Week # 12 (Oct. 31-Nov. 4) Value of the month: Perseverance Subject
English/ Grammar/ Spelling
Practice adjectives
# 35 both sides SEP ¿Con cuantas caras? pgs. 29-30-31
Read 16 Minutes Raz Kids Adjectives minute practice
Thursday Read 16 min. Raz Kids /study Adjectives for tomorrow’s Assessment
#36 both sides SEP Mis lugares
#37 both sides SEP El valor faltante
preferidos en el plano (maps) pgs.32-33-34-35
pgs. 36-37-38
# 38 both sides Practice multiplication for tomorrow’s quiz.
SEP ¿Qué información contiene? pgs.39-40-41
Do an animal adaptations Booklet using the material from school (teacher will give you) paste in it magazine cut outs and your workbook and notebook for notes. Information needed is written in you notebook and the rubric is in your English notebook (blue) check it out before you hand it in.
Due date Friday November 4. Do your best !!!
Social Studies Please check for any unfinished class work in the agenda.
Investgate about the culture you chose
Values: bring information about the character you were assigned
Changes can be made during the week, any change will be written down on the Agenda.