*Meat/ Meat Alternate. *Grains & Breads. *Fruit. *Vegetable. *Milk (half pint size). *Entrée, as listed on the menu will provide the. Meat/Meat Alternate &.
A Lunch Meal must include at least 3 of the 5 components listed . Student must take a fruit and/or vegetable with their meal.
Meal Components
*Meat/ Meat Alternate *Grains & Breads *Fruit *Vegetable *Milk (half pint size) *Entrée, as listed on the menu will provide the Meat/Meat Alternate & Grain/Bread component
Let’s Get Peachy!
National Peach Month
All peaches can be divided in 2 groups: clingstone and freestone peaches. In a clingstone type, flesh is tightly attached to the stone. Flesh of freestone types can be easily removed from the stone. We are a rich source of vitamin C, A and E. We also contain a high amount of potassium, magnesium, zinc and phosphorus!
We are a member of the rose family and are related to the almond! An average size peach contains only 37 calories. “This institution is an equal opportunity provider.”
IT’S August is family meals month. FAMILY
Studies have shown many benefits including:
Better academic performance Higher self-esteem Lower risk of substance abuse Eatting more fruits & veggies, & less soda & fried foods Lower rates of obesity and eating disorders
Bienvenidos de Regreso Componentes de comidas Una comida de *Carne / Carne Suplentes almuerzo debe incluir *Granos y Panes al menos 3 de los 5 *Fruta componentes *Vegetal enumerados. *Leche (media pinta) Estudiante deben de *Entrantes, como se indica tomar una fruta y / o en el menu proporcinara el vegetales con su componente de Carne / Carne comida. Alternativa y Grano / Pan
Vamos con Melocoton!
Mes del melocoton Nacional
Todos los melocotones pueden ser dividido en 2 grupos: piedra adhesiva y melocotones freestone
En un tipo clingstone, la carne es firmemente pegado a la piedra. La carne de los tipos de piedra de piedra se puede quitar facilmente de la piedra Somos una rica fuente de vitamina C,A,Y E. Tambien contiene una cantidad alta De potasio, magnesio, zinc y fosforo! Somos un miembro de la familia rosa Y estan relacionados con la almendra ! Un melocoton de tamano medio contiene solo 37 calorias. “This institution is an equal opportunity provider.”
Agosto es el mes de las comidas familiares.
Los estudios han demostrado muchos beneficios incluyendo: Mejor rendimiento academico Mayor autoestima
Menor riesgo de abuso de sustancias Comer mas frutas y verduras, y menos soda y alimentos fritos Tasas mas bajas de obesidad y trastornos alimentarios
TEL (EEAT AG FIVE 937, 34.7C 5S,382, 3G,296.58 4:2, 72,59. 3. EEIG. F. 35,334, 93 3.37 35,020,3: EC, ACEEE,. 3. A.--FREEEEE FRC EC, 2.73 -179,554,77 G .. -3.36,943.55 35, 25.5. TA, ELEC FE 975, 37.7 -79,519,3G -33,923.2 93,55, is. GEO EE SERVICE FES)
Body Attack at MC1. 10.00. Step at MC1. Dance Aerobics at Mc1. Fight Fit Boxing at TC6. Sign up in SB. Yoga BEGINNERS €5. 90 minutes Sign up in SB. Body Attack at MC1. X-WOD Technique 5€ at TC6 (min. 16 yrs) sign up in SB. Yoga INTERMEDIATE €5. 90 mi
Información importante: ¡¡¡ ESTÁ PROHIBIDO CORRER ALREDEDOR O EN EL INTERIOR DEL CAMPO DE. GOLF!!! •. Torneos de Deporte Social: Todos estos torneos son sólo para los adultos (min. 16 años). Por favor, llevar una raqueta y mosca para participar en. B
For indoor cycle and fitball: Sign up in advance at Sports Booking (min. 16 yrs). Please collect your fitball from the Indoor Hall 5-10 min before the start of the class. •. For Redcord/Workout of the Day/Ab-core training: These instructions are for
1 ago. 2018 - 15 Early release at 1:30p.m. 16 Early release at 1:30 p.m. 17 Early release at 1:30 p.m.. 20Early Release at 1:30p.m. 21. 22. 23. 24. 27 Early ...
1 ago. 2019 - Pollo de Limón de Miel. Pavo Puré de Papas y Gravy. Vegetariano. Arroz Frito de Tofu Tropical Garbanzos crujientes con Arroz Pila. Torta de ...
30 ago. 2015 - Be ready to rollup your sleeves again this year! Avoid the flu and get a free flu vaccine. 7501 Hollywood Boulevard. Hollywood, California ...
1 ago. 2018 - populations through programs and activities fostering wellness, a sense of purpose and ... Learn about this historic neighborhood, its school.
hace 7 días - All students must have his/her picture taken for student records; buying pictures is optional. ASB ID card photos will be taken, and athletic ASB.
Europe with more than 1,050 international flight connections a week. The country is one of the 30 destinations that receive the higher foreign direct investment ...
mes Lima 2019 are: Pan American and Parapan Village (Villa El Sal- vador), VIDENA National Sports Village (San Luis), Sports Complex. (Villa Maria del ...
19 ago. 2018 - Every Tuesday, After all Masses Honor of Mary Help of Christians & Don Bosco. Every Monday .... 12:00PM (OLM)(E) +Fr. Peter Granzotto, SDB— Marie Heil. 7:30PM ..... William Alamo, Paul Costa, Joan Ryan, Jerry Paladino,.