02516efc 6aad 4052 abd7 6c388753c9c0 roofing bid

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ACKER& GUERREROROOFCOMPANYINC' ffiober 14 20ffi Jtdb Chambers

2143ELntca Bcrlofey, CA94708 Dear,hdia: Ttr5k you fu theoppctunity to subnit &is proDdd fu ft roofng worlcolr tbppDPtrty wo Propogctorcrrprc rpfcilGdto rbova Basod6ourdiscrrssionaod $hecquontinspoction, ryrilso on all rosf silrfrrgls orn rool onfi andinstail a 3O1lgr laminaEd crrpoeilion to rernow t€cqntrEnd{bn rrpoO tny $rlrUle rocf. tt is slopedartas edrrefingttn OaOrstpO dorrppottts. lpv gutters and tre gppercfdcfrgurers andInstallrrcwS"afundnumogee Thc cost d he uork as orgirpd ln blc prepql will be SF|TSS&0O.Thls Prl@ wlll remain valldfrr 45 daysfrorn ihe dab d Uri$Fqro6:at. AfiBr lhat lime. we teoerw he dgtfi to adJuat the pdce. Endosedb a corilracifur pur si,gnatute.lf yotrwouffi fikeb prreed *iU, hF uprk P}ase s[n and t€txn ha loose copy d otlr ffice-vtlih a 1096deposit Upoft loccitr d a slgned contact and tl4oslt tha fob'rrlng wi[ occun r

W'ru'rtn ore rrcelq a sHing de Sortour ptoieci wtl be ocleduled. Youwill be noililled of yurr tentafvd e*reOubd date ti ydr Preted Managcr/ Esilrnabr. Pleasa be aurareha[ tnis dab is 5tr$ed b changedr.e 6 rvestrr onditions nd dEf factols beyondour confid.


Unlcssotp wiso Etbrlated in yourcmbact 5O%of the aol*ad arnanntwillbe due on spetificallVaddessed in yoqr the day d commencamtrt Again, unless ofrrenryise eroposif or oontractdocuments,tt; baHce wi[ be due-uponcompletiond s|e utork specifiett.

Oncs ag;aintlral* you hr altwirp ACI(ER tl, GUERRErc b srrbnrilthese epecificalbns|br yourcoisiderdor-" lf 1nr tnvc eurrl, nrttrer qrecttonsor oonoams,dease dont hesitab b call' Sinccrely, ACI(ERE GIJENNTNONOOFCOMPA}TY.INC.

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ROOFRElrOVru Teaf gfr-qrp hv€r orilv d he eristir€ red rystsm3and base dspoaed d debtb' flashktgqlurl aunyrrd propedy $SprOSA|-3 Disposed ail teard rgteriats h accordancawdh sPfficebb local codes Legvc the buildirg. loof and srorndirU propedy in a neat ald lidy and odrsres, oruf5on. PFtofECnOil: Prutectdl al@iw sufaces ilnu^phon ttp goiect INSTALLAiNON b tB enti'e areato recaivsbe FELT: Insta||30 b. asphai sdjrated blt urxfertaynrent neurshirtghs STARIER SrR|P h5tEll g' starbr sttp ahng tp perfnebrcf lhe roof. SHINGI-EI5:Insbll Glas€ 'Ao, 3(t year bmimbd conrpsllion shirEtesi,naccodance han iolr nailspr sfiirBlewith mEnufiactle/specificationo uitr,g no fiovner HIP & RIDGEUNITS: lnsbll mvr Z d6F sh|nsl€s at an hb a ti4ts |tr|es' FASIEIfrRS: UseapproilaF lengh corrcion resbtantbabsl fasEnensat 4 nallsper shfrgFleor as reqrired by tre mderials rnantdacturerfortrc specifio?Pplhdion F:xsteneBsfia[ penetrstea mirfrnumd 3/4' irilo trc s||bstrEbor *lell peneffie hrwgh the s.osffita wfridrever F hss as nqulred by the maMacturer ard the Unbrm Buildng@des, On bu[@s with 3/4' htd( or bes plyuoo