Ecuador and the exotic animals of the Galapa- gos Islands. ... Island Park School District animals. Students learned ... In December, second grade students will.
Francis X. Hegarty Elementary School Island Park School District Señora Rotella FLES Spanish Teacher ¡Hola!
December 2018
2nd Grade Spanish
In December, second grade students will finish studying about school subjects and will practice expressing likes and dislikes.
animals. Students learned many animal words last year. This month students will learn how to talk in more detail about those animals.
El cocodrilo es más grande que el zorillo— The crocodile is bigger than the skunk.
Me gusta el arte.– I like El oso tiene cuatro patas.— The bear has four paws. art.
2nd Grade 3rd Grade
No me gusta la educación física.—I don’t like gym.
El perro amarillo tiene una cola larga.—The yellow dog has a long tail.
Students will also begin learning about
Students will next learn how to compare two different animals.
4th Grade
3rd Grade Spanish This month in third grade, students will continue learning about the country of Ecuador and the exotic animals of the Galapagos Islands. Students will learn how to conjugate the verb moverse—to move.
Yo me muevo—I move
Tú te mueves—You move Ella se mueve— She moves Él se mueve—He moves Nosotros nos movemos— We move
Ellos se mueven—They move Ustedes se mueven— You all move
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FLES Spanish Newsletter
3rd Grade Spanish (continued) Next, students will learn to use the verb in a full sentence with an adverb. Él se mueve lentamente.—He moves slowly. Ella se mueve rápidamente.—She moves quickly.
with the animal vocabulary from last month. La tortuga se mueve muy lentamente.—The turtle moves very slowly.
Ultimately, students will be able to use the new verb
4th Grade Spanish In December, fourth grade students will learn about describing their classes and school schedules. Las matemáticas—Math El inglés—English El arte—Art La educación física—Gym El español—Spanish La clase de biblioteca— Library La música—Music
Las ciencias — Science La lectura — Reading After reviewing these school subjects, students will be able to state which classes are their favorites and which they do not like. La clase de ciencias es mi clase favorita.— Science is my favorite class. La clase de música no es mi clase preferida.—I don’t like music class.
Lastly, students will create their actual school schedules in Spanish, and then have the opportunity to create their dream school schedules!