A Roman Catholic Stewardship Church

20 may. 2018 - 4:00pm Jr. High Religious Ed. Kitchen, Library, Rooms B-C .... Communicants in our Spanish RE Program and those who ... experience and celebrate the Good News. Our Liturgical ..... and white in PDF format. Entries will be.
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Fr. Thomas Paul K. Naval

Fr. Gregory Dick, O. Praem



Fr. Stephen Lesniewski

Fr. Joseph Young



Dan Diesel

Humberto Ramirez



A Roman Catholic Stewardship Church Our Mission With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we, the Roman Catholic Community of Santiago de Compostela aspire to proclaim in word and action the living Gospel of Jesus Christ. MASS SCHEDULE: Saturday Vigil Sunday Daily (Mon-Sat) First Friday National Holidays

5pm 7am, 8:30am, 10:15am, 12pm, 1:45pm, 6:00pm (Español) 8am (Rosary following Mass) 8am 8am


4pm-5pm 3:30pm-4:30pm

PERPETUAL ADORATION: First Friday Benediction

8am-7:45am Saturday 8am





The feast of Pentecost invites us to reflect prayerfully upon the Holy Spirit. Our readings today reveal three distinct views of the Holy Spirit. In Acts, the Spirit moves powerfully and unpredictably, sometimes in disorienting ways, to renew the world. In Paul, the Spirit unites the church in Jesus into one body, and provides many varied and complementary gifts to the church. In John, the Spirit continues the healing and forgiving presence of Jesus, and empowers his followers to extend the ministry of Jesus to the whole world. Pentecost teaches us that the Holy Spirit speaks and acts in many ways: to comfort us, to shake us up, and to open us to something new. Always, the Spirit is communicating God's love. Just like those who first heard God's proclamation in many languages, we might hear the Spirit who penetrates our hearts, speaking the many languages of love.

Vigil Holy Days

6pm 8am, 6pm, 7:30pm (Español)


8:30am-1pm, 2pm-8:30pm 9am-12pm, 1pm-5:30pm

PARISH OFFICE PHONE NUMBERS: Business Manager Communications/Scheduling Formation Assistant Hispanic Ministries Maintenance Music Ministry R.C.I.A. Religious Education Youth Ministry

x224 x236 x225 x239 x237 x229 x231 x230 x233

21682 LAKE FOREST, LAKE FOREST, CA 92630 • OFFICE: 949-951-8599 • FAX: 949-951-2687 SDCCATHOLIC.ORG

Pentecost Sunday

May 20, 2018

Sunday/Domingo, May 20 6:30am 6:30am 6:30am 8:00am 9:00am 1:00pm 3:30pm 4:00pm 5:30pm

Welcome Table Donuts VBS Children’s Liturgy Library Open FFRG Baptisms (English) Jr. High Religious Ed Children’s Liturgy

Plaza Plaza Plaza Room A Library Room D and I Church Kitchen, Library, Rooms B-C

Room A

Monday/Lunes, May 21 8:00am 9:00am 5:30pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm

Daily Mass Library Open St. Vincent de Paul Sp. Ex. St. Ignatius Santo Rosario CLC-St. Ignatius

Church Library Library Santiago Chapel Library

Tuesday/Martes, May 22 8:00am 1:30pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm

Daily Mass Home School Cub Scouts Sp. Ex. St. Ignatius Coro Cristo Rey Confirmation Clases Matrimoniales

Church Rooms A-C Room A Chapel Mtg. Room Church Library Rooms B-C Santiago

Wednesday/Miércoles, May 23 8:00am 6:00pm 7:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm

Daily Mass Children’s Choir Ensemble Ministry Diocese of Orange BSA Troop

Church Church Church Rooms B-C and J-K Room A

Thursday/Jueves, May 24 8:00am 6:00pm 6:45pm 7:00pm 7:30pm

Daily Mass Compañia Espiritual Spanish Bible Study Chorale Music Ministry Minstrels Choir

Church Chapel Mtg. Room Rooms D-I Church Room A

Friday/Viernes, May 25 7:00am -8:00am -9:30am -4:00pm -5:00pm -6:00pm

Christian Men in Commerce Daily Mass Al-Anon Confessions Grupo de Crochet Hora Santa

Room A Church Room J Church Library Church

Saturday/Sábado, May 26 7:00am 8:00am 8:00am 3:00pm 3:30pm 4:30pm 4:3opm 4:30pm

Catholic Men’s Fellowship Daily Mass Burrito Ministry Kyrie Music Ministry Confessions Welcome Table VBS Children’s Liturgy

Rooms E-H, Santiago Church Kitchen Room A Church Plaza Plaza Library

Schedule Subject to Change FACILITY SCHEDULING Attention all ministry leaders: In an effort to avoid any scheduling issues or conflicts, all requests for scheduling the church, parish hall, or any other of our facilities need to follow submission guidelines and send request to [email protected]. All forms can be found on our Parish Website under Ministry and Service.

May 20th-May 26th Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Saturday

(7am) (8:30am) (10:15am) (12pm) (1:45pm) (6pm) (8am) (8am) (8am) (8am) (8am) (8am) (5pm)

Aingela Kattapuram Risha Padilla Steven Angel † Magda Eun Alex Rivera † Ignacio Miramontes Nenita Banaag † Josefino Goco † Bell Castrellon Fr. Quyen Truong Jerry and Liza Enriquez Vergel Santiago Frances Montgomery †

Prayers for the Sick Ofelia Alvizo, Jim Anderegg, Burgos Family, Matthew Burgos, Wanda Carr, Mr. Caschetta, Castro Family, Antonia Cortes, Cherie Deeble, Donna Dorn, Carrie Dubeau, Duran Family, Helen and Patrick Farrell, Marlene Ford, Marta and Mike Fowler, Louie D. Garcia, Michael S. Garcia, Kathy Goebel, Bea Gougeon, Rev. Dave Gruver, John Gutierrez, Mary Jane Haas, Andy Heidesch, Roberto Hernandez, Susan Hoggnagle, Robert Holohan, Christopher Knight, Linda Koreis, Valerie Kott, Frank LaFranco, Joanne Lambert, Takoa Last, Maria Luisa Maldonado, Maria del Refugio Martinez, Guadalupe Meza, Jesus Meza, Karim Moftakhar, Mary Odierna, Sara Ornelas, Jose Ortiz, Lumi Palacio, Erika Pena, Sr. Bertha Rafael, Cyrus Rhee, Rachel Ruelas, Rose Ruiz, Ilda Sánchez, Luke Siglar, Doris Sinclair, Soto Family, Irene Sullivan, Carmen Tabaquero, Tolmasoff Family, Ruth Toth, Maria Luisa Torres, Jack Weston. Please note: In order to keep the list current, names will remain on the list for six weeks. Please resubmit after that time by contacting: [email protected].

2018 On June 1st, the Reception Office will starting scheduling JulySeptember Mass intentions. The requested donation remains $10 per Mass. Prayers of the faithful request are also offered to parishioners. For more information, please contact our Reception Office. The schedule for quarterly start dates are as follows: • June 1st = July – September • September 1st = October -December

MAINTENANCE WORK In an effort to keep our Parish clean and free of hazard, we kindly ask for your cooperation at all times, to respect all signs and work being done by our maintenance staff. This could be a liability for the church if these guidelines are not being followed. Additional restrooms are found in the church and parish hall. If you have questions or concerns, please contact the Parish Office. Thank you for your cooperation.

Pentecost Sunday

JMJ May 20, 2018 My Dearest Parish Family, God be with us always. Happy & Blessed Feast of the Pentecost. Happy Birthday to all of us who are members of the Church whose birth we traditionally trace to this Feast.

May 20, 2018 Verdaderamente Pentecostés ha llegado a nuestra Familia Parroquial. Hay una presencia edificante de los Dones del Espíritu Santo en los Sacramentos que fueron celebrados y recibidos por los miembros de nuestra familia parroquial. Tal bendición es testigo de la recepción de estas gracias de Iniciación Cristiana que nos recuerdan todos los dones que también hemos sido bendecidos cuando también recibimos la Santa Cena. El punto de reflexión que podemos Please take time to reflect on where you preguntarnos es cuántos pasos hemos dado can be more pro-active and engaged hacia la santidad cristiana y el testimonio al making use of the gifts of the Holy Spirit que se refirió Deacon Dan en su homilía en abril pasado.

proclaim the Good News. We are also challenged to do the same because the world we live in definitely needs to hear, experience and celebrate the Good News. Our Liturgical Celebration and events should constantly point towards the direction of the Divine Kingdom that is our inheritance as children of a Loving Father in heaven.

on this Feast of the Pentecost. There is a simple and practical adage that serves as a cautionary reminder to us: “Use it or Lose It!” The question is: “Am I losing out in my relationship with God and faith-life because I have not used it nor allowed the Spirit to guide me?” It is never too late to say yes so please may your hearts be opened to say to the Spirit: Here I am Lord! I come to do your will. God bless and take care.

Congratulations and Blessings to our First Communicants in our Spanish RE Program and those who received their Sacrament of Confirmation. We also extend these greetings to their families, sponsors, program coordinators, catechists and all those who have supported them along the Love and prayers, way.

Truly Pentecost has come upon our Parish Family. There is an uplifting presence of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit in the Sacraments that were celebrated and Fr. Thomas Paul K. Naval received by members of our parish family. Such a blessing to witness the reception of these graces of Christian Initiation that remind us all of the gifts we have also been blessed with when we also received the sacrament. The point of reflection we can ask ourselves is how many steps have we taken towards the Christian holiness and testimony that Deacon Dan referred to in his homily last April. We have over 450 days in our “living pilgrimage” to our 40th Anniversary as a Parish Family. To support this we have several opportunities to which we can be engaged in our faith and parish life. We are already accepting registrations to our Annual Camino and the VBS (Vacation Bible School). We also have launched and we are towards the deadline of our T-Shirt design contest for our 2018 Camino. We also challenge our Adult Confirmands allow the Spirit to guide them towards a meaningful involvement in our parish life through ministries that may resonate with the gifts they have been given. Participating in these activities will enrich and enhance our parish life. The grace of courageously pursuing our faith life is one of the gifts the Spirit brings into our lives. The early Christian Community went forth without fear to

JMJ 20 de Mayo de 2018 Mi Querida Familia Parroquial, Dios esté con nosotros siempre. Feliz y bendita fiesta del Pentecostés. Feliz cumpleaños a todos los que somos miembros de la Iglesia cuyo nacimiento trazamos tradicionalmente a esta Fiesta. Felicidades y bendiciones a nuestros primeros comunicadores en nuestro programa de RE en español y a quienes recibieron su Sacramento de Confirmación. También extendemos estos saludos a sus familias, patrocinadores, coordinadores de programas, catequistas y todos aquellos que los han apoyado en el camino.

Tenemos más de 450 días en nuestra "peregrinación viva" a nuestro 40º Aniversario como Familia Parroquial. Para apoyar esto, tenemos varias oportunidades para que podamos participar en nuestra vida de fe y parroquia. Ya estamos aceptando inscripciones para nuestro Camino Anual y la VBS (Escuela Bíblica de Vacaciones). También hemos lanzado y estamos llegando a la fecha límite de nuestro concurso de diseño de camisetas para nuestro Camino 2018. También desafiamos a nuestros adultos. Permitimos que el Espíritu los guíe hacia una participación significativa en nuestra vida parroquial a través de ministerios que pueden resonar con los dones que se les han otorgado. Participar en estas actividades enriquecerá y mejorará nuestra vida parroquial. La gracia de perseguir valientemente nuestra vida de fe es uno de los dones que el Espíritu aporta a nuestras vidas. La comunidad cristiana primitiva salió sin miedo a proclamar la Buena Noticia. También tenemos el desafío de hacer lo mismo porque el mundo en el que vivimos definitivamente necesita escuchar, experimentar y celebrar las Buenas Nuevas. Nuestra Celebración Litúrgica y nuestros eventos deben apuntar constantemente hacia la dirección del Reino Divino que es nuestra herencia como hijos de un Padre Amoroso en el cielo. Tómese el tiempo para reflexionar sobre dónde puede ser más activo y comprometido haciendo uso de los dones del Espíritu Santo en esta Fiesta del Pentecostés. Hay un adagio simple y práctico que nos sirve de recordatorio: "¡Úsalo o Piérdelo!" La pregunta es: "¿Estoy perdiendo mi relación con Dios y la vida de fe porque no la he usado ni permitido? ¿Es el Espíritu el que me guía? "Nunca es demasiado tarde para decir que sí, por favor, que se abran sus corazones para decirle al Espíritu: ¡Aquí estoy, Señor! Vengo a hacer tu voluntad. Dios lo bendiga y cuide. Con amor y mis oraciones,

Fr. Thomas Paul K. Naval

Pentecost Sunday

May 20, 2018

For these gifts we are grateful: Sunday Offertory (05/13/18) Sunday Offertory:

$ 16,371.22

Average Weekly WeShare:

$ 6,782.63 $23,153.85

Total Budgeted Sunday Offertory: Building Fund:

$22,350.00 +$




Important Information Regarding Your Tithing We are able to track weekly donations only when our parishioners use their envelopes to utilize electronic fund transfer through WeShare. Loose cash or checks do not get posted to our database. To have your tithing documented, especially for tax purposes, please be sure to use either the envelopes or WeShare so we may properly record your contribution to the parish. When including a check in the donation envelope, please write your envelopes number (which is also your Parish ID number) in the memo line of your check, as well as list the check number on the envelope. Thank you for you assistance and God bless you for your continued generosity.

PARISHES IN COLLABORATION COLLECTION May 19th and May 20th On the weekend of May 19th and 20th, all people of the Diocese of Orange will have the opportunity to donate to the Parishes in Collaboration Collection. This collection is for the purpose of assisting parishes in the Diocese of Orange that exhibit ongoing needs that cannot be paid for by their ordinary income and have urgent needs (such as repairs and maintenance). All money donated tot his collection is put into a restricted fund that will be administered by a group consisting of laity and clergy of the diocese. Parishes with needs as stated above will apply for grants from this fund to be used for their specific needs. Most recently the committee has focused the grants to safety issues including emergency electrical and plumbing repairs. By participating in the Parishes in Collaboration Collection, all people of the Diocese of Orange are helping one another support the works of our parishes that struggle financially. Please use the envelopes designated for this cause. Thank you for your generosity.


Our regular business hours and activities will resume on Tuesday, May 29th.

PICTURE(S) ON FRONT COVER Picture (T to B): 1. Happy Mother’s Day Artwork.

Pentecost Sunday

May 20, 2018

Confirmation Students having completed CI are welcome to join our youth leadership team. We will meet every two weeks beginning in May to get to know each other and plan for leadership training camp. The first meeting for all ongoing and incoming leaders is Tuesday, May 22nd from 7:00pm-8:00pm in the hall. We will also meet on May 29th again from 7-8pm for a second meeting. Both meetings will be in the hall rooms B and C. Confirmation Classes are finished for the year. Make sure you have made up any missed classes so you can proceed. Call the YM office to arrange to makeup missed material. Registration for Confirmation I and II begins June 1st. Please check the reception office or website for the two sided form and student calendar. Registrations will be accepted with check or cash ($200 covers a one day retreat and the registration fee). Registration closes August 31st. Next Friday Night Live/Youth Group meetings is: Sunday May 20th from 3pm-6pm in the parish hall. High School students: Please join us to get involved in a pro-active youth group make friends and learning new leadership skills. This community service counts for confirmation requirements and your school service requirement.

2018-2019 Registration: June 1, 2018 Registration forms are found on our website and in the reception office.

“500 days to 40 years” Santiago de Compostela’s 40th Ruby Anniversary

NEW! REGISTER YOUR CHILD ONLINE! Complete your child’s registration form online by visiting our Parish website. If you have additional questions, look for the VBS table after Mass.

BECOME A SPONSOR If you are interested in sponsoring a child for VBS, total costs are $55 per child. For more information, contact Suzanne Loberg at [email protected].

Have you noticed this display by the entrance to the Parish Hall? It is our countdown to our 40th Ruby Anniversary as a Parish. We are excited to celebrate this event with all parishioners and contributors who have made it possible for Santiago to be founded in 1979. Be a part of Santiago history! “We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord.”

Pentecost Sunday

May 20, 2018 WILLS AND TRUSTS SPRING SESSIONS Monday, May 21 9:30am-11:30am St. Columban 10801 Stanford Ave. Garden Grove 7pm-9pm St. Cecilia 1301 Sycarmore St. Tustin Tuesday, May 22 9:30am-11:30am St. Thomas More 51 Marketplace Irvine 7pm-9pm Our Lady Queen of Angels 2046 Mar Vista Dr. Newport Beach Wednesday, May 23 9:30am-11:30am St. Anne 340 10th St. Seal Beach

The Orange Catholic Foundation works in collaboration with our parishes and schools throughout the Diocese of Orange to provide information session led by local Catholic estate planning attorneys to help you protect and provide for your loved one, update or create your estate plan, and learn more about wills, trusts, estate taxes, probate expenses, guardianship of minor children, selection of personal representatives, and more.

7pm-9pm Santiago de Compostela Thursday, May 24 9:30am-11:30am Mission Basilica 21520 Camino Capistrano San Juan Capistrano 7pm-9pm Corpus Christi 27231 Aliso Viejo Parkway Aliso Viejo

Please keep those affected by any MENTAL HEALTH disorder in your thoughts and prayers. Statistics indicate 1 of 4 adults and 1 of 5 children suffer with some type of mental disorder. MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS You may have noticed a lime green bench outside church. The bench is an invitation to talk and share as May is the month of Mental Health Awareness. Our Santiago Mental Wellness Ministry will be outside after all the masses on May 19th and 20th to provide information and answer questions regarding mental health issues or concerns. We look forward to meeting you after mass and helping you become aware of services provided right here in our community for family members suffering with a mental illness. Dave and Teresa Stokes Ministers at Santiago Mental Wellness Advocates

CRAFTS FOR CHRIST All knitters and crocheters are invited to join us from 2:00pm-4:00pm on May 29th (last Tuesday of each month). We make scarves, hats, blankets etc. for the military, the homeless and Obria. We welcome yarn donations suitable for our projects. For more information, please call Joyce 949-581-8418 .

First Friday Holy Hour-June 1st Each first Friday of the month we have 24 hour Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament (from 8am Friday to 8am Saturday) with the Holy Hour of Prayer on Friday at 7pm. Adoration ends Saturday morning with Benediction before the 8am Mass.

DIOCESAN PRIESTS ON RETREAT June 4th-8th Each year the diocesan priests gather with the bishop for a week long retreat and conference. We will still have Daily Mass at 8am. Please keep the priests in your prayers. “Gracious and loving God, we thank you for the gift of our priests. Through them, we experience your presence in the sacraments. Help our priests to be strong in their vocation. Set their souls on fire with love for your people. Help them to become instruments of your divine grace.” AMEN.

Pentecost Sunday

May 20, 2018

Registration is now open. The early-bird price is $10 per adult, children under 18 are $5. After July 1st, the price is $15 per adult and $8 per child. You can register online by going to our parish website and clicking the Camino 2018 registration link. If you would like to register in person, stop by the Camino table after Mass. If you have questions, please send an email to [email protected].

If you wish to volunteer during our annual Camino de Santiago walk, please complete the online registration form. Additional guidelines on Parish website.

Last year over 700 Pilgrims participated in our Camino de Santiago. Over 330,300 made the Camino in Spain. Of the Spain pilgrims: Men 51% Women 49%, 55% of Pilgrims were 30-60 years old, 44% were Spanish citizens, 60% made the full Camino Frances.

The deadline to submit your design is May 25th. Entries must be submitted in black and white in PDF format. Entries will be judged on theme, artistic design and originality. Las year's design is right above. It’s a good example of the use of theme and design. If you have any questions about the contest, send an email to [email protected].

When July 25th falls on a Sunday, it’s considered a Holy Year in Santiago de Compostela. This next happens in 2021.

Becoming a sponsor is easy! Contact [email protected] to request for information.

40th anniversary photo directory Can you believe it has been 7 years since our last Church Directory? IT’S TIME! It’s time for us to update our Parish Album and include our NEW parishioners, ministries and staff! As part of the “500 days to 40 years” celebration, Santiago de Compostela will be creating a 40th Anniversary Commemorative Book which will include this photo directory. Lifetouch will, once again, help our parish put this book together. Complimentary photography sessions begins June 18, 2018 in our Parish Center. Secure your spot and book your photo session now. You will get a FREE Directory and a FREE 8 x 10 picture. Scheduling your appointment is easy! Go to our church website www.sdccatholic.org, scroll down on the home page and click on the 40th Anniversary - Photo Directory link. For questions or to help volunteer for this project, send email to [email protected]

Pentecost Sunday

May 20, 2018

Are you a Poet? Do you enjoy writing? If you would like to join a few other “would-be” scribes, this is your chance. With our focus on putting into verse our inner poetry and prayers, our group will meet on the first Thursday (June 7th) each month at 7:00pm in the Parish Hall. The only requirements are that you enjoy writing, especially in verse (beginners are welcome), you are willing to share your work and you welcome charitable feedback. To express interest, contact: Dave Owens [email protected] or Ruthanne Inscore [email protected] SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA’S 

Thank you kindly for your donation to Santiago’s St. Vincent de Paul Ministry to help the less fortunate. A special Thank You to Santiago’s Bible Study Group for your generous contribution. God bless you and yours! St. Vincent de Paul Ministry— Santiago


Our Parish is undergoing new changes and promoting new projects to engage our congregation to be a part of the Liturgy. We are looking for motivated individuals who have good technical skills to operate the church audio visual equipment, available on Sundays, special Liturgy celebrations, Parish events, and the desire to serve God. For more information, please contact Suzanne Pagulayan-Sy [email protected] or 949-295-6165.

El fin de semana del 20 de mayo de 2018, todas las personas de la Diócesis de Orange tendrán la oportunidad de donar a la Colecta de Parroquias en Colaboración. Esta colecta tiene el fi n de ayudar a las parroquias de la Diócesis de Orange que presentan necesidades que no pueden ser cubiertas por sus ingresos ordinarios y tiene necesidades urgentes (como reparaciones y mantenimiento). Todo el dinero donado a esta colecta se pondrá en un fondo restringido que será administrado por un grupo de laicos y clero de la diócesis. Parroquias con necesidades como se indico anteriormente aplicaran para subvenciones de este fondo que se utilizara para sus necesidades especificas. Mas recientemente la comisión se ha concentrado en concedes asistencia para proyectos de seguridad incluyendo la emergencia eléctrica y reparaciones de plomería. Participando en la Colecta de Parroquias en Colaboración, todas personas de la Diócesis de Orange están ayudando mutuamente apoyar los trabajos de nuestras parroquias que luchan económicamente. Por favor use los sobres asignados para esta causa. Gracias por su generosidad.

Pentecost Sunday

Intenciones de Misas 2018 El 1 de junio la oficina parroquial comenzara a calendarizar las intenciones de misa de julio a septiembre. La donación sugerida sigue siendo de $10 por Misa. También puede pedir que sus peticiones sean incluidas en la oración de los fieles. Para obtener más información, comuníquese con nuestra oficina parroquial. Las fechas de inicio trimestrales son las siguientes: • 1 de junio = julio a septiembre • 1 de septiembre = octubre a diciembre

Mes de Concientización Sobre Salud Mental Por favor, mantenga a los afectados por cualquier trastorno de SALUD MENTAL en sus pensamientos y oraciones. Las estadísticas indican que 1 de cada 4 adultos y 1 de cada 5 niños sufren algún tipo de trastornó mental. Concientización Sobra la Salud Mental Es posible que haya notado una banca de color vede limón fuera de la iglesia. La banca es una invitación a hablar y compartir ya que mayo es el mes de la Concientización Sobre la Salud Mental. Nuestro ministerio de bienestar mental de Santiago estará afuera después de todas las misas los días 19 y 20 de mayo para proporcionar información y responder preguntas sobre problemas o inquietudes de salud mental. Esperamos reunirnos con usted después de la Misa y ayudarlo a conocer los servicios prestados aquí mismo en nuestra Comunidad para familiares que sufren de una enfermedad mental.

May 20, 2018 Información Importante Sobre Su Diezmo Solo podemos realizar un seguimiento de las donaciones semanales cuando nuestros feligreses usan sus sobres para utilizar la transferencia electrónica de fondos a través de WeShare. El efectivo o los cheques sueltos no se publican en nuestra base de datos. Par que se documente su diezmo, especialmente con fines impositivos, asegúrese de usar los sobres o WeShare para que podamos registrar adecuadamente su contribución a la parroquia. Cuando incluya un cheque en el sobre de la donación, escribe su numero de sobres (que también es su numero de identificación parroquial) en la línea de memo de su cheque y anote el numero de cheque en el sobre. Gracias por su ayuda y que Dios lo bendiga por su continua generosidad.


Nuestro horario regular y actividades reiniciaran el martes 29 de mayo.

Clase de Biblia en Español Te invitamos a orar con nosotros usando el método de Lectio Divina. Con este método de oración aprenderás a saborear en la oración la Palabra de Dios según el Evangelio de cada domingo. Recuerda todos los jueves de 6:45 pm a 9:00 pm

Dave and Teresa Stokes Ministros del Ministerio de Bienestar Mental de Santiago Nuestra parroquia esta experimentando nuevos cambios y promoviendo nuevos proyectos para involucrar a nuestra congregación para ser parte de la liturgia. Buscamos personas motivadas que tengan un conocimiento básico en computación, disponibilidad de servir días domingos, celebraciones litúrgicas especiales, eventos parroquiales y el deseo de servir a Dios! Para obtener mas información póngase en contacto con Lyanamar Medina 949-951-8599 ext. 239.

Viernes 4:00pm

Sabados 3:30pm

“Al decirles esto, soplo sobre ellos y anadio “Reciban al Espiritu Santo. Los pecados seran perdonados a los que ustedes se los perdonen, y seran retenidos a los que ustedes se los retengan.” (Juan 20: 22-23)

Pentecost Sunday

May 20, 2018 SACERDOTES DIOCESANOS EN RETIRO 4 al 8 de junio

ATENCIÓN INSCRIPCIONES PARA EL AÑO ESCOLAR 2018-2019: ∗ Las inscripciones comenzarán el 1 de junio de 2018.• ∗

Recuerden traer el certificado de bautismo del niñ@ cuando vengan a

Cada ano los sacerdotes diocesanos se reúnen con el obispo para un retiro y una conferencia de una semana. Todavía tendremos la Misa diaria a las 8:00am. Por favor, mantenga a los sacerdotes en sus oraciones. “Dios misericordioso y amoroso, te agradecemos por el regalo de nuestros sacerdotes. A través de ellos, experimentamos su presencia en los sacramentos. Ayuda a nuestros sacerdotes a ser fuetes en su vocación. Enciende sus almas con amor por tu gente. Ayúdalos a ser instrumentos de tu gracia divina.” AMEN.


¿Está el Espíritu Santo en tu vida? En nuestra Iglesia celebramos cada año la fiesta de la Iglesia universal la cual se celebra 50 días después de la Resurrección de Jesús. Esta es la fiesta de Pentecostés, en la que celebramos la venida del Espíritu santo, la promesa de Jesús a sus discípulos de que no los dejaría huérfanos y el nacimiento de nuestra Santa iglesia. En nuestro bautismo recibimos el Espíritu Santo y cuando somos confirmados recibimos una marca, un sello imborrable en nuestra alma. Pero… ¿cómo podemos saber si el Espíritu Santo está activo en nuestra vida? Los efectos que sentimos, cuando de verdad permitimos que el Espíritu Santo dirija nuestra vida pueden ser: la alegría y libertad inmensa de saberme hijo\hija de Dios, conciencia plena de su presencia activa en mi vida, un deseo grande de ser transformado y el deseo grande de alabar y dar gracias a Dios en todo momento, aunque todo no valla tan bien. También reconocemos Su presencia porque sentimos un profundo sentido de comunión de unos con otros, amor profundo por la Iglesia, hambre de querer leer las escrituras, y la urgencia de querer hablar de Jesús a todo mundo. Este Domingo 20 de mayo estamos celebrando la fiesta de Pentecostés y la venida del Espíritu Santo sobre los Apóstoles. Queridos hermanos, si encuentran que el Espíritu Santo no está aún activo en sus vida, ora con devoción, invócale y pídele que venga y encienda el fuego de su amor en tu corazón. ¡Qué el Espíritu Santo sea derramado en cada uno de ustedes!

¡Dios les bendiga! Diácono Humberto Ramirez

En un esfuerzo por mantener nuestra parroquia limpia y libre de riesgos, le pedimos amablemente su cooperación en todo momento, para respetar todas las señales y el trabajo realizado por nuestro personal de mantenimiento. Esto podría ser una responsabilidad para la iglesia si no se siguen estas pautas. Se encuentran baños adicionales en la iglesia y el salón parroquial. Si tiene preguntas o inquietudes, comuníquese con la Oficina Parroquial. Gracias por su cooperación.

Sesión de fotos: Lifetouch Puede creer que han pasado 7 años desde nuestro ultimo Directorio Parroquial? YA ES HORA! Es hora de actualizar nuestro Álbum parroquial e incluir a nuestros NUEVOS feligreses, ministerios y personal! Como parte de la celebración de “500 días para 40 años”, Santiago de Compostela creara un libro conmemorativo del 40 aniversario que incluirá este directorio de fotos. Lifetouch ayudara una vez mas a nuestra parroquia a formar este libro. Las sesiones gratuitas de fotografía comienzan el 18 de junio de 2018 en nuestro salón parroquial. Asegure su lugar y reserve su sesión de fotos ahora. Obtendrá un directorio GRATUITO y una imagen GRATUITA tamaño 8 x 10. Programar su cita es fácil! Vaya al sitio web de nuestra parroquia www.sdccatholic.org, displace hacia abajo en la pagina de inicio y haga clic en haz tu cita hoy! Para preguntas o para ayudar a ser voluntario para este proyecto, envié un correo electrónico a [email protected]