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Year 9 Graduation Task Term 5& 6 2017 Name ...

are going to review. When did you see it/read it or play it for the first time? What is the film/book/programme/game about – give specific details? Who are the ...
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Year 9 Graduation Task Term 5& 6 2017 Name ……………………………………………………….. Target Grade ………………………. Task: Write a Review of a Film/Book/TV programme/Computer Game Grade




Introduce the film/TV programme/ Book/Game you are going to review. When did you see it/read it or play it for the first time? What is the film/book/programme/game about – give specific details? Who are the main characters? What is the plot? What are the best/worst bits?

Introduce the film/TV programme/ Book/Game you are going to review. When did you see it/read it or play it for the first time? What is the film/book/programme/game about – give specific details? Who are the main characters? What is the plot? What are the best/worst bits?





Introduce the film/TV programme/ Book/Game you are going to review. When did you see it/read it or play it for the first time? What is the film/book/programme/game about – give specific details? Who are the main characters? What is the plot? What are the best/worst bits? What was your favourite part? What did you not like about it? Would you recommend it to a friend?

Introduce the film/TV programme/ Book/Game you are going to review. When did you see it/read it or play it for the first time? What is the film/book/programme/game about – give specific details? Who are the main characters? What is the plot? What are the best/worst bits? What was your favourite part? What did you not like about it? Would you recommend it to a friend? What do you want to see/read/play next?

EXTENSION : Introduce the film/TV programme/ Book/Game you are going to review. When did you see it/read it or play it for the first time? What is the film/book/programme/game about – give specific details? Who are the main characters? What is the plot? What are the best/worst bits? What was your favourite part? What did you not like about it? Would you recommend it to a friend? Use longer paragraphs and more descriptive language. Use negative words Include comparatives and superlatives and 4 different tenses

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Have you checked your punctuation? Are your spellings accurate and have you used an opinion phrase, a quantifier and an adjective? Short paragraphs Connectives (porque, pero, tambien) Adverbs (-mente) Prepositions a/de +definite article (Al/del) Present tense in the I,you,he/she forms Opinions with infinitives ( Me gusta jugar ) Have you checked your punctuation? Are your spellings accurate and have you used a variety of opinion phrases and a variety of adjectives? Have you used connectives and quantifiers? Longer paragraphs Connectives (porque, pero, tambien) Adverbs (-mente) Sequencing time phrases (Primero, después, luego, más tarde, al final) Present tense in the I,you,he/she forms Opinions with infinitives ( Me gusta jugar ) Use of impersonal verbs ((No Hay / (No)Se puede+inf) Have you checked your punctuation? Are your spellings accurate and have you used a variety of opinion phrases and a variety of adjectives? Have you used connectives and quantifiers? Longer paragraphs Have you used time phrases and used the past tense accurately? Two tenses (future and present) Give opinions and justify opinions ( ya que, por eso ) Use a variety of connectives intensifiers (aunque/demasiado) Use descriptions (using both regular and irregular adjectives) Use time phrases (In the present and Future) Use the I, We and He/She form of the present tense Use the I and We form of the future tense Use the present tense accurately including irregular verbs (salir, hacer, poner, poder, venir) Use the future tense accurately Have you checked your punctuation? Are your spellings accurate and have you used a variety of opinion phrases and a variety of adjectives? Have you used connectives and quantifiers? Have you used time phrases and used the past, present and future tenses accurately? Longer paragraphs from memory (minimum 3) Express and justify opinions and referring to past, present and future, spontaneously. Three tenses (I form) (Present, Simple Past/Imperfect and Near future) Complex opinion phrases (pienso que, me parece que, creo que) Justify opinions ( ya que, por eso, así que ) Conditional phrase : Me gustaría+ infinitive Comparatives with adjectives (mas ...que/ menos...que, tan...que) Complex structure with infinitive: Soler + Infinitive Have you checked your accuracy? Verb endings? Have you used 4 tenses? Negative words? Longer detailed texts( minimum 4 paragraphs) Four tenses (I/ form) (Present, Simple Past/Imperfect and Near future, Conditional) Comparatives and Superlatives with adjectives and nouns both regular and irregular(Tanto/a/ noun/ El/La mejor/peor) Questions using question words (question formation) Coordinating conjuctions (no solo...sino tambien, es decir) Express and justify opinions and referring to past, present and future, spontaneously. Three tenses (I form) (Present, Simple Past/Imperfect and Near future) Complex opinion phrases (pienso que, me parece que, creo que) Justify opinions ( ya que, por eso, así que ) Conditional phrase : Me gustaría+ infinitive Comparatives with adjectives (mas ...que/ menos...que, tan...que) Complex structure with infinitive: Soler + Infinitive