF: p. 307 STA: Ch.Ch.2.3 8. ANS: 58 g/mol/29 g/efm = 2 efm/mol; C H 78 g/mol/13 g/efm = 6 efm/mol; C H 236.1 g/mol/236.1 g/efm = 1 efm/mol; HgCl

OBJ: 10.3.1

PTS: 1 DIF: L3 STA: Ch.Ch.2.3 9. ANS: H + B + 3W + 2A  HBW A

REF: p. 312

OBJ: 10.3.3

PTS: 1 10. ANS: CdCl 2NH NO


REF: p. 325

OBJ: 11.1.3

PTS: 1 11. ANS: 2NaClO


REF: p. 327

OBJ: 11.1.3

REF: p. 327

OBJ: 11.1.3

REF: p. 327

OBJ: 11.1.3


PTS: 1 12. ANS: 3Mg 2H PO PTS: 1 13. ANS: (NH ) CO

DIF: L2 Mg (PO ) DIF: L2 2NaOH

PTS: 1 14. ANS: C H

PTS: 1 17. ANS: 2Na PO PTS: 1 18. ANS:


DIF: L2 3O

PTS: 1 15. ANS: Ba 2H O PTS: 1 16. ANS: 2Au O



REF: p. 327

OBJ: 11.1.3

REF: p. 327

OBJ: 11.1.3

REF: p. 327

OBJ: 11.1.3

REF: p. 327

OBJ: 11.1.3

3O DIF: L3


2H O


DIF: L3 4Au


3H O

DIF: L3 Ba(OH)


3Na SO DIF: L3

Zn (PO ) REF: p. 327

OBJ: 11.1.3




PTS: 1 19. ANS: CH




PTS: 1 20. ANS: Fe (SO ) PTS: 1 21. ANS: 2C H 7O



OBJ: 11.1.3 | 11.2.2

REF: p. 327

OBJ: 11.1.3 | 11.2.2

2H O

DIF: L3 3Ba(OH)

REF: p. 327

3BaSO REF: p. 327

OBJ: 11.1.3 | 11.2.2

8H O (incomplete)

PTS: 1 DIF: L3 REF: p. 327 | p. 336 OBJ: 11.1.3 | 11.2.2 22. ANS: C H OH 3O 2CO 3H O (complete) PTS: 1 DIF: L3 OBJ: 11.1.3 | 11.2.2 23. ANS: H (aq) OH (aq) H O(l)

REF: p. 327 | p. 336

PTS: 1 OBJ: 11.3.1 24. ANS: 2K PO 3BaCl


REF: p. 342 | p. 343

PTS: 1 25. ANS: 0.520 atm


PTS: 1 26. ANS: 622 mm Hg

Ba (PO ) s

6KCl REF: p. 327

OBJ: 11.3.2

760 mm Hg / 1 atm = 395 mm Hg DIF: L2

REF: p. 387

OBJ: 13.1.2

1 atm / 760 mm Hg = 0.818 atm

PTS: 1 27. ANS: 0K –273.15 C


REF: p. 387

OBJ: 13.1.2

PTS: 1 28. ANS: 5.85 kPa


REF: p. 389

OBJ: 13.1.3

PTS: 1 29. ANS:


REF: p. 392

OBJ: 13.2.3

101.3 kPa

1 atm/101.3 kPa = 1.00 atm

PTS: 1 OBJ: 13.2.4 30. ANS: 90


REF: p. 387 | p. 395

PTS: 1 31. ANS:


REF: p. 397

V =V

= 250 mL

PTS: 1 32. ANS:

= 30.0 L

PTS: 1 DIF: L2 33. ANS: T = –55 C + 273 = 218 K T = 30.0 C + 273 = 303 K V

= 1700 mL


V =V


= 590 mL

PTS: 1 34. ANS:


P =P

= 340 kPa

PTS: 1 DIF: L2 35. ANS: P V =P V 210 kPa 15.0 L = 790 kPa V

OBJ: 13.3.2

REF: p. 419

OBJ: 14.2.1

REF: p. 421

OBJ: 14.2.1

= 34.3 L

= 820 mL REF: p. 421

OBJ: 14.2.1

= 140 kPa REF: p. 421

OBJ: 14.2.1

REF: p. 419

OBJ: 14.2.1

=V V = 4.0 L PTS: 1 DIF: L3 36. ANS: 227 C + 273 = 500 K 27 C + 273 = 300 K =



710 kPa


P = 470 kPa PTS: 1 DIF: L3 37. ANS: T = 35.0 C + 273 = 308 K T = 0.0 C + 273 = 273 K V =P

140 mL

= 120 mL

PTS: 1 DIF: L3 38. ANS: T = 27 C + 273 = 300 K; P = 101 kPa T = –10 C + 273 = 263 K; P = 95 kPa V =P


V = 3.26

= (101 kP)


250 mL =

DIF: L2 =

REF: p. 424

OBJ: 14.2.2

REF: p. 427

OBJ: 14.3.1

= 3.0 mol DIF: L2

32 g O

PTS: 1

10 m )

= 0.030 mol

PTS: 1 41. ANS:

PTS: 1 42. ANS: =


OBJ: 14.2.2

= 0.25 L

PTS: 1 40. ANS:


REF: p. 424

10 m

PTS: 1 39. ANS:


OBJ: 14.2.1


V = 97 kPa


REF: p. 421

REF: p. 427

OBJ: 14.3.1

= 1 mol O =

= 110 kPa DIF: L2 –(


REF: p. 427

OBJ: 14.3.1

) = 95 kPa – (48 kPa + 24 kP) = 23 kPa


REF: p. 434

OBJ: 14.4.1

43. ANS: = 1.4 PTS: 1 44. ANS: 105


REF: p. 436

OBJ: 14.4.2

PTS: 1 45. ANS: 4 C


REF: p. 446

OBJ: 15.1.1

PTS: 1 46. ANS: Molar mass CoCl


REF: p. 448

OBJ: 15.1.2

6H O = 237.9 g

percentage of water =

100% = 45%

PTS: 1 DIF: L2 47. ANS: 29.8 g = 1.66 mol molar mass 5 = 249.6 g mol CuSO 5H O 5 mol

REF: p. 456

OBJ: 15.2.4

1.66 mol H O = 82.6 g CuSO PTS: 1 OBJ: 15.2.4


REF: p. 454 | p. 456

5H O