A Roman Catholic Stewardship Church

hace 4 días - and Mike Fowler, John Galeczka, Delia Garcia, Michael S. Garcia,. Suzann Gastreich, Rev. ... our Hope and Wellness Ministry that had.
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Fr. Thomas Paul K. Naval

Fr. Gregory Dick, O. Praem



Fr. Stephen Lesniewski

Fr. John Block



Dan Diesel

Ricardo Barraza



A Roman Catholic Stewardship Church Our Mission With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we, the Roman Catholic Community of Santiago de Compostela aspire to proclaim in word and action the living Gospel of Jesus Christ. MASS SCHEDULE: Saturday Vigil 5pm Sunday 7am, 8:30am, 10:15am, 12pm, 1:45pm, 6:00pm (Español) Daily (Mon-Sat)8am (Rosary following Mass) First Friday 8am National Holidays 8am

RECONCILIATION: Friday 4pm-5pm Saturday 3:30pm-4:30pm

PERPETUAL ADORATION: First Friday 8am-7:45am Benediction Saturday 8am Third Wednesday (Respect Life) 9:30am-7:45am Benediction Thursday 8am


HOLY DAYS OF OBLIGATION: Vigil 6pm Holy Days 8am, 6pm, 7:30pm (Español)

PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-1pm, 2pm-8:30pm Sunday 9am-12pm, 1pm-5:30pm

PARISH OFFICE PHONE NUMBERS: Business Manager x224 Communications/Scheduling x236 Formation Assistant x225 Maintenance x237 Music Ministry x229 Parish Ministry/ R.C.I.A x231 Religious Education and x239 Hispanic Ministries Youth Ministry x233

21682 LAKE FOREST, LAKE FOREST, CA 92630 • OFFICE: 949-951-8599 • FAX: 949-951-2687 SDCCATHOLIC.ORG

The Ascension of the Lord

June 2, 2019

Sunday/ Domingo, June 2 6:00am 6:30am

8:00am 9:00am 5:30pm

Knights of Columbus Welcome Table Donuts Camino de Santiago Children’s Liturgy Library Liturgia de los Niños

Room A Library Room A



† Francisco Xavier Anna Lieu



† Piedad Gutierrez Luis Ivan Flores II



Ryann Palacio Uvaldo Vargas



John Curry David Alves



† Roman Sanchez Teresita Cantu † Jesse Velasquez



Almas del Purgatorio Araceli Maldonado



† Milburga V. Misa Paula and Maurice Mauricio

Church Santiago Chapel Mtg. Church OLP Room A OLP Chapel



Carolina Martinez Miguel Torres Alliyah Leeann Flores



† Piedad and Santiago Gutierrez † Ines Osorios † Agnes Sugay



Carmen Mugol † Eulogio Escueta

Church Church Room J Room A Library OLP Room B, C



Maldonado Family



† Rogelio Asis Efrain Gonzalez



† Virgilio D. Miclat † Romeo L. Navarro

Monday/Lunes, June 3 8:00am 9:00am 6:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm

Daily Mass Library Open St. Vincent de Paul Spiritual Ex. Of St. Ig. Rosario Maria Auxiliadora BSA Troop 604 CLC-St. Ignatius Group

June 2nd thru June 8th

Kitchen, Room D-I Plaza

Church Library Library Santiago Church OLP, Room A St. Joseph

Tuesday/Martes, June 4 8:00am 3:00pm 4:30pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm

Daily Mass Cursillo Camino de Santiago Hope and Wellness Cristo Rey Coro

Church Santiago Santiago Room K Room H, I Church

Wednesday/ Miércoles, June 5 8:00am 3:30pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:00pm

Daily Mass Camino de Santiago Compañia Espiritual Liturgical Workshop Children’s Choir Knights of Columbus Ensemble Music Ministry Our Lady Queen of Peace

Thursday/ Jueves, June 6 8:00am 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:45pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm

Daily Mass Liturgical Workshop Cristo Rey Ministrels Women’s Spiritual Direction Chorale Music Ministry Adult Confirmation

Friday/ Viernes, June 7 6:30am 8:00am 9:00am 9:00am 9:00am 4:00pm 5:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 6:30pm

Christian Men in Commerce Daily Mass 24hr Adoration Al-Anon Knights of Columbus Confessions Grupo de Crochet Wedding Rehearsal Wedding Rehearsal Baptism Class

Room A Church Chapel Room K Kitchen, Room C-J Church Library Church Church Room A

Saturday/ Sábado, June 8 7:00am 8:00am 8:00am 8:00am 8:30am 10:00am 12:00pm 2:00pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:30pm 4:30pm

Catholic Men’s Fellowship Daily Mass Matthew 25 Adult Confirmation Retreat Al-Anon Bautizos Wedding (25th Anniversary) Wedding Kyrie Confessions Children’s Liturgy Welcome Table Camino de Santiago

Santiago Church Kitchen Room B, C, D, I, J, K Room A Church Church Church Room A Church Room A Plaza

Schedule subject to change Some scheduled events do not reflect actual start time, please check the bulletin for more event information.

Ernesto Barraza, Esteban Barraza, Betty Burgos, Burgos Family, Rev. Msgr. John Campbell, Corinna Canivel, Mr. Caschetta, Castro Family, Cherie Deeble, Donna Dorn, Carrie Dubeau, Duran Family, Abram Duran, Patrick Farrell, Cheryl Flores, Marta and Mike Fowler, John Galeczka, Delia Garcia, Michael S. Garcia, Suzann Gastreich, Rev. Dave Gruver, John Gutierrez, Andy Heidesch, Lynn Hennings, Emma Herrera, Robert Holohan, Takoa Last, Serena Madison, Maria Luisa Maldonado, Maria del Refugio Martinez, Sandy McAdams, Eleanor McDonald, Adelita Meza, Guadalupe Meza, Jesus Meza, Ligaya Nerona, Sara Ornelas, Jose Ortiz, Lumi Palacio, Marylou Palos, Erika Pena, Liliana Pena, Bogdan Plewnia, Fe Rabanera, Lorraine Reyes, Rachel Ruelas, Rose Ruiz, Ilda Sánchez, Luke Siglar, Solikhin Family, Christine Stegall, Irene Sullivan, Connie Wellenc. Please note: In order to keep the list current, names will remain on the list for six weeks. Please resubmit after that time by contacting: [email protected].

PICTURE(S) ON FRONT COVER Picture (T to B): 1..-2. Camino de Santiago Artwork.

The Ascension of the Lord

JMJ June 2, 2019

My Dearest Parish Family, God be with us always. A Blessed Feast of the Ascension of Our Risen Lord!

June 2, 2019 y generosidad de Dave, Teresa y la familia Stokes. Su nieto también trabajó voluntariamente para ayudar a su finalización. Esta pareja, Dave y Teresa también coordinan nuestro Ministerio de Esperanza y Bienestar que tuvo su presentación esta semana sobre Salud Mental. Todos debemos agradecer que se ofrezcan a servir en este ministerio. Es posible que haya notado que I would continue to ask parents to consider hemos incluido peticiones especiales en nuestras enrolling their kids for the VBS and if not, to oraciones dominicales de los fieles hasta el mes attend by volunteering to be ministers and be de mayo, intenciones con respecto a esta of service to our kids participating. preocupación.

those who register early by June 30th. We do welcome those who feel called to be Camino Ministers – serving as Captains or Group Leaders, most especially, to inquire further information from our Camino committee after Mass.

There will be many opportunities for us to continue to pursue our intention to journey to be come a Dynamic Catholic Parish and individuals – I hope we all engage in it with our hearts, minds and spirits open to the Holy Spirit. May we take to heart what our Lord said as His parting words: “Go to all the world and tell the Good News!” God bless and take care.

First, I would like to extend my congratulations to all the students of our Parish Family who are graduating and being promoted on the different levels of education. This achievement is a fruit of the concerted efforts of your parents, family, teachers, mentors and all those who are part of the support system that journeyed with you Love and prayers, during your educational journey.

You may have noticed that we have the Statue of St. Joseph beside the Statue of Our Blessed Mother Mary in our Church Sanctuary. The Niche is courtesy of the Fr. Thomas Paul K. Naval craftsmanship and generosity of Dave, Teresa and the Stokes family. Their grandson also voluntarily worked to helped its completion. This couple, Dave and Teresa also coordinate our Hope and Wellness Ministry that had their presentation this week on Mental Health. We all should be grateful that they offer to serve in this ministry. You may have noticed that we have included special petitions in our Sunday Prayers of the Faithful through the month of May, intentions regarding this concern. I have news about our Covered Patio Construction – the contractors have marked and laid out footprint of this facility. After, the workers will start digging the perimeter JMJ and will prepare the excavation for the columns of the Patio. Hopefully it is smooth 2 de junio de 2019 sailing from here on with the help of God’s grace. Thank you to our Construction Mi Querida Familia Parroquial, Committee for their dedication and diligence. I would also like to thank all those who made our Parish Adult Volunteer Appreciation Dinner special and memorable with their presence and hearts ready to celebrate. May it build the fellowship we share with one another as we continue to serve and minister particularly to our parish family. We also thank the Knights of Columbus for offering Pancake Breakfast on the Feast of the Ascension. May I continue to encourage everyone to participate in our Annual Camino de Santiago – our celebration of the Feast of our Patron, St. James. There is a significant discount for

Dios esté con nosotros siempre. ¡Una bendita fiesta de la ascensión de nuestro Señor resucitado! Primero, me gustaría extender mis felicitaciones a todos los estudiantes de nuestra Familia Parroquial que se gradúan y son promovidos en los diferentes niveles de educación. Este logro es el fruto de los esfuerzos concertados de sus padres, familia, maestros, mentores y todos aquellos que forman parte del sistema de apoyo que viajó con usted durante su viaje educativo. Es posible que haya notado que tenemos la Estatua de San José junto a la Estatua de Nuestra Santísima Madre María en el Santuario de nuestra Iglesia. El nicho es cortesía de la artesanía

Tengo noticias sobre nuestra Construcción de Patio Cubierto: los contratistas han marcado y trazado la huella de esta instalación. Después, los trabajadores comenzarán a cavar el perímetro y prepararán la excavación para las columnas del Patio. Esperemos que sea fácil navegar de aquí en adelante con la ayuda de la gracia de Dios. Gracias a nuestro Comité de Construcción por su dedicación y diligencia. También me gustaría agradecer a todos aquellos que hicieron que nuestra Cena de Agradecimiento a los Voluntarios Adultos de la Parroquia fuera especial y memorable con su presencia y sus corazones listos para celebrar. Que se construya la comunidad que compartimos unos con otros a medida que continuamos sirviendo y ministrando particularmente a nuestra familia parroquial. También agradecemos a los Caballeros de Colón por ofrecer un Desayuno de Panqueques en la Fiesta de la Ascensión. Permítame continuar animando a todos a participar en nuestro Camino Anual de Santiago, nuestra celebración de la Fiesta de nuestro Patrón, St. James. Hay un descuento significativo para aquellos que se inscriban antes del 30 de junio. Damos la bienvenida a aquellos que se sienten llamados a ser ministros de Camino, sirviendo como capitanes o líderes de grupo, especialmente, para solicitar más información a nuestro comité de Camino después de la misa. Continuaría pidiéndoles a los padres que consideren la posibilidad de inscribir a sus hijos en la EBV y, de no ser así, asistir como voluntarios para ser ministros y servir a nuestros hijos participantes. Habrá muchas oportunidades para que continuemos persiguiendo nuestra intención de viajar para ser una Parroquia Católica Dinámica e individuos. Espero que todos nos comprometamos con nuestros corazones, mentes y espíritus abiertos al Espíritu Santo. Que podamos tomar en serio lo que nuestro Señor dijo como sus palabras de despedida: “¡Vayan a todo el mundo y cuenten la Buena Nueva!” Dios bendiga y cuide. Con amor y mis oraciones,

P. Thomas Paul K. Naval

The Ascension of the Lord

June 2, 2019

For these gifts we are grateful: Sunday Offertory (5/26/19) Sunday Offertory: Average Weekly WeShare:

Total Budgeted Sunday Offertory:

Building Fund:













In our desire to serve and accommodate our Parish family’s demands for Mass Intentions, we are now open to receive three names per Mass. We hope that this will help us to remember our loved ones and their importance in our lives. The suggested donation for weekday Masses is $10 and weekend Masses is $15. For more information, please contact our Parish Office. Thank you for your generosity and contributions. To schedule a Mass intention please see the schedule below: • June 3rd: July thru September • September 3rd: October thru December

Important Information: Regarding Your Tithing

PASTORAL SERVICES APPEAL (PSA) 2019 “We Are One, Living the Gospel Message” Our Parish goal for the 2019 Pastoral Services Appeal is for at least 600 of families to pledge $133,000 to support Faith Formation, Outreach Ministries, Clergy Formation and Support and parish and diocesan advancement. Gifts made over that amount will go toward church needs and maintenance of our own parish. The PSA provides a convenient way for all of us, no matter what our time limitations, to take an active role in the mission of the church. As a guide to a proportionate gift, please consider pledging a percent of your income, or the pay for one or two hours work each month for ten months. You can submit your PSA Pledge Envelope during Masses this weekend or next, or return them to the parish office.

We are able to track weekly donations only when our parishioners use their envelopes or utilize electronic fund transfer through WeShare. Loose cash or checks do not get posted to our database. To have your tithing documented, especially for tax purposes, please be sure to use either the envelopes or WeShare so we may properly record your contribution to the parish. When including a check in the donation envelope, please write your envelope number (which is also your Parish ID number) in the memo line of your check, as well as list the check number on the envelope. Thank you for your assistance and God bless you for your continued generosity.

Foreign Currency and Tithing From time to time we receive foreign currency in our Sunday collection. Unfortunately, we are not able to deposit foreign monies with our bank. We dislike to throw away currency just because it is of no use to the parish when we know it has value elsewhere, so we ask you to please refrain from contributing with foreign coin. We appreciate our parishioner’s time, talent, and U.S. treasure!

PARISH OFFICES AND HALL CLOSURE Contribute to our Building Fund! We invite you to make generous contributions to our parish Building Fund which helps with maintenance and major repairs our Church needs. Thank you for your continuous generosity!

Our Parish Clergy and Staff will be attending “Purpose Driven Church Conference” all day beginning Tuesday, June 25th thru Thursday, June 27th. All normal activities will resume on Friday, June 28th. We kindly request your prayers for our SDC team, that we continue being disciple makers patterned after Christ.

The Ascension of the Lord

2019-2020 Registrations Begin JUNE 10th

June 2, 2019

2019-2020 Confirmation Registration NOW REGISTERING! Any questions, please contact Emmanuel Perez, Youth Ministry Coordinator [email protected] or ext. 233

For more information contact [email protected]

FAMILY MASS Second Weekend of the Month June 8th at 5:00pm or June 9th at 10:15am

Liturgical Mystagogy: Pondering the Mysteries of the Liturgy, moving beyond the signs they signify

Liturgical workshops are being scheduled for all our parish liturgical ministers and all other interested parish members, that will help us better understand the meaning of the signs, symbols and gestures we use during the official liturgical celebrations of the church.

2019-2020 Registraciones Inician 10 DE JUNIO Para más información contacte a [email protected]

MISA DE LAS FAMILIAS Segundo Fin de Semana del Mes 9 de junio a la 1:45pm

Liturgical mystagogy is a process that takes our senses and attentiveness to the different heights of the mysteries of the liturgy and of our lives. Liturgy engages us to make the connections into the mysteries of our own personal inner world and the discovery of the presence of the Divine in the events and different encounters of our experiences, people, events, human emotions, things and even the cosmos. Our speaker, Fr. Miguel Mariano, is the pastor of St. Odilia Parish, (Tucson, Arizona), and works in the Office of Worship, and is the bishop's representative for the Interfaith Relations of the various faith communities. He has a Masters Degree in Liturgy from the Liturgy Institute-University of St. Mary of the Lake, Mundelein, Illinois.

Our workshops are: Wednesday, June 5th 6:30-8:00pm Part 1 Thursday, June 6th 6:30-8:00pm Part 2 Liturgical Ministers Required to Attend! All are welcome! FACILITY SCHEDULING Attention all ministry leaders: In an effort to avoid any scheduling issues or conflicts, all requests for scheduling the church, parish hall, or any other of our facilities need to follow submission guidelines and send request to [email protected]. All forms can be found on our Parish Website under Ministry and Service.

Save the Date for VBS

Bulletin Submissions

August 5th thru August 9th

Do you need to announce your ministry or activities in our Church bulletin? Articles must be submitted NO LATER than Wednesday, 12:00pm 11 (eleven) days in advance of the issue in which you would like it to appear.

Applications available on our Parish Website! We are in need of volunteers. If interested, please contact Suzanne Loberg [email protected]

The Ascension of the Lord

June 2, 2019 RECYCLING WE NEED YOUR RECYCLABLES The Knights need your help in collecting recyclables. Your recyclables are a gift to those in need. The “Lord” asks that we reach out to others and this can be your way to do so. We look forward to seeing all of you Saturday June 8th, 2019. Items to drop off: • Aluminum cans • Bi-Metal cans • All types of paper • Books, Magazines • Glass jars & bottles • Plastics (Water bottles, Milk bottles, etc.)

DIOCESAN PRIESTS ON RETREAT June 3rd-7th Each year the diocesan priests gather with the bishop for a week long retreat and conference. We will still have Daily Mass at 8am. Please keep the priests in your prayers. “Gracious and loving God, we thank you for the gift of our priests. Through them, we experience your presence in the sacraments. Help our priests to be strong in their vocation. Set their souls on fire with love for your people. Help them to become instruments of your divine grace.” AMEN.

24 hour Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 8am Friday thru 8am Saturday Holy Hour of Prayer 7pm Friday

Mass with Anointing of the Sick Mass with Anointing of the Sick is celebrated on the second Saturday of every month (June 8th) during the 8am Mass. Come and experience the power of faith and the healing presence of God.

Please rinse out all containers If you have questions bring it and we will let you know. We will be in the lower parking lot from 7:00am to 12:00pm rain or shine. You can also drop off any recyclables during the week in the drop off area. Just open the gate and leave them in the designated area at the end of the trailer. Look for the recycling sign.

South County Outreach Food Drive June 8th and June 9 th Our monthly food drive to assist South County Outreach is held the second weekend of each month. If you are unable to bring your donation this weekend, remember there are baskets in the parish hall that you can put your donations into during the week.

The Ascension of the Lord

June 2, 2019


Become a Sponsor!

All volunteers or “pilgrim ministers” must first register at the Camino table on the Plaza or complete the online registration form.

Becoming a sponsor is easy! Contact: [email protected] to inquire how to help or more information about our Camino event.

Registration Registration is now open! Pre-registration: May 18th-June 30th $15 Adult (includes t-shirt) $10 Children under 12 (includes t-shirt) July 1st-July 17th $20 Adult (includes t-shirt) $15 Children under 12 (includes t-shirt) Day of Camino $20 For All (t-shirt not included)

Fun Camino Facts El Camino de Santiago in English translate to “The Way of Saint James.” In Spain, to receive a Camino certificate you must prove that you walked at least 100km (62.1 miles) on one of the Camino routes.

REGISTER ONLINE! Visit our Parish Website


JOLANDA’S CAFE Lunch at JOLANDA’S on El Toro Road (across from Smart Foods). Meet there at 11:00am. To help coordinate the event and RSVP, you may contact Pearl 949-770-4939.

Summer School at St. Junipero Serra Catholic School This summer, St. Serra is offering two Summer School sessions to the local community and St. Serra students: Session I: Monday, June 24 - Friday, July 12 (campus closed July 4 & 5) Session II: Monday, July 15 - Wednesday, July 31 Some of the classes offered: Robotics, Engineering, Coding, Academic Enrichment, Art, Cooking, Theater Arts, & much more! Preschool Program, Extended Care Summer Camp also offered. Please visit www.serraschool.org\summerschool for more information and to register. Space is limited. Leap into Summer today!

Fridays 4:00pm

Saturdays 3:30pm

“And when he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive them, and whose sings you retain are retained.” (John 20: 22-23)

The Ascension of the Lord

Father’s Day Book We invite all adult men to receive the gift of the book Made for More from our parish and from Dynamic Catholic. The author, Curtis Martin, believes that if you find your true purpose, you will discover that you really are “made for More” than what our culture has to offer. You will see life as the adventure it is meant to be, and you will find that you have an irreplaceable role to play in the world. This will set you on a path toward true peace and contentment that will last for the rest of your life—and into eternity.

June 2, 2019

Libro del Dia de los Padres Invitamos a todos los hombres adultos a recibir de parte de nuestra parroquia y de Dynamic Catholic el regalo del libro Hecho Para Más. El autor, Curtis Martin, cree que si encuentras tu verdadero propósito, descubrirás que realmente estas “hecho para mas” de lo que nuestra cultura tiene para ofrecer. Veras la vida como la Aventura que debe ser, y descubrirás que tienes un papel insustituible en el mundo. Esto te pondrá en un camino hacia la verdadera paz y la alegría que durara por el resto de tu vida, y hasta la eternidad.

The Ascension of the Lord

CAMPAÑAS PARA SERVICIOS PASTORALES (PSA) 2019 “Somos Uno, Viviendo El Mensaje del Evangelio”. Nuestra meta parroquial para la apelación de servicios pastorales de 2019 es que al menos 600 de las familias se comprometan a aportar $133,000 para apoyar la formación en la fe, los ministerios de alcance, la formación y el apoyo del clero y el avance parroquial y diocesano. Los obsequios hechos por esa cantidad se destinaran a las necesidades y al mantenimiento de nuestra parroquia. El PSA proporciona una manera conveniente para todos nosotros, sin importar cuales sean nuestras limitaciones de tiempo, para tomar Un papel activo en la misión de la iglesia. Como guía para una donación proporcional, considere prometer un porcentaje de sus ingresos o el pago de una o dos horas de trabajo cada mes durante diez meses. Puede enviar su sobre de compromiso de PSA durante las Misas este fin de semana o el próximo, o devolverlos a la oficina parroquial.

Contribuye a Nuestro Fondo de Construcción! Lo invitamos a hacer contribuciones generosas a nuestro fondo de construcción parroquial que ayuda con el mantenimiento y las reparaciones importantes que nuestra Iglesia necesita. Gracias por su continua generosidad!

OFICINAS PARROQUIALES Y SALONES PARROQUIALES CERRADOS Nuestro clero y personal de la parroquia asistieran a la “Conferencia de la Iglesia Dirigida Por un Proposito” durante todo el dia, desde el martes 25 de junio hasta el jueves 27 de junio. Todas las actividades normales se reanudaran el Viernes 28 de junio. Pedimos amablemente sus oracionespara nuestro equipo de Santiago, para que sigamos siendo creadores de discipulos siguiendo el modelo de Cristo.

June 2, 2019

En nuestro deseo de servir y satisfacer las demandas de Intenciones de Misa de nuestra parroquia, ahora estamos abierto a recibir tres nombres por Misa. Esperamos que esto nos ayude a recordar a nuestros seres queridos y su importancia en nuestras vidas. La donación sugerida para Misas entre semana es de $10 y las Misas de fin de semana es de $15. Para obtener mas información, comuníquese con nuestra Oficina Parroquial. Gracias por su generosidad y contribuciones. Las fechas de inicio trimestrales es el siguiente: • 3 de junio = julio a septiembre • 3 de septiembre = octubre a diciembre

Mistagógica Litúrgica: Reflexionando sobres los misterioso de la liturgia, yendo mas allá de los signos que significan Se están programando talleres litúrgicos para todos los ministerios litúrgico de nuestra parroquia y todos los demás miembros interesados de la parroquia, que nos ayudaran a comprender mayor el significado de los signos, símbolos y gestos que utilizamos durante las celebraciones litúrgicas oficiales de la iglesia. La mistagógica litúrgica es un proceso que lleva nuestros sentidos y nuestra atención a las diferentes alturas de los misterioso de la liturgia y de nuestras vidas. La liturgia nos compromete a establecer conexiones con los ministerios de nuestro propio mundo interior y el descubrimiento de la presencia de lo Divino en los eventos y los diferentes encuentros de nuestras experiencias, personas, eventos, emociones humanas, cosas e incluso el cosmos. Nuestro presentador, el Padre Miguel Mariano es párroco de la Parroquia de Santa Odilia (Tucson, Arizona), trabaja en la Oficina de Adoración y es el represéntate del obispo para las relaciones interreligiosas de las diversas comunidades religiosas. Tiene una maestría en liturgia del Instituto de Liturgia de laUniversidad de Santa Maria del Lago, Mundelein, Illinois.

Nuestros talleres son: miércoles, 5 de junio 6:30-8:00pm Parte 1 jueves, 6 de junio 6:30-8:00pm Parte 2 Ministerios litúrgicos requeridos para asistir! Todos son bienvenidos!

Publicaciones de Boletín ¿Necesita anunciar su ministerio o actividad en el boletín? Los artículos deben ser entregado NO MAS TARDAR del miércoles, 12:00pm 11 (once) días antes de la fecha que desea que aparezca.

The Ascension of the Lord Información Importante: Su Diezmo Podemos hacer un seguimiento de las donaciones semanales solo cuando nuestros feligreses usan sus sobres o utilizan la transferencia electrónica de fondos a través de WeShare. El dinero suelto o los cheques no se publican en nuestra base de datos. Para que se documente su diezmo, especialmente a efectos fiscales, asegúrese de usar los sobres o WeShare para que podamos registrar adecuadamente su contribución a la parroquia. Cuando incluya un cheque en el sobre de donación, escribe su numero de sobre (que también es su numero de identificación de la parroquia) en la línea de la note de su cheque, así como una lista del numero de cheque en el sobre. Gracias por su ayuda y que Dios los bendiga por su continua generosidad.

June 2, 2019 SACERDOTES DIOCESANOS EN RETIRO 3 al 7 de junio Cada ano los sacerdotes diocesanos se reúnen con el obispo para un retiro y una conferencia de una semana. Todavía tendremos la Misa diaria a las 8:00am. Por favor, mantenga a los sacerdotes en sus oraciones. “Dios misericordioso y amoroso, te agradecemos por el regalo de nuestros sacerdotes. A través de ellos, experimentamos su presencia en los sacramentos. Ayuda a nuestros sacerdotes a ser fuetes en su vocación. Enciende sus almas con amor por tu gente. Ayúdalos a ser instrumentos de tu gracia divina.” AMEN.


24 horas Exposición del Santísimo Sacramento viernes 8am a sábado 8am Hora Santa viernes 7pm

Misa de Sanación La Misa de Sanación se celebrará el segundo sábado (8 de junio) de cada mes durante la Misa de las 8 am. Venga y experimente el poder de la fe y la presencia sanadora de Dios.

CLASE DE BIBLIA Iniciando el 23 de mayo estaremos llevando el programa Discipulos Misioneros, donde leemos las lecturas dominicales y se explican Todos los jueves: 23 de mayo al 13 de junio 6:45pm Solamente adultos!

Aparta la Fecha Para VBS 5 de Agosto al 9 de agosto Aplicaciones están disponibles en nuestra pagina web! Necesitamos voluntario. Si esta interesado, contacte a:Suzanne Loberg [email protected]

Viernes 4:00pm

Sábados 3:30pm

“Al decirles esto, soplo sobre ellos y anadio “Reciban al Espiritu Santo. Los pecados seran perdonados a los que ustedes se los perdonen, y seran retenidos a los que ustedes se los retengan.” (Juan 20: 22-23)


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