03-17-2019 Insert St. MARK.pub

17 mar. 2019 - In today's Gospel, we go up to the mountain with Peter, John, and James. ... By His death and resurrection, Jesus will lead a new Exodus ...
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March 17, 2019

In today’s Gospel, we go up to the mountain with Peter, John, and James. There we see Jesus “transfigured,” speaking with Moses and Elijah about His “exodus.” The Greek word “exodus” means “departure.” But the word is chosen deliberately here to stir our remembrance of the Israelites’ flight from Egypt. By His death and resurrection, Jesus will lead a new Exodus liberating not only Israel but every race and people; not from bondage to Pharaoh, but from slavery to sin and death. He will lead all mankind, not to the territory promised to Abraham but to the heavenly commonwealth that St. Paul describes in today’s second reading. Moses, the giver of God’s law, and the great prophet Elijah, were the only Old Testament figures to hear the voice and see the glory of God atop a mountain. Today’s scene closely resembles God’s revelation to Moses, who also brought along three companions and whose face also shone brilliantly. Jesus has revealed the glory of the Trinity, the voice of the Father, the glorified Son, and the Spirit in the shining cloud. Jesus fulfills all that Moses and the prophets had come to teach and show us about God. If, like Abraham, we put our faith in His words, one day we too will be delivered into “the land of the living.”

Fr. Michael Jeeva Antony 

En el Evangelio de hoy, vamos a la montaña con Pedro, Juan y Santiago. Allí vemos a Jesús "transfigurado", hablando con Moisés y Elías sobre su "Éxodo". La palabra griega "Éxodo" significa "salida". Pero la palabra se elige deliberadamente aquí para agitar nuestro recuerdo del vuelo de los Israelitas desde Egipto. Por su muerte y resurrección, Jesús conducirá un nuevo Éxodo liberando no sólo a Israel, sino a todas las razas y personas; no de la esclavitud al Faraón, sino de la esclavitud al pecado y la muerte. Él conducirá a toda la humanidad, no al territorio prometido a Abraham, sino a el Reino celestial que San Pablo describe en la segunda lectura de hoy. Moisés, el dador de la ley de Dios, y el gran profeta Elías, fueron las únicas figuras del Antiguo Testamento en escuchar la voz y ver la gloria de Dios en la cima de una montaña. La escena de hoy se asemeja de cerca a la revelación de Dios a Moisés, quien también trajo a tres compañeros y cuyo rostro brilló de manera brillante. Jesús ha revelado la gloria de la Trinidad, la voz del padre, el Hijo Glorificado y el Espíritu en la nube resplandeciente. Jesús cumple todo lo que Moisés y los profetas habían venido a enseñar y a mostrarnos acerca de Dios. Si, como Abraham, ponemos nuestra fe en sus palabras, un día nosotros también nos entregaremos en "la tierra de los vivos".

Padre Miguel Jeeva Antony

From March 6 through April 14th, you’re invited to join other Christians for 40 Days for Life – 40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion. You’re also invited to stand and peacefully pray during a 40-day vigil in the public right-of-way outside the Planned Parenthood abortion clinic at 3579 Franklin Blvd., Eugene, Oregon 97403 (Glenwood area), and also to help spread the word about this important community outreach. On Wed., March 20th, Fr. Ron Nelson of St. Mary's Church in Eugene will lead us in prayers at 12:30 p.m. at Planned Parenthood. If you’d like more information – and especially if you’d like to volunteer to pray for an hour outside the facility or help in other ways, please contact: Eileen at [email protected] or 541-543-7168 or our Website page 40DaysforLife.com/Eugene. Thanks!

40 DÍAS POR LA VIDA: Esta primavera, desde el 6 de marzo hasta el 14 de abril, se invita a todos los Cristianos de nuestra comunidad a tomar parte del esfuerzo provida Nacional más grande en la historia: 40 Días Por La Vida. Además de los 40 días de ayuno y oración por el fin del aborto en America, por favor considera participar en la vigilia de oración afuera de Planned Parenthood clínica de aborto en 3579 Franklin Blvd., Eugene, Oregon 97403 (Glenwood área), por una o mas horas durante los 40 días y corre la voz a otras personas sobre este importante esfuerzo por salvar vidas. El miércoles 20 de marzo, el Padre Ron Nelson de la Iglesia de Santa María nos guiará en oración a las 12:30 p.m. en Planned Parenthood. Para más información, o para ayudar como voluntario(a), por favor contacta a Violet Olszyk en [email protected] o 925-490-5389 o regístrate en 40DaysforLife.com/Eugene. Todos son bienvenidos!

 LOOKING FOR A FRESH TAKE ON THE MASS READINGS? — Join Eugene Catholic Young Adults’ (ECYA) on Thursday evenings, 6:45pm, in St. Mary Parish Center (1062 Charnelton St.). ECYA is for everyone, ages 21-39. For more info. and other events coming up, contact: [email protected] (541-270-9329) & facebook.com/EugeneCYA . ALSO — Theology on Tap every 2nd Thursday at the K of C Hall

MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER WEEKEND — The next Marriage Encounter Weekend is April 12-14 (2019) at Powell Butte Retreat Ctr. (Powell Butte, OR—near Bend). Learn how to once again foster COMMUNICATION AND MARRIAGE! For more information call 503-853-2758 or apply on-line at www.rediscoverthespark.org.


Did you know that couples who attend a Worldwide Marriage encounter (WWME) Weekend: ▪ Experience only a 2% divorce rate ▪ Become more involved in their church

▪ Live the true meaning of the Sacrament of Marriage ▪ Renew the Church through discipleship with other couples

The Retrouvaille Program is for Married Couples Facing Difficult Challenges in their Relationship

A Christian marriage program, Catholic in origin, where couples of all faiths or no faith background are encouraged to attend. Next weekend retreat is June 21-23 at Mount Angel. Go to www.helpourmarriage.org for more information.