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Who Eats What?

Copyright © SRA/McGraw-Hill. Permission is gran ted to reproduce this page for classroom use. Who Eats What? Your child will now be reading “Who Eats What? Food Chains and Food Webs,” a nonfiction selection that explains what food chains are and illustrates several of their components. A combination of food chains ...
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Who Eats What? Your child will now be reading “Who Eats What? Food Chains and Food Webs,” a nonfiction selection that explains what food chains are and illustrates several of their components. A combination of food chains makes a food web. All living beings, on land and in water, are part of some food chain or food web. All food chains begin with green plants, which prepare their own food with the help of sunlight. These plants are then eaten by animals, including human beings. After your child has finished reading “Who Eats What?,” ask him or her to choose any five animals and brainstorm how each of these animals form part of some food chain or web. Use the Internet or the library to find out what each of these animals eats, and what—if anything—eats them in turn. 1.  Carrots


Fox, Owl

2.  3.  4.  Copyright © SRA/McGraw-Hill. Permission is gran ted to reproduce this page for classroom use.


Selection Vocabulary Your child will study the following vocabulary words in the upcoming week. Please review the meanings of these words with your child: linked—connected; slightly—by a little bit; depend—need, rely; microscope—a tool for looking at very small things; bitterly—harshly, extremely; seaweed—a plant that grows near the surface of the sea; branch—divide and subdivide.

Spelling Your child will study the following spelling words in the upcoming week. Please review the spellings of these words with your child: spotted, spied, viewed, slightly, somewhat, branch, divide, split, alike, similar, home, dwelling, residence, partner, teammate, crash, collide, cheerful, happy, merry. Challenge Words: enormous, gigantic, massive.

Home Connection • Nature’s Delicate Balance

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UNIT 2 • Lesson 3  19

1/23/07 9:29:38 AM

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Who Eats What? Ahora su hijo(a) va a leer “Who Eats What? Food Chains and Food Webs”, una selección no ficticia que explica lo que es la cadena alimentaria e ilustra varios de sus componentes. Una combinación de cadenas alimentarias conforman una red alimentaria. Todos los seres vivos, en agua o en tierra, forman parte de una cadena o una red alimentaria. Todas las cadenas alimentarias comienzan con plantas verdes, las cuales generan su propio alimento con la ayuda de la luz solar. Estas plantas son entonces consumidas por los animales, incluidos los seres humanos. Cuando su hijo(a) haya terminado de leer “Who Eats What?”, usted quizás quiera pedirle que escoja cinco animales cualquiera, y ayudarlo(a) a entender cómo cada uno de estos animales forman parte de una cadena o red alimentaria. Usen Internet o la biblioteca para averiguar qué come cada uno de estos animales, y quién (si corresponde) a su vez los come a ellos. 1.  Zanahoria


Zorro, Búho

2.  3. 


Vocabulario de la selección La próxima semana su hijo(a) estudiará las siguientes palabras de vocabulario. Por favor, revise junto a su hijo(a) los significados de estas palabras: linked (vinculado— conectado); slightly (ligeramente—un poquito); depend (depende—necesita de); microscope (microscopio—instrumento para mirar cosas muy pequeñas); bitterly (amargamente—ásperamente, extremadamente); seaweed (algas—planta que crece en la superficie del mar); branch (echar ramas—dividirse y subdividirse).

Ortografía La próxima semana su hijo(a) estudiará las siguientes palabras de ortografía. Por favor, revise junto a su hijo(a) la escritura de estas palabras: spotted, spied, viewed, slightly, somewhat, branch, divide, split, alike, similar, home, dwelling, residence, partner, teammate, crash, collide, cheerful, happy, merry. Palabras difíciles: enormous, gigantic, massive.

20  Unidad 2 • Lección 3

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Copyright © SRA/McGraw-Hill. Permission is granted to reproduce this page for classroom use.


El delicado equilibrio de la naturaleza • Home Connection

1/23/07 9:29:38 AM