Amarte solo a ti Senor

Copyright © 2004 The United Methodist General Board of Discipleship; PO Box 340003; Nashville TN. 37203-0003. Telephone (615) 340-7073. Email address: ...
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Amarte sólo a ti Señor (To Love Only You, O Lord)

Mil Voces Para Celebrar, No. 229

B7 Em                        1. A - mar - te só - loa ti, Se - ñor, a - mar - te só - loa ti, Se - ñor, 1. To love on - ly you, O Lord, to love on - ly you, O Lord, 2. Con - fiar tan só - loen ti, Se - ñor, con - fiar tan só - loen ti, Se - ñor,

2. To

trust in on - ly you, O


to trust in on - ly you, O

            a - mar - te só - loa ti, Se - ñor to love on - ly you, O Lord con - fiar tan só - loen ti, Se - ñor B7


trust in on - ly you,


 E7       Am    


       y and y and


 


no mi - rar a - trás; not look back; no mi - rar a - trás; not look back;

     


se - guir tu ca - mi - nar, Se - ñor, to fol - low in your foot - steps, Lord,

Gmaj7    

yar, Se - ñor, faint - ing, Lord,

 Em  

trás. back.

Am6           se - guir has -ta el fi - nal, Se - ñor C

to fol - low to the end, O Lord,

se - guir sin des - ma to fol - low with - out 1 B7

      

y no mi - rar a and not look

2.B7                  

Em Am


Se - guir tu ca - miTo fol - low in your


y no mi - rar a - trás. and not look back.

LETRA: Basada en Juan 14:21; autor desconocido; trad. inglés (English translation) Dean B. McIntyre y Blanca Longhurst, © 2004 The United Methodist General Board of Discipleship. MÚSICA: Compositor desconocido.


 AMARTE 88.86 D

Copyright © 2004 The United Methodist General Board of Discipleship; PO Box 340003; Nashville TN 37203-0003. Telephone (615) 340-7073. Email address: [email protected]. Website This song may be copied and used for non-profit worship without further permission or payment. It may not be used for profit, republished, or placed on a website.