05-12-2019 Insert St. MARK Fourth Easter.pub

hace 5 días - brought to fulfillment a new Passover, by His blood freeing “every na on, race, people and tongue” from bondage to sin and death. The Church ...
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Fourth Sunday of Easter May 12, 2019

Israel’s mission, “To be God’s instrument of salvaon to the ends of the earth” is fulfilled in the Church. We see, St. Paul and St. Barnabas preach in today’s first reading, a new covenant people is being born, a people who glorify the God of Israel as the Father of them all. The Church for all generaons remains faithful to the grace of God given to the Apostles and connues their saving work. Through the Church the peoples of every land hear the Shepherd’s voice and follow Him. Jesus is the Good Shepherd, the enthroned Lamb, who in laying down His life for His flock, brought to fulfillment a new Passover, by His blood freeing “every naon, race, people and tongue” from bondage to sin and death. The Church is the “great multude” John sees in his vision today. God swore to Abraham his descendants would be too numerous to count. And in the Church, as John sees, this promise is fulfilled. The Lamb rules from the throne of God, sheltering His flock, feeding their hunger with His own Body and Blood, leading them to “springs of life-giving waters” that well up to eternal life. The Lamb is the eternal Shepherd-King, the son of David foretold by the prophets. His Church is the kingdom of all Israel that the prophets said would be restored in an everlasng covenant. It is not a kingdom any tribe or naon can jealously claim as theirs alone. The Shepherd’s Word to Israel is addressed now to all lands, calling all to worship and bless His name in the heavenly temple. This is the delight of the Genles - that we can sing the song that once only Israel could sing, today’s joyful Psalm: “He made us, His we are - His people, the flock He tends.”

Fr. Michael Jeeva Antony

The Retrouvaille Program is for Married Couples Facing Difficult Challenges in their Relationship Married Singles Lifestyle –The Married Singles Lifestyle describes couples that may have lost a sense of closeness they once had as marriage partners and are living more like roommates. Retrouvaille teaches couples how to survive times like these in their marriages. This program has helped 10's of 1000's of couples experiencing difficulty at all levels of marital distress from disillusionment to deep misery. For confidential information about, or to register for the program beginning with a weekend on June 21-23, 2019, call 503-225-9191 or visit https://www.helpourmarriage.org/

The annual Memorial Day Mass will be celebrated at Mt. Calvary Catholic Cemetery, 220 Crest Drive in Eugene, at 9:00 AM on Monday May 27th. Rev. Tom Yurchak will be the Celebrant with special music provided by Chris Vanderplatt. Cub Scout Troop #12 and Bugler Barry Barreau will perform the Flag Ceremony immediately following the Mass.

IV Domingo de Pascua 12 Mayo, 2019

La misión de Israel, "ser el instrumento de salvación de Dios hasta los confines de la erra", se cumple en la Iglesia. Vemos, San Pablo y San Bernabé predicar en la primera lectura de hoy, un nuevo pueblo del Convenio está naciendo, un pueblo que glorifica al Dios de Israel como el padre de todos ellos. La Iglesia para todas las generaciones permanece fiel a la gracia de Dios dada a los apóstoles y connúa su obra salvífica. A través de la Iglesia, los pueblos de toda erra escuchan la voz del Pastor y lo siguen. Jesús es el Buen Pastor, el Cordero entronizado, que al poner su vida por su rebaño, trajo a la realización de una nueva Pascua, por su sangre liberando "toda nación, raza, pueblo y lengua" de la esclavitud al pecado y la muerte. La Iglesia es la "gran multud" que Juan ve en su visión de hoy. Dios le juró a Abraham que sus descendientes serían demasiado numerosos para contar. Y en la Iglesia, como Juan ve, esta promesa se cumple. El Cordero gobierna desde el trono de Dios, refugiando su rebaño, alimentando su hambre con su propio Cuerpo y Sangre, guiándolos a "mananales de aguas que dan vida" que están bien hasta la vida eterna. El Cordero es el eterno Rey y Pastor, el hijo de David predicho por los profetas. Su Iglesia es el Reino de todo Israel que los profetas dijeron que sería restaurado en un convenio sempiterno. No es un reino que ninguna tribu o nación pueda reclamar celosamente como suya sola. La Palabra del Pastor a Israel se dirige ahora a todas las erras, llamando a todos a adorar y bendecir Su nombre en el Templo celesal. Este es el deleite de los Genles — que podemos cantar la canción que una vez que sólo Israel podía cantar, el Salmo alegre de hoy: "El nos hizo, Su nosotros somos - Su pueblo, el rebaño que ende."

Padre Miguel Jeeva Antony

Saturday, June 15, 2019, 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Locaon: Cathedral of the Immaculate Concepon Ordinaons are archdiocesan celebraons, and all the faithful are encouraged to parcipate and add their prayers of thanksgiving to God for this year’s new priests.