Our class will be going on a field trip to:
Nuestra clase se va en un viaje de campo
Date /
Time / Tiempo Safety Rules for the Trip
All children who attend must have a signed authorization form, even if the parent or guardian is going. Absolutely no smoking in front of the children! Please make sure your child wears closedtoed shoes for safety and dress your child according to the weather. Keep this top portion for your records
Normas de seguridad para el viaje
Todos los niños que asisten a debe tener un formulario de autorización firmado, incluso si el padre o tutor se va. Queda estrictamente prohibido fumar delante de los niños! Por favor, asegúrese de que su hijo lleva calzado con punta cerrada para seguridad y vestir a tu niño según el clima. Mantener la parte superior para sus registros
Center: Teachers / Maestros: Date of Field Trip / Fecha: Time of departure / Hora de salida: Time of return / Tiempo de retorno: I give permission for my child to participate in the field trip described above and will make arrangements for my child on that day.
Doy permiso para que mi hijo a participar en el viaje de campo descrito anteriormente y hará los arreglos para mi niño en ese día.
Signature / Firma: Date / Fecha: Contact Person in an Emergency /
La persona de contacto en caso de emergencia:
Emergency contact number
El número de contacto de emergencia:
I do not give permission for my child to participate in the field trip described above and will make arrangements for my child on that day.
Yo no doy permiso para que mi hijo a participar en el viaje de campo descrito anteriormente y hará los arreglos para mi niño en ese día.
Signature / Firma: Date / Fecha: 2018-2019
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NW-16 BIG FIVE HEAD START FIELD TRIP POLICY The goal of all field trips with Big Five Head Start will be to expose Head Start children to new learning opportunities and primarily to be used as an educational tool and not necessarily entertaining. Teachers are to use these filed trips as an extension of the Head Start Classroom, expanding on core areas of reading, math, science, social studies, the arts, and physical education. There will be no field trip requests approved for bowling, skating, or movies at theatres. All field trips scheduled during the Head Start instructional day must be educational and free to all Head Start children. All meals will be coordinated with the school’s child nutrition manager and cafeteria staff in order to provide meals to be taken on the field trip.
Guidelines for NW-16 Head Start Stand Alone Classrooms: All field trip requests must first be submitted to the area supervisor then the designated Education Specialist, and if approved, then to the Big Five Head Start Director or Assistant Director for approval or denial. Walking field trips will be limited to no more than four blocks. Examples of walking field trips: library, grocery store, or parks. Other once a year field trips will be by special approval by the Area Supervisor, Education Specialist, and Head Start Director or Assistant Director The following Big Five policies will be followed: • Teachers are required to report any injuries immediately. A completed Big Five “Accident/Illness Report” is required if first aid was administered. • Teachers are required to take roll before leaving the Head Start classroom, upon arriving at the field trip site, and on the return trip to the classroom.
Guidelines for NW-16 Head Start Collaborations: School Bus field trips are allowed with the following guidelines: • All field trip requests must first be submitted to their own school administrators, and if approved, then to the Big Five Head Start Director or Assistant Director for approval or denial. • All meals will be coordinated with the school’s child nutrition manager and cafeteria staff in order to provide meals to be taken on the field trip. • Teachers are required to take roll before leaving the Head Start classroom, upon arriving at the field trip site, and on the return trip to the classroom. ED-#3 2
• Teachers are required to report any injuries immediately to all responsible parties (Big Five Head Start supervisors, and school administrators, if in a collaboration). A completed Big Five “Accident/Illness Report” is required if first aid was administered or in collaborations, writing a report on the student’s injury and first aid. • ALL Head Start teachers, aides, and staff are required to ride with the Head Start children on school transportation to the field trip site and back. NO STAFF in private vehicles, no exception. • All field trips with Head Start children are required to ride only in school transportation to the site and back to the classroom. No Head Start child will ride in private vehicles, unless the parent/guardian of their own child physically checks out their child by signature with the child’s teacher upon completion of the field trip. Depending on the school site and county location, all field trip destinations must not have Head Start children riding one-way on school transportation more than one hour maximum. Provisions for restroom breaks must also be incorporated during the transporting of Head Start children on these field trips. Parents may follow the school transportation in private vehicles; however, no parents are allow to ride on school transportation with Head Start teacher, aides, staff, and children. • Teachers are responsible for the safety of their children by following safety guidelines: o Teachers and staff should practice emergency evacuation drill with their children before riding a school bus for a field trip. o Children are to remain seated on the bus at all times while the bus is moving. o Only when the bus has come to clear stop and the bus driver indicates students may enter or exit the bus should the teacher board or disembark students. o Should there ever be a need for a true emergency evacuation, teachers and staff are responsible for evacuating the children in an orderly fashion, single file, and taking them away from the bus as least 100 feet from the bus to a safe place and immediately do a child count, notifying the school officials, and Big Five Head Start personnel. o It is the teacher’s responsibility, upon arriving back at the home school site to go to the back of the bus and walk forward, checking both sides of the aisles, for any students or personal belongings before exiting the bus.
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