Bulletin 2019 03 17.pub

17 mar. 2019 - Catholic Social Teachings Min, Jane Smoke/Karyn Sullivan. Coffee & Donuts, Kelly Cooley. EMEs, Ana ... Timothy Howe. Rosemary Jesmer.
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Second Sunday of Lent Mar. 17, 2019 Year


Volume 5 Number 16


SETON Sunday News Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Church - A Missionaries of the Holy Spirit Community

2 | The SETON Sunday News | Second Sunday of Lent, 3/17/2019

SECOND WEEK OF LENT The Readings this week: Sun., Mar 17:

Gn 15: 5-12, 17-18; Phil 3: 17—4:1; Lk 9: 28B-36

Welcome, Visitors! If you are a visitor to St.

Mon., Mar 18: Dn 9: 4B-10; Lk 6: 36-38 Tue., Mar 19:

St. Joseph 2 Sm 7: 4-5A, 12-14A, 16; Mt 1: 16, 18-21, 24A or Lk 2: 41-51A

Wed., Mar 20:

Jer 18: 18-20; Mt 20: 17-28

Thu., Mar 21:

Jer 17: 5-10; Lk 16: 19-31

Fri., Mar 22:

Gn 37: 3-4, 12-13A, 17B-28A; Mt 21: 33-43, 45-46

Sat., Mar 23:

Mi 7: 14-15, 18-20; Lk 15: 1-3, 11-32

Sun, Mar 24:

Ex 3: 1-8A, 13-15; 1 Cor 10: 1-6, 10-12; Lk 13: 1-9


Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish, we want you to know how welcome you are—whether you have come from another part of the country, from across the world, or simply from another parish. For more information about the parish, or to register, visit our Office, call us at 425-481-0303 or visit our website for Online Parish Registration at www.easbothell.org/registration-1




St Elizabeth is looking to hire a

FAITH FORMATION OFFICE Phone: 425-481-9358

Fr. Gerardo Alberto, M.Sp.S., Pastor

Parish Secretary

Hours Monday thru Friday: 9am - 5pm; and during classes

Fr. Jose Ugalde, M.Sp.S., Vicar Fr. Jesus Sanchez, M.Sp.S., Vicar Shannon Everist, Administrator

Office Hours: Mon. Wed, Thu, and Fri. 8:30 am - 5:30 pm

Closed on Tuesdays Mass Times: Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri and Sat. 9 am Tuesday: Service of the Word with Holy Communion - 9am Saturday vigil - 5:00 pm Sunday: 9 am, 11 am, 1 pm (Spanish) & 5 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday - 3:30 - 4:30 pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Mon — Fri, 10 am — 9 pm

How to reach us: Phone: (425) 481-0303 Fax: (425) 485-8510 2316 180th St S.E., Bothell, WA 98012 P.O.Box 12429, Mill Creek, WA 98082 Web Site: www.easbothell.org [email protected]

This position provides the Parish and Pastor administrative support to further a Catholic community atmosphere for all people contacting the parish office whether in person or by telephone. Proficiency in English and Spanish, both oral and written is preferred. If interested, please contact Shannon Everist at 425-481-0303 x303 or [email protected] for an application. Full details can be found on our website: easbothell.org

Stephanie Moran Faith Formation Director Roberto Pérez Youth Ministry Coordinator Eduardo Cardona Bilingual Administrative Assistant

Index Amazing Parish Calendar of Events Conchita Daily Readings Directory Happening Pastor’s Reflection Sección en Español Typology Vocation Awareness


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9 4 5 2 11 10 3 4y6 8 7

Second Sunday of Lent, 3/17/2019 | The SETON Sunday News | 3

PASTOR’S Reflection


must make sacrifices every day of our reaking Open the Word lives, always giving thanks to God for all that He has given us. of God: In today's Gospel reading, we hear that Jesus went up the mountain to pray Dear brothers and sisters, we are with three apostles, Peter, John and entering the Second Week of Lent, and James. While they were on the in our Catholic tradition, we are called mountain, the appearance of Jesus' face to continue to examine our hearts and changed, and his clothing became repent of any sin that might offend Our dazzling white. Then, Moses and Elijah Lord Jesus Christ. This examination of appeared and began talking with Jesus. conscience is to prepare us for the As we have heard, that event did not go glorious resurrection of Christ to be unnoticed. Peter and the other two celebrated on Easter Sunday disciples were witnesses of the glory of immediately after Lent. the Lord Jesus. They witnessed, as much as it is possible to see with human eyes, On this second Sunday of Lent, to the brightness that comes from the help us grow spiritually and so that we transforming glory that awaits those may have a greater understanding of who will be transformed into the image how offensive sin is to God, we are of Jesus Christ. reminded that our citizenship is in Heaven. It is clear that it is a continuous Brothers and sisters, we do not journey. As long as we acknowledge the belong to this world. Our citizenship is merits we have freely received by the in heaven. How long can we continue to grace of God through Jesus Christ, our have a double mentality? One moment hearts are driven to show appreciation to we want to die and go to Heaven; the the Heavenly Father through next, we do not want to die and we want thanksgiving. all the pleasures of the world. The Lord has been patient with us. Knowing that In today's second reading from the our citizenship is in heaven, our current letter to the Philippians, we hear Saint goal in life must be to prepare ourselves Paul teach that "our citizenship is in for what awaits us. By the power of the heaven". Why is it that even though we Holy Spirit, our preparation should are in this world, we do not belong to consist in embracing the virtues that will this world? Because Christ died for us benefit us for all eternity. Shouldn’t we so that we can be justified through Him. be shining in love towards all men and Through His death on the Cross as the women instead of closing our eyes to sacrificial Lamb, we qualify to inherit wars, division and hatred in this world? the salvation that awaits all those who Shouldn’t we show charity towards the persevere in their living faith. Since poor instead of accumulating an Christ died for us, we are indebted to excessive abundance of wealth that will Him for all the gifts received from Him be left behind when we leave this and for giving us the gift of salvation world? Should and eternal life in His Kingdom. we not share the Let's reflect on the glory that our good news with Heavenly Father has prepared for each all those we and every one of us through His son, come in contact Jesus Christ. What reward awaits you with instead of and me according to our good works? being indifferent Will one or more of us in this parish to our faith? shine as bright as the brightest stars in There is so the sky? Let us ask the Lord to bless us much we can do all with such a reward. To receive that if we are willing accumulate reward, we must persevere in our to obedience to the commandments of God credits that will and the Church. We must serve our apply to our brothers and sisters with humility. We heavenly

reward. The eternal reward that will be granted to each one of us will be according to what we really deserve.


alking together as brothers and sisters:

Dear brothers and sisters, this week, let us reflect on our citizenship in heaven. Let's evaluate what is our future reward based on what we have gained so far in our lives. Let's evaluate if we qualify to shine as the brightest of the stars in the sky. And if necessary, let us correct our path so that we are among those whom the Lord will bless most abundantly. As part of our increased Lenten prayer life, I also invite you to pray for all the people who will receive the sacraments of initiation in the archdiocese this April. In our parish alone there are over 15! May this time that began historically as a time of preparation for them, serve them as a deeper closeness to the love that God feels for them, and may we be able to show them God’s love. Fr. José Gerardo Alberto, MSpS

4 | The SETON Sunday News | Second Sunday of Lent, 3/17/2019

El Hierro Afila al Hierro Conferencia para Hombres Católicos

Tema: Hombres Santos y Valientes

30 de Marzo 7am a 4:30pm Costo $35 por persona Habrá Misa, Confesiones y Hora Santa Conferencistas: Most Rev. Eusebio Elizondo Obispo Auxiliar de la Arquidiócesis de Seattle, P. Cal R. Christiansen, P. Jose de Jesus Sanchez MSpS, y Fray Nelson Medina Parroquia de St. Pio X Mountlake Terrace Para mas información contáctese al: 425-775-7545 Boda Comunitaria El Sueño de verse casados y recibir el Sacramento del Matrimonio ha llegado. Ahora tienen la oportunidad de recibir este Sacramento sin costo alguno. Sábado 3 de Agosto a las 11:30am Para más información por favor de comunicarse con el padre José Ugalde: 425-481-0303 ext 304

Cápsula Cuaresmal

Monday, March 18 Clase de Biblia


SH. 1

Women’s Fellowship



Rosary for Life



Elementary Faith Formation Praise and Worship in Song Adoration Adult Faith Formation


All Stations





Youth Bible Study


Youth Room

Tuesday, March 19

Wednesday, March 20 Beta



Elementary Faith Formation


All Stations

Passion of the Christ Rehearsal



Elementary Faith Formation


All Stations

Cascade Serra Club





St. 2

Thursday, March 21

El Ayuno por motivos religiosos no tiene muy buena prensa, al contrario que abstenerse de comer porque lo recomienda el médico, por estética o para sentirse bien. Cada vez, desde más instancias, se insiste en la importancia de una dieta equilibrada. En el evangelio, Jesús nos explica cuándo debemos ayunar, Ayunemos porque somos conscientes de que estamos lejos del Señor. Nos damos cuenta que nada puede sustituir su presencia. El ayuno nos recuerda lo que verdaderamente necesitamos: estar con Cristo. Al mismo tiempo, nos explica Isaías, el ayuno tiene un carácter liberador, que expresamos realizando las mismas obras de Cristo; compartir el pan con los necesitados, hospedar a los que no tienen techo, liberar a los oprimidos…. El auténtico ayuno nos lleva a descubrir la necesidad del amor de Dios y de amar a nuestro prójimo.

Passion of the Christ Rehearsal

UN ENCUENTRO CON ANNET En Uganda, nos encontramos con Annet y su familia, niños obligados a huir de la violencia, en busca de estabilidad. ¿Cómo estamos llamados a dar la bienvenida al desconocido entre nosotros? ¿Cómo puedes apoyar a aquellos en todo el mundo que se ven obligados a huir de sus hogares para encontrar seguridad u oportunidades mejores? Visita crsplatodearroz.org para más información

RCIA English

Luz y Vida Gpo de Oración




Seton H.





St. 6

CDA Day of Reflection



POC Rehearsal



Friday, March 22 Lenten Conference English Saturday, March 23

Sunday, March 24 Guadalupe Committee Fund Raiser After 11& 1pm Masses 9am

St. 4

Early Childhood FF

11 am

St. 1

RICA Spanish


St. 7

Edge & Life teen



Intenciones de Misa de domingo a la 1pm Queridos feligreses, si desean incluir una intención en la misa dominical en español, deben comunicarse con la Oficina parroquial hasta el jueves. No garantizamos que las peticiones recibidas el viernes aparezcan en la misa de ese fin de semana. En persona, de 9 a 5, por teléfono al 425-481-9358 x308, o a [email protected]

Second Sunday of Lent, 3/17/2019 | The SETON Sunday News | 5

Conchita, Tell Us about Your Life About Conchita’s death After her last retreat in Morelia under her spiritual director Mons Luis Maria Martinez, on "the perfect joy of suffering," Conchita returned to Mexico City, and spent the last three years of her life, from the bed to the armchair, undergoing tremendous physical suffering. She was heard praying with these words: “O Jesus, may I die for you, desolate, abandoned, alone, crucified.” At the beginning of 1937 her condition improved a little, so she was moved to the second floor. They moved the Eucharistic Chapel to the room next to hers, and the sisters who cared for her would bring her to the Chapel in her wheelchair. By February 21 the doctors said there was nothing else to be done for her. Fr Jose Guadalupe Treviño, M.Sp.S, who was at her house on the night of March 2, writes: “the exhaustion of her body was so great that we feared for the moment when she actually passed away. At 7pm she stopped breathing, immediately Fr Felix and I started praying the Litany for the Dead, but she came back. By 11pm everybody went to bed because the doctor assured us that the worst was over.” By midnight, her condition worsened again, so everybody was called to her bedside. The Sisters could barely hold her up, she was breathing with difficulty, Monsignor Martinez, her brothers Father Primitivo and Francisco, her children and grandchildren came to be beside her. Mons. Martinez told her: “Even if you don’t feel Him, Jesus is in your heart. Offer yourself up once more as a victim for your children, for priests and for the Church”. She opened her eyes and looked at him with understanding. All of those present agree that at the moment of her passing her face was not hers. It resembled the face of the crucified Jesus, it was no longer a woman’s face, but Jesus’ face. It was twenty minutes after midnight on March 3 1937. She did not utter any words, any complaints, she bowed her head slightly and gave her last breath. For the funeral the Sisters of the Cross dressed her in their habit, for HH Pope Pius X had granted her this grace many years ago.

Conchita: Cuéntanos tu vida Muere Conchita

Después de los últimos ejercicios espirituales en Morelia que le dirigió su director espiritual, monseñor Luis M. Martínez, sobre la perfecta alegría, Conchita volvió a México y paso los siguientes tres meses de su vida entre su cama y su sillón, con atroces dolores físicos. Ella decía “oh Jesus, que yo muera por ti desolada, abandonada, desamparada, crucificada”.

A principios de enero de 1937 tuvo una ligera mejoría y la trasladaron al piso alto de la casa. Junto a su recámara, instalaron el oratorio con el Santísimo, la llevaban en un sillón de ruedas frente al Sagrario. Era atendida por las hermanas de la Cruz y velada diariamente. Para el 21 de febrero los médicos dijeron que no había nada que hacer. El padre José Guadalupe Treviño, nos cuenta que estaba en la casa la noche del 2 de marzo: "era tal su agotamiento, que hacía temer el momento de su agonía, A las 7 de la noche sufrió un síncope, yo junto con el P. Félix, empezamos a recitar las preces de los agonizantes, pero paso el síncope y para las 11 de la noche, casi todos se retiraron a descansar porque el médico aseguró que el peligro había pasado". Cerca de la media noche la gravedad volvió... Las hermanas con dificultad podían sostenerla y una palidez mortal invadió su semblante, llamaron a todos los que estaban en la casa: a Monseñor Martínez, a sus hermanos: el padre Primitivo y Francisco Cabrera, sus hijos y nietos, las religiosas que la velaban, respiraba con dificultad. Monseñor Martínez le dijo: “Aunque usted no lo sienta, Jesús está en su corazón, ofrézcase una vez más como víctima, ofrézcase por sus hijos e hijas, por los sacerdotes y por la Iglesia. Abrió los ojos y le dirigió una última mirada llena de comprensión. Dos de sus hijos, Ignacio y Salvador, le sostenía cada uno un brazo para facilitar la respiración. Sin ponerse de acuerdo, todos los presentes convinieron en que en esos momentos, su semblante, su mirada, sus rasgos contraídos, toda su actitud se transformaba, reproduciendo a Cristo en agonía. Ya no era un rostro de mujer, sino el rostro del Crucificado. Pasaban 20 minutos de la media noche era el 3 de marzo de 1937. No dijo una palabra, no exhaló una queja, inclinó ligeramente la cabeza y expiró. Para el funeral la vistieron con el hábito de las Religiosas de la Cruz, que para ello había recibido permiso de SS el Papa Pío X en su momento.

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editando la Palabra de Dios

Estimados hermanos y hermanas, estamos entrando a la Segunda Semana de Cuaresma, y en nuestra tradición católica, estamos llamados a continuar examinando nuestros corazones y a arrepentirnos de cualquier pecado que pueda ofender a Jesús Nuestro Señor. Este examen de conciencia es para prepararnos para la gloriosa resurrección de Cristo que se celebrará el domingo de Pascua inmediatamente después de la Cuaresma. En este segundo domingo de cuaresma, para crecer espiritualmente y para que podamos tener un mayor conocimiento de cuán ofensivo es el pecado para Dios, se nos recuerda que nuestra ciudadanía está en el Cielo. Es claro que es un proceso continuo. Siempre y cuando descubramos los méritos que hemos recibido libremente por la gracia de Dios a través de Jesucristo, nuestros corazones son impulsados a mostrar aprecio al Padre Celestial a través de la acción de gracias. En la segunda lectura de hoy de la Carta a los Filipenses, escuchamos a San Pablo enseñar que "somos ciudadanos del cielo ". ¿Por qué es que mientras estamos en este mundo, no pertenecemos a este mundo? Porque Cristo murió por nosotros para que podamos ser justificados por medio de él. A través de Su muerte en la Cruz como el Cordero sacrificial, calificamos para heredar la salvación que espera a todos aquellos que perseveran en su fe viva. Ya que Cristo murió por nosotros, estamos en deuda con Él por dodos los dones recibidos de parte de Él y por darnos el regalo de la salvación y la vida eterna en su Reino. Reflexionemos sobre la gloria que nuestro Padre Celestial ha preparado para todos y cada uno de nosotros a través de su hijo Jesucristo. ¿Qué recompensa te espera a ti y a mí según nuestras buenas obras? ¿Uno o más de nosotros en esta parroquia brillará tan brillante como las estrellas más brillantes del cielo? Roguemos al Señor que nos bendiga a todos con tal recompensa. Para recibir esa recompensa debemos perseverar en nuestra obediencia a los mandamientos de Dios y de la Iglesia. Debemos servir a nuestros hermanos y hermanas con humildad. Todos los días de nuestras vidas debemos hacer sacrificios, siempre dando gracias a Dios por todo lo que Él nos ha dado. En la lectura del Evangelio de hoy, escuchamos que Jesús subió a la montaña para orar con tres apóstoles, Pedro, Juan y Santiago. Mientras estaban en la montaña, la apariencia del rostro de Jesús cambió y su vestimenta se volvió deslumbrante y blanca. Entonces, Moisés y Elías aparecieron y comenzaron a hablar con Jesús. Como hemos escuchado,

ese evento no pasó desapercibido. Pedro y los otros dos discípulos fueron testigos de la gloria del Señor Jesús. Ellos presenciaron, hasta donde es humanamente posible ver con los ojos humanos, el brillo que viene de la gloria transformadora que espera a aquellos que serán cambiados a la imagen de Jesucristo. Hermanos y hermanas, no pertenecemos a este mundo. Nuestra ciudadanía está en el cielo. ¿Por cuánto tiempo podemos seguir teniendo una mentalidad doble? En un momento queremos morir e ir al Cielo; Al otro momento, no queremos morir y deseamos todos los placeres del mundo. El Señor ha sido paciente con nosotros. Sabiendo que nuestra ciudadanía está en el cielo, nuestro objetivo actual en la vida debe ser prepararnos para lo que nos espera. Por el poder del Espíritu Santo, nuestra preparación debe consistir en abrazar las virtudes que nos beneficiarán por toda la eternidad. ¿No deberíamos estar brillando en amor hacia todos los hombres y mujeres en lugar de cerrar los ojos ante las guerras, la división y el odio que hay en este mundo? ¿No deberíamos mostrar caridad hacia los pobres en lugar de acumular una abundancia excesiva de riqueza que quedará atrás cuando nos vayamos de este mundo? ¿No deberíamos de compartir la buena nueva con todos aquellos con quienes entramos en contacto en lugar de ser indiferentes a nuestra fe? Hay tanto que podemos hacer si estamos dispuestos a acumular créditos que se aplicarán a nuestra recompensa celestial. La recompensa eterna que se otorgará a cada uno de nosotros será de acuerdo con lo que realmente merecemos.


aminando juntos como hermanos:

Estimados hermanos y hermanas, esta semana, reflexionemos sobre nuestra ciudadanía en el cielo. Evaluemos lo que vendrá en base a lo que hemos ganado hasta ahora en nuestras vidas. Evaluemos si calificamos para brillar como la más brillante de las estrellas en el cielo. Y si es necesario, corrijamos nuestro camino para que estemos entre los que el Señor bendecirá más abundantemente. Como parte de nuestra aumentada vida de oración de Cuaresma, los invito también a orar por todas las personas que recibirán los sacramentos de iniciación en la arquidiócesis este abril. ¡En nuestra parroquia solamente son más de 15! Que este tiempo que comenzó históricamente como tiempo de preparación para ellos, les sirva de acercamiento más profundo al amor que Dios siente por ellos, y que sepamos nosotros ser rostros de ese amor de Dios. Así sea.

P. Gerardo Alberto, MSpS

Second Sunday of Lent, 3/17/2019 | The SETON Sunday News | 7


Vocation Awareness

What Happens to a Man Who Leaves the Priesthood? If a priest decides to leave the priesthood and get married or if the bishop suspends him for some serious violation of priestly promises, the man is still a priest and will always be a priest (CCC #1583). However, he is not able to function as a priest licitly because he lacks the faculties. Usually, he cannot celebrate Mass, even in private, and he is not authorized to celebrate the sacraments. Yet, in danger if death (in periculo mortis), any priest can administer the sacraments. Therefore, if the mayor in the story above has come across a Catholic who was dying, and no “active priest in good standing” were available, he would be authorized to hear his Confession, to give him absolution for his sins, and to give him the Anointing of the Sick and the Apostolic Pardon. He is, after all, still a priest. The sacred power conferred by ordination does not go away. And the sacraments he gives in danger of death would be both valid and licit, as long as he has celebrated those sacraments with the correct intention and the correct matter and form. This is permitted by the Church because the highest of all laws is the salvation of souls. From the Book “To Save a Thousand Souls” Fr. Brett A. Brannen

“The faithful expect only one thing form priests: that they be specialists in promoting the encounter between man and God. The priest is not asked to be an expert in economics, construction, or politics. He is expected to be an expert in spiritual life.” Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI

O Jesus, Our Eternal Pastor, Deign to look with merciful eyes Upon this part of your loving flock. Lord, we need a large number of priests, and men and women consecrated to the religious life. Multiply vocations, And sanctify more and more our priests, And those consecrated in the religious life.

This week please pray for John P. Tomassi John is a Seminarian with the Archdiocese of Seattle and he is in his Pastoral Year.

We ask you all this through the Immaculate Virgin Mary of Guadalupe, your sweet and holy Mother. Jesus give us priests according to your heart. Jesus, savior of all people, save them, save them! For information on becoming a Religious Priest Missionary of the Holy Spirit or a Diocesan Priest contact one of the following people: Serra Club: Arthur Adams Priests:

Fr. Gerardo Alberto, M.Sp.S. Fr. Jesus Sanchez , M.Sp.S.

8 | The SETON Sunday News | Second Sunday of Lent, 3/17/2019

T y p o l o g y Don’t Just “Offer it Up” By Noah Salas

As we enter into the season of Lent, what comes to mind for you when you hear the phrase, “offer it up”? If you’re like me, you’re in the midst of deciding what to give up for the upcoming 40 days. You’re scratching off items on your mental checklist of the things you’ve given up in past years but failed to commit to beyond the first half of Lent. You end up making a last minute decision on what to give up, but you’re already beginning to count down the days until Easter, bracing yourself for life without whatever little luxury you’ve decided to forego for Jesus during the next several weeks. “Just offer It Up!” I used to complain about giving up things like video games when I was in middle school. I’d impatiently wait for the day I could re-invite whatever I’d given up back into my life, and completely disregard the meaning throughout Lent. I was barely making it through Lent, desperate for the moment I’d get back whatever I’d given up as soon as Easter Sunday morning hit, without thinking of what was going on during Lent. But with that mentality, I missed the significance behind that small act of sacrifice I was making as each day of Lent passed by. It’s easy to fall into the trap of viewing Lent as nothing more than a time to trudge through suffering and sacrifice until we arrive at Easter Sunday. It’s important to remember during this time, however, that there’s profound meaning to the sacrifice we take on. To recognize this, we first need to change our perspective on what suffering is in the first place. Lay Down Your Life Jesus ends up revealing to us a beautiful mystery when it comes to our suffering, especially in the

Gospel of John where he says to his disciples: “Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” -John 15:13 The most significant aspect of this verse is that Jesus doesn’t just say this to his disciples, but he lived it out by choosing to die for us on the cross. His sacrifice, His willingness to go through all of that humiliation, torture, and sorrow for you and for me, shows us that, out of suffering comes authentic love. In a season where we wholeheartedly place Christ in the center of our lives, we’re called to reflect on His unconditional love for us. During this time of Lent, through the personal sacrifices we choose to make, Christ invites us to enter into His unconditional love, through what the church calls “redemptive suffering.” The Catechism of the Catholic Church describes redemptive suffering as the uniting of personal sacrifices with the sacrifice of the cross of Jesus Christ. This unification carries significant merit for the reparation of the physical and spiritual health of others (CCC 1502, 1505, 1521). Unite Suffering to the Cross In other words, we can unite our small suffering to the profound suffering of Christ, and offer it up with Him, as a powerful prayer of sacrifice to the Father, for ourselves and others. Christ’s love for us in the midst of His suffering shows us what love truly looks like. We’re able to reflect this kind of love with Him, through the crosses we choose to carry, no matter how small the sacrifices. Whenever I find the cross of the sacrifice I made starting to get heavy, and I find myself just trying to get through Lent, without recognizing the meaning of what I’m doing, I try to step away from what I’m doing in the moment, and say this prayer: “Lord Jesus, I know I’m struggling right now. You showed us through your sacrifice what real love looks like. As a way to enter into your love, I’m willing to offer this up in union with your cross for the intentions of ________.”

Y o u t h

N e w s Date & Time; March 29th—31st Departure from SEAS: 3/29: 5pm Arrival at SEAS: 3/31: 2:30 - 3pm

Contact the Youth Minister: Roberto Perez Phone: 425.481.9358 Ext. 312 Email: [email protected]

Archdiocese Confirmation Retreat

Youth Ministry QR Code

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton


Second Sunday of Lent, 3/17/2019 | The SETON Sunday News | 9

With the Heart of Jesus

In the Eucharist we find all the good of the Church. In it we have the certainty that God is faithful to His promise and stays with us until the end of time. In our visits and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, we experience the closeness of the good shepherd, the tenderness of His love, the presence of a faithful friend. We all experience this large support in our lives provided by faith and our personal and intimate dialogue with the Lord in the Eucharist. Come Adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament Monday through Friday from 10am to 9pm.

Adult Faith Formation Women's Fellowship -On Tuesday March 19th, we start a NEW SERIES -THE MASS- on DVD with Bishop Robert Barron-Come and find out what the Mass is really all about this Lenten season! We start with session 1 A Privileged Encounter-Yes the Mass is a privilege, a gift to us by God! Let's go deeper this lent! We meet at 10:00 am every Tuesday in the Fellowship Hall-All women welcome and child care is available! For more information contact Mary Christie 425-776-3967

Bible Study: “Psalms, The School of Prayer”. We don’t

usually ration water in Western Washington, so how can thirst be a symbol of our yearning for God? Read Psalms 42 and 63, come Tuesday, March 19, 7:00 PM, to discuss and view the DVD presentation. All adults are invited to meet in the Fellowship Hall. For further information, call 425-481-9358, ext. 314.



Bishop Daniel Mueggenborg Auxiliary Bishop for the Archdiocese of Seattle

Friday March 22 / 7pm Church “Spirituality of the Passion of Christ” ♦ Appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Seattle by Pope Francis on April 6, 2017 Most Reverend Daniel H. Mueggenborg was born in Okarche, Oklahoma, April 15, 1962, and was formerly a priest of the Diocese of Tulsa, Oklahoma. He received a Bachelor of Science degree in geology from Oklahoma State University in 1984, studied pre-theology at St. Meinrad Seminary in Indiana and earned degrees in theology and biblical theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. Ordained a priest July 14, 1989, in Tulsa, at Holy Family Cathedral, he served as pastor of three parishes in Tulsa, held several diocesan leadership positions and was a faculty member of the Pontifical North American College in Rome. He was appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Seattle by Pope Francis on April 6, 2017, and was ordained by Archbishop J. Peter Sartain on May 31, 2017.

LENT Repent and believe in the Gospel. The Kingdom of God is at hand ...

LENTEN CONFERENCE Mar 22 / 7pm Lenten Conference in English: Bishop Daniel Mueggenborg “The Spirituality of the Passion of Christ”


Stations of the Cross 7pm followed by Soup Supper Mar 29, Apr 12

Come pray the Rosary for Life with fellow parishioners. All are welcome. We meet by the image of the Immaculate Conception every Tuesday at noon.

OPPORTUNITY FOR RECONCILIATION Apr 3 / after 9am mass Apr 10 and 12 / after 9am mass and 7-9pm

Fr. Gerardo Alberto MSpS, Fr. Jesus Sanchez MSpS, and Fr. Jose Ugalde MSpS

10 | The SETON Sunday News | Second Sunday of Lent, 3/17/2019

In its 5th year! THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST (The Play) Be amazed, inspired and have an evening to remember! JOIN US, as our talented parishioners reenact the last days of Jesus. This will be more than a performance, but also a reverent way to participate in the Paschal Mystery, The Stations of the Cross. Witness a Mother’s suffering, dignity and great love! Hear the words of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount, his betrayal, his temptation, his unconditional love on the Cross and more scenes with costumes from that era! FREE ADMISSION

Encounter Annet In Uganda, we encounter Annet and her family, children forced to flee violence, searching for stability. How are we called to welcome the stranger in our midst? How can you support those worldwide who are forced to flee their homes to find safety or better opportunities? Visit crsricebowl.org

Friday, April 5, at 7pm or Saturday, April 6, at 8pm

The Rite of Election This year our Parish had the honor to host the Rite of Election for the Snohomish County and East King County Parishes. The Rite of Election is one of the final Rites for those adults seeking membership in the Church. On Thursday, March 7, we welcomed 15 parishes and 650 attendees. Bishop Mueggenborg was our celebrant, concelebrant was Fr. Gerardo, assisted by Deacon Craig Lundberg. Such a wonderful celebration takes the work of many people. Thank you to all who organized and served, especially Kathy Egashira & music ministry; all Ministers of Hospitality; Lectors-Niki Gagner & Amy Walsh; Presenter-Edith Serna; those who called the names-Beth Boland and George Borchers; Book Assistants-Irma Castro, Mariano Cruz and Rita Mancao and Master of Ceremonies Gerric Apin and his altar servers. No celebration is complete without a well-planned and executed reception. Thank you to the all Catholic Daughters of America who decorated, shopped and served and huge thank you to Lois Raske, reception coordinator. May God bless you all and all those who helped make the Rite of Election such an amazing experience.

Eucharist to the Homebound Are you or a family member or friend hungry to be nourished by the Body of Christ but unable to attend Mass on a regular basis? Our parish has specially trained volunteers eager to visit you on a weekly basis, bring Communion to you, to pray with you and share their faith with you. If you are interested in having a visitor, contact the parish office at 425.481.0303 and arrangements can be made. BULLETIN ARTICLE DEADLINE / DÍA DE PLAZO PARA EL BOLETÍN Parish groups/Grupos parroquiales: Submit your articles/requests to [email protected], two weeks prior to the Sunday desired. Dirijan sus peticiones a [email protected]. dos semanas antes del Domingo que desean publicarlo.

Catholic Daughters of the Americas

Day of Reflection MARCH 23, 2019 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Fellowship Hall 11:00 AM All Women of our Parish are invited, RSVP no later then March 20th, 2019. Fr. Jesus will speak to us about how we can work together, and promote community in the diversity we have today. How does God guide us to deal with our faith. A complimentary lunch will be served at 12:30. For more information contact: Lois Raske at (425) 585-0517 or [email protected]

Second Sunday of Lent, 3/17/2019 | The SETON Sunday News | 11 MINISTRIES & GROUPS Alpha, Roger Ditto and Lisa Nelson Altar Servers, Jane Baer and Veronica Cardona Apostleship of the Cross, Marcia Gimenez Beta, Dave Duclos and Jim Krieger Catholic Social Teachings Min, Jane Smoke/Karyn Sullivan Coffee & Donuts, Kelly Cooley EMEs, Ana May Apin and Cuquita Cardona Encuentro Matrimonial, Raquel y Antonio Ramírez Eucharistic Adoration, Kimie Mori Faith Formation for Adults, Julie Jones Funeral Committee, Marianne Iwamoto Good Samaritans, Ann Marie Shields Guadalupe Committee, Marco Olivares Homebound Ministers, Marianne Iwamoto Hospitality Team, Tony Fletcher Lectors, Niki Gagner and Elvira Hernandez Linens, Marcia Gimenez “Luz y Vida” Prayer Group, Jose & Angelica Velazquez Music Coordinator, Kathy Egashira Nimble Fingers, Jacqueline Auroux Pastoral Council, Paul Gallagher/Gerry Apin Prayer Shawl Ministry, Joan Kluck Prayer Team, Rolf Augustine Pro-Life Ministry, Karen Salvati Sacramentors, Scott Occhiuto Simbang Gabi, Gerry Apin Stavros, Jim Krieger and Marcia Gimenez Velankanni Community, Johnson Andrews & Benson Babu Women’s Fellowship, Mary Christie

COLLABORATORS IN MINISTRY Cascade Serra Club, Ken Christie Catholic Daughters, Kathy Taylor Knights of Columbus, Steve Mueller St. Vincent de Paul


Contact for all ministries [email protected] Mention the ministry in the subject line. CATHOLIC COMMUNITY SERVICES Counseling

425-257-2111 or 888-240-8572

Jack Elias, CLU


Our bulletin is published at no cost to the parish as it is supported by the ads on the back. Please consider using their services and tell them you saw their ad in our bulletin.

A Call to Share… Sat. 5pm 9 am 11 am 1 pm 5pm

$3,816.00 $3,469.00 $4,271.00 $2,026.00 $2,610.00

Cath. Home Mission $ 4,354.00 Mid Week $ 1,345.25 EFT Contributions Misc $1,280.00

Total Offering Average Weekly Offerings of $30,000 are needed to run the parish


Thank you...

PHONE/EMAIL DIRECTORY Staff and Clergy Alberto, Fr. Gerardo

[email protected]

425-481-0303 x306

Cardona, Eduardo

[email protected]

425-481-9358 x314

Egashira, Kathy

[email protected]


Everist, Shannon

[email protected]

425-481-0303 x303

Moran, Stephanie

[email protected] 425-481-9358 x311

Perez, Roberto

[email protected]

425-481-9358 x312

Sanchez, Fr. Jesus

[email protected]

425-481-0303 x305

Ugalde, Fr. Jose

[email protected]

425-481-0303 x304

Volunteer for Hispanic Ministry Gimenez, Marcia

[email protected]

425-481-0303 x308

Please keep the sick among us in your prayers, especially: Salvador Andrada Louise Hundertmark Roberta Autron David Hurtado Tom Bender Timothy Howe Jane Bentley Rosemary Jesmer Shawna Boger Helen Johnston Sharyl Buehler Patricia Kramer Rick Burns Alfredo Lazaga Tom Burns Arcely Lazaga Ian Bridges Christopher Leon Ruth Carpizo Jennie Leyva Claire Carter Jim Moran Eulalia Castillo Lynn Mosman Ed Crull Sandra Noble Gary Darnell Yolanda Noblezada Sharyl Davis Scott Occhiuto Alex De Leon Diaz Teresa Paris Saul Diaz Elamar Perez Billie Dougherty Margaret Quigley Michael Quigley Anna Epps Ritzy Rafer Fran Fielden Teresita Ramos Bill Flanagan Arnold Rivera Annie Gillen Joyce Rosas Peter Gilmartin Florentine Ruhland Lupita Gonzalez Jesus Sanchez Sr. Richard Gross Leticia Solorzano Dee HolidayFran Sphung Osborne

Harry St Nicholas Adrienne Steuer Francis Sullivan James Sullivan Kaye Swartzell Michael Trupiano Fernando Varela Alexa Vazquez Evelio Villalobos Vladimir Vozar Rosemary Wentz Barb West Tami Wyatt Beatrice Zorzi

May the Father bless you, the Son heal you and the Holy Spirit comfort you. Amen. To add/remove someone on this list, please contact Eduardo Cardona at (425) 481-9358 ext 314 or email at: [email protected] Si quisiera añadir/remover a alguien a esta lista, comuníquese a la oficina parroquial.