8A & 8B Platt Industrial Estate - Realla

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01634 668000 watsonday.com

LOCATION: Platt Industrial Estate is situated on the north side of the A25 approximately 1.25 km. (0.7 miles) east of the junction with the A227. The junction of the A25 with the A20 at Wrotham Heath is situated 1.6 km. (1 mile) to the east. Access can be obtained onto the M26 motorway at Wrotham Heath and to the west bound carriageway of the M20 on the northern periphery of the Wrotham village.

ACCOMMODATION: The accommodation within the property which is being offered to let is as follows: -

Unit 8A is divided from 8B by a block work partition wall. There is a an opening within the wall. To the front elevation there are two separate goods access doors. There is also a pair of metal access doors to the northern elevation of Unit 8B. At the front of the building there is an enclosed concrete surfaced yard/car park. There is a pair of metal framed mesh clad gates at the entrance into the car park.

LEGAL COSTS: Each party to bear their own legal costs.

Unit 8A Offices, WCs and Warehouse 10,693 sq. ft. (993.38 m²) Unit 8B Workshop/ Warehouse 6,528 sq. ft. (606.45 m²) Within Platt Industrial Estate there are a number of Mezzanine Platform 3,198 sq. ft. (297.09 m²) relatively modern terraced workshop/warehouse units together with a small business centre and a RENT: terrace of fairly standard workshops/warehouse £125,000 per annum exclusive units. LEASE: Borough Green is situated approximately 9.65 km. The premises are available on the basis of an underlease (6 miles) east of Sevenoaks and approximately 14.5 for a period until 28th September 2022. km. (9 miles) west of Maidstone. The lessor will remain in occupation of the server room on the ground floor, the first floor office accommodation DESCRIPTION: and the mezzanine storage platform within Unit 8A. The property comprises a semi-detached 2 bay The undertenant will have shared use together with the building which is approximately 40/45 years old. landlord of the entrance lobby and the male and female Both bays are of concrete portal framed WCs on the ground floor of Unit 8A. construction and have a eaves height of The lessor will retain the use of 11 car parking spaces. approximately 6.70 metres (22’ 0”). The elevations are principally brick clad. The roofs to both bays are SHARED COST OF SERVICES: clad with internally lined corrugated asbestos The lessor will make a contribution towards the costs of cement sheets. Within unit 8A there is office heating, power and lighting in respect of those parts of accommodation. The specification includes the property which are to be retained by the lessor. plastered, emulsion painted walls and partitions, part suspended ceilings and part plasterboard BUSINESS RATES: ceilings, timber framed single glazed windows and The current entry in the Valuation Office Agency website a heating system which comprises wall mounted for 8A and 8B Platt Industrial Estate is Factory and hot water radiator supplied from a gas fired boiler. Premises Rateable Value £113,000.

EPC: In course of preparation. VIEWING: Strictly by appointment with the sole agents: WATSON DAY CHARTERED SURVEYORS 01634 668000

2 The Oaks Business Village, Revenge Road, Lordswood, Chatham, Kent ME5 8LF IMPORTANT NOTICE: Watson Day Chartered Surveyors for themselves and for the vendors or lessors of this property whose agents they are give notice that: 1)

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