A Roman Catholic Stewardship Church First Sunday of Advent
November 27, 2016
Fr. Thomas Paul K. Naval
Fr. Greg Márquez
Fr. Gregory Dick, O.Praem
Fr. Joseph Young
parochial vicar
Weekend Assisting Priest
Priest in Residence
Dan Diesel
Humberto Ramirez
MASS SCHEDULE: Saturday Vigil Sunday Daily (Mon—Sat) First Friday National Holidays
PARISH OFFICE HOURS: 5pm 7am, 8:30am, 10:15am, 12pm 1:45pm, 6pm (Español) 8am (Rosary following Mass) 8am 8am
4pm—5pm 3:30pm—4:30pm
PERPETUAL ADORATION: First Friday Benediction
8am—7:45am Saturday 8am
MASS WITH ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Second Saturday of the Month
6pm 8am, 6pm, 7:30pm (Español)
M, T, W, T, F Sunday
8:30am—1pm, 2pm—8:30pm 9am—12pm, 1pm—5:30pm
21682 lake forest drive, lake forest, california, 92630 sdccatholic.org
949-951-8599 949-951-2687 x236 x226 x224 x239 x237 x229 x231 x230 x233
First Sunday of Advent
November 27, 2016 Prayers for the Sick
Church/Chapel Tuesday, November 29 Noel Night Rehearsal
Wednesday, November 30 Noel Night Rehearsal Our Lady Q of P Prayer Group (Chapel)
7:00pm 7:00pm
Thursday, December 1 Santiago Minstrels Rehearsal
Friday, December 2 Confessions 25th Anniversary Rehearsal Noel Night
4:00pm-5:00pm 5:00pm 7:00pm
Saturday, November 26 OLG Novena (Chapel) Baptisms 25th Wedding Anniversary Confessions Novena a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
8:30am 10:00am 12:00pm 3:30pm-4:30pm 7:00pm
Parish Center Sunday/Domingo Library Open Cub Scouts Donuts on Plaza Azteca Dance Practice Monday/Lunes Library Open St. Ignatius –Spiritual Exercises Tuesday/Martes Spiritual Direction Home School Music Class Cristo Rey Encuentros Matrimoniales
Children’s Liturgy Ensayo Grupo Guadalupano
Religious Education Faith, Hope & Healing Matrimonios en Cristo Cub Scouts Pack 651 Crafts for Christ
Wednesday/Miércoles Bible Study
Children’s Choir
Thursday/Jueves Marijuana Anonymous Chorale Rehearsal
Clase de Biblia Al-Anon
Friday/Viernes Christian Men in Commerce Home School Dance Class Formación en la Fe
Al-Anon Grupo de Crochet
Saturday/Sábado Burrito Ministry Kyrie YM Faith Sharing
Al-Anon District Meeting Children’s Liturgy
Ofelia Alvizo, Burgos Family, Mr. Carchetta, Castro Family, Cherie Deeble, Duran Family, Jose Espinoza, Bessie Gallardo, Eugene Ganley, Michael S. Garcia, Shane Garner, Msgr. Larry Gibson, Freyda Gleckman, Bill Goebel, Carmen Gonzalez, Bea Guogeon, John Gutierrez, Mary Jane Haas, Andy Heidesch, Phoebe Kelly and unborn Kelly twins, Frank La Franco, Takoa Last, Ruth Law, Norine Lawlor, Julio Lopez, Sandy Mac Adams, Apollo Mañalac, Rev. Freddy Mancilla, Guadalupe Meza, Jesus Meza, Karim Moftakhar, Mary Odierna, Lumi and Rudy Palacio, Erika Pena, Liliana Pena, Eddie Priebe, Jesus Antonio Ramos, Cyrus Rhee, Blas Rodriguez, Rachel Ruelas, Rose Ruiz, Ilda Sánchez, Doris Sinclair, Solikhin Family, Jorge Abel Suesca, Irene Sullivan, Gladys Velloso. Please note: In order to keep the list current, names will remain on the list for six weeks. Please resubmit after that time by contacting: kgoebel@sdccatholic.org.
Mass Intentions for the Week of 11/28 to 12/4/16 Monday (8am) Pierre Pineda Tuesday (8am) Joseph D. Karam† Wednesday (8am) Cockrane Chase† Thursday (8am) Charles & Michael Breen† Friday (8am) Maxili-Jully Family Saturday (8am) Jim Krause† Saturday (5pm) Gerardo A. Garcia† Sunday (7am) Cesar M. Villena† Sunday (8:30am) Rosauro Cruz† Sunday (10:15am) Irene Tirado† Sunday (12pm) Bill Breen† Sunday (1:45pm) Guadalupe Duarte† Sunday (6pm) Kazmiera & Heidi Long
Readings for the Week Monday: Is 4:2-6; Ps 122:1-9; Mt 8:5-11 Tuesday: Is 11:1-10; Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 12-13, 17; Lk 10:21-24 Wednesday: Rom 10:9-18; Ps 19:8-11; Mt 4:18-22 Thursday: Is 26:1-6; Ps 118:1, 8-9, 19-21, 25-27a; Mt 7:21, 24-27 Friday: Is 29:17-24; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Mt 9:27-31 Saturday: Is 30:19-21, 23-26; Ps 147:1-6; Mt 9:35 -- 10:1, 5a, 6-8 Sunday: Is 11:1-10; Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 12-13, 17; Rom 15:4-9; Mt 3:1-12
Facility Scheduling Attention all ministry leaders: In an effort to avoid any scheduling issues or conflicts, all requests for scheduling the church, parish hall, or any other part of our facilities needs to be submitted through facilities@sdccatholic.org.
Pictures 0n Front Cover • Artwork for the First Sunday of Advent.
First Sunday of Advent For these gifts we are grateful: Sunday Offertory (11/20/16) Totals not available at time of publishing. For Christ Forever Pledges All For Christ Forever pledges MUST be mailed directly to: OCF/FCF P.O. BOX 3860 Seal Beach, CA 90740. We appreciate your help!
November 27, 2016 First Sunday of Advent "You . . . must be prepared, for at an hour you do not expect, the Son of Man will come." - Matthew 24:44
Obria You can help support the brave women who choose LIFE for their infants, with your donation of diapers or baby shower appropriate gifts. Placing them in the portable crib (found near the fountain) on the last Sunday of each month. This month the collection will be on November 27th.
Mass Intentions 2017 Due to the high demand for Mass Intentions last year, we have revised our policy for booking requests. On December 1st, our Receptionists will start taking Mass Intention Requests for the first quarter (January through March) of 2017, and will continue to do so until that quarter is booked. The rest of the schedule for quarterly start dates are as follows: • March 1st = April - June • June 1st = July - September • September 1st = October - December Please be sure to mention whether the intended is living or deceased. Mass Intentions are especially popular on death anniversaries, and birthdays. The requested donation remains $10 per Mass. For more information please contact our Reception Office.
Santiago de Compostela Reconciliation Services ADVENT 2016 Monday - December 12th - 7:30 pm Our Lady Queen of Angels 2046 Mar Vista Drive • Newport Beach Wednesday - December 14th - 7:00 pm St. Nicholas 24252 El Toro Road • Laguna Woods Monday - December 19th - 7:00 pm Santiago de Compostela 21682 Lake Forest Drive • Lake Forest Wednesday - December 21st - 7:00 pm St. Kilian 26872 Estanciero Drive • Mission Viejo Monday - December 20th - 7:00 pm San Francisco Solano 22082 Antonio Parkway • Rancho Santa Margarita Friday Confessions at Santiago: December 2nd, 9th, 16th & 23rd (4pm to 5pm) Saturday Confessions at Santiago: December 3rd, 10th, & 17th (3:30pm to 4:30 pm)
Crafts for Christ All knitters and crotchets' are invited to join us from 2pm to 4pm on the last Tuesday of the month (November 29th). We make scarves, hats, blankets, etc. for the military, the homeless, and Obria. We also welcome any yarn donations. Call Lillian at 949-586-3038 or Joyce at 949-581-8418. Friday, December 2nd 7pm in the Church Noel Night returns to Santiago. Join us for a musical celebration of the birth of our Lord. Our choirs, priests and special guests will perform music from around the world. Bring the kids! A holiday treat reception follows in the parish hall. Everyone is invited. This is a Free event.
First Friday Holy Hour Is the Second Friday in December...December 9th Usually, each first Friday of the month we have a 24 hour Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament (from 8am Friday to 8am Saturday) with the Holy Hour of Prayer on Friday at 7pm. Adoration ends Saturday morning with Benediction before the 8am Mass.
Mass with Anointing of the Sick Mass with Anointing of the Sick will be celebrated on the second Saturday (December 10th) of every month during the 8am Mass. Come and experience the power of faith and the healing presence of God.
First Sunday of Advent
Advent and Christmas Calendar December 2 Noel Night Concert 7:00pm in the church December 3 to December 11 Our Lady of Guadalupe Novena in Chapel Novena (English) 8:30am Novena (Spanish) 7:00pm Novena December 8 (Spanish) 6:00pm in the Lecture Hall December 7 Vigil of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Holy Day of Obligation) Mass (English) 6:00pm December 8 Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Holy Day of Obligation) Mass (English) 8:00am Mass (English) 6:00pm Mass (Spanish) 7:30pm December 9 to December 19 Marian Exhibit in the Lecture Hall in the Parish Hall from 9am to 8pm December 12 Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Diocese of Orange. Mañanitas 5:00am Mass (Spanish) 5:30am Mass (English) 8:00am Mass (Spanish) 7:00pm December 16 to December 24 Advent Novena (Simbang Gabi) 5:30am Bishop Vann presiding December 19 December 19 Parish Advent Reconciliation Service 7:00pm December 24 Vigil of the Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord (Christmas) Mass (English) 4:00pm in the church Mass (English) 4:00pmin the hall Mass (English) 6:00pm in the church Music 10:00pm in the church Mass (Bilingual) 10:30pm in the church December 25 Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord (Christmas) Mass (English) 7:00am in the church Mass (English) 8:30am in the church Mass (English) 10:15am in the church Mass (English) 10:15am in the hall Mass (English) 12:00pm in the church Mass (Spanish) 1:45pm in the church Mass (Spanish) 6:00pm in the church December 31 Vigil of the Octave Day of the Nativity of the Lord: Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God. Mass (English) 5:00pm in the church January 1 Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God Mass (English) 7:00am, 8:30am, 10:15am, 12:00pm Mass (Spanish) 1:45pm, and 6:00pm
November 27, 2016
Calendario de Adviento y Navidad Diciembre 2 Concierto de Noel Night 7:00pm en la iglesia Diciembre 3 al 11 Novena a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Novena (Inglés) 8:30am Novena (Español) 7:00pm Novena Diciembre 8 (Español) 6:00pm en sala de lectura Diciembre 7 Vigilia de la Solemnidad de la Inmaculada Concepción de la Santísima Virgen María (Día de obligación de asistir a Misa) Misa (Inglés) 6:00pm Diciembre 8 Solemnidad de la Inmaculada Concepción de la Santísima Virgen María (Día de obligación de asistir a Misa Misa (Inglés) 8:00am Misa (Inglés) 6:00pm Misa (Español) 7:30pm Diciembre 9 al 19 Nuestra Santa Madre María: Exhibición de Arte 9am a 8pm Diciembre 12 Fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, Patrona de la Diócesis de Orange. Mañanitas 5:00am Misa (Español) 5:30am Misa (Inglés) 8:00am Misa (Español) 7:00pm Diciembre 16 al 24 Novena de Adviento Simbang Gabi 5:30am Celebrante: Nuestro Obispo Vann (Diciembre 19) Diciembre 19 Servicio Penitencial de Adviento 7:00pm Diciembre 24 Vigilia de la Solemnidad de la Natividad de Nuestro Señor (Navidad) Misa (Inglés) 4:00pm en la iglesia Misa (Inglés) 4:00pm en el salón parroquial Misa (Inglés) 6:00pm en la iglesia Música 10:00pm en la iglesia Misa (Bilingüe) 10:30pm en la iglesia Diciembre 25 Solemnidad de la Natividad de Nuestro Señor (Navidad) Misa (Inglés) 7:00am en la iglesia Misa (Inglés) 8:30am en la iglesia Misa (Inglés) 10:15am en la iglesia Misa (Inglés) 10:15am en el salón parroquial Misa (Inglés) 12:00pm en la iglesia Misa (Español) 1:45pm en la iglesia Misa (Español) 6:00pm en la iglesia Diciembre 31 Vigilia del Octavo día del Nacimiento de Nuestro Señor: Solemnidad de María, la Santa Madre de Dios. Misa (Inglés) 5:00pm en la iglesia Enero 1 Solemnidad de la Santísima Virgen María, La Madre de Dios. Misa (Inglés) 7:00am, 8:30am, 10:15am, 12:00pm Misa (Español) 1:45pm y 6:00pm
First Sunday of Advent JMJ 27 November, 2016 My Dearest Parish Family, God be with us always. Last November 9th this was heard during the General Audience with the Pope on St. Peter's Square in the Vatican: "The Holy Father welcomes the Pilgrims from North America: the United States, Canada, etc. (there was a round of applause and cheers from the crowd) then the Bishop mentioned: Diocese of . . . (I then heard) Santiago de Compostela! Of course I cheered the loudest. I felt so great to Belong - to be part of the Community of Believers - of those who testify to Hope and Love. Mind you, there were more than 15,000 of us at the square. To be recognized is one great feeling and it is something we need to be grateful for each and everyday of our lives. We have just celebrated a holiday where families and friends gather to "Give Thanks." We have more than enough reasons to be thankful because for those who believe - everything is grace or at the least leads to grace. May we begin this New Liturgical Year with the openness to the blessings that we shall be given. Great or small, they are dispensed always with the same love and compassion of our Benevolent Father. St. Catherine of Siena who incorruptible relic we saw at the Basilica of San Domenico of Siena once said, (and I paraphrased it): When we become who God intends us to be because we cooperate with God's grace then we become great! May we strive to be the blessings
November 27, 2016 people count when they reflect on their lives simply because we try our best to be disciples and stewards of what God has given us. "Siempre Adelante," as our local Saint Junipero Serra would always say to his flock. God bless and take care. Love and prayers,
Fr. Thomas Paul K. Naval
Fr. Thomas and Fr. Raymond celebrating Mass at Santa Maria Delle Geazie in Rome.
de la comunidad de creyentes – de los que dan testimonio de la esperanza y del amor. Claro que habíamos más de 15,000 personas en la plaza. Ser reconocido es una gran sensación y es algo por lo que debemos de estar agradecidos por cada uno y todos los días de nuestras vidas. Acabábamos de celebrar un día de fiesta donde las familias y amigos se reúnen para “dar gracias.” Tenemos más que suficientes razones para estar agradecidos por aquellos que creen – todo es gracia o al menos conduce a la gracia. Podemos empezar este nuevo año litúrgico con la apertura a las bendiciones que habrá de darse. Grandes o pequeños se dispensan siempre con el mismo amor y la compasión de nuestro Padre Bienaventurado. Santa Catalina de Siena, reliquia incorruptible que vimos en la Basílica de San Doménico de Siena, dijo una vez, (y yo la parafraseé): Cuando llegamos a ser lo que Dios quiere que seamos, porque cooperamos con la gracia de Dios, entonces nos volvemos grandiosos. Puede que nos esforzamos para ser las personas bendecidas, cuentan cuando reflejan en sus vidas simplemente porque hacemos todo lo posible para ser discípulos y servidores de lo que Dios nos ha dado, como nuestro Santo Junípero Serra siempre decía a su rebaño. “Siempre Adelante.” Que Dios los bendiga y cuídense. Amor y oraciones,
JMJ 27 de noviembre 2016 Querida Familia Parroquial, Dios esté siempre con nosotros. El pasado 9 de noviembre escuchamos durante la audiencia general con el Papa Padre Thomas Paul K. Naval en la plaza de San Pedro en el Vaticano: "El Santo Padre dio la bienvenida a los peregrinos de América del Norte: Estados Unidos, Canadá, etc. (hubo una multitud de aplausos, alegría y felicidad) El Obispo mencionó: Diócesis de ... (¡entonces oí) Santiago de Compostela! Por supuesto, que me animé y grité muy fuerte. Me sentí tan especial de ser parte
First Sunday of Advent
November 27, 2016 Confirmation and Youth Ministry Next Retreat: is January 27-29, 2017. Please call for information, details and verification that you are registered to attend this retreat. Please make sure you have completed one retreat for each year of confirmation. Check your handbook for a complete list of requirements.
2016-17 Religious Education Blankets! Blankets! Blankets! Our local homeless shelter, The Catholic Worker Isaiah House, has an immediate need, and YOU can help in this Work of Mercy! “Cold nights are especially hard on our homeless friends,” they said, and wondered if our parish could donate some twin-size warm blankets. Blankets could be brand new (a real treat for someone who never gets gifts)—or used blankets, clean and in good shape. Please bring them into our Religious Education Department now thru Christmas, and we will make sure they get delivered. As a donating family, pray for the person who will receive your gift. They will thank you in their hearts. May God bless your generosity, Gloria Fetta.
Treasures From Our Tradition Before the Second Vatican Council in the mid-1960s, Advent had a strong penitential tone, reminiscent of Lent. From as long ago as the fourth century, some Christians began a solemn fast on St. Martin's Day, November 11. This "Saint Martin's Lent" extended all the way to Christmas, and was widely followed in the dioceses of France and Germany, and in the Middle Ages in England. Fasting was required, and dancing and similar activities were banned for the duration. The fast had a social function, too, assuring that the winter food supplies would stretch into spring. At the Second Vatican Council, some bishops argued that a revival of the long winter's fast would give the Church a chance to establish the message and themes of the Incarnation long before the holiday hubbub took hold. This proposal didn't pass, and Advent emerged as a four-week period of reflection, expectant waiting, and joyful preparation for the coming of the Lord. The season has two principal phases, with the first beginning this Sunday. The second phase commences on December 17, when the liturgy begins to unfold the story of the Savior's coming. Interestingly, the Eastern Church maintains a strongly penitential note in Advent, which is called "Winter Lent," "The Nativity Fast," or "Christmas Lent," and has laws forbidding people to absent themselves from liturgy from December 17 onward. --Rev. James Field, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co.
Confirmation Classes for December: CI class is Tuesday, December 6th from 7pm to 9pm. Parents who signed up to chaperone class are: Ayala, Villarruel, Pantaleon, Harrell, Bands, Flores, Valenzuesla, Olson, Vonderan, and any other parent that hasn’t signed up for this...Please check in the hall for assigned class. CII class is Tuesday, December 13th from 7pm to 9pm. Parents who signed up to chaperone class are: Ibarra, Vilas-Yerba, Reed, Loniak, Vincent, Murillo, Caulfield, Breneman, Sefura, Champion and De Alba. Next FNL/Youth Group Meeting: on Sunday, December 4th from 2pm to 4pm in the parish hall. Bring a snack to share! Next Leader Meeting: on Sunday, December 8th from 4pm to 6pm in the YM Office for the December Class Planning Meeting (for leaders only) CI leaders 4pm to 5pm, CII leaders from 5pm to 6pm. NET Ministries—Leader and potential leader retreat on Friday, December 9th in the parish hall from 4:30pm to 9pm. Please call Youth Ministry office at ext. 233 to reserve a space.
Bible Study Wednesday, November 30th 9am or 7pm Bible Study continues with Women of the Old Testament by studying the Hebrew Scriptures and seeing God’s revelation through their authors. This week, we delve into the stories of Miriam, Moses sister, and Sipporah, his wife. You are welcome to attend the gathering of pilgrims on this faith journey at 9am or 7pm each Wednesday in the Parish Center. For further information, please call Nancy at 949-766-8126 or Barb at 949-768-1170.
Santiago Has Gone Mobile! ∗ ∗
Stay connected and informed of Santiago events. Text App to 88202 to download our parish app Download myParish App Select our Parish after opening
First Sunday of Advent
November 27, 2016
Viernes 2 de diciembre 7pm en la iglesia. La “Noel Night” está de regreso este año. Ven y disfruta de una noche de Navidad con música variada interpretada por todos los coros parroquiales, nuestros sacerdotes y la actuación especial de algunos de nuestros feligreses. ¡Te esperamos!
Annual Women’s Retreat at Mater Dolorosa December 3rd - 5th, 2016 It is almost time for this annual retreat at the lovely Passionist Retreat Center in Sierra Madre. If you would like more information, please call Geneva Shisbey at 949-586-1896 or Sue Ranahan at 949-830-5529.
Próximas clases de Catequesis:
2 y 9 de diciembre de 2016 6:00 pm
Advent Retreat at Serra with Immaculée Ilibagiza December 9th and 10th Would you like a little spiritual “pick me up" this Advent? St. Junipero Serra will be hosting a very special retreat this Advent Season. Our guest speaker will be world renowned Immaculee Ilibagiza, the Rwandan genocide survivor who will speak on forgiveness & Hope. This retreat will be held in the Student Activity Center beginning the evening of Dec. 9th at 5 pm and will then continue the morning of Dec.10th with mass at 8 am and ongoing testimony from Immaculíe concluding at 12:30 pm. Ilibagiza’s entire family, except for one brother, was killed during the genocide in the 1990s when members of the Hutu militia slaughtered about one million Tutsis Ilibagiza’s tribe. libagiza survived for 91 days with seven other women in a 4-by-3- foot bathroom in the home of a local pastor. She chronicled the experience in her first book “Left to Tell,” which sold more than a million copies. She tells a very compelling story of love for our Blessed Mother. We hope you will join us for this amazing experience. Please sign up under "Retreats"at the website: https://immaculee.biz/. For more information, please contact Jackie Kalinski at 949-303-5166, kalinski.jackie@gmail.com or Louise Valdez 949-8881990 Ext. 159, LValdez@serraschool.org. STATEMENT OF NON-DISCRIMINATION St. Junipero Serra Catholic School in the Diocese of Orange, mindful of its mission to be witness to the love of Christ for all, admits students of any race, color and national origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. St. Junipero Serra Catholic School in the Diocese of Orange does not discriminate on the basis of race, handicap, color, and national origin in administration of educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs. Likewise, St. Junipero Serra Catholic School in the Diocese of Orange does not discriminate against any applicant for employment on the basis of sex, handicap, race, color and national origin.
Recuerden llegar 15 minutos antes al salón de clases.
Clases de Zumba La clase de Zumba continuará el próximo , 5 de diciembre de 5:30pm a 6:30pm en los salones J y K del Parish Hall. Esta clase es solo para adultos mayores de 18 años. La instructora, María Rodriguez es feligrés de Santiago. Se agradece un donación voluntaria por cada clase que asistes. Puedes contactar a María, por su e-mail: armrodriguez2003@yahoo.com
Solicitud de las Intenciones para las Misas del año 2017 Debido al gran aumento de las solicitudes de Intenciones para las Misas durante el año pasado, hemos revisado nuestra política sobre cuándo y cómo reservar una Misa. El 1 de diciembre de 2016, nuestras recepcionistas estarán tomando las solicitudes de Intenciones de Misa para el primer trimestre de 2017 (enero a marzo) y continuarán recibiendo solicitudes hasta que esté completamente reservado todo el trimestre. Luego para cada trimestre las recepcionistas comenzarán a reservar las fechas según el siguiente calendario: •
Marzo 1, 2016 para el trimestre abril-junio
Junio 1, 2016 para el trimestre julio-septiembre
Septiembre 1, 2016 para el trimestre octubrediciembre
Por favor asegúrese de informar a la secretaria si la intención es de Acción de Gracias, es por alguien en vida o para un ser querido enfermo o fallecido. La donación solicitada para las intenciones permanece en $10 por Misa. Para más información por favor contacte a la oficina de la recepción parroquial.
First Sunday of Advent Comienza el Adiento: “Preparemos nuestros corazones para recibir al Niñito Jesús” La próxima semana comienza el tiempo litúrgico del Adviento. Adviento viene de la palabra latina "adventus" que significa “venida”. En el lenguaje cristiano se refiere a la venida de Jesucristo. La liturgia de la Iglesia da el nombre de Adviento a las cuatro semanas que preceden a la Navidad, como una oportunidad para prepararnos en la esperanza y en el arrepentimiento para la llegada del Señor.
Lecturas de Hoy Primera lectura -- Todas las naciones confluirán hacia el monte del Señor (Isaías 2:1-5). Salmo -- Qué alegría cuando me dijeron: "Vamos a la casa del Señor" (Salmo 122 [121]). Segunda lectura -- Ya es el momento de que se despierten del sueño (Romanos 13:11-14). Evangelio -- Velen, pues, y estén preparados para la venida del Hijo del hombre (Mateo 24:37-44). Salmo responsorial: Leccionario Hispanoamericano Dominical (c) 1970, Comisión Episcopal Española. Usado con permiso. Todos los derechos reservados.
Primer Domingo de Adviento "Ustedes estén preparados, porque a la hora que menos lo piensen, vendrá el Hijo del hombre". -- Mateo 24:44
November 27, 2016 Tradiciones de Nuestra Fe El calendario cristiano comienza con el tiempo de Adviento durante el mes de diciembre. ¡Adviento! Interesante palabra. Viene del latín y quiere decir "Allí viene" o "Ya está llegando". Pero, ¿de quién hablamos cuando proclamamos "Adviento"? ¿Del Rey de gloria?, ¿el Príncipe de la paz?, ¿el Hijo de Dios Altísimo?, ¿el salvador de Israel? Sí, sí, sí y sí, pero más todavía del Hijo del Hombre, del niñito de María, el niño Jesús de Nazaret. Allí viene y ya está llegando. Tenemos que estar preparados. Pero, ¿cómo prepararnos para la llegada de un rey que es pobre?, ¿de un príncipe que nació entre una mula y un buey?, ¿de un niñito que ya es todo un hombre y además es Dios?, ¿de un pobre bebito que también es juez y señor? He allí el dilema del Adviento cristiano. Es un llamado a vivir la paradoja (contradicción) de un tiempo que está a medias, donde el Reino de los Cielos ya está pero todavía no completamente, pues existe pero no en su plenitud. Es un llamado a buscar en el templo, en el mall, en el barrio, en el hogar, en el trabajo y en el propio corazón, para ver si "allí viene" el dueño de la casa. Es un llamado a estar atentos y vigilantes porque no sabemos ni cuándo ni como Jesús regresará por nosotros. Pero cuando regrese nos pedirá cuentas y nos abrazará a la misma vez. Porque viene como juez y hermano nuestro, como rey y compañero; como Dios y ser humano. Así es como los cristianos iniciamos el año litúrgico, y a la misma vez, terminamos el año seglar con la paradoja de nuestra fe. --Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.