ws.adj explanation

The boy is tall = El chico es alt___. The boys are tall. = Los chicos son alt___. The girl is tall = La chica es alt___ The girls are tall. = Las chicas ... 28. the fat book ...
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Nombre: ___________________________ Per. ___

What’s a noun? ______________________________________ What’s an adjective? __________________________________

Official Spanish grammar teacher quote: “Adjectives agree in GENDER (m/f) and NUMBER (s/p) with the nouns they describe.”

What in the world does that mean? If a noun is M/S, your adjective is M/S. If your noun is F/P, your adjective is F/P. Etc.! The boy is tall = El chico es alt___

The boys are tall. = Los chicos son alt___

The girl is tall = La chica es alt___

The girls are tall. = Las chicas son alt___

**Adjectives describing physical & personal traits (generally) go AFTER the noun.** an ugly house = una casa fea

some nice students = unos estudiantes simpáticos

Escribe en español: 1. some good looking guys __________________________________________ 2. an ugly backpack _________________________ 3. the mean teacher _________________________ 4. a large class _____________________________ 5. the small desks __________________________ 6. an easy quiz ____________________________ 7. a hard exam _____________________________ 8. the intelligent students ____________________ 9. the new high school ______________________ 10. the old library ___________________________ 11. a large university________________________ 12. a small pencil __________________________ 13. some small pencils _______________________ 14. an important party ______________________ 15. the silly questions ______________________

16. a blonde classmate/partner __________________________________________ 17. the ugly fishies _________________________ 18. the red-haired dog _______________________ 19. a nice mom ____________________________ 20. the brunette boys ________________________ 21. a smart driver __________________________ 22. some skinny cats ________________________ 23. a young girl ____________________________ 24. the short boy ___________________________ 25. an intelligent answer _____________________ 26. an interesting lesson _____________________ 27. a good book ________________________ 28. the fat book ___________________________ 29. the small clock _________________________ 30. a hard-working computer __________________________________________