1 Francisco De Goya-El sueño de la razón produce monstruos (the

Teacher/student/parent communication: Email: [email protected]. Phone: 806-878-2456 ext. 211. Conference period: 8:00-8:45am & 2:50-3:45pm.
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Francisco De Goya-El sueño de la razón produce monstruos (the dream of reason brings forth monsters). http://www.franciscodegoya.net/El-Sueno-de-la-razon-produce-monstruos-%28Thesleep-of-reason-brings-forth-monsters%29.html SPAN II & III Conference hours: 8:00-8:45am & 2:50-3:45pm / Classroom #211 / Maestra Laura (Mrs. Loya) Email: [email protected] Phone: 806-878-2456 ext. 211


Required materials: 1 - 2 inch 3 ring binder 1 - 150 college ruled notebook paper 2 - Folder with pockets Composition book Pencils Red pens Highlighters

Recommended materials: Spanish/English dictionaries online: www.wordreference.com www.rae.es (NOTE: The use of google translate is NOT allowed for my classwork.)

Course objective: The student will learn to speak, read, and write in Spanish. The student will learn to communicate with others effectively in Spanish. The student will also learn about other Hispanic cultures.

Course requirements: Class participation/Oral presentations Homework assignments

Class assignments


Research projects

Final exam/presentation

Teacher/student/parent communication: Email: [email protected] Phone: 806-878-2456 ext. 211 Conference period: 8:00-8:45am & 2:50-3:45pm The faster and best way to contact me is via email. Via email we can schedule a phone conference or a conference in person during my conference period. You are welcome to call me or just come in during my conference period any time.



Grading policy:

Class participation/Oral presentations


Homework assignments


Class assignments




Research projects


Final exam/presentation (6 Weeks Exams)


The grade scale used to assign grades is: 90-100 = A, 80-89 = B, 70-79 = C; below 70 F Note: See student handbook. This course is not hard and I will do my best for you not to struggle in it; therefore, you should do well unless you are not doing your part.


Class participation/ Oral presentations:

The student is required to participate in class discussions for a grade. Any questions related to topic during lecture are considered participation. Note taking and completion of class/homework assignments will also be considered class participation. The students will be required to complete two oral presentations each semester with the total of four oral presentations in the school year. These presentations will be over the Spanish speaking country the student chose at the beginning of the year.


Homework-Class assignments /Late work/Make-up work:

Homework is considered part of class participation as stated above. It is also part of the materials the student must bring to class when it is due. Unless the student was absent the day homework/class assignments were assigned, late work will have ten points deducted for each day it is late. In that case, the student will have an extra day depending on the number of days the student was absent with a maximum of five days from the day the student returns to school to complete make-up work assignments. A doctor’s note must be provided. (NOTE: You will usually not have homework for this class, but if you do, it will be considered as described previously.)


Extracurricular activities:

Students who are going to be absent due to extracurricular activities MUST complete and turn in assignments prior to the day of the extracurricular activity, unless other arrangements have been done with the teacher. If the student will be completing any work while attending the extracurricular activity that lasts more than one day and turn it in after the student returns, the student MUST turn all work in completed the day the students returns to school.




Cheating is the act of behaving dishonestly, violating rules and procedures, using improper means to get answers, or having another person complete an assignment, homework, quiz, or test for you. Students will receive a zero for cheating on any classroom assignments, homework, quizzes, or test. In this class using google translate will be considered cheating. (See Recommended Materials section)



Students may retake quizzes or test, or correct classroom assignments and homework under the following circumstances: 1. Student MUST retake the quiz or test, or correct classroom assignments and homework within 2 days the failing grade was received. 2. Student will receive a maximum of 70 for quiz or test retakes and corrected class work and homework.

Tutoring: Students who are not being successful in class will be assigned to tutorials.

Rules and Expectations: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Be positive. Be engaged. Show respect. Participate. Your actions, your consequences.

Consequences: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

General reminder. Individual reminder. Second individual reminder. Lunch detention. Parent contact. Office referral.


Classroom Procedures: Students will everyday… 1. Come to class on time, prepare, and ready to learn. 2. Leave personal electronic devices in the phone pocket provided by the teacher. Students are not allowed to use personal electronic devices in class. They are ONLY allowed to use electronic devices provided by the school such as iPads, Chromebooks, etc. and when the teachers instructs students to bring them to use in class instruction. 3. Quietly, get your materials ready to begin class (notebook/notebook paper, pen, pencil, highlighters, textbook, and/or workbook). 4. Sit in the assigned seat. 5. If any homework is due, pass it to the right, then to the front row. The student who receives the turned in homework will place it in the correct tray for that class period. 6. After bell work, we will stand and recite the Pledge of Alliance (3rd hour). 7. If you were absent, this is the time to look for any missing work in the appropriate assignment folder for your class period. (If you know you are going to be absent, please come by and talk to me a day or two before you are absent, and I will give you the assignments/notes the rest of the class will be working on the days of your absence). If you were absent one day, you will have an extra day to complete the missing assignment and so on and so forth with a maximum of five days to complete it, depending on the amount of days you were absent. 8. I will now explain the activities that will be happening throughout the class period. 9. Please raise your hand if you have any questions related to the topic. 10. When you hear the introduction of the song “I’m the Real Slim Shady” from Eminem, which means I need your complete attention. You will stop whatever you are doing and have your eyes on me. 11. Restrooms will need to be used before or after class. 12. There will be no trips to lockers; you should have your materials with you at all times unless specified by me. This counts as a participation grade and you will be counted as tardy. 13. Pencils need to be sharpened before any class activity begins. 14. Class assignments will be completed independently; must raise hand to receive help from me. 15. Finished assignments will be passed to the right, then to the front row. The student who receives the turned in homework will place it in the correct tray for that class period. 16. Go over homework questions or concerns. (If there is any, which we will hardly have.) 17. Heading each assignment properly (name, teacher’s name, course name, date). 18. If we are going to the computer lab, you will take your things with you and walk quietly down the hallway.


19. When groups are created, you will be given a group number. Each group will move quietly to the already arranged seats in numerical/alphabetical order. 20. You will begin putting your materials up when instructed by me. THE BELL DOES NOT RELEASE YOU, I DO!!! 21. For assemblies, you will stay with my class quietly until you reach the auditorium, or wherever the assembly takes place. Then, you will go meet with your pertaining class (freshmen, sophomore, juniors, and seniors) at the designated area and remain with them during the assembly. After the assembly is over and you are released, you will walk quietly to the class period you are instructed to return. 22. Will behave extra good when there is a substitute covering my classes. Anyone who misbehaves with a substitute will be assigned detention.

Course Overview: Spanish II

1st week

(Spanish II students will be having a brief review of Spanish I content, but at the same time will be learning Spanish II content. Students will be moving at the same pace from the present tense to the preterit, imperfect, future, subjunctive, conditional, and imperative tenses, as well as passive voice, compliments, adjectives and pronouns.) Hacer, querer, venir en pretérito***


2 week Verbos irregulares en pretérito*** 1st 6 weeks

3rd week

Decir en presente y en pretérito***

4th week

Verbos con el cambio e → i en presente***

5th week

Verbos con el cambio e → i; o → u en pretérito*** (práctica de todo lo aprendido en las 6 semanas) Imperfecto de los verbos en -ar Imperfecto de los verbos –er e -ir

6th week 1st week

Imperfecto de los verbos ser e ir

2nd week Usos del imperfecto 2nd 6 weeks

3rd week

El pretérito y el imperfecto*** Dos acciones en una oración***

4th week

Verbos querer y creer en el pasado

5th week

La voz pasiva


Spanish III (Spanish III students will continue to deepen their learning about the preterit, imperfect, imperative, subjunctive, and tenses. They will be introduced to the pluperfect tense, progressive tenses, and active voice. They will also learn about the gender in nouns and irregular verbs, demonstrative pronouns, and adverbs.) Pretérito de los verbos regulares*** Pretérito de los los verbos de cambio radical (e → i, o → u)*** Pretérito de los verbos irregulares*** Sustantivos femeninos en “a”, “ha” inicial Sustantivos irregulares que terminan en “a” Pronombres demostrativos Pronombres posesivos Imperfecto Imperfecto y pretérito Dos acciones en la misma oración*** Subjuntivo*** Subjuntivo con expresiones impersonales*** Subjuntivo en cláusulas nominales*** Colocación y origen (“ser” o “estar”) Característica y condición Usos especiales de “ser” y “estar” Verbos especiales con complemento indirecto Gustar y Faltar Palabras negativas y afirmativas


3 6 weeks

1st week

Futuro en los verbos regulares

2nd week

Comparativo y superlativo***

3rd week

Futuro en los verbos irregulares Me lo, te lo, nos lo Modo potencial o condicional de los verbos regulares Modo potencial o condicional de los verbos irregulares Dos complementos con “se” El presente perfecto*** Los participios irregulares Comparación de igualdad***

4th week 5th week 1st week

2nd week Imperfecto progresivo 4th 6 weeks

3 week

Colocación de los pronombres de complemento*** Adjetivos y pronombres demostrativos

4th week

Imperativo formal; formas regulares

5th week

Imperativo formal; formas irregulares

6th week

Colocación de los pronombres de complemento***


Subjuntivo con expresiones de emoción*** Subjuntivo con expresiones de duda*** Subjuntivo en cláusulas adverbiales Futuro Condicional Pronombres de complemento*** Dos complementos en la misma oración Imperfecto del subjuntivo Subjuntivo con conjunciones de tiempo Presente perfecto*** Imperativo Tiempos progresivos Colocación de los pronombres de complemento*** Pronombre de complemento con el imperativo Pluscuamperfecto*** Condicional perfecto Futuro perfecto Subjuntivo con expresiones indefinidas Subjuntivo en cláusulas relativas Verbos reflexivos Verbos recíprocos

Comparativo y superlativo***

1st week Imperativo familiar; formas regulares Comparación de igualdad***

5th 6 weeks

2nd week

Imperativo familiar; formas irregulares

3rd week

Imperativo negativo

4th week



5 week 6th week 1st week 6th 6 weeks

2nd week rd

3 week 4th week 5th week 6th week

Subjuntivo en cláusulas nominales*** Subjuntivo con expresiones impersonales*** Subjuntivo de los verbos de cambio radical Subjuntivo con verbos como pedir y aconsejar Subjuntivo con expresiones de duda*** Subjuntivo con expresiones de emoción*** Infinitivo o subjuntivo Subjuntivo con ojalá y quizá*** Subjuntivo en cláusulas relativas


Subjuntivo con aunque Subjuntivo con quizás, tal vez y ojalá*** Presente perfecto y pluscuamperfecto del subjuntivo*** Cláusulas con “si” Adjetivos apocopados Usos especiales del artículo Artículo definido Artículo indefinido

Pronombres con preposición Por y para Hace y hacía Adverbios en -mente Verbos que terminan en -uir Voz pasiva

Reading Calendar: Spanish II: Fall Semester Bodas de sangre by Federico García Lorca 1st 6 weeks: 1st act

Spanish II: Spring Semester La vida es sueño by Pedro Calderón de la Barca 4th 6 weeks: 1st act

2nd 6 weeks: 2nd act

5th 6 weeks: 2nd act

3rd 6 weeks: 3rd act

6th 6 weeks: 3rd act

Spanish III: Fall Semester Las aventuras de Don Chipote by Daniel Venegas 1st 6 weeks: Chapters 1-7 2nd 6 weeks: Chapters 8-14 3rd 6 weeks: Chapters 15-19

*Subject to change.


Spanish III: Spring Semester La soledad era esto by Juan José Millás 4th 6 weeks: Chapters 1-6 5th 6 weeks: Chapters 7-14 6th 6 weeks: Chapters 15-21

Academic Integrity Students shall complete all work individually unless specified by the teacher. Student shall not obtain answers to any class assignments, homework, and/or quizzes/test from another student, google, or another website. If translations are needed, students shall only use the websites provided in the syllabus or Spanish/English dictionaries provided in class. Students shall give credit to any sources used in research projects/papers using MLA style format. Lack of credit to sources, which is called plagiarism (the use of information of other sources without giving credit to the author), will result in the student receiving a zero for the assignment, homework, and quizzes/tests. Classroom behavior Students’ behavior shall not, in any way, interfere with classroom instruction. It should not interfere with others learning process. Behavior that violates any of the classroom procedures numbered in the syllabus are considered unacceptable. Any disruptive behavior will NOT be tolerated and will result in disciplinary action as numbered in the syllabus.




Student’s signature

Parent’s signature
