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WHS 2019-2020 Cronograma de Regreso a la Escuela

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WHS 2019-2020  Cronograma de Regreso a la Escuela    Updated 8/1/19 


PAGINA WHS incluye noticias anuncios, Horario de Dia A/B, , horario de Campana, Calendario de Eventos, Información del Personal, Paginas; e-mail/websites de los Maestros,Horario Atlético y Entrenadores , Oportunidades para ser Voluntario y mucho mas.

“WINDSOR USD” APP Descargué la App IOS en su dispositivo para recibir notificaciónes importantes de Windsor Unified School District.




Julio 29​ – Agosto 14 Complete Confirmacion en AERIES (Parent Portal) ​antes de Registracion

Ingresé a AERIES (Parent Portal) y complete el proceso Confirmation de Datos. IMPRIMA Y TRAIGA FORMAS SIGUIENTES CON USTED A REGISTRACION: ● ●

Confirmacion de Datos Pagina Firmada tarjeta de Emergencia ​(complete ​todas​ seccioness – 2 paginas)

Vea aqui abajo para proceso de Registracion, fecha y horario. st​

Jueves, Ago 1​ & Viernes, Ago 2​nd 8:00am – 4:00pm Biblioteca

AERIES PARENT PORTAL AYUDA EN CONFIRMACION DE DATOS Si usted no tiene cuenta en AERIES ó tiene preguntas de Proceso de Confimación de Dato, Personal de WHS está disponible para ayudarle.

REGISTRACION **Voluntarios se necesitan para todas las fechas y horas de Registracioni** Miercoles, Ago 7​th 12:00pm – 2:00pm

Miercoles, Ago 7​th 4:00pm – 6:00pm

Jueves, Ago 8​th 9:00am – 11:00am

Jueves, Ago 8​th Registration ​1:00pm– 3:00pm Hearing Test ​(Rm D110) Begins @ 12:00pm

Si está ud. disponible para ser voluntario Email: ​[email protected]

Senior (12) Graduante Registracion Freshmen (9) Registracion y BBQ Parrillada WHS Boosters prooverá BBQ para los Freshmen y familia between 4:00-6:00pm.

Junior (11) Registracion Sophomore (10) Registracion & Mandatorio Examen de Oido *Hearing tests required for all 10​th​ graders & must be completed ​prior​ to schedule pick up* Nurse will contact students who need to make-up hearing test.

WHS 2019-2020  Cronograma de Regreso a la Escuela    Updated 8/1/19 

** WHAT TO DO AT REGISTRATION ** ​(see below for additional information) Rm D110 (Hearing Test) Large Gym (Photos/ID Cards) Small Gym (Forms/Schedules)

1) 2) 3) 4)

Mandatory Hearing Test ​(10th​ ​ Gr only) Take Student Photo ​(​All students​ – ​even if not purchasing photos​) Pick up Student Photo ID Card Turn in:​ ​WHS Required Forms: ● ● ●

Data Confirmation Signature Page Emergency Card ​(complete ​all​ sections – 2 pages) Hearing Test Completion slip​ (​ 10th​ ​ Gr ONLY)

5) Pick up Student Schedule *Student schedule will not be given unless all forms are received, completed & signed*

Lifetouch Photos & Student ID Card All students must get their photo taken​ – PLEASE DRESS APPROPRIATELY

Aug 7​th​ & 8​th

Order forms will also be available at Registration.

ASB Sticker ASB Stickers provide students access to sporting events (​except playoff games​) and discounts to WHS dances. ASB stickers are available to purchase for $40.00 during Registration. After Registration, they can be purchased at the Student Store.

Yearbooks / Senior Dedications / Senior Portraits Yearbooks, Senior Dedications & Senior Portraits are available to purchase online at​ (or ​​) Contact David Beal at ​[email protected]​ with any questions.

Athletics For WHS Athletic information, Coaches & Athletic Packets go to ​ Contact the specific coach with any questions.

PE Clothes & Locks PE shirts will be distributed by the PE Teachers. Students wear their own black shorts/sweats or they can purchase them from Mr. Fayter. Locks will be provided to the students to use for the year.

Bus Passes & Routes / Free or Reduced Priced School Meals

NOT ABLE TO ATTEND YOUR REGISTRATION TIME? Students can attend another registration any time ​AFTER​ their scheduled registration. 10th ​ ​ Grade Hearing Test – The Nurse will contact students need to make-up hearing tests. After Aug. 8th ​ Turn in required forms and pick up student schedule in Admin Office.

WHS 2019-2020  Cronograma de Regreso a la Escuela    Updated 8/1/19 

FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL **Volunteers needed** If you are available to volunteer Email: ​[email protected]

Wednesday, Aug 14​th Quad See Bell Schedule & Student Schedule for start time

First Day of School – August 14​th​ “A” Day *Wednesday - Late start* Start time is determined by student & bell schedules (Bell Schedule on ​​)

“Final” Goldenrod Student Schedule Distribution Times Student’s with a 1A class arrive at 8:35am Without a 1A class arrive at 10:20am **Student Photo ID required**

Students must keep their Goldenrod Schedule with them at all times.

Student Drivers Parking & Permits WHS is a CLOSED CAMPUS/PARKING LOT There are NO off-campus privileges. Students are not permitted to loiter in parking lots or access their vehicle during the school day, including breaks & lunch. Student Parking Permits are $2.00 each. Applications are available at ​​. See Cynthia Straub (Admin Bldg, 2​nd​ Fl.)

Students driving to school must obtain a parking permit and ONLY park in the North (Student) Parking Lot​. Students ​ARE NOT PERMITTED​ to park: ● In the South (Staff) Parking Lot ● 1-hour parking ● In the front circle ● In nearby neighborhoods **REMINDER** Students ​ARE NOT PERMITTED​ in the parking lot or access to their vehicle during the school day. Remember to bring everything you need for the day with you.

No Student Drop-off’s WHS cannot hold any personal items ​(including homework)​ for students. If your student forgets or needs a personal item arrangements need to be made with them to meet during break or lunch.

Wednesday, Sept 4​th 8:30 am – 1:00 pm Theater Lobby Thursday, Sept 5​th 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm September 9​th​ (12:15-1:15pm) September 10​th​ (10:00-11:00am)

Theater Tuesday, Sept. 17​th 11:30-12:15 pm Quad Area

Lifetouch Make-up Photos & Student ID Card PLEASE DRESS APPROPRIATELY Retake photos – Bring your unwanted photos package with you to retake your photo.

Back To School Night Seniors in Good Standing Meeting Jostens ~ Graduation Order Forms & Information Distribution Students will attend during the assigned date/time of the Core class

Jostens On campus to collect orders and answer, any questions.

WHS 2019-2020  Cronograma de Regreso a la Escuela    Updated 8/1/19 

Project Graduation 2020 **Volunteers needed** For information or to sign up go to: ​ ​