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I live with my mom and my older brother who is 4 years old. My mom doesn't have a job. She doesn't go to school. She just takes care of us at home. My dad left us when I was 5 months old and he doesn't give us money or anything. We receive help from my uncle; he gives us food so that we can eat. We live in a house ...
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Date of Form: 5-Jun-2017


Picture #(s): 0152-0153


Apellido (last name):

Dotel Perez

Nombre (first name):

Yoedelin Madalena

Género (gender):


Fecha de nacimiento: (birthdate)


dia (day)-mes (mo.)-año (yr.)

Nombres de los padres (parents’ names): Ricardo Daniel Dotel and Yudelyn Mercedes Perez

Acerca de mi familia (about my family): I live with my mom and my older brother who is 4 years old. My mom doesn’t have a job. She doesn’t go to school. She just takes care of us at home. My dad left us when I was 5 months old and he doesn’t give us money or anything. We receive help from my uncle; he gives us food so that we can eat. We live in a house belonging to my grandmother. We live in a village called Casandra.

¿Qué te gusta hacer o jugar? (What do you like to do or play?) I like to play with toys and dolls.

¿Qué te gusta estudiar en la escuela? (What do you like to study in school?) I like to write.

¿Cómo tú ayudas en casa? (How do you help at home?) I help my mom with sweeping.

¿Tienes un versículo favorito de la Biblia o historia de la Biblia? (Do you have a favorite Bible verse or story from the Bible?) Note: She is too young to know.

¿Cómo podemos orar por ti? (How can we pray for you?) Her mom says, "Pray for my family and my kids that God makes them healthy."