Visita Pastoral a la Diócesis de Lexington por la USCCB Pastoral ...

visita al Hospital Equino Rood & Riddle en donde visitaron a más migrantes que trabajan ahí también, escuchándolos y dándoles Rosa- rios benditos.
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10th Anniversary of Culp: Deeper Comair into the Life Crash of Prayer

Page Page 4 7 The Bi-Weekly Publication of The Catholic Diocese of Lexington

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Pastoral Visit to the Visita Pastoral a la Diocese of Lexington Diócesis de Lexington Auditors find Diocese of by the USCCB por la USCCB On September 21 and 22, the Chicago y Enlace Episcopal de los M. Yvette Millán Torres LL.M. (M. Yvette Culp LL.M.) Diocese of Lexington hosted the Trabajadores Migrantes de Rancho pastoral visit of the United States on this pastoral visit with BishDel 21 al 22 de Septiembre la del Subcomité acerca del Cuidado Conference of Catholic Bishops op Manz was composed of David Diócesis de Lexington recibió la Pastoral de los Migrantes, Refugia(USCCB). Bishop John Stowe, Corrales, program coordinator to Visita Pastoral de la Conferencia dos y Viajeros (PCMRT por sus siO.F.M. Conv. received glas en inglés), Comité de with joy Bishop John Diversidad Cultural en la Manz, auxiliary bishop Iglesia de USCCB quien of Chicago and episcovisitó a nuestra Diócesis pal liaison to Migrant acompañado de un gruFarmworkers of the Subpo de profesionales de committee on the Pasvarias partes del país. toral Care of Migrants, Cada año el Comité de Refugees and Travelers Migración de la USCCB (PCMRT) of the Comvisita a diferentes partes mittee on Cultural Didel país con la intención versity in the Church. de darles la bienvenida a USCCB members who los migrantes, de reunir visited the diocese were información acerca de sus accompanied by a group condiciones de vida en of professionals from varUSA y de conectarlos más ious parts of the country. a la Iglesia Católica local, Each year the Comnacional y mundial. mittee on Migration of El grupo mandado por the USCCB visits difla USCCB en esta Visita ferent parts of the coun- David Corrales, program coordinator for the USCCB Secretariat of Cultural Diversity in the Church Pastoral con el Obispo try with the intention and Chicago Auxilary Bishop John Manz discuss seasonal migrant work in the throroughbred industry Manz estuvo compuesof welcoming migrants, at Ashford Stud Farm, Woodford county, with Lexington Bishop John Stowe. CR photo: Skip Olson to por David Corrales, gathering information Coordinador del Proabout their living conditions, and the Subcommittee on the Pastoral Católica de Obispos de USA (USC- grama, Subcomité del Cuidado connecting them more to the lo- Care of Migrants, Refugees and CB por sus siglas en inglés). El Re- Pastoral de Migrantes, Refugiados cal, national, and global Catholic Travelers (PCMRT) Commit- verendísimo Obispo Juan Stowe y Viajeros (PCMRT), Comité de tee on Cultural Diversity in the recibió con alegría al Reverendísi- Diversidad de Culturas en la Igle Church. Turn to Page 6 mo John Manz, Obispo Auxiliar de Va a página 7 The group sent by the USCCB

Lexington compliant with Charter

Lexington. The Diocese of Lexington has been found to be in compliance with the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People for the 2015-2016 fiscal period, following an audit by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops office’s designated firm. The audit was conducted September 20-22 at the chancery in Lexington and at several parish locations. In a September 30 letter to Bishop John Stowe, O.F.M. Conv., StoneBridge Business Partners, a Rochester, NY, group, wrote, “Based on the results of our recently performed on-site audit of the Diocese of Lexington, the Diocese has been found compliant with all audited Articles within the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People for the 2015/2016 audit period. “The conclusions reached as to the compliance of your Diocese are based upon inquiry, observation and the review of specifically requested documentation furnished to StoneTurn to Charter, Page 8

Page 6

Pastoral Visit Continued from Page 1 Church, USCCB, established in Washington, DC; Hilda Noya, director of formation, Southeast Pastoral Center (SEPI) and board member of the Catholic Migrant Farmworkers Network (CMFN), established in Miami, FL; and Deacon Luís Treviño, national adviser of Race Track Ministries to the Subcommittee on the Pastoral Care of Migrants, Refuges, and Travelers (PCMRT), Committee on Cultural Diversity in the Church, US-

CCB, established at Arlington Race Course, Arlington, IL. During the two day visit, Bishop Manz expressed to migrants in their native language, or in English, that the intention of his visit was to give encouragement, let them know they are not forgotten, give them guidance, remind them of their dignity as indi-

October 9, 2016 viduals, promote the connection between them with the Diocese of Lexington, and give them a national, as well as a global perspective. He recognized the workers for doing “heavy work” and, in many cases, for holding more than one job, all the while showing loyalty to their employers. He described Bishop John Stowe blesses the food at Ashford Stud following the Mass. them as an example of strength and the desire to excel. He empha- beautiful Mass continued with some of the sized that, during this Extraordinary Year of horses neighing on occasion, as if they were Mercy, Pope Francis invites the church even responding to the Word of the Lord. After more to welcome the stranger, to make them Mass, there was time to meet the workers, feel good, and to remind the church to do mostly from México with a few from Iregood always. land, over a meal. During his visit, blessed rosaries were disOn Thursday, the team visited migrant tributed at each location to the men, women, workers employed by the Lane’s End Horse and children present by Deacon Luís on be- Farm at Keeneland Race Course. Bishop half of Bishop Manz and his group, as well as Bishop Stowe Mass at Ashford Stud was celebrated in Triple Crown Manz and the and his collaborators, mingled with the miwinner American Pharaoh’s USCCB. They grant workers at the stables, where horses barn. Below, Bishops Manz were reminded and Stowe, with Deacon that the CathLuis Trevino, National olic Church is Advisor for Race Track here to serve Ministry. them and that God always accompanies them in their journey. On Wednesday, Bishop Stowe celebrated Mass in the stables of Ashford Stud Horse Farm in Versailles. During his homily, he took advantage of the fact that several horses were in attendance—including American Pharoah, an American Thoroughbred and Triple Crown winner—to remind those gathered that St. Francis of Assisi also preached to the birds. In jest, Bishop Stowe remarked, “I am not saying that I am a saint, but…if you all don’t listen, I will preach the Word to the horses.” The stable turned church erupted with smiles and the

were paraded about on their way to being sold. Most of workers were from México, but there were a few from Bulgaria and Ireland as well. Bishop Manz then celebrated Mass outside a barn at the Thoroughbred Center. Here, Bishop Manz reminded those present that “they always have a refuge in the Lord.” During the Mass, he prayed on behalf of those gathered and of those left behind in their respective countries, some of whom the workers here have not seen in a long time. He also offered a prayer of healing to a man who had recently had surgery. Following the Mass, the group and attendees gathered exchanging experiences and giving guidance. Later, there was lunch at the Catholic Center with several priests and some of the staff members of the diocese, followed by a visit to the Rood & Riddle Equine Hospital, where they visited more migrants, listening to them and giving them blessed rosaries. The day ended with a visit to the Barton Brothers Farm in Scott County. Bishops Turn to USCCB, Page 8

Cross Roads photos: Skip Olson

October 9, 2016

Visita Pastoral Viene de la página 1 sia, USCCB establecido en Washington, DC.; Hilda Noya, Directora de Formación del Centro Pastoral del Suroeste (SEPI por

Page 7 dromo de Arlington, IL. Durante estos dos días de visita el Obispo Manz les expreso a los migrantes en su idioma natal o en inglés, que la intención de su visita era el de dar aliento, dejarles saber que no son olvidados/as, darles orientación, recordarles su dignidad como personas, promover la conexión entre ellos/as con la Diócesis de Lexington, dar una perspectiva nacional y global. Reconoció que estos migrantes hacen “trabajos pesados” y en muchas ocasiones tienen más de un trabajo al

The USCCB team has a conversation with seasonal workers from Lane’s End Farm at the Keeneland Fall Sales. Right, one of the workers displays a horse for a prospective buyer.

sus siglas en inglés) y Miembro del Consejo de Conexiones de Migrantes Rancheros Católicos (CMFN por sus siglas en inglés) establecido en Miami, FL y el Diácono Luís Treviño, Consejero Nacional de los Ministerios en los Hipódromos para el Subcomité del Cuidado Pastoral de Migrantes, Refugiados y Viajeros

día, y que tienen lealtad hacia su empleador. Los describió como muestra de fuerza y deseo de superación. Hizo hincapié que durante este Año Extraordinario de la Misericordia nuestro Papa Francisco nos invita aún más a darle la bienvenida al extranjero y hacerlo sentir bien, y recordarnos que debemos hacer el bien siempre. Durante su Bishop Manz preaches at the open-air Mass adjacent to the practice track at the visita se reparThoroghbred Center. Behind him are Fr. Chris Clay, Dcn. Luis and Bishop John. tieron Rosarios (PCMRT), Comité de Diversidad Cultural benditos a cada uno de los hombres, mujeen la Iglesia, USCCB establecido en el Hipó- res y niños presentes por el Diácono Luís de

parte del Obispo Manz y de la USCCB. Y, se les recordó que la Iglesia Católica está para serviles y que Dios los acompaña en su camino siempre. El miércoles nuestro Obispo Stowe oficio la Misa en las caballerizas de los ranchos de caballos Ashford Stud Bishop Manz meets a en Versailles, KY. Rood & Riddle worker. Un dato interesan- Below, Dcn. Eduardo te es que el Obispo Fortini with the diocesan Stowe mencionó Hispanic Ministry and debido a que había David Corrales talk caballos entre los with others at the equine hospital. presentes - entre ellos American Pharoah, un caballo de carreras pura sangre americano que ha ganado la Triple Corona Americana - que San Francisco de Asís predicaba también a los pájaros; por lo que bromeando el Obispo Stowe comentó: “Yo no estoy diciendo que yo sea un santo, pero…si no me escuchan, predicare la Palabra a los caballos”. Los presentes sonrieron con regocijo y la Misa continuo muy hermosamente, ya que algunos de los caballos presentes relinchaban en ocasión como respondiendo a la palabra del Señor. Después de la Misa hubo un tiempo para convivir con comida y bebidas. Durante este tiempo se comunicaron los migrantes en su mayoría de México y en su minoría de Irlanda, con el grupo de USCCB y con la Diócesis.

El jueves visitaron a los trabajadores migrantes de la Granja de Caballos Lane’s End en el Hipódromo Keeneland. Aquí de pie y

teniendo como escenario las caballerizas y los caballos que eran paseados para ser comprados por algunos empresarios, el Obispo Manz y su grupo representando USCCB, al igual que el Obispo Stowe de Lexington y su grupo de colaboradores convivieron con los trabajadores migrantes. La mayoría era de México, y algunos pocos de Bulgaria y de Irlanda. El Obispo Manz oficio la Santa Misa afue Va a USCCB, página 8

Dcn. Luis Trevino with some of the migrant workers and their children at Barton Brothers Farm.

Page 8

USCCB Viene de la página 7 ra de un granero en el Centro Thoroughbred. Aquí el Obispo Manz les recordó a los presentes que “tienen siempre un refugio en el Señor”. Durante la Misa pidió por el bien de los presentes y por aquellos a quienes dejaron en sus respectivos países y a quienes algunos no ven desde hace mucho. Igualmente ofreció una oración de sanación a un hombre que había tenido una cirugía recientemente. Convivieron con los presentes intercambiando experiencias y dando orientación. Más tarde hubo comida en el Centro Católico en donde alguno(a)s del personal de la Diócesis, y Prensa se encontraron con los representantes de la USCCB, seguido por una visita al Hospital Equino Rood & Riddle en donde visitaron a más migrantes que trabajan ahí también, escuchándolos y dándoles Rosarios benditos. El día termino con la visita a la Plantación Barton Brothers, los Obispos Stowe y Manz comieron con los trabajadores migrantes en las afueras del plantío al lado de un camión que

USCCB Continued from Page 6 Stowe and Manz shared a meal and conversation with migrant workers from the bed of a tobacco wagon. The bishops then cut Tobacco barehanded to get an idea of the work their brothers and sisters do. It was a team effort between the USCCB; the Roman Catholic Diocese of Lexington (Fathers Dan Noll and Chris Clay, CAO/ Secretary for Pastoral Life Douglas E. Culp, Jr., Deacon Eduardo Fortini, Hispanic Ministry of the Diocese, Cliff view Retreat

Charter Continued from Page 1 Bridge Business Partners during the course of this audit. Thank you for your cooperation during this process.” “I would especially like to recognize the dedicated work of our parishes and schools that diligently follow the guidelines of the Charter and our diocesan Safe Environment program,” said Karen Abbey, chancellor of the diocese. “It is through their hard work that we

October 9, 2016 transporta tabaco, hablaron con ellos, y cortaron tabaco a mano limpia para darse una idea del trabajo que hacen estos hermanos y hermanas. Fue un trabajo en equipo entre la USCCB; la Diócesis de Lexington (Padres Dan Noll y Chris Clay; CAO/Secretario de Vida Pastoral Douglas E. Culp Jr., Diácono Eduardo Fortini, Ministerio Hispano de la Diócesis, Centro de Retiro Cliff view; Feligrés Carlos Argueta; Personal del Centro Católico y Cross Roads); los Ranchos de Caballos: Ashford Stud (Dermon Ryan y Brian Tormey), Lane’s End (Mike Kline, Jill McCully y Lacey Winding the tour down in front of a tobacco curing barn at Barton Brothers Farm. Herrera), Centro Thoroughbred (Jim Pendergest y Pedro Agustin); Plantaat the fifth anniversary, the crowd moved ción Barton Brothers (Jim and Bob Barton); there where a red rose was placed over each y del Hospital Equino Rood & Riddles (Diá- Continued from Page 3 of the engraved names. At the end, white cono Bill Rood). Jon Weece, pastor of Southland Chris- birds were released into the air. ■ Esta visita fue de gran conexión para los tian Church who held up posters migrantes entre ellos mismos y con la Igle- with few words on each poster in sia Católica local, nacional y mundial. Real- silence. Some of these were “we mente, se podía sentir la presencia de Dios en remember, so we will not forget.” estos encuentros. ■ “Live as they lived.” Earth’s loss, heavens gain.” “2, 471 people died at Pearl Harbor, 2,997 died at 9/11, Center; parishioner Carlos Argueta, Staff from the Catholic Center, and Cross Roads); but 49 people is more than a list— Horse Farms: Ashford Stud (Dermot Ryan each one counts.” “At 6:07 a.m., and Brian Tormey), Lane’s End (Mike Kline, phones rang, tears flowed, hearts Jill McCully and Lacey Herrera), Thorough- broke and life was changed forevbred Center (Jim Pendergest and Pedro er.” “Love never fails, we’re here to Agustin); Barton Brothers Farm (Jim and stand with you.” Following the ceremony in the Bob Barton); and Rood & Riddle Equine tent that was uphill from the sculpHospital (Deacon Bill Rood). ture of the “49 silver birds in flight” Sculpture of the 49 lives lost with engraved names around The visit was an opportunity for migrants that was made by Kentucky artist the bottom and a rose for each. At the end of the ceremony, to connect not only with each other, but Douwe Blumberg and presented live white birds were released. CR photo: Linda Harvey with the local, national and global Catholic Church. One could certainly feel the presence of God in these meetings. ■


have sent a clear message that our local church upholds the directives of the Charter and takes seriously the efforts to create healthy and safe environments in our local church and society.” The Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People is a comprehensive set of procedures established by the USCCB in June, 2002, for addressing allegations of sexual abuse of minors by Catholic clergy. The Charter also includes guidelines for reconciliation, healing, accountability, and prevention of future acts of abuse, according to the USCCB website. ■

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