W a lk th ro u g h F ormative A s se s s m e n t O b se rvation To o l

s w o rk e d th e ta s k a n. d c o m p le te d it c o rre c tly a n d is e n g a g in g in a n e x te n s io n to th. e p ro b le m. (a d v a nc ing p rom pts. ) p ro v id e. d b y th.
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Level 2 Team is working the task by connecting to prior knowledge, engaging in conversations, and taking corrective action to the teacher’s scaffolding prompts.

Level 1

Team is working the task but is constantly stuck. Students do not generally take corrective action on the teacher’s feedback and scaffolding prompts.

Team is working the task by engaging in accurate sense making and reasoning and using multiple connections with minimal teacher feedback.

Level 3

Overall observations of student reasoning and engagement in the higher-level-cognitive-demand task:

Student team 4

Student team 3

Student team 2

Student team 1

(List Team Member Names)

Student Teams

Walkthrough Formative Assessment Observation Tool

Figure 2.10

Team has worked the task and completed it correctly and is engaging in an extension to the problem (advancing prompts) provided by the teacher.

Level 4


Beyond the Common Core, Leader’s Guide © 2015 Solution Tree Press • solution-tree.com Visit go.solution-tree.com/mathematicsatwork to download this page.