It is an important pillar to understand trends and to guide action in rabies elimination. – Improving access and affordability of vaccines. Secured access to safe, ...
THE FACTS A fatal but preventable disease Rabies is a viral disease that infects the central nervous system and ultimately leads to the death of people and animals. This disease can be prevented and managed. Yet, rabies still kills more than 60,000 people per year. Children are falling victim Four out of every ten people who have been bitten by suspect rabid animals are under the age of 15. Over 3 billion people in Asia and Africa at risk Those most at risk live in rural areas where human vaccines and immunoglobulins are not readily available or affordable. The most startling fact is the lack of rabies awareness. Advocacy and public health systems need to unite to effectively combat this disease, and other zoonotic diseases.
70% of the canine population to break transmission from dogs to humans. Safe, effective human vaccines are also available as pre- and post-exposure prophylaxis vaccines. Post-exposure prophylaxis, or PEP, is a series of vaccines provided to people bitten by rabid animals including bats in order to prevent the disease from developing. The use of PEP intradermally is saving costs by approximately 60-80% in comparison to the intramuscular route, and is a more cost-effective option where the disease is highly present.
Dog vaccination and PEP to be made more accessible Dog vaccination is the most cost-effective single intervention to protect humans from contracting rabies. High quality vaccines are available. Vaccine coverage needs to reach at least
Vaccinating 70% of the canine population = breaking the cycle of transmission of rabies Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
WHAT HAS BEEN DONE The World Health Organization (WHO), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), and the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) are united in a common goal to eliminate human and dog rabies. Together we provide strategic and technical guidance and build advocacy around rabies prevention and ensure more consistent and sustained commitment, underpinned by strong health and veterinary systems. The impact of specific activities thus far – Coordinated collaboration, countries are embarking on comprehensive rabies control programmes. – Increasing access to and strengthening health and veterinary services. – Providing the proof of concept of different interventions for rabies elimination.
– Global and regional stocks of vaccines, also referred to as vaccine banks. – Building partnerships between international partners, financing bodies, academic and research institutions, civil society and the private sector.
KEY WORDS FOR SUCCESS: awareness-education, surveillance, collaboration and vaccination WHAT’S NEXT? – Developing awareness and education Community participation, education and public awareness are crucial elements of successful rabies control programmes.
– Encourage collaboration across sectors The FAO, OIE and WHO will continue to work together to raise global and regional awareness.
– Improving surveillance It is an important pillar to understand trends and to guide action in rabies elimination.
– Improving access and affordability of vaccines Secured access to safe, efficacious and affordable dog vaccines and human post exposure prophylaxis vaccines through regional vaccine banks.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
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the La Salle Foundation for the Natural Sciences – Guayana and Caracas, have raised repeated concerns that illegal gold mining could irreversibly damage ...
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Esta publicación fue producida por la Organización Panamericana de la Salud/Organización Mundial de la Salud (OPS/OMS) y fue posible a través del apoyo ...
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12 mar. 2012 - Objetivo: Promover la colaboración entre los observatorios de género y salud con el sector salud. Monto: US 10 000 dólares. Antecedentes: El ...
10 ago. 2010 - Asociaciones de ingenieros, arquitectos, administradores de hospitales, entre otros. •. Comité Andino para la Prevención y Atención de ...
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January 2015 by WHO regional data collectors. The two main inputs into ... by the importer, in addition to import duties. ... way as amount-specific excise taxes.
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21 Cómo ayudar a los pacientes. 25 Implementación del programa. Anexos ... Los Anexos de este manual contienen ..... cultura o religión (p.ej. adolescentes,.
Salud basados en la APS de la OPS, la Cooperativa de Hospitales de Antioquia ... en función de su inserción laboral y su capacidad de pago. ..... habla inglesa, española, Centro América, y en Venezuela). ... asociados de la COHAN, identificar las opo
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Tomarán la posición seiza y, realizarán un zarei cuando el árbitro dé la orden. ... árbitro dará comienzo al combate a la orden de “luchen” o hajime. El combate.
La versión electrónica de este documento está disponible en el sitio ..... en el contexto del nuevo esquema de relaciones entre gobierno y sociedad ..... Los Servicios Médicos Privados, las Cooperativas y las empresas de autogestión, .... planificaci
La Organización Panamericana de la Salud dará consideración muy favorable a las solicitudes de autorización para reproducir o traducir, íntegramente o en ...