A Social Media Kit to Observe Children's Dental Health ...

By the time they reach their teens, half of all U.S. children have had a dental cavity .... When it comes to beverages for your kids, H2O is the way to go. Here's why ...
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A Social Media Kit to Observe Children’s Dental Health Month (February 2016) The following messages can be used by health, family and children’s advocates to promote the importance of oral health during Children’s Dental Health Month. These messages were written for use on either Facebook or Twitter. This kit also includes 8 Spanish-language messages — and each one is a translation of the English-language message that precedes it. Feel free to use any of these messages or revise them to more effectively target your audience or reflect your organizational mission. During this month, we encourage you to use the hashtag #Month4Smiles.

The Challenge & Consequences By the time they reach their teens, half of all U.S. children have had a dental cavity http://bit.ly/1EjyALt #Month4Smiles FACT: Tooth decay is the most common chronic disease of U.S. children http://1.usa.gov/YMColV #Month4Smiles Children with cavities in their baby teeth are 3x more likely to get cavities in adult teeth http://bit.ly/19ZJkyH #Month4Smiles Dental problems affect a child’s ability to attend and perform well in school http://bit.ly/1v03bDH # Month4Smiles Baby teeth eventually fall out, but keeping them free of cavities is still important http://1.usa.gov/1OwFfSJ #Month4Smiles Aunque los dientes de leche se caen con el tiempo, es importante mantenerlos libre de caries http://1.usa.gov/1OwFfSJ #Month4Smiles Tooth decay among childhood is one category where there is no pride in being #1 http://aet.na/1kP0nf1 #Month4Smiles

Parents of children with special health care needs often struggle to get dental care for their kids http://bit.ly/1M1ocf6 #Month4Smiles It’s “just a cavity”? Think again. This boy died b/c the infection in his tooth spread to his brain http://wapo.st/1cZWHA1 #Month4Smiles Dental problems account for nearly 2 million missed school days each year for children http://bit.ly/1BruFsb #Month4Smiles Early Childhood Tooth Decay How common is tooth decay among preschoolers and what can states do to reduce it? http://bit.ly/1ZijmMJ #Month4Smiles Fluoride varnish is recommended for all infants and toddlers when their first tooth appears http://1.usa.gov/1TiNNRA #Month4Smiles Early childhood decay dropped slightly, but 1 in 4 kids (ages 2-5) have had a cavity. We can do better http://bit.ly/1EjyALt #Month4Smiles Find fact sheets, infographics & other great resources for preventing early childhood cavities at http://bit.ly/1ZijmMJ #Month4Smiles @MayoClinic says cavities in baby teeth “can have serious and lasting complications” if untreated http://mayocl.in/1QsIPjE #Month4Smiles Early childhood tooth decay is an infectious disease that can begin as soon as teeth first appear http://bit.ly/1PLPJkm #Month4Smiles La caries dental es una enfermedad infecciosa que puede comenzar tan pronto como salen los dientes http://bit.ly/1PLPJkm #Month4Smiles #Fluoride varnish is a proven strategy to protect toddlers’ teeth from tooth decay http://bit.ly/1NnY38Q #Month4Smiles Tooth decay among young children has a great human and financial cost. Learn more at http://bit.ly/1TSx0o4 #Month4Smiles


Don’t wait for all of your kid’s teeth to appear. A child should see a dentist by their 1st birthday http://wb.md/1lFEc7u #Month4Smiles Oral Health Equity Untreated tooth decay is more likely to affect children of color. Let’s strive for oral health equity http://bit.ly/1EjyALt #Month4Smiles CDC: Oral health disparities by race, ethnicity & other factors are “profound” in the US http://1.usa.gov/1GxtEmc #Month4Smiles @CDCChronic CDC: En EE.UU existen disparidades en salud oral y estas dependen de muchos factores http://1.usa.gov/1GxtEmc #Month4Smiles @CDCChronic American Indian & Alaska Native children are 4x > likely to have untreated tooth decay than white kids http://bit.ly/1mZyx0S #Month4Smiles Report: Systems 2 track oral health data by race, ethnicity & immigration status “are severely lacking” http://bit.ly/1mZyx0S #Month4Smiles Encouraging news: The uninsured rate for Hispanic kids has dropped significantly http://bit.ly/1lecBhx #Month4Smiles Greater focus is needed on the social determinants that shape a child’s or family’s oral health http://bit.ly/1Rqm9nG #Month4Smiles White children are more likely to get the benefits of dental sealants than Black or Asian kids http://1.usa.gov/1Ey0Ybh #Month4Smiles Talk with communities of color, not at them. This Colo. initiative is an example of real collaboration http://bit.ly/1mLmmF2 #Month4Smiles More than 1.5-M Calif. kids suffer abuse, neglect or other trauma that contribute to poor health http://bit.ly/1Wf3tXr #Month4Smiles Fluoride in Toothpaste & Water How often should you replace your child’s toothbrush? Get the answer and other tips here http://bit.ly/1hL03Ks #Month4Smiles 3

Fluoride in drinking water helps reduce cavities for kids. Visit a faucet near you. http://1.usa.gov/1w410AT #Month4Smiles Once an infant’s first tooth appears, start brushing with #fluoride toothpaste. Learn more at http://bit.ly/1Obynuj #Month4Smiles Have a child age 6 or younger? This show how much #fluoride toothpaste to put on their toothbrush http://nyti.ms/1BwmE63 #Month4Smiles Questions about #fluoride? This site helps parents find the answers they need http://bit.ly/1OHUU1c #Month4Smiles ¿Preguntas sobre el fluoruro? Encuentra respuestas a todas tus preguntas aquí http://bit.ly/1RgrnSA #Month4Smiles These videos can help encourage children to brush their teeth regularly http://2min2x.org/ @brush2min2x #Month4Smiles Health experts are united when it comes to water fluoridation. Here’s what they say: http://bit.ly/1Ja0IPB #fluoride #Month4Smiles What is dental fluorosis? Parents can get the facts here http://bit.ly/1T05dBG #fluoride #Month4Smiles #Fluoride toothpaste helps prevent cavities. Drinking fluoridated water adds even more protection http://bit.ly/1n7ilWM #Month4Smiles Heard of the “Harvard Study” about #fluoride? Separate the myths from the facts http://bit.ly/1Q0GQV6 #Month4Smiles Are your kids brushing their teeth properly? Read these tips during Children’s Dental Health Month http://bit.ly/1plSn7g #Month4Smiles Diet & Children’s Teeth When it comes to beverages for your kids, H2O is the way to go. Here’s why: http://bit.ly/1MhFaAB #Month4Smiles


Cuando se trata de bebidas para sus hijos, el agua es la mejor bebida. Encuentre porqué aquí http://bit.ly/1MhFaAB #Month4Smiles A healthy diet plays a key role in children’s oral health. Learn more at http://bit.ly/1TFahvF #Month4Smiles Sugary drinks: A big problem for little kids. Here is good info from @First5LA http://bit.ly/1YlwzE2 #Month4Smiles Eating caramel or other sweet, sticky foods is especially bad for kids’ teeth. Learn more at http://wb.md/1g7wiBs #Month4Smiles How often your child drinks sugary beverages & how long the sugar stays in the mouth are important http://1.usa.gov/1OwFfSJ #Month4Smiles New federal health guidelines recommend: “Drink water instead of sugary drinks” http://bit.ly/1MVH764 #Month4Smiles A healthy diet helps ensure healthy teeth. But #poverty is a driver of the foods families choose http://bit.ly/1RoN0kb #Month4Smiles The Importance of Dental Coverage Dental coverage thru the Children’s Health Insurance program matters. Read this Alabama family’s story http://bit.ly/1BruFsb #Month4Smiles Parents: This guide helps you choose dental coverage for your kids on the state insurance marketplace http://bit.ly/1xdCHp1 #Month4Smiles Dental coverage provides a foundation for kids to have healthy teeth and mouths. Celebrate Children’s Dental Health Month! #Month4Smiles Fed report: #CHIP med/dental program is more comprehensive and affordable than marketplace plans http://bit.ly/1Wf3tXr #Month4Smiles Children enrolled in #Medicaid are far less likely than uninsured kids to have unmet med/dental needs http://bit.ly/1lecBhx #Month4Smiles


Ariz. legislator says children’s dental health suffers from the state’s lack of a #CHIP program http://bit.ly/1P7eyUG #Month4Smiles Encouraging news: The uninsured rate for Hispanic kids has dropped significantly http://bit.ly/1lecBhx #Month4Smiles Buenas noticias: El número de niños hispanos sin seguro médico ha bajado significativamente http://bit.ly/1lecBhx #Month4Smiles Many employers don’t offer dental insurance for kids. The Affordable Care Act helps fill this gap http://bit.ly/1SONOOz #Month4Smiles Without the #CHIP program, dental coverage would be far less affordable for families http://bit.ly/1OQCnod #Month4Smiles This infographic shows why #CHIP helps to make dental coverage for kids affordable for working families http://bit.ly/1OwHeeu #Month4Smiles The High Cost of Poor Oral Health Cavities raise kids’ dental costs, which were $20-B in 2009. That’s nearly 1/5 of health care dollars http://1.usa.gov/1wL3mHZ #Month4Smiles Tooth decay has a human and economic cost. Guess the lifetime cost of single cavity: http://bit.ly/Y0jXdj #Month4Smiles Study: A state Medicaid program can save $$ by investing in proven forms of dental prevention http://bit.ly/1RlGACw #Month4Smiles Prevention pays off. Applying a dental sealant to a child’s tooth is 1/3 the cost of filling a cavity http://bit.ly/22Nl792 #Month4Smiles In one year alone, the cost of ER treatment for young NY children for rampant cavities reached $31-M http://bit.ly/1mUyuRm #Month4Smiles School-Based Dental Programs Blog: Why schools are an ideal place to reach children who need preventive dental services http://bit.ly/17j9QVh #Month4Smiles 6

Dental sealants prevent tooth decay and also stop cavities from growing. More info at @CDCChronic http://1.usa.gov/1MwAx82 #Month4Smiles Schools are a smart way to connect more kids with dental services. Here’s one example in Kansas http://n.pr/1Jchnli #Month4Smiles Las escuelas son excelentes sitios para educar y prestar servicios dentales para los niños. Ejemplo Kansas http://n.pr/1Jchnli #Month4Smiles Brief explores strategies for engaging decision-makers and gaining support for school oral health progs http://bit.ly/1DKiawD #Month4Smiles Sealants are thin plastic coatings placed on the chewing surfaces of the back teeth http://1.usa.gov/1E7Xjy9 #Month4Smiles Report: What challenges do states face in operating school-based dental sealant programs? http://bit.ly/1tQJBff #Month4Smiles Sealants prevent cavities, yet only 1/6 kids (ages 6-9) has received a dental sealant on a perm. molar http://bit.ly/1DKiawD #Month4Smiles Tips & Resources for Parents Parents: This downloadable sheet provides dental health tips for kids of different age groups http://bit.ly/16oiYYC #Month4Smiles All children should see a dentist by age 1. Learn more at http://bit.ly/1TcXUcq #Month4Smiles These free-to-order oral health materials offer tips to start healthy habits early. Details here: http://1.usa.gov/1EJd4zA #Month4Smiles Parents of kids with special needs: This one-pager offers tips for finding the right dentist http://1.usa.gov/1FbjDWQ #Month4Smiles Cuidado dental para niños con necesidades especiales. Encuentre más información aquí http://1.usa.gov/1FbjDWQ #Month4Smiles


Sharing spoons w/your child could put them at greater risk of cavities. A Texas dentist explains why: http://bit.ly/1X8xoiV #Month4Smiles Parents: These books (English & Spanish) are a fun way for kids to learn about oral health http://bit.ly/1ezYdMZ #Month4Smiles Bedtime and brushing are a perfect pair for kids. Learn about the “Brush, Book & Bed” program http://bit.ly/1SiBDuf #Month4Smiles This interactive timeline shows parents how to keep their kids’ mouths healthy http://bit.ly/1ytzcuX #Month4Smiles Mantener una buena salud oral en los niños es importante. Aprende como hacerlo dependiendo de su edad http://bit.ly/1kN1bAV #Month4Smiles These tips can help if an injury breaks or knocks out one of your child’s teeth http://bit.ly/1P5MaXv #Month4Smiles Another reason not to light up: second-hand smoke could raise an infant’s risk of tooth decay http://bit.ly/1n2Hzuv #Month4Smiles Moms Matter & Pregnancy Women: During #pregnancy, put your newborn on a path toward good oral health by taking care of your own http://bit.ly/1oFXZ6y #Month4Smiles DYK? The bacteria in a mom’s mouth can help predict her newborn child’s risk of tooth decay http://bit.ly/1ZKU6Re #Month4Smiles Experts: “Ample evidence shows” it’s safe to get dental care during #pregnancy http://bit.ly/1T75X8M #Month4Smiles Prevent early childhood tooth decay. Improving the dental health of #pregnant women will help http://bit.ly/1oFXZ6y #Month4Smiles Researchers: Moms should be “a major focus” of oral health promotion and outreach activities http://1.usa.gov/1W4eYkh #Month4Smiles


Children of moms with a lot of untreated decay were 3x more likely to have a lot of cavities http://bit.ly/1l3w8kE #Month4Smiles Women should receive dental care during #pregnancy. Raise their awareness with these free materials http://1.usa.gov/1EJd4zA #Month4Smiles This Minnesota nurse is working hard to remind pregnant women that their oral health matters http://bit.ly/1AKjcYk #Month4Smiles Videos Video: How to brush your toddler’s teeth, when to start and what kind of toothpaste to use http://bit.ly/1PeG4ST #Month4Smiles Video: How much sugar do kids eat? The answer may shock you http://bit.ly/1P1may7 #Month4Smiles Here’s a great video to raise kids’ awareness that their teeth matter http://bit.ly/1n4YCMq #Month4Smiles Video: Turning on the tap is helping millions of families protect their children’s teeth from cavities http://bit.ly/1MUblpU #Month4Smiles Parents: This video shows you what to expect from your child’s first visit to a dental office http://bit.ly/1OP5u6B #Month4Smiles Padres: Este video muestra lo que pueden esperar en la primera visita de su hijo a un consultorio dental http://bit.ly/1OP5u6B #Month4Smiles Video: Baby teeth will eventually fall out, but they still need to be kept healthy. Here’s how http://bit.ly/1MRWvEk #Month4Smiles A good video from @PewHealth for families who want to know more about fluoride in drinking water http://bit.ly/1O6LcWr #Month4Smiles

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How Fluoride Works Centers for Disease Control and Prevention http://bit.ly/1U08iSR “I’m a Doctor, But I’m Also a Mom …” Campaign for Dental Health (AAP) http://bit.ly/1PnmbMX “I’m a Doctor, But I’m Also a Dad …” Campaign for Dental Health (AAP) http://bit.ly/1PsPess A Coordinated System to End Cavities Children’s Dental Health Project http://bit.ly/23cWe6X (PDF file) http://bit.ly/1Qm65C8 (PNG file) The Mighty Mouth’s Guide to Smart Snacking & Sipping Washington Dental Service Foundation http://bit.ly/1sDQb5A The State of Pediatric Oral Health American Academy of Pediatric Dentists http://bit.ly/1Q2OtJF Teeth vs Soda Biltmore Commons Dental/Falling Up Media http://bit.ly/1nnD39Z