AChronicle Volume 3 No

Luke Sheehan, OFM, Cap. 11, 2007 Rev. Timothy Collins ... Msgr. Michael J. McMahon. 10, 1989 Rev. A. Robert ... Michael Ahearne. 22, 1992 Rev. Jocelyn St.
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The DIOCESAN Chronicle The Official News of the Diocese of Baker

Published every two weeks for the sake of the unity of the Diocese and the “greater good of souls”

November 4, 2012

Volume 3, Number 23

PARISH NEWS: St. William, Ione & St. Patrick, Heppner Youth of St. William Parish, Ione, and St. Patrick Parish, Heppner, attended a Retreat on Sunday, Oct. 14.

PARISH NEWS: Holy Family Church, Burns Respect Life Sunday, October 7th, brought pro-life gathering opportunities at Holy Family Parish, in Burns. First, the parish pro-life committee along with the High School students sponsored the coffee hour after the 9:00 a.m. Holy Mass. Families brought breakfast breads and treats asking for donations to help with the pro-life ministry which includes a pro-life billboard, and gift bundles to new moms dispersed at the local hospital. During the coffee hour, there was a pro-life voting table set up with information about voting pro-life, as well as pro-life stickers, pins, and bracelets.

The theme of the retreat was the Sacrament of Confirmation. Father Gerry spoke of the graces of the sacrament, Kathy Fullmer spoke of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, Mary Ann Elguezabal told of the life of St. Joan of Arc, with a symbolic presentation of her being burned at the stake symbolizing Joan's courage for her faith, Maureen McElligott introduced a tableau of the Last Supper, and Joe Lindsay spoke of the role of the Blessed Virgin Mary in salvation history. Interspersed were various projects. Appropriate hymns were practiced, one of which was composed by Joe Lindsay. These hymns will be sung when Bishop Liam Cary administers the sacrament of Confirmation on Sunday, October 28. The Retreat concluded with the lighting of each student’s candle to symbolize their going forth to bring the light of Christ to others.

At 2:30-3:30 p.m. the annual Life Chain took place on Broadway Street in downtown Burns. The submitted photo shows most of the folks who came and participated. We had over 65 participants with lots of new faces from a variety of Churches in town. BISHOP CARY’S SCHEDULE: Nov. 3-4: Confirmation, St. Bridget of Kildare, Nyssa Nov. 5: Meet with Catholic Extension Nov. 7: Meet with Catholic Charities; LFF Board Meeting Nov. 8: Meet with Key Bank Nov. 9-11: Day of the Son, Powell Butte Retreat Center Nov. 12-16: USCCB Meeting, Baltimore Nov. 16-18: Day of the Spirit, Powell Butte Retreat Center Nov. 17-18: Confirmation, St. Pius X, Klamath Falls Nov. 19-20: Meet with Verus Health Nov. 29-Dec.1: Day of Recollection, New Jersey Dec. 5: Diocesan Finance Council Meeting Dec. 7: Mass and Confirmation at the Prison in Pendleton Dec. 8-9: Masses at St. Mary, Pendleton Dec. 10-14: Audit for Protecting God’s Children Program Dec. 16 Mass at Our Lady of Angels, Hermiston Dec. 20: St. Vincent de Paul Board Meeting, Redmond

Last Supper Tableau

Students working on a project.

Preparing for the “burning” of St. Joan of Arc, who demonstrated great courage and faith. Page 1

TO BE A DIOCESE by Very Rev. Rick Fischer, V.G. When the Clergy assembled at the Diocesan Retreat Center recently, Bishop Cary reflected with them about the impact of his call to the Episcopacy. It reminded him of the universality of the Catholic Church. His life was filled with being the Pastor of a parish, and his full attention was given to taking care of the parish. As a bishop, his mission is much broader, including a whole diocese, and in a very real way, the entire Church. I find that my experience has been similar. In March, I was appointed Vicar General for the Diocese of Baker. Up to that time, I too was immersed in the life of the parish of St. Pius X in Klamath Falls. With the appointment to Vicar General, my world was immediately broadened to include the entire Diocese. This has been, for me, a wonderful experience. Having been ordained for the Diocese of Baker in 1976, and serving in many parishes and positions in the diocese, I have found a reawakening within myself of a sense of “Diocese.” I have had the opportunity to travel again to various parishes and I have become keenly aware of how united we are as a diocese, even though we may be physically quite distant from each other. The beauty of this unity is a matter which we should really ponder during this Year of Faith. United with our Bishop, we are then united with all dioceses in the world-the entire Church! Speaking for myself, I realize how easy it is for priests and Laity to become “parochial.” “Being parochial” means that my vision of church is limited to my own parish. I care for and will give my all to the parish. This is wonderful and important, but it is only half of the picture. As a Catholic, my view must also go beyond my own parish and its particular needs or wants. Being a Catholic means that I and my parish are constantly concerned about the good of the Diocese and the larger Church. The Bishop’s annual appeal and the Parish Assessment provide the diocese with the resources to support many parish activities such as Youth Ministry, Religious Education, and the Marriage Tribunal. These diocesan offices are a tremendous help to the local parish ministry, especially in our smaller parishes. The staff members at the Diocesan Pastoral Center are just a phone call away and are ready to help any parish. I invite all Catholics to take time to visit other churches in our Diocese. One Sunday at Mass, I asked the St. Pius X congregation, “How many of you have ever seen the Diocesan Cathedral in Baker City?” Not many raised their hands. I invite you to make a pilgrimage to our Cathedral. To be a Diocese invites us to look beyond ourselves, to look at the many cities and towns that are united under the leadership of Bishop Cary.

SER DIÓCESIS por el Muy Rev. Rick Fischer, V.G. Cuando el clero se reunió recientemente en el Centro de Retiros Diocesano, el Obispo Cary reflexiono con ellos sobre el impacto de su llamado al episcopado. Le recordó la universalidad de la Iglesia Católica. Su vida era ser el pastor de una parroquia, y toda su atención la ponía al cuidado de la parroquia. Como Obispo, su misión es mucho más amplia, incluye toda una diócesis, y de una manera muy real, toda la Iglesia. Creo que mi experiencia ha sido similar. En marzo, fui nombrado Vicario General de la Diócesis de Baker. Hasta ese momento, yo también estaba inmerso en la vida de la parroquia de San Pío X en Klamath Falls. Con el nombramiento de Vicario General, mi mundo inmediatamente se amplió, e incluyo toda la diócesis. Esto ha sido, para mí, una experiencia maravillosa. Fui ordenado para la Diócesis de Baker en 1976, y he servido en muchas parroquias y posiciones en la diócesis, he encontrado en mí un nuevo despertar, un nuevo sentido de “Diócesis”. He tenido la oportunidad de viajar de nuevo a diversas parroquias y me he concientizado de la unidad que somos como diócesis, a pesar de estar físicamente muy distantes unos de otros. La belleza de esta unidad es algo en lo que debemos reflexionar durante este Año de la fe. Unidos, a nuestro Obispo, estamos unidos a todas las diócesis del mundo-¡a toda la Iglesia! Por lo que a mi toca, me doy cuenta de lo fácil que es para los sacerdotes y laicos el ser “parroquial”. “Ser parroquial” significa que mi visión de la iglesia se limita a mi propia parroquia. Cuido y le doy todo a la parroquia. Esto es maravilloso e importante, pero es sólo la mitad de la imagen. Como católico, mi punto de vista debe ir más allá de mi propia parroquia y de sus necesidades o deseos. Ser Católico significa que, yo y mi parroquia debemos preocuparnos por el bien de la diócesis y de la Iglesia universal. La Apelación Anual del Obispo y la cuota asignada a la parroquia proporciona a la diócesis los recursos necesarios para apoyar las actividades de muchas parroquias, como la Pastoral Juvenil, Educación Religiosa, y el Tribunal Matrimonial. Estas oficinas diocesanas son de gran ayuda para el ministerio local de la parroquia, especialmente en nuestras parroquias pequeñas. El personal del Centro Pastoral Diocesano esta a la distancia de una llamada telefónica y todos están listos para ayudar a cualquier parroquia. Invito a todos los católicos a tomar el tiempo para visitar otras iglesias en nuestra Diócesis. Un domingo en la misa, le pregunté a la congregación de San Pío X: “¿Cuántos de ustedes han visto la Catedral Diocesana en Baker City?” No muchos levantaron la mano. Los invito a hacer una peregrinación a la Catedral. El ser una Diócesis nos invita a mirar más allá de nosotros mismos, de ver las muchas ciudades y pueblos que se unen bajo el liderazgo del Obispo Cary.

We are the Diocese of Baker. “Rejoice and be glad!”

Somos la Diócesis de Baker. “¡Estemos alegres y contentos!”

Fr. Rick Fischer, Vicar General

Fr. Rick Fischer, Vicario General Page 2

PRIESTLY ORDINATION ANNIVERSARIES: Congratulations to Reverend Rogatian Urassa, pastor of Sacred Heart Church in Klamath Falls, on his ordination anniversary of November 20, 1983. We are most grateful for the years of service of all our Priests and Bishops. Please keep them in your prayers. NOTICIAS HISPANAS: Año de la Fe Benedicto XVI concederá a los fieles la indulgencia plenaria con motivo del Año de la Fe que será válida desde su apertura (11 de octubre de 2012 hasta su clausura, 24 de noviembre de 2013). “En el cincuenta aniversario de la apertura del Concilio Vaticano II el Sumo Pontífice ha establecido el inicio de un Año particularmente dedicado a la profesión de la fe y a su recta interpretación, con la lectura y la meditación de los Actos del Concilio y de los artículos del Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica”. “Ya que se trata, ante todo, de desarrollar por cuanto sea posible en esta tierra la santidad de vida y de obtener, en el grado más alto la pureza del alma, será muy útil el don de las indulgencias que la Iglesia, en virtud del poder conferido de Cristo, ofrece a cuantos que, con las debidas disposiciones, cumplen las prescripciones especiales para conseguirlas”. “Durante todo Año de la fe podrán conseguir la Indulgencia plenaria de la pena temporal por los propios pecados o en sufragio de las almas de los fieles difuntos, todos los fieles arrepentidos, confesados, que hayan comulgado sacramentalmente y que recen según las intenciones del pontífice: Cada vez que participen al menos en tres momentos de predicación durante las Sagradas Misiones, o al menos, en tres lecciones sobre los Actos del Concilio Vaticano II y sobre los artículos del Catecismo de la Iglesia en cualquier lugar idóneo. Cada vez que visiten en peregrinación una basílica papal, una catacumba cristiana o un lugar sagrado designado por el Ordinario del lugar para el Año de la Fe (por ejemplo basílicas menores, santuarios marianos o de los apóstoles y patronos) y participen en una ceremonia sacra o, al menos, se recojan durante un tiempo en meditación y concluyan con el rezo del Padre nuestro, la Profesión de fe, las invocaciones a la Virgen María y, según el caso, a los santos apóstoles o patronos. Cada vez que en los días determinados por el Ordinario del lugar para el Año de la Fe, participen en cualquier lugar sagrado en una solemne celebración eucarística o en la liturgia de las horas, añadiendo la Profesión de fe. Un día, elegido libremente, durante el Año de la Fe, para visitar el baptisterio o lugar donde recibieron el sacramento del Bautismo, si renuevan las promesas bautismales de cualquier forma legítima. Los obispos diocesanos, en los días oportunos o con ocasión de las celebraciones principales, podrán impartir la Bendición Papal con la Indulgencia plenaria a los fieles. Los fieles que “por enfermedad o justa causa” no puedan salir de casa o del lugar donde se encuentren, podrán obtener la indulgencia plenaria, si recen, allí donde se encuentren, el Padre nuestro, la Profesión de fe u otras oraciones conformes a la finalidad del Año de la Fe ofreciendo sus sufrimientos o los problemas de su vida”.

This Year of Faith offers new beginnings and rediscoveries… Greetings in our Lord Jesus Christ! As my family is settling into our new surroundings I am grateful to all who have extended a welcoming hand and hearty hello. Moving a family of five over 1,000 miles and starting a new job is quite a journey! Our little journey provided many new beginnings and rediscoveries. We have new beginnings in our home, parish, school, and community. With these changes, we have also experienced rediscoveries in what matters most in life, faith and family. As the Church ushers in the Year of Faith (Oct. 11, 2012 - Nov. 24, 2013), all Catholics around the world are invited to rediscover our faith as a journey – “a journey that lasts a lifetime…begins with baptism…and ends with the passage through death to eternal life.” This Year of Faith offers a unique opportunity to encounter the Risen Christ and to rediscover the “beauty and joy of being Christian.” Truly, the Year of Faith is “a summons to an authentic and renewed conversion to the Lord, the one Saviour of the world.” How, might you ask, am I to experience such a conversion? The key is found in the name of Pope Benedict’s Apostolic Letter which introduces the Year of Faith, “Porta Fidei,” which literally means “door of faith” and is taken from the words of Acts 14:27: “…they gathered the church together and declared all that God had done with them, and how he had opened a door of faith to the Gentiles.” So too we are summoned by the Church to gather together in the name of Christ and fully discover what God has done for us. To this end, over the course of the Year of Faith and beyond, many opportunities will be provided to know, live, and share our faith. By way of an introduction to rediscovering the splendor of our faith, I encourage you to visit our new diocesan website page entitled; “Evangelization and Catechesis” at entitled “Religious Education,”). On this webpage you will find a new look with links to resources, programs, and videos, concerning the Year of Faith and on ways to learn and grow in our faith. Over the coming months, we will be adding content and offering opportunities to deepen our knowledge of the faith and, I pray, to deepen our relationship with Jesus Christ. I also encourage everyone in the diocese to take the survey (upper right hand corner of new webpage) so that we can best serve the needs of our Catholic Community in Eastern Oregon. My brothers and sisters in Christ, it is an honor and privilege to serve the Diocese of Baker, especially as we celebrate the Year of Faith. I look forward to our journey to opening wide the door of our faith – indeed, to discover the splendor and symphony of the Catholic Church – to then share Christ and his Church with the entire world! Barry Metzentine, Director of RE and Faith Formation 1

Pope Benedict XVI, Porta Fidei, for the Indiction of the Year of Faith, 1; hereafter, “PF.” 2 Congregation of the Doctrine of Faith, note with pastoral recommendations for the Year of Faith, Intro. 3 PF, 6. Page 3

ALL SOULS DAY: “The month of November draws its special spiritual tone from the two days with which it opens: the Solemnity of All Saints and the Commemoration of all the faithful departed. The great family of the Church finds in these days a time of grace and lives them, in accordance with her vocation, gathered closely around the Lord in prayer and offering his redeeming Sacrifice for the repose of the deceased faithful.” — Pope Benedict XVII 11 November, 2005 IN MEMORIAM DIOCESE OF BAKER “IT IS A HOLY AND WHOLESOME THOUGHT TO PRAY FOR THE DEAD” REMEMBER THE DECEASED BISHOPS AND PRIESTS OF THE DIOCESE OF BAKER IN THE HOLY SACRIFICE OF THE MASS. Jan.

5, 1908 5, 1955 6, 1985 17, 1981 17, 2002 20, 1971 23, 1934 24, 1950 31, 1937 31, 1975

Very Rev. John Heinrich Rev. Edward O’D Hynes Rev. William Coughlin, OFM Cap. Most Rev. Francis P. Leipzig* Rev. Robert E. Simard Rev. William Roden Rev. Joseph Schmidt Rev. John Delahunty Rev. M.J. Kelly Rev. Peter J. Duignan

1, 1958 4, 1983 8, 1934 9, 1997 11, 1937 11, 2007 13, 1959 14, 1948 16, 2004 18, 2011 22, 1952 25, 2005

Rev. Patrick J. Stack Rev. David J. Hazen Rev. Thomas M. Neate, S.J. Rev. John Baumgartner Rev. Luke Sheehan, OFM, Cap. Rev. Timothy Collins Rev. Felix Geis Rev. John O’Donovan Rev. Msgr. Bernard Keating Rev. Robert Van Sickler Rev. Thomas Brady Rev. Cletus Kirkpatrick

9, 1929 15, 2000 21, 1978 24, 1988 24, 1991 26, 1909 31, 1950

Rev. Hugh Marshall Rev. Juan Turula, S.J. Rev. Edmund M. Fern Rev. Patrick J. Lunham Rev. Thomas Endel Rev. John Bradley Most Rev. Leo F. Fahey*

3, 1933 3, 1978 8, 1942 9, 1928 11, 1967 12, 1967 19, 1995 26, 1993

Rev. Patrick O’Rourke Rev. James M. O’Connor Rev. John Wand Rev. Joseph M. Cataldo, S.J. Rev. Otto Nooy Most Rev. Joseph F. McGrath* Rev. John Murphy M.Afr Rev. Msgr. Timothy Casey


4, 2011 6, 1984 7, 1919 21, 2007 24, 2006 27, 1936

Rev. W. Raymond Jarboe Rev. Msgr. George A. Murphy Rev. John Kerr Rev. Martin Quigley Rev. Richard J. Conway Rev. Joseph Schell


1, 2012 3, 1939 4, 1945 18, 1965 28, 1943

Rev. Daniel Ochiabuto, SMMM Rev. Harold A. Reiley, S.J. Rev. August F. Loeser Rev. John T. Curran Rev. Denis Sheedy





6, 1975 10, 1973 10, 1989 13, 1920 14, 1988 24, 1977 27, 1946

Rev. Donal Sullivan, OFM Cap. Rev. Msgr. Michael J. McMahon Rev. A. Robert Miller Rev. Patrick Driscoll Rev. Leo Stupfel Rev. John M. Kenney Rev. James H. Maloney


3, 1995 10, 1992 26, 2005

Rev. Joseph B. Hayes Rev. Charles Graves Rev. John F. Cunningham


6, 1978 13, 2006 16, 1964 19, 1964 22, 1992 24, 2009 27, 2004 29, 1975 30, 1958

Rev. Msgr. Patrick J. Gaire Rev. Joseph Kelbel Rev. Vincent Egan Rev. Michael Ahearne Rev. Jocelyn St. Arnaud Rev. Msgr. Matthew Crotty Rev. Carl H. Gillen Rev. Simon Coughlan, OFM Cap. Rev. Robert Kennedy


2, 1980 15, 2001 17, 1935 24, 1908 28, 1918 31, 1996

Rev. John B. O’Connor Rev. Msgr. William S. Stone Rev. Dominic O’Connor, OFM, Cap Rev. John Joseph Landry, S.J. Rev. John Moriarity Rev. Henry A. Beegan


2, 1942 10, 1976 14, 1977 15, 1975 22, 1999 22, 2007

Rev. Michael Dalton Rev. Thomas J. Moore Rev. Francis McCormick Rev. George French, S.J. Rev. Msgr. John F. Phelan Rev. Francis Hebert


2, 1918 2, 1941 2, 1971 3, 1927 8, 1970 11, 1993 14, 1967 15, 1960 16, 1982 22, 1937 23, 2007

Rev. Msgr. Alphonse Bronsgeest Rev. James L. McKenna, S.J. Rev. Benjamin Kierman Rev. Thomas Cantwell Rev. Celestin Quinlan, OFM Cap. Rev. Msgr. Charles Timothy Grant Rev. Daniel Duffy, OFM Cap. Rev. Thomas McTeigue Rev. John A. O’Brien Rev. James Walsh Rev. Msgr. Raymond Beard

September, 2012 Page 4