Youth Connection Outreach and Family Ministry Other

14 feb. 2019 - WEDNESDAY NIGHT CLASSES: Wednesday Bible Class ... not be as good as our “Sunday Morning Best” may indicate. How would you like to ...
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Youth Connection Youth Connection:

*Wednesday Night Bible Study *Sunday Morning Bible School *Children’s Church (during Sermon): Ages 9 and under

Youth Minister:

Caleb and Ashley Gervin Caleb: [email protected] (c) 760-898-9776 Ashley: [email protected] (c) 760-625-6935

Upcoming Youth and Family:

- February 10th: - February 14th: - February 17th: - February 18th: - February 24th:

Middle School Fellowship (12pm-2pm) PDCOC Food Pantry (5:30pm-7:30pm) High School Fellowship (12pm-2pm) PDCOC Date Festival (TBA) CVRM Community Service (4pm-6pm)

College & Young Adult Connection

Paul’s Ponders I recently heard this phrase: “There’s a lot of evil people in that church.” Immediately we say, “Not us! We are a loving church!” We may not be as good as our “Sunday Morning Best” may indicate. How would you like to have this in your church? There are some who make controversial speculations. Others have turned to meaningless talk and they don’t know what they are talking about or what they so confidently affirm. Some have not held on to their faith and good conscience. Others use God’s name inappropriately and blaspheme. There are hypocritical liars with no conscience. Some spread godless myths and old wives’ tales. They are idlers and busybodies who speak nonsense and say things they shouldn’t say. There is godless chatter about false knowledge. Does this sound like a horrible place? All of these are about the church in Ephesus. Paul talks to Timothy about them in I and II Timothy. All churches have some elements that are not Godly. We are people, redeemed, but still people and our human nature goes where we go. We can combat it with hard work, perseverance and love. Jesus told that to the Ephesians. 2 I know your deeds, your hard work and your perseverance. I know that you cannot tolerate wicked people, that you have tested those who claim to be apostles but are not, and have found them false. 3 You have persevered and have endured hardships for my name, and have not grown weary. 4 Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken the love you had at first. 5 Consider how far you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. Revelation 2:2-5

Just Pondering - February 14th: PDCOC Food Pantry (4:30pm-7:30pm) th - February 18 : PDCOC Date Festival (TBA) - February 24th: CVRM Community Service (4pm-6pm) *Times and events are subject to change, so please check with Caleb or Ashley for more information.

Outreach and Family Ministry This team offers home bible studies, hospital and home visits, shut-ins visits, baptisms, and any encouragement needs. This team also offers general maintenance duties - such as minor home/yard work and heavy lifting.

SPANISH MINISTER: Raye Kramar (c)(760) 580-1954 FAMILY MINISTER: John Rice (h)(760) 347-3928 Ministry Team Members: Jim Sultzer Rafael Rodriguez Garry Sage Marco Aparicio

Bob Tripp Nick Macias Henry McNulty

Aveces Pienso 1Pedro 2:9 9 Pero ustedes son linaje escogido, real sacerdocio, nación santa, pueblo adquirido para posesión de Dios, a fin de que anuncien las virtudes de aquel que los llamó de las tinieblas a su luz admirable; Y cómo podría ser eso posible, hay veces que pienso que la tierra santa esta dentro de cada uno de nosotros vivimos en una lucha constante por sobre vivir. Después de la muerte de Moisés, siervo del Señor, que el Señor habló a Josué, hijo de Nun, y ayudante de Moisés, diciendo: Mi siervo Moisés ha muerto; ahora pues, levántate, cruza este Jordán, tú y todo este pueblo, a la tierra que yo les doy a los hijos de Israel. Y también dentro de nosotros hay un río de pensamientos que perturba nuestra mente y que tenemos que cruzar, ilusiones fallidas que ofuscan nuestra forma de actuar y de pensar, sin embargo la comisión De Dios para Josué fue esta: Sé fuerte y valiente, porque tú darás a este pueblo posesión de la tierra que juré a sus padres que les daría. Solamente sé fuerte y muy valiente; cuídate de cumplir toda la ley que Moisés mi siervo te mandó; no te desvíes de ella ni a la derecha ni a la izquierda, para que tengas éxito dondequiera que vayas. Este libro de la ley no se apartará de tu boca, sino que meditarás en él día y noche, para que cuides de hacer todo lo que en él está escrito; porque entonces harás prosperar tu camino y tendrás éxito. ¿No te lo he ordenado yo? ¡Sé fuerte y valiente! No temas ni te acobardes, porque el Señor tu Dios estará contigo dondequiera que vayas. Nadie te podrá hacer frente en todos los días de tu vida. Así como estuve con Moisés, estaré contigo; no te dejaré ni te abandonaré.

Yo soy tu hermano Gilberto......

Other Announcements

On-Going Events SUNDAY MORNING: Bible Classes for all ages at 9:15a.m.. Donuts and coffee are provided in the kitchen before and after class. Worship Service at 10:15. Headsets for Spanish translation are provided during Worship Service. CHILDRENS BIBLE HOUR: Bible Hour for young children is located in the large classroom next to the kitchen. An announcement will be made to dismiss the children to the classroom. SUNDAY EVENING SMALL GROUP STUDY: Please see the insert for our “In the Word” Sunday Evening/Afternoon Bible Study locations. Group leaders are available for more information. SKY VALLEY WORSHIP & BIBLE STUDY: 3:30pm starts the combined Worship Service/In The Word Bible Study for the DHS/Sky Valley areas. LADIES’ TUESDAY BIBLE STUDY: Please join us for an uplifting study and fellowship with other women of faith every Tuesday morning from 10-11:30am. The current study is the book “Wild and Free”. MEN’S WEDNESDAY MORNING PRAYER: Wednesdays at 7:30a.m., the men meet at the church building for prayer and then go out for breakfast. WEDNESDAY NIGHT CLASSES: Wednesday Bible Class at 6:00p.m. SUNDAY SERMONS: Sunday Sermons can be accessed on YouTube under “Nick Macias” account.

Sermon Notes

Causes and Community Events

February 3, 2019

Food Pantry:

Palm Desert Church of Christ

Loving God...Loving People...Changing the World ~~~~

Iglesia de Cristo Palm Desert

Amar a Dios ... Amar a la gente ... Cambiar el mundo The next Food Pantry will be Thursday, February 14, 2019 from 5:30-6:30pm. All volunteers are asked to RSVP to your text or email notifications. Upcoming Pantry: March 14th *** Upcoming Pantry: April 11th Upcoming Pantry: May 9th

Last Week Attendance: 164 Contribution: $2,987

Kids for Kids: $157

February Birthdays Aleyda Macias Erin Meyer Bobby Finnell Brooke Finnell Calvin Worth

2/6 2/6 2/7 2/13 2/13

Noelle Gentry Jeanne Thomas Judy Woodroof Hayley Hodulik Garry Sage Amanda Cardinal Doug Smith Nicky Robles Daniel Sanchez Janet Law Debbie Zwight Jack Brohamer Dru Craven Angela Morway

2/15 2/15 2/15 2/17 2/19 2/21 2/22 2/23 2/23 2/24 2/24 2/26 2/28 2/28

February Anniversaries Humberto & Veronica Alvarez

Russ & Billie McKay

2/1 2/27


Sunday: Bible Study: 9:15am ~ Worship Service: 10:15am Wednesday: Bible Study: 6:00pm *********************

*DIRECTORY CHANGES* Please be sure to let the office know if you have any contact information changes or additions.

78-135 Avenue 42 * Bermuda Dunes, CA 92203 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 14151 * Palm Desert, CA 92255 Phone 760.360.6595, Fax 760.360.6595 (please call first) Email: [email protected], [email protected] Website: Office Hours: M-F 9am-2pm