Youth Connection Outreach and Family Ministry Other

14 feb. 2019 - Rafael Rodriguez. Nick Macias ... Sunday Sermons can be accessed on YouTube under “Nick Macias” account. John the .... Diana Garcia. 1/18.
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Youth Connection Youth Minister: Caleb and Ashley Gervin Caleb: [email protected] (c) 760-898-9776 Ashley: [email protected] (c) 760-625-6935

Youth Connection: *Wednesday Night Bible Study *Sunday Morning Bible School *Children’s Church (during Sermon): Ages 9 and under

Upcoming Youth and Family: - January 20th: Youth & Families Planning Meeting (after service) *Times and events are subject to change, so please check with Caleb or Ashley for more information.

College & Young Adult Connection

Paul’s Ponders John the Baptist and Jesus both preached the same sermon: “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand” (or a variant thereof). When people came to John he didn’t automatically embrace them but instead said: "You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the coming wrath?” (Lk 3:7, cf also Mt 3:7) The word for “wrath” is used 36 times in the New Testament, 12 of those in Romans. The basic meaning of the word is “swelling up to constitutionally oppose”. It is to become gradually upset over extended opposition. It is someone being wrong (sinning) continually for a long period of time. It is not a sudden temper tantrum but (especially in reference to God) it is a controlled response of indignation against a continually brewing offense of evil. 22What if God, although choosing to show his wrath and make his power known, bore with great patience the objects of his wrath-prepared for destruction? Romans 9:22 We have a tendency to be quick to anger. No wonder Paul tells his readers to leave the wrath business to God. 19Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the LORD. Romans 12:19 God does not look for you to mess up so he can zap you. God is looking for ways to love you and show you his mercy and grace. It takes a lot of evil before God’s controlled anger reaches the point of wrath. Aren’t you glad?

Just Pondering - January 20th: Youth & Families Planning Meeting (after service)

Outreach and Family Ministry This team offers home bible studies, hospital and home visits, shut-ins visits, baptisms, and any encouragement needs. This team also offers general maintenance duties - such as minor home/yard work and heavy lifting.

SPANISH MINISTER: Raye Kramar (c)(760) 580-1954 FAMILY MINISTER: John Rice (h)(760) 347-3928 Ministry Team Members: Jim Sultzer Rafael Rodriguez Garry Sage Marco Aparicio

Bob Tripp Nick Macias Henry McNulty

Aveces Pienso Cuando todo marcha bien que facil es olvidarnos de las cosas que emanan de Dios, cuando el dinero que generan nuestros trabajos logran dar satisfaccion a nuestros deceos y necesidades, que dificil es levantar una plegaria al cielo y darle gracias a Dios, por las satisfacciones que nos a dado; para entonces las oraciones pesan generan tiempo y distraen nuestra atencion como si fueran tacos de un establecimiento de comida rapida, desesperados nos comemos las palabras no pensamos lo que decimos y olvidamos compartir. una de las lindas tradiciones de Mexico son los tamales en los dias de fiesta, pero cuanto cuesta hacer tamales? no me refiero en cuanto a lo economico, sino en el tiempo y la dedicacion que estos requieren, una mesa llena de masa y una familia que comparte historias, iluciones y esperanza, porque un tamal no es tan solo una bola de masa que envuelve un pedazo de carne, en un tamal esta el amor, y la sonrisa , el deceo de compartir de una Madre, de una Esposa, de una Tia, de una Abuela, de una Amiga, y quizas tambien un pedacito de tu buena voluntad que todas envueltas en un mismo sentir se olvidan del dolor de espalda con el deceo de compartir. Cuando nuestro Señor Jesucristo fue crusificado la cortina en el templo se rasgo de abria acia bajo para enseñarnos en una forma directa cuan grande es el amor de Dios. Igualmente cuando deshojes un tamal piensa en la cortina del templo inclina tu cabeza da gracias a Dios por su hijo y por todas aquellas personas que de una forma incondicional te brindan afecto y buenos deceos a tu bienestar y entonces sabras que una oracion a Dios no es un taco de comida rapida en un restaurante, sino un momento de meditacion y refleccion donde el tiempo no cuenta sino los buenos deceos que brotan de tu corazon.HECHOS 1:13-14 CUANDO LLEGARON, SUBIERON AL LUGAR DONDE SE ALOJABAN. ESTABAN ALLI PEDRO, JUAN, JACOBO, ANDRES, FELIPE, TOMAS, BARTOLOME, MATEO, JACOBO HIJO DE ALFEO, SIMON EL ZELOTE Y JUDAS HIJO DE JACOBO. TODOS EN UN MISMO ESPIRITU, SE DEDICABAN A LA ORACION, JUNTO CON LAS MUJERES Y CON LOS HERMANOD DE JESUS Y SU MADRE MARIA.

Yo soy tu hermano Gilberto......

Other Announcements

On-Going Events SUNDAY MORNING: Bible Classes for all ages at 9:15a.m.. Donuts and coffee are provided in the kitchen before and after class. Worship Service at 10:15. Headsets for Spanish translation are provided during Worship Service. CHILDRENS BIBLE HOUR: Bible Hour for young children is located in the large classroom next to the kitchen. An announcement will be made to dismiss the children to the classroom. SUNDAY EVENING SMALL GROUP STUDY: Please see the insert for our “In the Word” Sunday Evening/Afternoon Bible Study locations. Group leaders are available for more information. SKY VALLEY WORSHIP & BIBLE STUDY: 4pm starts the combined Worship Service/In The Word Bible Study for the DHS/Sky Valley areas. LADIES’ TUESDAY BIBLE STUDY: Please join us for an uplifting study and fellowship with other women of faith every Tuesday morning from 10-11:30am. The current study is the book “Wild and Free”. MEN’S WEDNESDAY MORNING PRAYER: Wednesdays at 7:30a.m., the men meet at the church building for prayer and then go out for breakfast. WEDNESDAY NIGHT CLASSES: Wednesday Bible Class at 6:00p.m. SUNDAY SERMONS: Sunday Sermons can be accessed on YouTube under “Nick Macias” account.

Sermon Notes

Causes and Community Events

January 20, 2019

Palm Desert Church of Christ

Loving God...Loving People...Changing the World ~~~~

Iglesia de Cristo Palm Desert

Amar a Dios ... Amar a la gente ... Cambiar el mundo

Last Week Attendance: 119 Contribution: $3,458

Kids for Kids: $107

January Birthdays Natalie Alvarez Michael Craven Mike Young Ashley Shopshear Jane Forcier Laura Kenley Henry McNulty Judy Sage Diana Garcia Patricia Fuller Chris Macias

1/1 1/8 1/8 1/11 1/15 1/17 1/18 1/18 1/18 1/19 1/19

Adell Bynum Alta Dismaya Winnie Elliott Robert Craven

1/21 1/21 1/28 1/29

Food Pantry:

January Anniversaries Larry & Rhonda Fisk Ernest & Sharon Anderson


1/7 1/25

Sunday: Bible Study: 9:15am ~ Worship Service: 10:15am Wednesday: Bible Study: 6:00pm *********************

*DIRECTORY CHANGES* Please be sure to let the office know if you have any contact information changes or additions.

The next Food Pantry will be Thursday, February 14, 2019 from 5:30-6:30pm. All volunteers are asked to RSVP to your text or email notifications. Upcoming Pantry: March 14th *** Upcoming Pantry: April 11th Upcoming Pantry: May 9th

78-135 Avenue 42 * Bermuda Dunes, CA 92203 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 14151 * Palm Desert, CA 92255 Phone 760.360.6595, Fax 760.360.6595 (please call first) Email: [email protected], [email protected] Website: Office Hours: M-F 9am-2pm