Believe Grow Achieve
March 29, 2018
Menu Thank you to the Kohl's Foundation as we received all 4
March Breakfast Monday: Fruit cup/and or juice, WG cereal, Cheese Stick, and milk Tuesday: Fruit cup/ and or juice, WG crackers, Yogurt and milk Wednesday: Fruit/and or juice,WG muffin or bagel, Cheese stick and milk, hard boiled egg Thursday: Fruit/and or juice, WG granola bar or WG crackers, Yogurt and milk Friday: Fruit/and or juice, WG cereal, Cheese stick and milk
grants that we applied for next year! Discovery World - 3rd and 4th Milwaukee Zoo - 5K, 1st and 2nd Milwaukee Pub Museum - 7th and 8th JA Biz Park- 5th and 6th
3/26-3/29 Mon.: Mini corn dog, hash brown, chilled fruit and carrot coins Tues.: Sub sandwhich, broccoli, chilled fruit and cheese crackers Wed.: Salad bar ham, turkey, cheese, fresh veggies, roll and chilled fruit Thurs.: Chicken tacos, rice, refried beans and chilled fruit Fri. Good Friday-No school
HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE Holy Thursday Thursday, March 29th– 7:00pm
Good Friday
Mon.: Mini corn dog, mac and cheese bites, chilled fruit and carrot coins Tues.: Sub sandwich, chilled fruit , cheese cracker and mixed vegetables Wed.: Hamburger/cheese, potato wedges, pork and beans and fruit Thurs.: Rotini w/ meatsauce, chilled fruit, green beans, garlic bread and salad Fri.: Cheese quesedilla, steamed broccoli, chilled pineapple and Jello
Mission Statement John Paul II Academy is a Catholic school providing a faith-based education that embraces the teachings of the Gospel in order to develop the whole child.
Friday, March 30th– 1:00pm
Easter Vigil Saturday, March 31st-8:00pm
Easter Sunday, April 1st-8:00am & 10:00am
JPIIA would like to wish you a Blessed and Happy Easter!
We exist in partnership with the parents, parishes and the community to meet the needs of each individual student. We will help each student develop life skills for cooperation with and involvement in the community based on respect for God, one’s self, and society.
John Paul II Academy
2023 Northwestern Avenue, Racine, WI 53404 Phone: 262-637-2012 Fax: 262-637-5130
Monday 10
JASP 5k-2nd Grade-2:303:30pm
11 4k/5k Vision Screening
Mass 7:45am 2nd/8th Grade JASP 3rd-5th Grade2:30-3:30pm Math Contest 2:45 at St. Cats School Committee 6pm Report cards going home
Birthdays Coming up!
JASP 6th-8th
Dress Down Day
Music Day
SPA Meeting 7:45am
5k Racine Public Museum / Library Field Trip Sunday April 15 First Communion
Safe Environmental Education
Cumpleaños que se acercan! 3/27– Mrs. Poplawski
4/8-Christopher R.
3/27– Nizeth A. 3/28-Mrs. Greulich 3/29-Liam A. 3/29-Andres M-P
We will be having a safeguarding class on Wednesday, April 4 from 9:00am-12:00pm at the Sacred Heart Parish. If you are interested in volunteer for field trips or becoming a volunteer here at school this class is required.
3/29-Quin S. 3/30-Mrs. Angelini 4/1-Tanya G. 4/5– Analy G.
CAREER WEEK April 9 - 13
4/5-Megan T.
John Paul II Academy will be celebrating Career Week
4/6-Joshua A.
when we return from Spring Vacation. It will be an
4/7-Luis M.
exciting time! Classroom Guidance Lessons will focus
4/7-Ryianna M.
on Careers and College. There will be fun announce-
4/7-Brithany S.O.
ments and information about educational opportuni-
4/2– Juliza C.
ties in Wisconsin after high school. There will be fun
Attention Track Athletes
trivia about the teachers and where they went to
Practices will take place here at JPIIA right after school on Fridays beginning April 13 from 2:30-3:45 PM. If you have not turned in your paperwork or fees please contact Mr. Andersen at as soon as possible. Students that don't have ALL paperwork turned in will not be able to practice. As a reminder, the track meet this year will be held at Carthage College on Saturday, May 19th.
college. Finally, I would like to have guest speakers come to talk about their careers. Please consider sharing information about your career with our students. If you would be willing to participate, please contact me at
John Paul II Academy
2023 Northwestern Avenue, Racine, WI 53404 Phone: 262-637-2012 Fax: 262-637-5130
Counseling Corner Mrs. Klein Here are the students that were nominated for the “Character Club” as examples of the virtue of RELIABILITY in the month of March. We defined reliability as being the kind of person other people can depend on, as well as being the kind of person that keeps commitments without being reminded. These students received a certificate and had their names read over the announcements as well as included in a display called “The JPIIA Wall of Virtue.”
The March Character Club recipients are as follows: 4K: Winter B. and Frank P. 5K: Erin M. and Christopher V. 1: Jessica R. and Adan R. 2: Chelsea H. and Jeremiah T. 3: Emily H. and Domenico A. 4. Seth H. and Will P. 5: Eliana S. and Ethan S. 6: Cesar G. and Jonathan B. 7: Mia A. and Andres M-P 8: Anne H. and Eduardo M.
APRIL VIRTUE/VIRTUD DE ABRIL JUSTICE/JUSTICIA To choose to do what is right even when it is difficult. You stand up for what is right and fair, even when you stand alone.
Escoger hacer lo correcto incluso cuando es difícil. Se pone de pie para lo que es correcto y justo, incluso cuando está solo. John Paul II Academy
2023 Northwestern Avenue, Racine, WI 53404 Phone: 262-637-2012 Fax: 262-637-5130
Mark Your Calendar!/Marca tu Calendario!
Easter Vacation/ Vacaciones de Pascua
4k and 5k Vision Screening/ 4k y 5k examen de la vista
School Committee at 6pm/Comité Escolar alas 6pm
SPA Meeting 7:45am/ Junta de Asociación de Padres de la escuela 7:45am
First Communion /Primera Comunión
No School/ No habrá Escuela
Happy Easter!
Lunch Reminder/Recordatorio del almuerzo Please ensure that your child(dren) bring lunch that doesn't required microwave use. Thank you Por favor asegúrese que su hijo/a traiga comida que no requerida usar el Microondas. Gracias
Save The Date! The 3rd annual Mother Son Fun Night is coming! Date: Friday, May 11th Time: 5:30 pm – 8 pm Location: The Lanes Bowling Alley 6501 Washington Ave Racine Cost: $15 per person (extra donation are welcome!) This fun evening will include bowling, pizza, soda, prizes and fun! Moms, Grandmothers, Aunt's, and female caregiver and special friends are welcome! For additional information, contact Amy Sasse at or text 262-672-9221.
Guarda el día! Viene la 3 º noche anual de diversión de madre hijo Fecha: Viernes, mayo 11 Horario: 5:30pm-8:00pm Locación: The Lanes Bowling Alley 6501 Washington Ave. Racine Costo: $15 por persona (extra donaciones son bienvenidas ) Esta divertida velada incluirá bowling, pizza, refresco, regalos y diversión! Mamas, abuelas, tias, mujeres de cuidado y amigas especiales! Para información adicional, contacte a Amy Sasse al o por un mensaje de texto al 262-672-9221.
John Paul II Academy
2023 Northwestern Avenue, Racine, WI 53404 Phone: 262-637-2012 Fax: 262-637-5130