Vocabulary Unit: Sports English Athlete Badminton Baseball Basketball basketball court Coach coach of the baseball team Cricket Cycling Fans Football Foul Golf Gymnasium Gymnist Hockey horseback riding Official Period of Play ping pong Player Referee Rugby Rules of the game Soccer Sports sports field Swimming team handball Team player Tennis the game (sporting event) the team time keeper to cheer to play a sport Volleyball
Spanish Atleta Badminton Béisbol Básquetbol cancha de baloncesto entrenador de entrenador del equipo de béisbol Croquet Ciclismo Fanáticos fútbol americano Falta Golf Gimnasio Gymnasia Hockey Equitación Oficial período de juego ping-pong Jugador Árbitro Rugby Reglas del juego Fútbol Deportes campo de deportes Natación Balonmano jugador de equipo Tenis el partido el equipo guardián del tiempo para animar para jugar un deporte Voleibol
Nombre: Fecha: Clase: Translate the following: 1. I like volleyball. 2. Jaimie plays basketball. 3. We have a good referee. 4. Mr. Lopez is a bad coach. 5. Joe is a ping-pong champion 6. Maggie and her friends play soccer. 7. Jesus and Samuel are good time keepers.
14.I like to eat the food at the baseball stadium. 15.How many hockey teams are there in the United States? 16.How big is a baseball field? 17.Are you one of the players on the swimming team? 18.My brother is an athlete. 19.He can run a mile in one minute. 20.Horseback riding is an expensive sport. 21.How many fouls can you make in basketball before you are kicked out of the game?
8. Which sport is your favorite? 9. How long is a period of play in football? 10.Do you eat turkey and watch sports on TV over the holidays? 11.Which baseball team is your favorite? 12.How many cricket teams do you watch on TV? 13.Who is the coach of the hockey team?
22.What is the difference between rugby, football and soccer? 23.I like to play soccer and watch rugby. 24.Do you think Jesus and the 12 Apostles were rugby players? 25.I think God loves a good game of football too.
pain (headache) la enfermedad illness la espalda back el estómago stomach la fiebre fever la garganta throat la gripe flu el hombro shoulder la infección.
belt la congestión congestion la corbata necktie el costo de vida cost of living la cultura culture la diversidad diversity la falda skirt los guantes gloves el mercado market el puesto de comida food stand la seguridad safety el sitio place el subur
la contabilidad accounting la enfermería nursing ... la historia history la informática computer science la ingeniería engineering el inglés. English las leyes law.
el cementerio cemetery la ceremonia ... Holy Week el/la turista tourist ... rabbit (Easter bunny) el cristiano. Christian la cruz cross los dulces candy el hogar home.
to sell por ejemplo for example el poder power la realidad reality el Siglo de Oro ... to reflect sobrevivir to survive. 10.3 El Centro y Madrid la amargura bitterness.
none, not one rural rural ventoso/a windy al principio in the beginning ... unknown famoso/a famous entretenido/a entertaining estimado/a dear igual equal; alike.
to return, come back amarillo/a yellow dorado/a gold marrón brown naranja orange púrpura purple rosado/a ... to iron the clothes poner la mesa to set the table.
father los padres parents el/la primo/a cousin el/la sobrino/a nephew/niece el/la suegro/a father-in-law/mother-in-law el/la tío/a uncle/aunt un rato a while la vida.
el limón lemon la limonada lemonade la madrugada daybreak la manzana apple ... nightclub, discotheque la fiesta party la harina flour el menú menu el mesero.
cGraw-Hill C omp anies, Inc. Perm ission is granted to reproduce for classroom use. Travel Talk. Discuss the attributes of shapes you see as you travel. Ask: How many angles does that rectangular window have? Ask: How many sides and angles does a sto
equation: A sentence that contains an equal sign (=), showing that two ... expression: a combination of numbers and operations that represent a quantity.
Use the items to make 3- and 4-digit numbers. For example: Show 1,125 as 1 yellow, 1 red, 2 blue, and 5 green. Add 234. (2 red, 3 blue, and 4 green) to this number. Answer: 1,349. (1 yellow, 3 red, 4 blue, and 9 green). At Home Activity. Travel Talk.
Today my class started the Apply Multiplication and Division chapter. ... Love,. p.s. Look on the back of this letter to find some quick practice tips that we can.
One Hundred Hungry Ants by Elinor J. Pinczes. Spaghetti and Meatballs. For All! by Marilyn Burns. At Home Activity. Materials: 12 circles. • Cut 12 circles out of ...
the brother-‐in-‐law el cuñado the mom ... the mother-‐in-‐law la suegra ... El pronostico. Forecast. Hace calor. It is hot. Hace frio. It is cold. Con neblina. Foggy.
by Jerry Pallotta. Alice in Pastaland by Alexandra Wright. Subtraction Action by Loreen Leedy. At Home Activity. Materials: newspapers and magazines, scissors, ...
All in weighing and packaging solutions. Especificaciones: Envasado hasta: Capacidad hasta: Medida Max. de cierre: Consumo de aire (Siempre limpio y seco):.
Each kit includes: • 6 Lap Book Titles with 36 identical small versions;. • 6 Teacher ... and comprehension activities for each book. ... One Spring Day and Night.
deportes sporting goods store. Sports andar en patineta to skateboard ... la bola ball el casco helmet la gorra baseball cap el guante glove los patines skates.
to raise. = levantar; aumentar. To raise is a regular verb. (raise – raised – raised) ... Robert should ask his boss for a raise, because prices ...... Swans live on.