p p a g nis. u r o olf. SI/. P. S e d ulc ni ot r e b m e m er el b ac d et al osi r o. F g nittif ni s w ercs b ur g e ht n es o o. L ). 4. E y ek n ell a e ht g nis u s g nittif e dils.
N.B. It is important to check the strength of the top fixing. No responsibility will be taken for incorrect fixing. This responsibility rests with the installer. Cables are not supplied with fixing screws
7) Adjust the tension of the cable by screwing C into F.
6) Re-tighten E on the end of the cable.
5) Pull down the cable & cut off in line with the decorative line around fitting F (see below).
4) Loosen the grub screws in fitting E using the allen key provided and slide fittings C, D and E up the cable.
3) Using a plumb-line plumb down from A and fix F to floor using appropriate type of fixing. For isolated cable remember to include SP/IS
2) Screw fitting B to fitting A.
1) Fix fitting A to ceiling - for wooden ceilings use a wood screw. - for cavity ceilings use a spring toggle bolt. - for solid ceilings use a rawlplug and screw.
When fitting isolated cables remember to replace the top brass fitting with the plastic PC01/I isolator and add bottom isolator SP/IS to bottom fitting.
Isolators must be used where power is required through the cables (llighting, etc) and fixings are into metal or conductive materials.
IMPORTANT It is essential to check that the top ceiling fixings are strong enough to take the weight of the items being displayed whilst allowing for the tension in the cables.
Installation Guidelines
Cable and wire display fixing methods.
S P/ I S (Isolator)
PC01/I (Isolator
Isolated cable to power lighting
fig 1
fig 2
Separate sections B & C. (fig 1) Locate quick-fit toggle section B1 into top channel A and tighten. Using a plumb-line, plumb down from section B and fix section C into bottom channel Aa. Loosen the two grub screws in the brass ferrel of section D (using the allen key provided) and slide up the cable. Leave ferrel ‘touch tight’. Offer up sections B & C and pull down section D until the bottom lines up with the threaded part of section D1 (fig 3). Tighten th e grub screws in the brass ferrel and cut off the surplus cable. Rejoin sections D & D1. The tension can now be adjusted by tightening section D.
fig 3
Tools required: 1 x 1.5mm allen key (supplied). Pair wire cutters.
N.B. It is important to check the strength of the top fixing. No responsibility will be taken for incorrect fixing. This responsibility rests with the installer.
ARTICULO 1º.- En el ejercicio fiscal 2006, comprendido del 1º de enero al 31 de diciembre del mismo año, los municipios del Estado de Oaxaca, percibirán los ...
1 - PÃdele a un adulto que te ayude a cortar y dobla por las lÃneas punteadas. 2- Pega las pestañas en las letras correspondientes. 3 - Pega el resto de piezas.
Inscripción al padrón municipal y refrendo para el funcionamiento comercial, industrial y de servicios. III .... Oaxaca de Juárez, Oax., a 26 de diciembre del 2006.
M d1. M d3. N d4. M d5. M d6. M d7. M d8. M d9. M d10. N d10. M d11. M d4. M d2 ... Arq. Juan Carlos Seijo Encalada. 1:100. 401. 402. 403. 404. 405. 406. 407.
a) El punto c se encuentra en el 3° cuadrante. ... e) El punto (5,3) pertenece a la figura. ... 3) Unir con flechas cada fórmula con su correspondiente gráfico: a). 1.
1 - Pídele a un adulto que te ayude a cortar y dobla por las líneas punteadas. 2- Pega las pestañas en las letras correspondientes. 3 - Pega el resto de piezas.
assembly bottoms out on the base. FIRMLY SQUEEZE THE RATCHETING HANDLES (D). WITH BOTH HANDS ONCE MORE TO CREATE A SLIGHT COLLAR ON THE HOLE. 4. Press release lever (E) and pull back on handle (C) until punch bottoms out. Punch ejects slug produced b
chair in upright position, push lever back towards the chair. Knob underneath seat adjusts ease with which chair reclines to the different weights and strengths of.
Page 1. 413 Pintor. 1. B. 2. D. 3. D. 4. C. 5. B. 6. A. 7. A. 8. C. 9. D. 10. B. 11. B. 12. C. 13. D. 14. A. 15. C. 16. D. 17. A. 18. B. 19. B. 20. C. 21. D. 22. A. 23. D. 24. B.
Materiales: plantilla (las grandes las puedes modificar a tu gusto), fieltro negro, rosa y blanco, hilo, tijeras, alfileres y máquina de coser (o aguja de costura).
C03 - tipo 1. 001 - D 011 - B 021 - B 031 - C 041 - E 051 - D. 002 - B 012 - D 022 - D 032 - A 042 - C 052 - A. 003 - E 013 - E 023 - A 033 - B 043 - D 053 - E.
310 Contador. 1. B. 2. D. 3. C. 4. A. 5. D. 6. B. 7. C. 8. A. 9. A. 10. D. 11. B. 12. C. 13. C. 14. A. 15. D. 16. B. 17. D. 18. C. 19. A. 20. B. 21. B. 22. A. 23. D. 24. C. 25.
406 Contador. 1. C. 2. B. 3. A. 4. D. 5. B. 6. C. 7. A. 8. D. 9. D. 10. B. 11. C. 12. A. 13. A. 14. D. 15. B. 16. C. 17. B. 18. A. 19. D. 20. C. 21. ANULADA. 22. D. 23. B.
427 Química Analítica. 1. D. 2. A. 3. C. 4. B. 5. B. 6. D. 7. D. 8. B. 9. B. 10. C. 11. A. 12. D. 13. C. 14. C. 15. A. 16. C. 17. A. 18. C. 19. A. 20. A. 21. ANULADA. 22. A.