A Roman Catholic Stewardship Church

hace 20 horas - our times. ..... Next FNL/Youth Group Meeting: February 3rd from 2pm-4pm ... please bring a friend and come check this group out if you are.
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Fr. Thomas Paul K. Naval

Fr. Gregory Dick, O. Praem



Fr. Stephen Lesniewski

Fr. John Block



Dan Diesel

Ricardo Barraza



A Roman Catholic Stewardship Church Our Mission With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we, the Roman Catholic Community of Santiago de Compostela aspire to proclaim in word and action the living Gospel of Jesus Christ.

St. Blaise O glorious Saint Blaise, who by the martyrdom didst leave to the Church a precious witness to the faith, obtain for us the grace to preserve within ourselves this divine gift, and to defend, without human respect, both by word and example, the truth of the same faith, which is so wickedly attacked and slandered in these our times. Thou who didst miraculously restore a little child when it was at the point of death by reason of an affliction of the throat, grant us thy mighty protection in like misfortunes; and, above all, obtain for us the grace of Christian mortification together with a faithful observance of the precepts of the Church, which may keep us from offending Almighty God. Amen.

MASS SCHEDULE: Saturday Vigil 5pm Sunday 7am, 8:30am, 10:15am, 12pm, 1:45pm, 6:00pm (Español) Daily (Mon-Sat)8am (Rosary following Mass) First Friday 8am National Holidays 8am

RECONCILIATION: Friday 4pm-5pm Saturday 3:30pm-4:30pm

PERPETUAL ADORATION: First Friday 8am-7:45am Benediction Saturday 8am


HOLY DAYS OF OBLIGATION: Vigil 6pm Holy Days 8am, 6pm, 7:30pm (Español)

PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:30am-1pm, 2pm-8:30pm Sunday 9am-12pm, 1pm-5:30pm


January 16

Enero 16

Business Manager x224 Communications/Scheduling x236 Formation Assistant x225 Maintenance x237 Music Ministry x229 Religious Education and x239 Hispanic Ministries R.C.I.A. xTBA Youth Ministry x233

21682 LAKE FOREST, LAKE FOREST, CA 92630 • OFFICE: 949-951-8599 • FAX: 949-951-2687 SDCCATHOLIC.ORG

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

February 3, 2019

Sunday/ Domingo, February 3  6:30am 8:00am 9:00am 11:00am 12:00pm 2:00pm 5:30pm

Welcome Table Donuts Children’s Liturgy Library Open RCIA Confirmation Youth Ministry Liturgia de los Niños

Room A Library Santiago Our Lady of the Pillar Our Lady of the Pillar Room A



† M.J. Joseph



Santiago de Compostela Community

Church Library Library Rooms B-K Library Church OLP and Room A St. Joseph



Rita and Efstathios Geronikolaou Patti Westerman † Dr. Erlinda de Jesus



Michael Martinez † Donald Pascual Sr. † Isabelita Pascual



† Enrique Orozco

Church Our Lady of the Pillar Room A, B Room H, I Church Room B-G Santiago Room Room A



† Alejandro Vasquez



Rosy Scherman Paulo Rojas † All Souls



† Kyle Escobar



† Rob Balen



Christina and Christopher Hamren Christopher Bohmfalk



Santiago Clergy



Juliana Tiglao



† Angel Alvarez Jr. † Romualda Manalansang † Macaria Pisano

Monday/Lunes, February 4  8:00am 9:00am 5:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm

Daily Mass Library Open St. Vincent de Paul Religious Education Spiritual Ex. Of St. Ignatius Rosario Maria Auxiliadora BSA Troop 604 CLC-St. Ignatius

Tuesday/Martes, February 5  8:00am 9:00am 1:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm

Daily Mass Lifetouch Portraits Homeschool Classes Cristo Rey Coro Confirmation Clases Pre-Matrimoniales Ensemble Music Ministry

Wednesday/ Miércoles, February 6  8:00am 9:00am 9:00am 6:00pm 9:00am 6:30pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:00pm

Daily Mass Lifetouch Portraits Lifetouch Portraits Children’s Choir Lifetouch Portraits Compañia Espiritual Knights of Columbus Our Lady Queen of Peace Ensemble Music Ministry

February 3rd thru February 9th


Church Our Lady of the Pillar Our Lady of the Pillar Church Our Lady of the Pillar Chapel Mtg. Room Room A Chapel Church

Thursday/ Jueves, February 7  8:00am  2:00pm  6:45pm  6:45pm  7:00pm  7:00pm  7:00pm

Daily Mass  VITA Tax Preparation  Minstrels Choir  Clase de Biblia  Chorale Music Ministry  RCIA  Writers’ Ministry

Church  Library, St. Joseph Room  Room A  Room D-I  Church  Room B  Library

Friday/Viernes, February 8  6:30am 8:00am 9:00am 9:00am 11:00am 4:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 6:30pm

Christian Men in Commerce Daily Mass Lifetouch Portraits Al-Anon Funeral (Mary Ratley) Confessions Grupo de Crochet Formación en la Fe Clases Pre-Bautismales

Room A Church Our Lady of the Pillar Room K Church Church Library Church Room A

Saturday/ Sábado, February 9  7:00am 7:00am 8:00am 8:00am 9:00am 10:00am 12:00pm 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:30pm 4:30pm

Catholic Men’s Fellowship VITA Tax Preparation Daily Mass Matthew 25 Lifetouch Portraits Bautizos Wedding (Ortiz/Monroy) Kyrie Music Ministry Confessions Children’s Liturgy Welcome Table

Santiago Room A, B, K Church Kitchen Room C, J Church Church Our Lady of the Pillar Church Room A Plaza

Schedule subject to change

Miguel Ishiro Alvarez, Esther Block, Betty Burgos, Burgos Family, Mr. Caschetta, Castro Family, Marianna Colvin, Cherie Deeble, Donna Dorn, Carrie Dubeau, Duran Family, Patrick Farrell, Marta and Mike Fowler, Louie D. Garcia, Michael S. Garcia, Suzann Gastreich, Rita Geronikolaou, Jeanette Grelck, Kathy Griffin, Wendy Griffin, Rev. Dave Gruver, John Gutierrez, Andy Heidesch, Cristina Hernandez, Emma Herrera, Robert Holohan, Refugio Jacobo, Lillian Jans, Zeji and Johanna Jubiz Morron, Takoa Last, Richard Long, Sandy MacAdams, Serena Madison, Maria Luisa Maldonado, Maria del Refugio Martinez, Adelita Meza, Guadalupe Meza, Jesus Meza, Galo Mirabal, Christopher and Christian Morenis, Mary Odierna, Sara Ornelas, Jose Ortiz, Lumi Palacio, Erika Pena, Liliana Pena, Paulo Rengifo, Luz Rengito, Rachel Ruelas, Rose Ruiz, Ilda Sánchez, Luke Siglar, Doris Sinclair, Solikhin Family, Irene Sullivan, Sofia Valle.

Please note: In order to keep the list current, names will remain on the list for six weeks. Please resubmit after that time by contacting: [email protected].

In Memoriam  Mary Ratley, entered into Eternal Life on January 8, 2019. Her Funeral Mass will be held on Friday, February 8, 2019.

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time   

February 3, 2019

them again and just exchange greetings El Evangelio nos lleva claramente a la realidad de lo que significa seguir a nuestro Señor Jesús, ya with them.

que es una vida que será desafiante e implicará la resolución de defender los valores y el estilo de vida del Evangelio. Esto es lo que Jesucristo nos mostró como ejemplo cuando valientemente defendió la verdad y reveló que en verdad es el Hijo de Dios, el Mesías. Para esto, la gente quería arrojarlo colina abajo, pero él pasó entre ellos y se alejó.

For something personal, next week we shall be placing near the Baptistry a wooden cross on which we can attach small written notes of our Dreams. Refugio, our Bulletin February 3, 2019 Editor will make an announcement about it in our Bulletin so please watch out for this. My Dearest Parish Family, I hope what we still reflect on our experience during the Dream Event where Reflexionando sobre esto, me hice la pregunta God be with us always. we were invited to see the possibilities que también te hago a ti: ¿Somos admiradores o seguidores de Jesucristo? Siempre podemos Happy Feast Day of Saint Blaise. Hopefully, instead of being blocked by our difficulties. encontrar muchas cosas para admirar acerca de we will all avail of the opportunity to nuestro Señor Jesús, pero nos impulsa a seguir, a experience the Catholic Tradition of having May this week be a week when we can practicar lo que nos inspira de las Sagradas proclaim by our witnessing and our throats touched by blessed candles. Escrituras y en nuestros encuentros con Él en las This is one of the memories I treasure when evangelizing “that today Scripture is being oraciones y los servicios litúrgicos, especialmente I was still a child when our family will make fulfilled in your midst because I choose to la Eucaristía. share the gifts of faith, hope and charity. it a point to go to Mass on this day. May we always aspire for the greatest of Claramente, se nos brindan más que suficientes The Gospel clearly brings us to the reality of spiritual gifts and live for excellent way of oportunidades para hacer que cada encuentro se traduzca en una resolución de acción. Uno de los what it means to follow our Lord Jesus that Christ our Savior. desafíos que el Libro, "La mentira más grande" is it is a life that will be challenging and will nos recuerda es que debemos estar decididos a involve a resolve to stand up for the Gospel Love and prayers, facilitar, crear y participar en los momentos values and lifestyle. This is what Jesus sagrados. Estos son momentos en los que Christ showed us as an example when he testificamos sobre nuestro discipulado y courageously stood up for the truth and mayordomía al acercarnos unos a otros y hacer un esfuerzo para aquellos que más necesitan una revealed that indeed he is the Son of God, experiencia ya sea de fe, esperanza y amor. the Messiah. For this, people wanted to Fr. Thomas Paul K. Naval hurl him down a hill yet He passed among Déjame desafiarte a hacer algo simple, algo the midst of them and walked away. JMJ

factible. Después de la próxima Eucaristía a la que asiste, tómese un tiempo para dirigirse a alguien que no conoce y decir: "Gracias por adorar juntos conmigo / con nosotros en esta misa. Oraré por usted". ¿Cuál es tu nombre? ”Luego usa tu teléfono para grabar sus nombres para que no lo olvides. Tal vez la próxima semana mires si los vuelves a ver y simplemente intercambies saludos con ellos.

Reflecting on this I asked myself the question that I ask of you as well: Are we admirers or followers of Jesus Christ? We can always find many things to admire about our Lord Jesus but does it move us to follow, to practice what inspires us from Sacred Scripture and in our encounters with Him in prayers and Liturgical Services especially the Eucharist. Clearly, we are given more than enough opportunities to make each encounter translate into a resolve to action. One of the challenges the Book, “The Biggest Lie” remind us is that we must be determined to facilitate, to create and engage in Holy Moments. These are moments when we testify to our discipleship and stewardship JMJ by reaching out to one another and making an effort to those who are in most need of 3 de febrero de 2019 an experience whether of faith, hope and Mi Querida Familia Parroquial, love. Let me challenge you to do something simple, something doable. After the next Eucharist you attend take some time to turn to someone who you do not know and say: “thank you for worshipping together with me/us at this Mass. I will pray for you. What is your name?” Then use your phone to record their names so you wont forget. Maybe next week you look out if you see

Dios esté con nosotros siempre. Feliz día de la fiesta de San Blas. Con suerte, todos aprovecharemos la oportunidad de experimentar la Tradición Católica de tener nuestras gargantas tocadas por velas benditas. Este es uno de los recuerdos que atesoro cuando aún era un niño, cuando nuestra familia hará un momento para ir a Misa en este día.

Para algo personal, la próxima semana colocaremos cerca del Baptisterio una cruz de madera en la que podemos adjuntar pequeñas notas escritas de nuestros sueños. Refugio, nuestra editor de boletines hará un anuncio al respecto en nuestro boletín, así que tenga cuidado con esto. Espero que aún reflexionemos sobre nuestra experiencia durante el Evento de los Sueños, donde nos invitaron a ver las posibilidades en lugar de estar bloqueados por nuestras dificultades. Que esta semana sea una semana en la que podamos proclamar con nuestro testimonio y evangelización “que las Escrituras de hoy se están cumpliendo entre ustedes porque elijo compartir los dones de fe, esperanza y caridad. Que siempre podamos aspirar a los más grandes dones espirituales y vivir por la excelente manera de Cristo nuestro Salvador. Con amor y mis oraciones,

P. Thomas Paul K. Naval

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

February 3, 2019

For these gifts we are grateful:


Sunday Offertory (1/27/19)


Sunday Offertory: 



Average Weekly WeShare: 






Total Budgeted Sunday Offertory:  






Building Fund:  



  In our desire to serve and accommodate our Parish family’s demands for Mass Intentions, we are now open to receive three names per Mass. We hope that this will help us to remember our loved ones and their importance in our lives. The suggested donation for weekday Masses is $10 and weekend Masses is $15. For more information, please contact our Parish Office. Thank you for your generosity and contributions. To schedule a Mass intention please see the schedule below:

  

March 4th: June 3rd: September 3rd:

April thru June July thru September October thru December


Again, this year our diocese is providing opportunities for us to share our resources through the PSA “We Are One, Living the Gospel Message” campaign. This annual campaign supports diocesan ministries in many ways. Please look for a letter from Father Thomas in the mail during the first week of February with information on the PSA. This year our Parish’s share of the costs of these ministries is $133,000; donations received over that amount will be returned to the Parish for our building fund needs and parish projects. Please come to Mass on the weekend of February 16th and 17th and be prepared to make your pledge and initial payment. Please prayerfully consider the amount of your pledge to the PSA. Together we are united in the Catholic faith knowing that through your generosity many people will be served. Thank you for your participation in the life of Santiago de Compostela and the Diocese of Orange.

Financial Statements In an effort to save the cost of postage, end of the year tax statements that are requested will be emailed to you or will be available for pick up in the Reception Office. This would be a good time to update or add your email contact information. Financial contribution statements for 2018 will be processed only if you have used weekly envelopes. To request a statement, call the office at 949-951-8599 or email [email protected].

“GRATITUDE can transform common days into thanksgiving, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into BLESSINGS.” -William Arthur Ward A special thank you to all 2019 PSA Mailing Volunteers for their time, dedication, and talents they bring to our Parish. It is a blessing to have you form part of the community.

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time


Religious Education Classes: February 4th February 11th


2019 DATES: March 21, 2019 (Youth Day) & March 22-24, 2019 (adult days) RECongress Youth Day theme: "Trust! God’s Gotchu" RECongress adult days theme: "Thirsting for Justice” | “Sed de Justicia” | “Khát Khao Công Lý” Held at the Anaheim Convention Center in California For more information contact Lyanamar Medina.

  Second Weekend of the Month  February 9th at 5:00pm or February 10th at 10:15am

Clases: 8 de febrero 15 de febrero 22 de febrero

MISA DE LAS FAMILIAS   Segundo Fin de Semana del Mes  10 de febrero a la 1:45pm

Rebekah and Isaac have twin sons, Esau and Jacob who are very different in personality and interests. Esau enjoys hunting while Jacob likes to be a chef in the kitchen. Esau’s marriages become a source of bitterness for his parents. (Gen 26: 34) Why? (See 24:2-4; 27:46-28:1.) All are welcome! Classes are on: Wednesdays 9:00am-11:15am and 6:45pm-9:00pm For more information contact Nancy 949-766-8126 or Barb 949-768-1170 Santiago de Compostela’s OASIS Youth Group

Next Confirmation Classes for CI and II are:    CI class #9: February 5th from 7pm-8:30pm in parish hall.  CII class # 8: February 12th from 7pm-8:30pm in parish hall.    Students should have turned in their saint report by now. If not, get at it this week and turn it in to my office asap.    Parents who volunteered to chaperone on these nights are assigned to a room when they arrive. Please bring a snack to share with the class you chaperone. Estimate 20 students for a snack/classroom. Next FNL/Youth Group Meeting: February 3 rd from 2pm-4pm in the Pillar Room (next to my office). High School Student’s, please bring a friend and come check this group out if you are looking for fun, friendship and want to improve your leadership skills. This counts for either service or Faith sharing credit. Mark your preference when you sign in on the clipboard.    Next Leader planning meeting is: February 3 rd from 12pm-2pm in the Pillar room for leaders to prep for the last retreat.

OASIS Youth Group invites all of our parish 7th and 8th graders to participate in their meetings and activities. A way for you to get involved and build a relationship with God. Next meetings are;  February 2, 2019 from 6pm-8pm, beginning with 5pm Mass  February 20, 2019 from 6pm-8pm NEW HOPE CRISIS HOTLINE The New Hope Crisis Hotline provides telephone crisis intervention and suicide prevention services in Orange County. Trained crisis workers at the Tower of Hope on the Christ Cathedral Campus provide counseling to those who are struggling to cope with day-to-day life. Services are free and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 714-New Hope (714-639-4673).

PICTURE(S) ON FRONT COVER Picture (T to B): 1. St. Blaise artwork and prayer. 2. Dynamic Parish Artwork.

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Foreign Currency and Tithing From time to time we receive foreign currency in our Sunday collection. Unfortunately, we are not able to deposit foreign monies with our bank. We dislike to throw away currency just because it is of no use to the parish when we know it has value elsewhere, so we ask you to please refrain from contributing with foreign coin. We appreciate our parishioner’s time, talent, and U.S. treasure!

Wills and Bequests Please consider placing Santiago de Compostela Church in your Will so that your legacy might continue through the important works and ministries of the parish. You or your estate planner can contact the Orange Catholic Foundation at https://www.oc-foundation.org for information. Please be sure to stipulate Santiago de Compostela Church in Lake Forest, California!

St. Blaise Blessing of the Throats February 3rd Today we celebrate the feast of Saint Blaise, who was bishop of Sebaste in Armenia in the fourth century. Saint Blaise is now venerated as the patron of those who suffer from diseases of the throat. We pray in a special way today for protection from the afflictions of the throat and from other illnesses. The blessing of Saint Blaise is a sign of our faith in God’s protection and love for us and for the sick. At the end of Mass, if you wish to receive a blessing for your throat, we will invite you to come forward like a Communion line. When the Minister places the blessed candle on your throat, he or she will say: “Saint Blaise”. You should respond “Pray for us”.


Do you enjoying writing?

You are invited to attend! Writers’ Ministry Workshop meeting Not a writer? Then please come and listen! We practice and share our writing skills in many ways: Poetry, Reflections, Meditations, Testimony Journaling Monthly meetings on the first Thursday at 7pm in the Library. If you are interested, contact Ruthanne Inscore (949) 472-0962 Ed Smith (949) 207-4575.

February 3, 2019 Mass with Anointing of the Sick Mass with Anointing of the Sick is celebrated on the second Saturday of every month (February 9th) during the 8am Mass. Come and experience the power of faith and the healing presence of God.

RECYCLING WE NEED YOUR RECYCLABLES The Knights need your help in collecting recyclables. Your recyclables are a gift to those in need. The “Lord” asks that we reach out to others and this can be your way to do so. We look forward to seeing all of you Saturday, February 9th. Items to drop off:  Aluminum cans  Bi-Metal cans  All types of paper  Books, Magazines  Glass jars & bottles  Plastics (Water bottles, Milk bottles, etc.) Please rinse out all containers If you have questions bring it and we will let you know. We will be in the lower parking lot from 7:00am to 12:00pm rain or shine. You can also drop off any recyclables during the week in the drop off area. Just open the gate and leave them in the designated area at the end of the trailer. Look for the recycling sign.

South County Outreach Food Drive February 9th and 10 th Our monthly food drive to assist South County Outreach is held the second weekend of each month. If you are unable to bring your donation this weekend, remember there are baskets in the parish hall that you can put your donations into during the week.

Scout Sunday February 10th Please join us at the 10:15am Mass in appreciation for Santiago de Compostela’s support of this ministry. We are a resource in the Church community, helping develop leadership & character in keeping with our Catholic faith. We will also have activities in the lower grass area. Come learn about scouts and have some fun. All are welcome as scouts; it is a family program for both boys and girls ages 5 to 18. We will have demos and games to play between 7:30am and 12:00pm. For more information visit: https://troop604.mytroop.us/.

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

February 3, 2019

SENIOR ACTIVITIES February 19th Lunch at Mimi’s on Lake Forest Dr. and Muirlands. Meet there at 11:00am. To help coordinate the event and RSVP, you may contact Pearl 949-770-4939.

PARISH OFFICE AND HALL CLOSURE Our Parish Office and Hall will be closed on Monday, February 18th, 2019 in observance of Presidents’ Day. Our office and hall will reopen on Tuesday, February 19th, 2019.

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Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Instead, discover simple ways to transform your life in forty days. Join our parish for BEST LENT EVER, a free email program from Dynamic Catholic that is designated to help you have a life-changing Lent. The program is based on the Christmas book “The Biggest Lie in the History of Christianity” and each day, you will receive a short inspiration video that will help you...

SIGN UP AT YourBestLent.com/SignUp And you will have access to a free discussion guide for you, your family, or a small group in your parish.

A GIFT FOR YOU ______________________ Lent is a time specifically designed for reflection and exploration with God in which he works mysteriously to give us exactly what we need. To help us enter into dynamic conversation with God, we invite you to pick up your copy of the 2019 BEST LENT EVER Journal at your parish beginning on Ash Wednesday.

What are your dreams? for yourself-for your family-for our church-for our world On Wednesday, January 16, 2019 over 300 of our parish community gathered to dream. We were invited to dream and hope for ourselves, our loved ones, our church and our world. Everyone was given a dream journal for their dreams and asked to come up with 100 dreams (Journals are available in the Parish Office). We were asked to look at 12 areas of our lives and to dream, to pray and to listen to where we feel called to grow. Adventure dreams - What are some adventures that you’d like to go on? Material dreams - What do you really want/need? What do you want to get rid of? Physical dreams – Exercise. Walk. Food. What are your physical dreams? Finances dreams - Where are you in your financial life, short-term and long-term? Emotional dreams - Look at emotional health through your relationships. Listen. Intellectual dreams - We all want to know more, learn how to do new things. What do you want to learn? Spiritual dreams - Sense of peace. Relationship with God. How can we introduce others to the person of Jesus if He is a stranger to us? Professional dreams - What do you want to do in addition to what you are doing? Creative dreams - What do you long to paint, write, build, create? Psychological dreams - What fear (s) do you want to overcome? What addiction do you want to break? What anxiety do you want to conquer? Character dreams - What are your character dreams? Honesty, caring, patience... Legacy dreams - What is your legacy at the WHAT ARE YOUR DREAMS? end of the year? Are the people you Share with our SDC community, the have been entrusted with better or dreams you have set since our Dream worse at the end of a day, year, Event. There will be a designated month, etc.? area to share all those dreams and bring them to the feet of Jesus for A dynamic parish depends on dynamic our parish community to pray people who are called to holiness and invited together. If you would like your to be who God created each of us to be in and dream to be posted, please send to for this world. [email protected] along with your name and your dream.

February 3, 2019

Mas vale, descubre formas sencillas de transformar tu vida en cuarenta días. Únete a nuestra parroquia para BEST LENT EVER, un programa de correo electrónico gratuito de Dynamic Catholic que esta diseñado para ayudarte tener una Cuaresma que cambiara tu vida. El programa se basa en el libro de Navidad “La Mentira mas Grande en la Historia del Cristianismo” y cada día, recibirás un breve video inspirador que te ayudara a...

REGISTRATE EN YourBestLent.com/SignUp Y tendrás acceso a una guía de discusión gratuita para ti, tu familia o un grupo pequeño en tu parroquia.

UN REGALO PARA TI ______________________ La Cuaresma es un tiempo específicamente diseñado para la reflexión y la exploración con Dios quien trabaja misteriosamente para darnos exactamente lo que necesitamos. Para ayudarnos a entablar una conversación dinámica con Dios, te invitamos a que recojas una copia de tu Diario Personal 2019 BEST LENT EVER en tu parroquia comenzando el Miércoles de Ceniza.

Cuales son tus sueños? Para ti, para tu familia, para nuestra iglesia, para nuestro mundo El miércoles 16 de enero de 2019, mas de 300 personas de nuestra Comunidad parroquial se reunieron para soñar. Nos invitaron a soñar y esperar por nosotros mismos, nuestros seres queridos, nuestra iglesia y nuestro mundo. Todos recibieron un diario de sueños por sus sueños y se les pidió que dieran 100 sueños ( los diarios están disponibles en la oficina parroquial). Nos pidieron que miráramos 12 áreas de nuestras vidas y que soñáramos, que oremos y escuchemos donde nos sentimos llamados a crecer. Sueños de Aventura - Cuales son algunas de las aventurar que te gustaría tener? Sueños Materiales - Que es lo que realmente quieres/necesitas? De que quieres deshacerte? Sueños Físicos – Ejercicio. Caminar. Comida. Cuales son tus sueños físicos? Sueños de Finanzas - Donde estas en tu vida financiera, a corto y largo plazo? Sueños Emocionales - Mira la salud emocional a través de tus relaciones. Escucha. Sueños Intelectuales - Todos queremos saber mas, aprender a hacer cosas nuevas. Que quieres aprender? Sueños Espirituales - Sentido de paz. Relación con Dios. Como podemos presentar a otros a la persona de Jesús si El es un extraño para nosotros? Sueños Profesionales - Que quieres hacer además de lo que estas haciendo? Sueños Creativos - Que anhelas pintar, escribir, construir, crear? Sueños Psicológicos - Que miedo (s) quieres superar? Que adicción quieres romper? Que ansiedad quieres CUALES SON TUS SUEÑOS? conquistar? Comparta con nuestra Comunidad de Sueños de Personalidad - Cuales son tus SDC, los sueños que te has propuesto sueños de tu personalidad? desde nuestro Evento de Ensueño. Honestidad, cuidado, paciencia... Habrá un área designada en la Iglesia Sueños Legados - Cual es tu legado al final para compartir todos esos sueños y del ano? Son las personas a las que se traerlos a los pies de Jesús para que la les ha confiado mejores o peores al comunidad parroquial estemos final de un día, ano, mes, etc? orando juntos. Si desea que se Una parroquia dinámica depende de personas publique su sueño, envíelo a dinámicas que son llamada a la santidad e invitadas a [email protected] ser quienes Dios creo para que estemos en y para este mundo. junto con su nombre y su sueño.

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time


      En nuestro deseo de servir y satisfacer las demandas de Intenciones de Misa de nuestra parroquia, ahora estamos abierto a recibir tres nombres por Misa. Esperamos que esto nos ayude a recordar a nuestros seres queridos y su importancia en nuestras vidas. La donación sugerida para Misas entre semana es de $10 y las Misas de fin de semana es de $15. Para obtener mas información, comuníquese con nuestra Oficina Parroquial. Gracias por su generosidad y contribuciones.  Las fechas de inicio trimestrales es el siguiente:  • 4 de marzo = abril a junio  • 3 de junio = julio a septiembre  • 3 de septiembre = octubre a diciembre

Estados Financieros Las declaraciones de contribución del año 2018 que sean solicitadas, serán enviadas por correo electrónico o estarán disponibles en la oficina parroquial. Este es un buen momento para que actualice su información en nuestro Sistema parroquial. Dichos estados financieros, serán procesados solo si usted ha utilizado sobres semanales. Para solicitar su declaración de contribuciones comuníquese con la oficina parroquial al 949-951-8599 o por correo electrónico [email protected].

Una vez mas, este año nuestra diócesis brinda oportunidades para que compartamos nuestros recursos a través de la campaña de PSA “Somos Uno, Viviendo El Mensaje del Evangelio”. Esta campana anual apoya los ministerios diocesanos de muchas maneras. Durante la primera semana de febrero, enviaremos por correo una carta departe del Padre Thomas con información sobre el PSA. Este año, la parte que le corresponde a nuestra parroquia de los costos de estos ministerios es de $133,000; las donaciones recibidas sobre esta cantidad serán devueltas a la parroquia para nuestro fondo de construcción. El fin de semana del 17 de febrero venga preparado para hacer su promesa y pago inicial. Por favor, considere en oración la cantidad de su compromiso con el PSA. Juntos estamos unidos en la fe católica sabiendo que a través de su generosidad muchas personas serán servidas. Gracias por su participación en la vida de Santiago de Compostela y la Diócesis de Orange.      

Un agradecimiento especial a todos los voluntarios de PSA 2019; por su tiempo, dedicación y talentos que traen a nuestra Parroquia. Es una bendición que formen parte de la Comunidad.  

Moneda Extranjera y Diezmo De vez en cuando recibimos moneda extranjera en nuestra colecta dominical. Desafortunadamente, no podemos depositar dinero extranjero en nuestro banco. No nos gusta tirar la moneda solo porque no sirve para la parroquia cuando sabemos que tiene valor en otra parte, por lo que le pedimos que se abstenga de contribuir con monedas extranjeras. Apreciamos a los feligreses por su tiempo, el talento y el tesoro de los EE.UU.!

Voluntades y Testamento Por favor considere colocar a la Iglesia de Santiago de Compostela en su testamento para que su legado continúe a través de las importantes obras y ministerios de nuestra parroquia. Usted o su planificador de bienes puede ponerse en contacto con la Fundación de Orange Catholic en https://www.oc-foundation.org para obtener más información. Por favor asegúrese de estipular la Iglesia de Santiago de Compostela en Lake Forest, California.

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time San Blas Bendición de las Gargantas 3 de febrero Hoy celebramos la fiesta de San Blas, que fue obispo de Sebaste en Armenia en el siglo IV. San Blas ahora es venerado como el patrón de aquellos que sufren de enfermedades de la garganta. Hoy rezamos de manera especial para protegernos de las aflicciones de la garganta y de otras enfermedades. La bendición de San Blas es un signo de nuestra fe en la protección y el amor de Dios por nosotros y por los enfermos. Al final de la Misa, si desea recibir una bendición para su garganta, lo invitaremos a que se presente como una línea de comunión. Cuando el ministerio coloque la vela bendita en su garganta, dirá “San Blas.” Deben responder “Ruega por nosotros.”

Misa de Sanación La Misa de Sanación se celebrará el segundo sábado (9 de febrero) de cada mes durante la Misa de las 8 am. Venga y experimente el poder de la fe y la presencia sanadora de Dios.

EL CONGRESO DE EDUCACION RELIGIOSA 2019 FECHAS: 21 de Marzo (Día de los Jóvenes) y 22-24 de Marzo, 2019 Tema del Día de los Jóvenes: "Trust! God’s Gotchu" Tema de días para adultos: “Sed de Justicia” | "Thirsting for Justice” | “Khát Khao Công Lý” Celebrada en el Centro de Convenciones de Anaheim, California Para mas información contacte a Lyanamar Medina

OFICINA Y SALON PARROQUIAL CERRADOS Nuestras oficinas parroquiales y salones estarán cerrados el lunes, 18 de febrero en observancia del día de los presidentes. Reabriremos el martes, 19 de febrero. LINEA DIRECTA DE CRISIS NEW HOPE La linea directa de crisis de New Hope brinda servicios de intervención de crisis telefónicas y prevencion de suicidio en el condado de Orange. Trabajadores de crisis capacitados en la Torre de la Esperanza en el campus de Christ Cathedral brindan asesoramiento a quienes luchan por enfrentar la vida cotidiana. Los servicios son gratuitos y están disponibles las 24 horas del dia, los 7 dias de la semana, 714-New Hope (714-639-4673).

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