Chak Mool Guadalajara, Jalisco C.P. 45609 (33

Col. Americana, C.P. 44160. Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. Dear Ms. Cuétara: On behalf of Chak Mool's team receive our best regards. Chak Mool is a. Mexican ...
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Chak Mool Guadalajara, Jalisco C.P. 45609 (33) 3405-6298

February 21, 2017

Ms. Ana María Cuétara Zermeño Logística y Atención a Usuarios de Casa ITESO Clavigero José Guadalupe Zuno # 2083 Col. Americana, C.P. 44160 Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico Dear Ms. Cuétara: On behalf of Chak Mool’s team receive our best regards. Chak Mool is a Mexican enterprise committed to the promotion of fair trade and Mexican culture, in its diverse representations. We focus our efforts in promoting Mexican hand-made garment, supplied by different ethnic groups all around the country, selling them at a fair price. In the context our second anniversary celebration we’re organizing a fashion show, serving two objectives: to continue with the promotion of Mexican-hand-made garment and to introduce our products to new markets. We would like to request the access and use of Casa ITESO Clavigero for the show, since we think this location coincides our brand and objectives. The event will be carried out March 24, 2017, from 17:00 hrs. to 20:00 hrs., time thought for making a toast, the show and having an ending sales showroom. We thank you in advance and look forward to meeting you personally to discuss further details. In the meantime, if you have any questions, you can contact me at (33) 3405-6298 or at

Sincerely, Nohemi Franco Aguilar Chak Mool’s Associate ITESO alumni