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USD 265

out of the mainstream classrooms for at least one period per day to receive ... g. Hold yearly ELLOP meetings for each one of the ELL students that are eligible ...
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ELL GUIDE Updated August 2016

Martha Campbell Janet Doud Judi McAnally Bilingual District Specialists

Julie D. Cannizzo, Ph.D. Assistant Superintendent for Academic Affairs

Valene Day Curriculum Support Specialist

TABLE OF CONTENTS Program rationale and commitment ...............................................................3 Program models .............................................................................................3 Protocol for identification and processing ELL students ...............................4-6 Waiver of Services .........................................................................................7 Exiting from Services ....................................................................................7 Individual Student’s Assessment Record.......................................................8 Exit and Monitor Form ..................................................................................9 ELL Waiver of Services Form - English .......................................................10 ELL Waiver of Services Form - Spanish .......................................................11 ELL Waiver of Services Form - Vietnamese .................................................12 ELL ID Page (Print on Purple Paper) ............................................................13 ELL Tracking form (by building) ..................................................................14 Parental Notification Letter - English ............................................................15-16 Parental Notification Letter - Spanish............................................................17-18 Parental Notification Letter - Vietnamese .....................................................19 Home Language Survey – English ................................................................20 Home Language Survey – Spanish ................................................................21 Home Language Survey – Vietnamese ..........................................................22 Individual Yearly ELL Outcome Plan (ELLOP) ...........................................23 ELL Support Checklist ..................................................................................24 ELL Accommodations Plan ...........................................................................25 ELL Progress Report......................................................................................26 Migrant Form – English .................................................................................27 Migrant Form – Spanish ................................................................................28 Migrant Form – Vietnamese ..........................................................................29 Student Residency Questionnaire - English ...................................................30 Student Residency Questionnaire - Spanish ..................................................31 Student Residency Questionnaire - Vietnamese ............................................32 ESOL Certified teacher and Para Professional contact..................................33

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This guide is designed to provide administrators, BOE members, staff and parents with information regarding practices and procedures for providing appropriate educational services for all Non-English Proficient and Limited-English Proficient students enrolled in the Goddard School District.

Program rationale and commitment The number of students enrolling in Goddard Public Schools who speak a primary language other than English is increasing each year. The Goddard Public Schools, in accordance with the state and federal law, is committed to providing an equitable educational opportunity for all students and to ensure the very best learning experience possible. The Kansas Curricular Standards for English to Speakers of Other Languages ( adopted by the Kansas State Department of Education is used as a guide for instruction.

Program models The Goddard program will include Pull-out Model, Structured Immersion Model, or Sheltered Academic Instruction Model: Pull-Out Model This model is generally used in the elementary, intermediate, and middle school settings. Students are pulled out of the mainstream classrooms for at least one period per day to receive one-on-one or small group instruction in English from an ESOL teacher. A pull-out model may be appropriate for students who are new to the United States so that they can learn basic vocabulary skills which will enable them to function in a school setting; however research does not support a pull-out model as a long term intervention. Structured Immersion Model This approach places Limited English Proficient (LEP) students into monolingual English classrooms. Where it is possible LEP students will be placed in classrooms for at least part of the school day with teachers who hold ESOL teaching endorsements. As in the previous approach, English is taught through the content areas; there is no explicit ELL instruction. In addition, students may receive special support and assistance from an additional teacher or para-educator trained in ESOL strategies. The teacher’s use of the children’s first language is limited primarily to clarification of English instruction. The district is limited in the number of such classrooms. Sheltered Academic Instruction Model This model teaches regular content area courses in ways designed to make them comprehensible to ELL students. Techniques include simplified speech, visual representations, computer assisted instruction, and cooperative learning activities. The sheltered model of English language instruction provides instruction in both language and content. It is a sound pedagogic model that supports the educational outcomes of both English-dominant and LEP students.

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PROTOCOL FOR IDENTIFICATION AND PROCESSING OF ELL STUDENTS Revised August 2013 1. A student enrolls, assisted by Registrar or Counselor. 2. A “Home Language Survey” is completed by the parent(s) of every student enrolling new at Goddard. (Parent signature needed). 3. The Secretary or Registrar enrolling the student must check to see if the “Home Language Survey” indicates a language other than English on any of the questions. (See Home Language Survey sample included in this guide). If the answer is “English” on both questions, then the form is placed in the student’s cumulative folder.

If the parent indicates the presence of a language other than English on any of the four questions on the home language survey then take the following actions: RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. Secretary or Registrar a. Immediately notify one of the ELL Specialists in the district that a student has enrolled with a home language survey that indicates a language other than English. This procedure is the same for any enrollment: whether the student is new to the district, or returning. b. Notify the building Administrator and Counselor of the new student. c. Send a copy of the home language survey to the ELL Specialist that corresponds to your building. Keep the original copy in the cumulative student folder. d. Notify ELL District Specialist when ELL student transfers from Goddard schools. (request purple folder from ELL District Specialist to be added to cumulative file) 2. Counselor a. Assist the ELL Specialist in scheduling ELLOP meetings with classroom teachers. b. Maintain an awareness of ELL students who are on monitor status and report any significant changes to the ELL Specialist. 3. ELL Specialist a. Within 2 weeks of arrival screen new students with the KELPA-P. The Pre-k students are assessed with the Pre-IPT. b. Administer the regular KELPA (Kansas English Language Proficiency Assessment) to ELL students, K-12, in the spring during the school year’s testing window. c. Maintain all active, waived, and monitored purple folders at central office. d. File the purple folder in the student’s cumulative folder if student does not qualify for ESOL services.

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e. Students who have scored proficient on the KELPA for two consecutive years (scoring a 4 on all 4 parts) will be exited from the ELL program. Their purple folders need to remain at central office for three years. f. Assist Counselor in monitoring exited ELL students. g. Hold yearly ELLOP meetings for each one of the ELL students that are eligible for ESOL services. The ELLOP meetings must be completed before the September 20th attendance day so that the contact minutes can be calculated. h. Be a part of the ELL team at every building in the district. i. Be a part of the SIT team at each building if the student being evaluated is an ELL student. j. Collaborate with school psychologists to ensure that ELL students are evaluated in a manner that is sensitive to their linguistic backgrounds. k. Record the KELPA result on the ELLOP, “Assessments Record”, and on Skyward® once the results have been made available from the Kansas State Department of Education in the spring of the school year. l. Work with the building administrator(s) and counselor in creating a flexible scheduling of service within the building. m. Provide ELL services to qualified ELL students in conjunction with sheltered classroom teachers. n. Provide assistance and training to sheltered classroom teachers when possible for the benefit of ELL students. o. Assist general classroom teachers in carrying out the ELLOP, by modifying classroom materials when possible for the benefit of ELL students. p. Write a brief prescription to general classroom teacher with a few ideas on how to best help ELL students. q. Model in the classroom so that para-educators and teachers can also learn strategies. r. Update the ESOL fields of the Kansas Student Supplemental and consult with Richard Clevenger on data issues. s. Request information from the Counselors and teachers, in the spring, regarding the “meeting of outcomes” from the ELLOPs in order to create the district’s ELL report for the Kansas State Department of Education. t. Create a purple folder for all tested students to contain the following forms (blank forms available on the web under the administrative forms): o A copy of the “Home Language Survey” o Assessments used to identify eligibility; KELPA P or Pre-IPT. o An “Individual Student’s Assessments Record” page with the results of the KELPA-P screening as well as any other pertinent Assessment results (i.e. info from screeners). o An “Individual Yearly ELL Outcome Plan” (ELLOP) o A copy of the “Parental Notification Letter” in the home language where practicable. (See sample of translated letters). o Signed copies of the “ELL Waiver of Services”, if the parent(s) or guardian opted not to have the student participate in the interventions. o An “ELL Exit Services Form” for students who have passed the KELPA for two consecutive years. u. Notify the building administrator, the counselor, and the homeroom teacher each year as to the eligibility of the ELL students as soon as the status is known. It is important that the

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staff is aware of the ELL student ahead of time, to ensure a culturally sound environment for the dignity and reassurance of the ELL student. v. Place a “purple ELL ID sheet” in the student’s cumulative folder for those students who are on active status. (See purple copy included). w. After the assessment results are posted in the spring of the year update the data in the purple folders for all ELL students who were given the KELPA, the Pre-IPT, or who are on monitor status. x. Maintaining an accurate account (tracking sheet) of those: o Students that were assessed after their enrollment and did not qualify for ELL services. o Students that were screened and qualified for ELL services now called “active”. o Students that were exited from ELL services. y. Maintain and update an accurate accounting of the teachers in the district who are ESOL certified, or have a “plan on file” to complete an ESOL endorsement. z. Communicate with building administrators and counselors as to the status of the ESOL certified teachers so that any ESOL eligible students can be placed in their classes. aa. Determine the amount of contact minutes that occur between ESOL eligible students and the ESOL endorsed teachers, including the para-educators that work under the guidance of said teachers. bb. Record the contact minutes on the “Contact Minutes Worksheet” and report the minutes in the Skyward® student data system on, or before, the September 20 deadline. Funding is derived from this information, so it must be completed with the utmost fidelity. cc. Since funding is derived from Sept. 20 course enrollment, 7-12 counselors should strive to enroll students in first semester courses with ELL certified teachers. 4 ELL Building Team: Administrator, Counselor, ELL Specialist and Teacher(s) a. Meet and select strategies, accommodations, etc. on how the building is going to help the ELL student. b. ELL student’s outcome plan (ELLOP) should be updated and maintained in the purple folder annually. ELLOP’s must be completed by Sept. 20 for ALL ELL students. c. If the students transfer from Goddard, those purple folders will remain with their cumulative folder so they can be easily accessed when the new school requests information. (send request to district ELL Specialists to send folders to building) d. If the student graduates from Goddard, those folders will be kept for three years after graduation, at which time they will be destroyed. 5 Assistant Superintendent Academic Affairs a. Provide KELPA results to the ELL Specialists and to the building counselors when received from CETE. b. Provide State Assessment results to the ELL Specialist when received from CETE c. Oversee the ELL process district wide

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Waiver of Services (Need parent signature) 1. The parent has completed the “Home Language Survey” upon enrolling a student. 2. ELL Specialist has determined the need for assessment based upon the indication of a language other than English on the home language survey. 3. The student is considered eligible for ESOL services based on the results of either the KELPA P or the Pre-IPT assessment tolls. 4. An ELLOP (outcome plan) has been derived by the ELL Building Team and put into place. 5. The parent was notified of the student’s placement in ELL services. 6. The parent has an option to have the student NOT participate. 7. If requested by the parents, the ELL Specialist will offer a “Waiver of Services” form. This form is to be signed and dated. (See Waiver form in this document). 8. The “Waiver of Services” form is to be maintained in the purple folder for future reference.. 9. The purple folder will be placed in the student’s cumulative folder. 10. Even though an ELL student has been exited from ESOL services through a “Waiver of Services” he/she is still required to take the KELPA every year until a score of proficient is achieved for two consecutive years.

Exiting from Services (Does not need parent signature) 1. Student has achieved a rating of proficient in the Spring KELPA assessment for two consecutive years and has met the outcomes set by the ELL Building Team 2. The “Exiting Form” is completed, signed, dated, and placed in the purple folder and then in the student’s cumulative file by the ELL Specialist. (See Exiting Form in this document). 3. The change in status to exited from ELL services must be noted in Skyward®. 4. It is recommended that the counselor monitors, in conjunction with the ELL Specialist and mainstream classroom teachers, the performance of the exited ELL student for at least two academic years. 5. Mail a copy of the exit form to the ELL students’ parents. (can call or attach a note to the exit form being mailed)

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Student’s name


Student ID#

School Building


First Language

Person (s) Responsible for carrying out plan of achievement Original Screening date Screening tool


Gender: Screened by



ELL Services






Screening Results

SCHOOL YEAR Math ___________%

Reading ___________%

Writing ___________%

Science ___________%

Social Science ___________%

KELPA results from Spring of this school year. Date:______________






Total %ile_____


SCHOOL YEAR Math ___________%

Reading ___________%

Writing ___________%

Science ___________%

Social Science ___________%

KELPA results from Spring of this school year. Date:______________






Total %ile_____


SCHOOL YEAR Math ___________%

Reading ___________%

Writing ___________%

Science ___________%

Social Science ___________%

KELPA results from Spring of this school year. Date:______________






Total %ile_____


SCHOOL YEAR Math ___________%

Reading ___________%

Writing ___________%

Science ___________%

Social Science ___________%

KELPA results from Spring of this school year. Date:______________






Total %ile_____



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Goddard Schools

ELL Services Exit Form

Student’s name __________________________

DOB _________________

Current School Building _____________________ Grade________

Student ID # ____________

First Language ___________________

Exit Date: ____________________

Original Screening date _____________

EXIT SCORES (from Assessments Record Sheet) SCHOOL YEAR - 1 Math _____%


Reading ______%

Writing ______%

State Assessments

Science _______%

Social Science ______%

KELPA latest results Date: _________


SCHOOL YEAR - 2 Math _____%





Total %ile____


Reading ______%

Writing ______%

Level _____________

State Assessments

Science _______%

Social Science ______%

KELPA latest results Date: _________






Total %ile____

Level _____________

Based on the above scores, it is recommended that this student be exited from receiving ELL services in Goddard. It is also recommended that the student’s progress be monitored by the Counselor for two years following the date of exit. Teacher ___________________________________ Date __________

 Agree

 Disagree

Counselor _________________________________ Date __________

 Agree

 Disagree

Principal __________________________________ Date __________

 Agree

 Disagree

ELL Specialist______________________________ Date __________

 Agree

 Disagree

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ELL WAIVER OF SERVICES Student’s name _______________________

DOB _______________

School Year _____________________

School Building __________________________


First Language ___________________

Original Screening date _______________ Screening tool


Screened by ____________________________

 Other __________________

Screening Results________________________

Other evidence for recommendation of services:

Based on the screening results and any other evidenced listed above, the Goddard Public Schools recommend that __________________________________ (student name) receive ELL services. We (I) have met with Goddard Public Schools officials and I am aware of their recommendation that my son / daughter receive ELL services. However, at this point, and exercising my rights as a parent we (I) decline the offering of ELL services for our (my) son / daughter.

_________________________________ Building Principal

_______ Date

Committee Member


_________________________________ Parent

______ Date

Committee Member


_________________________________ ELL Representative

______ Date

Committee Member


** Please make changes in Skyward to reflect the students’ status “PARENTAL OPTED-OUT” or “NOT RECEIVING SERVICES”

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ELL WAIVER OF SERVICES Exención de ESL de servicios Versión en Español Nombre del estudiante ________________________________

Fecha de Nacimiento _______________

Fecha de la Matrícula en la Escuela _____________________

Nombre de la Escuela ________________________


Primera Lengua ___________________

Fecha de prueba Original _______________ Instrumento de prueba  KELPA-P

Pruebas hechas por ____________________________

 Otra __________________

Resultado de prueba _________________

Otras pruebas para la recomendación de servicios:

Basados en los resultados, Las Escuelas Públicas de Goddard recomiendan que__________________________________ (student name) recibe servicios de ESL. Nosotros (Yo) nos hemas reunido con las Escuelas Públicas de Goddard estamos conscientes que su recomendación que mi hijo / hija reciban servicios de ESL. Sin embargo, en este punto, y ejerciendo mis derechos como padre. Nosotros (Yo) rechazamos la oferta de servicios de ESL. _________________________________ Director de la Escuela

_________ Fecha

__________________________________ miembro Del Comité

___________ Fecha

_________________________________ Firma de Padres o Encargado

________ Fecha

__________________________________ miembro Del Comité

___________ Fecha

_________________________________ ELL Representante

________ Fecha

__________________________________ miembro Del Comité

___________ Fecha

** Please make changes in Skyward to reflect the students’ status “PARENTAL OPTED-OUT” or “NOT RECEIVING SERVICES”

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ELL WAIVER OF SERVICES ĐƠN KHƯỚC TỪ SỰ KÈM ANH NGỮ ESL Vietnamese Version Tên Học Sinh _________________________

Ngày Sinh _______________

Tên Trường __________________________

Lớp ________

Ngày kiểm tra đầu tiên _______________ Kiểm tra bằng  IPT


Niên Học _____________________

Tiếng Mẹ đẻ ___________________

Người kiểm tra ____________________________  Cách khác __________________

Kết quả_____________________

Những chứng cớ để giới thiệu sự kèm Anh Ngữ ESL:

Theo kết quả của cuộc kiểm tra và những chứng cớ nêu ra ở trên, Trường Công của địa phận Goddard xin giới thiệu em học sinh ________________________________ được nhận vào trương trình Anh Ngữ ESL. Chúng tôi (Tôi) có họp mặt với người đại diện Trường Công của địa phận Goddard và Tôi có biết đến sự giới thiệu cho con tôi được học thêm Anh Ngữ ESL. Nhưng, trong lúc này, và theo quyền lợi của tôi là phụ huynh của em học sinh, chúng tôi (tôi) xin khước từ sự đề nghị của nhà trường cho con em tôi học thêm Anh Ngữ ESL. _________________________________ Hiệu Trưởng

_______ Ngày

Úy viên

________ Ngày

_________________________________ Phụ huynh

______ Ngày

Úy viên

________ Ngày

_________________________________ Đại diện ELL

______ Ngày

Úy viên

________ Ngày

** Please make changes in Skyward to reflect the students’ status “PARENTAL OPTED-OUT” or “NOT RECEIVING SERVICES”

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13 | P a g e Revised: August 4, 2016/kr

SuccessMaker Math Gain

SuccessMaker Math Current Course Level

SuccessMaker Math IP Level

SuccessMaker Reading Gain

SuccessMaker Reading Current Course Level

SuccessMaker Reading IP Level

Dibels - DORF

Dibels - Correct Letter Sounds (CLS)

Dibels - Phoneme Segment (PSF)

Dibels - FirstSounds Fluency (FSF)


STAR - Early Numeracy Math

STAR Reading

STAR - Early Literacy Reading

Math State Assessment

Reading State Assessment

KELPA Overall Category

KELPA Overall Score

KELPA Speaking Overall Category

Speaking Test Score

KELPA Llistening Overall Category

Listening Test Score

KELPA Writing Overall Category

Writing Test Score

KELPA Reading Overall Category

Reading Test Score

KELPA Date Taken

Screening Results

Original Screening Date

Program Participation Level

ELL Program End Date

ELL Program Start Date

ELL Contact Minutes

Withdrawal Date


Primary Language Description

US Entry Date

State Stu Number

Entity/ School



Student Key

Student Full Name

USD 265 ELL EOY Report 2016-2017

Fall Spring Gain Fall Spring Gain Fall Spring Gain Fall Spring Gain Fall Winter Gain Winter Spring Gain Fall Spring Gain Fall Spring Gain Fall Spring Gain Fall Spring Gain

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Dear Parents/Guardians of _________________________ , On your child’s enrollment form, you have indicated that a language other than English is spoken in your home. If a language other than English is indicated, the student is given an assessment to determine his or her proficiency in English. Results of the Kansas English Language Proficiency Assessment for Placement (KELPAP), or the Pre-Idea Proficiency Test (Pre-IPT), show that __________________ did not score proficient in either oral and/or written English and qualifies for English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) services at USD 265. The ESOL program will help your child become proficient in listening, speaking, reading and writing English in all school subjects. Services will be delivered to your child in one or more of the following ways:

□ Participation in a Modified Instruction program, where adaptations are made by teachers to make the content understandable to your child. □ Participation in ESOL push-in - periods when an ESOL teacher comes into the regular classroom to provide language assistance to your child.

As part of the ESOL program, an Individual Learning Plan for each student is developed that uses information from the language proficiency assessment to determine your child’s strengths, areas of need, and which forms of assistance would be most useful.

Your child will be given the Kansas English Language Proficiency Assessment (KELPA) each spring to assess his/her progress in attaining English fluency. The assessment measures progress in the domains of speaking, listening, reading, writing, and provides a composite score. When your child scores “fluent” in all of the domains and the composite for two consecutive years, he/she will be exited from the program. After exiting the program, his/her performance in the content classes will be monitored for two additional years to determine whether further assistance is needed. 15 | P a g e Revised: August 4, 2016/kr

If your child has additional education needs that require Special Education services, the ESOL program will work with the Special Education team. A representative of the ESOL department will participate in meetings with the Special Education team.

It is your right as a parent to refuse the enrollment of your child in an ESOL program or to remove your child from an ESOL program at any point during the school year. If you do not want your child to receive ESOL services, please notify the school. Per the No Child Left Behind Act, the KELPA will be administered each year.

Please contact the ELL Specialist at (316) 794-4188 if you would like to schedule a meeting to discuss your child’s program placement, test results, or participation in the ESOL program.


ELL Specialist Goddard Public Schools [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

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Estimado En el formulario de inscripción de su niño, usted ha indicado que en su hogar se habla otro idioma que no es inglés. Si se indicó un idioma que no sea inglés, se tomará un examen al estudiante para determinar su aptitud en el idioma inglés. Los resultados de la Evaluación de Aptitud de Idioma Inglés de Kansas para Colocación (KELPA-P, por sus siglas en inglés), Examen de Aptitud (IPT, por sus siglas en inglés), muestra que no es competente en el idioma inglés oral y/o escrito y califica para los servicios de Inglés para Hablantes de Otros Idiomas (ESOL, por sus siglas en inglés) en el Distrito Escolar Unificado (USD por sus siglas en inglés) 265 . El programa ESOL ayudará a su niño a ser competente en la lectura, escritura, expresión oral y comprensión auditiva del idioma inglés en todas las materias escolares. Los servicios serán proporcionados a su niño en una o más de las siguientes formas:

□ La participación en un programa de Instrucción Modificada, donde las adaptaciones son realizadas por maestras que preparan el contenido comprensible para su niño. □ Participación en períodos de ayuda ESOL donde una maestro ESOL asiste al aula normal para proporcionar ayuda en idioma a su niño. Como parte del programa ESOL, se desarrolla un Plan de Aprendizaje Individual para cada estudiante que utiliza información del examen de aptitud de idioma para determinar las áreas de necesidad, las capacidades, y cuales formas de ayuda serán más útiles para su niño. Cuando su niño logra el nivel esperado en expresión oral y comprensión auditiva, en lectura y escritura en inglés según lo determinado por el examen KELPA], y cuando él/ella se esté desempeñando bien en su clase académica, él/ella será retirado(a) del programa. Sin embargo, aún cuando sea retirado del programa, su desempeño en las clases de contenidos será controlado durante dos años para determinar si es necesaria una ayuda adicional. Si su niño tiene necesidades educativas adicionales que requieren servicios de Educación Especial, el programa ESOL trabajará con el equipo de Educación Especial. Un representante del departamento ESOL participará en las reuniones con el equipo de Educación Especial. Es su derecho como padre rechazar la inscripción de su niño en un programa ESOL; aún más, es su derecho como padre retirar a su niño de un programa ESOL en cualquier momento durante el año escolar. Si usted no quiere que su niño reciba los servicios ESOL, por favor notifique a la escuela.

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Por favor comuníquese con ELL Specialist en el número (316) 794-4188 si usted desea programar una conferencia paternal para discutir la colocación de su niño en el programa, los resultados de los exámenes, o la participación en el programa ESOL. Atentamente,

ELL Specialist Goddard Public Schools [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

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kính mến: Trên mẫu đơn đăng ký học của con bạn, bạn đã cho biết bạn sử dụng một ngôn ngữ khác không phải tiếng Anh tại nhà của bạn. Nếu bạn sử dụng một ngôn ngữ khác không phải tiếng Anh, người học sinh phải làm một bài kiểm tra để xác định mức độ thành thạo tiếng Anh của mình. Các kết quả Đánh giá Mức độ Thành thạo Ngôn ngữ tiếng Anh của Kansas để Sắp xếp vị trí (KELPA-P), cho thấy không thành thạo nói và/hoặc viết tiếng Anh và có đủ điều kiện được hưởng các dịch vụ Tiếng Anh dành cho Người Sử dụng Ngôn ngữ Khác (ESOL) tại Khu vực Trường học Hợp nhất (USD) số 265 . Chương trình ESOL sẽ giúp đỡ con bạn trở nên thành thạo nghe, nói, đọc và viết tiếng Anh trong tất cả các môn học ở trường. Các dịch vụ sẽ được gửi đến con của bạn theo một hoặc nhiều cách sau đây: □ □

Tham gia một chương trình Bài giảng Thay đổi, ở đó các giáo viên đã đưa ra các thay đổi cho phù hợp để làm con bạn có thể hiểu được nội dung bài học. Tham gia giai đoạn đưa vào ESOL - giai đoạn mà ở đó một giáo viên ESOL vào một lớp học thông thường để giúp về mặt ngôn ngữ cho con bạn.

Là một phần của chương trình ESOL, Kế hoạch Học tập Cá nhân cho từng học sinh được xây dựng sử dụng thông tin từ bài kiểm tra mức độ thành thạo ngôn ngữ để xác định điểm mạnh, khu vực có nhu cầu của con bạn, và dạng giúp đỡ nào là có ích nhất. Khi con bạn trở nên thành thạo nói, nghe, đọc và viết tiếng Anh theo xác định bởi bài kiểm tra KELPA, và khi đứa trẻ học tốt trong các lớp học của nó, đứa trẻ sẽ được đưa ra khỏi chương trình. Tuy nhiên, ngay cả khi ra khỏi chương trình, kết quả học tập của đứa trẻ trong các lớp học sẽ được theo dõi trong hai năm để xác định xem con bạn có cần thêm giúp đỡ không. Nếu con bạn có các nhu cầu giáo dục khác đòi hỏi các dịch vụ Giáo dục Đặc biệt, chương trình ESOL sẽ làm việc với nhóm Giáo dục Đặc biệt. Một đại diện của phòng ESOL sẽ tham gia các buổi họp với nhóm Giáo dục Đặc biệt. Là cha mẹ, bạn có quyền từ chối đăng ký cho con bạn vào chương trình ESOL; hơn nữa, bạn có quyền của người làm cha mẹ đưa con bạn ra khỏi chương trình ESOL vào bất kỳ lúc nào trong năm học. Nếu bạn không muốn con bạn nhận các dịch vụ ESOL, hãy thông báo cho trường học. Hãy liên hệ ELL Specialist theo (316) 794-4188 nếu bạn muốn hẹn một buổi họp cha mẹ để bàn về việc sắp xếp chương trình cho con bạn, các kết quả kiểm tra, hoặc tham gia chương trình ESOL. Trân trọng,

ELL Specialist Goddard Public Schools [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

19 | P a g e Revised: August 4, 2016/kr

HOME LANGUAGE SURVEY Upon enrollment, every student or parent/guardian must be given a Home Language Survey. This survey will be used to determine which students should be assessed for English proficiency. If a language other than English is indicated in any of questions 1-4, the student will be assessed to determine eligibility for English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) services. The assessments approved by Kansas State Department of Education include: The Language Assessment Scales (LAS)/LAS LINKS/Pre-LAS, the IDEA Proficiency Test (IPT)/Pre-IPT, the Language Proficiency Test Series (LPTS), and the Kansas English Language Proficiency Assessment (KELPA)/KELPA-P. If a student scores below proficient/fluent in any of the language domains: listening, speaking, reading, or writing, s/he is eligible for ESOL services. Please complete one form for each child. Student Information: Name Address


Date of Birth


Date first enrolled in a school in the U.S.



Phone Number

Name of school child will be attending in 2016-17 Student Language Information: 1. What language did your child first learn to speak/use? English ______ Spanish ______ Other (please specify) ________________ 2.

What language does your child most often speak/use at home? English ______ Spanish ______ Other (please specify) ________________


What language do you most often speak/use with your child? English ______ Spanish ______ Other (please specify) ________________


What language do the adults at home most often speak/use? English ______ Spanish ______ Other (please specify) ________________

Parent/Guardian Information: 1. Which language do you prefer for school communication? English ___Spanish ___ Other (please specify________________ 2.

Will you need a translator for parent/teacher conference? Yes ____ No ____

Signature of Parent or Guardian


20 | P a g e Revised: August 4, 2016/kr

ENCUESTA DE IDIOMA EN EL HOGAR Al momento de inscripción, todo estudiante o padre/tutor debe tomar una Encuesta de Idioma en el Hogar. Esta encuesta será utilizada para determinar cuales estudiantes deben ser evaluados para aptitud de Idioma Inglés. Si en alguna de las preguntas de 1 a 4, se indica un idioma que no sea inglés el alumno será evaluado para determinar la elegibilidad de los Servicios de Idioma para Personas que Hablan Otros Idiomas (ESOL por sus siglas en inglés). Las evaluaciones aprobadas por el Departamento de Educación del Estado de Kansas incluyen: Las Escalas de Evaluación de Idioma (LAS, por sus siglas en inglés)/LAS LINKS/Pre-LAS, Examen de Aptitud IDEA (IPT, por sus siglas en inglés)/Pre-IPT, Serie de Exámenes de Aptitud de Inglés (LPTS, por sus siglas en inglés), y la Evaluación de Aptitud de Idioma Inglés de Kansas (KELPA)/KELPA-P. Si un estudiante obtiene un puntaje por debajo del nivel de aptitud/fluidez en cualquiera de las áreas del idioma: comprensión auditiva y expresión oral, lectura o escritura, él/ella puede ser elegible para los servicios ESOL. Por favor complete un formulario para cada niño.

Información del Estudiante: Nombre Domicilio: Fecha de primera inscripción en una escuela en los Estados Unidos Nombre de la escuela infantil estará presente en 2016-17

Grado Ciudad

Fecha de Nacimiento Estado

Número de Teléfono

Información del Idioma del Estudiante: 1.

¿Qué idioma aprendió primero hablar/utilizar su niño? Otro (por favor especifique) Inglés Español


¿Qué idioma habla/utiliza su niño más frecuentemente en el hogar? Otro (por favor especifique) Inglés Español


¿Qué idioma habla/utiliza usted más frecuentemente con su niño? Otro (por favor especifique) Inglés Español


¿Qué idioma hablan/utilizan más frecuentemente los adultos en el hogar? Otro (por favor especifique) Inglés Español

Información del Padre/Tutor: 1.

¿En qué idioma prefiere para la comunicación de la escuela? Inglés Español Otros (Por favor especifica) _________________


¿Va a necesitar un traductor para las conferencias de padres / maestros? Si ____No ____

Firma del Padre o Tutor



ĐIỀU TRA VỀ NGÔN NGỮ TẠI GIA ĐÌNH Khi ghi tên đăng ký, mọi học sinh hoặc phụ huynh/người giám hộ đều phải được cung cấp một bản Điều tra về Ngôn ngữ tại Gia đình. Bản điều tra này sẽ được sử dụng để xác định xem học sinh nào cần được đánh giá trình độ tiếng Anh. Nếu có một ngôn ngữ không phải tiếng Anh được chỉ ra trong bất kỳ câu hỏi nào trong số các câu hỏi 1-4, học sinh sẽ được đánh giá để xác định tình trạng đủ điều kiện nhận các dịch vụ Tiếng Anh Dành Cho Những Người Nói Ngôn Ngữ Khác (ESOL). Các đánh giá được phê duyệt bởi Sở Giáo Dục Tiểu Bang Kansas bao gồm: Phân Mức Trình Độ Trong Đánh Giá Ngôn Ngữ (LAS)/LAS LINKS/Pre-LAS, Kiểm Tra Trình Độ IDEA (IPT)/Pre-IPT, Loạt Bài Kiểm Tra Trình Độ Ngôn Ngữ (LPTS) và Đánh Giá Trình Độ Ngôn Ngữ Tiếng Anh Của Kansas (KELPA)/KELPA-P. Nếu một học sinh có điểm dưới mức thành thạo/trôi chảy trong bất kỳ lĩnh vực ngôn ngữ nào: nghe, nói, đọc, hoặc viết, học sinh đó sẽ có đủ điều kiện nhận các dịch vụ ESOL. Vui lòng hoàn thành một mẫu đơn cho mỗi đứa trẻ. Thông tin Học sinh: Tên


Địa chỉ

Thành Phố

Ngày đầu tiên ghi tên ở một trường học ở Mỹ

Ngày sinh

Trạng Thái

Mã bưu điện

Số điện thoại

Tên của đứa trẻ học sẽ được tham dự trong 2016-17 Thông tin Ngôn ngữ của Học sinh: 1. Con bạn học nói/sử dụng ngôn ngữ nào trước tiên? Tiếng Anh Tiếng Tây Ban Nha Tiếng khác (vui lòng chỉ rõ) 2.

Con bạn thường nói/sử dụng ngôn ngữ nào nhiều nhất tại gia đình? Tiếng Anh Tiếng Tây Ban Nha Tiếng khác (vui lòng chỉ rõ)


Bạn thường nói/sử dụng ngôn ngữ nào nhiều nhất với con bạn? Tiếng Anh Tiếng Tây Ban Nha Tiếng khác (vui lòng chỉ rõ)


Người lớn trong gia đình thường nói/sử dụng ngôn ngữ nào nhiều nhất? Tiếng Anh Tiếng Tây Ban Nha Tiếng khác (vui lòng chỉ rõ)

Thông tin Phụ huynh/Người giám hộ: 1. Những ngôn ngữ nào bạn thích để giao tiếp trường? Tiếng Anh Tiếng Tây Ban Nha Tiếng khác (vui lòng chỉ rõ) 2.

Bạn sẽ cần một phiên dịch cho các hội nghị phụ huynh / giáo viên? Vâng ____ Không ____

Chữ ký của Phụ huynh hoặc Người giám hộ


22 | P a g e



To be updated yearly by the student’s ELL Building Team and maintained in the purple folder. Student’s name ________________________________ DOB _________________ School Year _____________________ School Building ________________________________ Student ID # ______________


First Language ___________________

Person (s) Responsible for carrying out plan of achievement _______________________

Original Screening date _______________ Screening tool  IPT


Screened by ____________________________  Other __________________ Screening Results________________________

Is student being recommended for ELL services this school year? :  Yes

 No

If Yes, list amount of time (minutes per week) that student will be serviced: ____________ ELL Program Participation:

Start Date:

Exit Date:

Comments on past academic performance and or first language academic ability:

2015 Kansas ELPA-21 Scores

L:_____ / S:_____ / R:_____ / W:_____ / T:_____/_____

Below are the selected goals/outcomes for this year, goals for this year which will be measured and reported from spring assessment data. *Use the 2013 ELP standards to guide goals and instruction.

ELP Standards An ELL can… ___ 1 Construct meaning from oral presentations and literary and informational text through grade-appropriate listening, reading, and viewing ___ 2 Participate in grade-appropriate oral and written exchanges of information, ideas, and analyses, responding to peer, audience, or reader comments and questions. ___ 3 Speak and write about grade-appropriate complex literary and informational texts and topics. ___ 4 ___ 5

Construct grade-appropriate oral and written claims and support them with reasoning and evidence. Conduct research and evaluate and communicate findings to answer questions or solve problems.

___ 6

Analyze and critique the arguments of others orally and in writing.

___ 7 ___ 8

Adapt language choices to purpose, task, and audience when speaking and writing. Determine the meaning of words and phrases in oral presentations and literary and informational text.

___ 9 __ 10

Create clear and coherent grade-appropriate speech and text. Make accurate use of standard English to communicate in grade-appropriate speech and writing.

Plan to pursue outcome(s) via:

 Sheltered content classes

 Computer assisted language learning (CALL)

 In-class ELL supports  Title I assistance

 Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach (CALLA)

 Specialized Reading instruction

 Para-educator support

 Flexible grouping

 Tutoring model

 Cooperative group

 Pull-out

 Primary language instruction  Peer helpers

Signatures of ELL Building Team: Date

Homeroom teacher

ELL Specialist


ELL Teacher


23 | P a g e

 Other ______________

ELL Support Checklist Student Name: _______________________

Grade: ______

Teacher Name:__________________________________

Building: ____________________________ School Year: _________


** Please check any of these accommodations or modifications that you provide for the above student. **

Test Accommodations: In order for Limited English Proficient student to receive accommodations on a standardized test, that student MUST receive these accommodations regularly in the classroom during the year.       

Simplify and/or explain directions Read the test aloud in all core subjects Allow extended time on test ( time and a half or ___________) Allow use of a dictionary/translator Student responds verbally or dictates for scribe Small group or individual testing Spanish version of the state assessment (math, science &/or social science)

Recommend, not required: ___ communicate expectations for a lesser quantity of subject matter information to beginning ELL students and give shorter tests or modified tests at the beginning of the year.

Instructional Modifications: Please check the following instructional modifications which are provided for the above student.            

Assign an English-speaking buddy (buddies), especially in the beginning Seat the student near the teacher Walk by the student frequently and repeat directions or indicate work with gestures as needed Employ repetition, using simple vocabulary Avoid slang and idiomatic expressions Use more visuals and hands-on manipulative to support learning; point out pictures in the textbooks Ask the student simple questions based on visuals (How many? Where? What is this?) Simplify or reduce assignments to be done independently Rely more on labeling of pictures as an instructional requirement and as an assessment Supply the student with non-fictional reading material at below grade level to support information in the class Read materials aloud or supply text plus audio CD or other electronic device Invite the student to participate in team projects (with empathetic fluent English students)

Please return this completed form to your building’s District ELL Specialist, Martha Campbell, Janet Doud or Judi McAnally at the Administration Center.

24 | P a g e

ELL Accommodation Plan Student’s name ________________________________ School Building ________________________________

DOB _________________ Grade________

School Year _____________________ First Language ___________________

Student ID # ________________________ Comments on past academic performance: State test scores: State test scores: State test scores: KELPA scores: KELPA scores: KELPA scores: Grades: Date__________

Year__________ Math__________ Reading__________ Year__________ Math__________ Reading__________ Year__________ Math__________ Reading__________ Year__________ R_____ W_____ L_____ S_____ Level_____ Year__________ R_____ W_____ L_____ S_____ Level_____ Year__________ R_____ W_____ L_____ S_____ Level_____ _____ Math _____ Reading _____Science _____ Social Studies _____ Other ______________________________

Other Comments:

Comments on first language academic ability and educational history if known:

Academic accommodations that will be implemented this school year:

Signatures of ELL Team


Homeroom Teacher____________________________________________

ELL Specialist ______________________________________________

Counselor ____________________________________________________

ELL Teacher _______________________________________________

Principal _____________________________________________________

25 | P a g e

ELL Progress Report 2016-2017 Student Name:_______________

ESOL Standards

Teacher: _____________

Building:Choose an item.

Grade: Choose an item.

An ELL can…

Semester Marking Period Construct meaning from oral presentations and literary and informational text through grade-appropriate listening, reading, and viewing COMMENTS: Semester 1: Semester 2: Participate in grade-appropriate oral and written exchanges of information, ideas, and analyses, responding to peer, audience, or reader comments and questions. COMMENTS: Semester 1: Semester 2: Speak and write about grade-appropriate complex literary and informational texts and topics. COMMENTS: Semester 1: Semester 2: Construct grade-appropriate oral and written claims and support them with reasoning and evidence. COMMENTS: Semester 1: Semester 2: Conduct research and evaluate and communicate findings to answer questions or solve problems. COMMENTS: Semester 1: Semester 2: Analyze and critique the arguments of others orally and in writing. COMMENTS: Semester 1: Semester 2: Adapt language choices to purpose, task, and audience when speaking and writing. COMMENTS: Semester 1: Semester 2: Determine the meaning of words and phrases in oral presentations and literary and informational text. COMMENTS: Semester 1: Semester 2: Create clear and coherent grade-appropriate speech and text. COMMENTS: Semester 1: Semester 2: Make accurate use of standard English to communicate in grade-appropriate speech and writing. COMMENTS: Semester 1: Semester 2: LEGEND: M=Meet N=Does Not Meet NA=Not Applicable

26 | P a g e



Migrant Education Program Information

The Migrant Education Program (MEP) is authorized by Title I Part C of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA). The MEP provides formula grants to local education agencies to establish or improve education programs for children who may qualify for the Migrant Program. Please help us determine your child’s eligibility for the Migrant Program by responding to the following questions.

Has your family moved in the last 36 months to seek or obtain agriculture or fishing related work? _____No _____


If yes, was the move from one school district to another? Yes _____ No _____

For the School: If the answer to either of the previous two questions is Yes, please contact Mike Toole at [email protected] or 620-353-8114 and provide him a copy of this survey.

Signature of Parent or Guardian


27 | P a g e

Información del Programa de Educación para Migrantes

El Programa de Educación para Migrantes (MEP por sus siglas en inglés) está autorizado por el Título I Parte C de la Ley de Educación Elemental y Secundaria de 1965 (ESEA por sus siglas en inglés). El MEP proporciona subsidios por fórmula a las agencias locales de educación para establecer o mejorar los programas de educación para los niños que pudieran calificar para el Programa de Migrantes. Por favor ayúdenos a determinar la elegibilidad de su niño para el Programa de Migrantes respondiendo las siguientes preguntas.

¿Se ha mudado su familia en los últimos 36 meses para buscar u obtener trabajo relacionado con la agricultura o la pesca? Si _____ No ____ De ser así, ¿fue la mudanza de un distrito escolar a otro? Si ____ No ____

Si usted contestó si a cualquiera de las dos preguntas anteriores, por favor comuníquese con Mike Toole en [email protected] o llame al 620-353-8114.

__________________________________________________________________________________ Firma del Padre o Tutor Fecha

28 | P a g e

Thông tin về Chương Trình Giáo Dục Dành Cho Người Di Trú Chương Trình Giáo Dục Dành Cho Người Di Trú (MEP) được cho phép bởi Điều I Phần C của Đạo Luật Giáo Dục Tiểu Học và Trung Học năm 1965 (ESEA) Chương trình MEP cung cấp các học bổng theo công thức cho các cơ quan giáo dục tại địa phương để thiết lập hoặc cải tiến các chương trình giáo dục dành cho trẻ em có đủ điều kiện tham gia Chương Trình Dành Cho Người Di Trú. Vui lòng giúp chúng tôi xác định tình trạng đủ điều kiện của con bạn cho Chương Trình Dành Cho Người Di Trú bằng cách trả lời các câu hỏi sau:.

Gia đình quý vị có di chuyển trong vòng 36 tháng qua để tìm kiếm hoặc nhận công việc liên quan đến nông nghiệp hoặc đánh bắt cá không?

Có _____Không _____

Nếu có, sự di chuyển có phải từ một quận trường học này sang một quận trường học khác không? Có _____Không _____ Nếu quý vị đã trả lời có cho một trong hai câu hỏi trên, vui lòng liên hệ với Mike Toole tại Sở Giáo Dục Tiểu BangKansas tại [email protected] hoặc 620-353-8114.

Chữ ký của Phụ huynh hoặc Người giám hộ


29 | P a g e

Student Residency Questionnaire

Name of Student:___________________________________________________________________ Birthdate ____/_____/_____ (month/day/year) Age: _____ Grade: _____ Gender: _____ Male _____ Female Ethnic Background: ________________ Student ID #. (if known) __________________ Name of School: ___________________________________________________________________ This questionnaire is intended to address the McKinney-Vento Act, 42 U.S.C. 11435. The answers to this residency information help determine the services the student may be eligible to receive. 1. Is your current address a temporary living arrangement? □ Yes □ No 2. If YES, have you recently lost your housing or experienced an economic hardship?

□ Yes

□ No

If you answered YES to the questions above, please complete the rest of this form. If you answered NO, please stop here. Where is the student presently living? (Check one box.)  In a motel  In a shelter  With more than one family in a house or apartment  Moving from place to place  In a car, park, campsite, or other place not designated for ordinary housing Name of Parent(s) or Legal Guardian(s): _________________________________________________ Signature of Parent(s) or Legal Guardian(s): ______________________________________________ Date: _________________________ Address: _________________________________________________ Zip Code _________________ Phone: ________________________ For more information, please contact: USD 265 Office of the McKinney-Vento Liaison, USD 265 PO Box 249, 201 S. Main St., Goddard, KS 67052 . Phone: (316) 794-4000 Fax: (316) 794-2222 NOTICE OF NON-DISCRIMINATION Goddard USD 265 does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, handicap/disability, or age as to treatment of students in programs and as to employment. Persons having inquiries concerning the District’s compliance with Title VI, Title IX, Section 504, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act and the Age Discrimination Act may contact the school district’s ADA and Section 504 coordinator, the District’s Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, 201 South Main, Goddard, KS, 67052, Telephone: 316-794-4000. Those wishing to make a federal inquire may do so at the U.S. Department of Education through the Office for Civil Rights. Contact may be made at [email protected] or (816)268-0550.

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Estudiante Cuestionario de Residencia

Nombre de estudiante:_______________________________________________________________ Fecha de nacimiento____/_____/_____ (mes/día/año) edad: _____ grado: _____ Género: _____ masculino_____ femenino Origen étnico: ________________ Identificación del Estudiante No. (si se conoce) __________________ Nombre de Escuela: ___________________________________________________________________ Este cuestionario tiene como objetivo tratar la Ley McKinney-Vento, 42 USC 11435. Las respuestas a esta información de residencia ayudan a determinar los servicios que el estudiante puede ser elegible para recibir. 3. ¿Es su domicilio actual un arreglo de vivienda temporal? □ Sí □ No 4. En caso afirmativo, ¿ha perdido recientemente a su vivienda o experimentado una dificultad económica? □ Sí □ No Si usted contestó SI a las preguntas anteriores, por favor complete el resto de esta forma. Si su respuesta es NO, por favor parar aquí. ¿Dónde está viviendo el estudiante actualmente? (Marque una casilla.)In a motel  En un refugio  Con más de una familia en una casa o apartamento  Pasar de un lugar a otro  En un coche, parque, camping, u otro lugar no designado para la vivienda habitual Nombre del Padre (s) o tutor legal (s): _________________________________________________ Firma del padre (s) o tutor legal (s): ______________________________________________ Fecha: _________________________ Dirección: _______________________________________________ Código Postal _________________ Teléfono: ________________________ Para obtener más información, póngase en contacto: USD 265 Oficina del McKinney-Vento de Enlace, USD 265 PO Box 249, 201 S. Main St., Goddard, KS 67052. Teléfono: (316) 794-4000 Fax: (316) 794-2222 AVISO DE NO DISCRIMINACIÓN Goddard USD 265 no discrimina por motivos de raza, color, origen nacional, sexo, religión, discapacidad / incapacidad o edad para treatment de estudiantes en los programas y en cuanto a empleo. Las personas que tengan preguntas sobre el cumplimiento del Distrito con el Título VI, Título IX, Sección 504, Acta de Americanos con Discapacidades, los Americanos con Discapacidades Ley de Enmiendas y la Ley de Discriminación por Edad pueden ponerse en contacto con el coordinador del distrito escolar de la ADA y la Sección 504, Asistente del Superintendente del Distrito de Recursos Humanos, 201 South Main, Goddard, KS, 67052, Teléfono: 316-794-4000. Las personas que deseen hacer un Preguntar federal podrán hacerlo en el Departamento de Educación de Estados Unidos a través de la Oficina de Derechos Civiles. El contacto puede hacerse en [email protected] o (816) 268 a 0550.

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Sinh viên Residency câu hỏi

Tên của Sinh viên:___________________________________________________________________ Ngày sinh ____/_____/_____ (tháng / ngày / năm) Tuổi: _____ Cấp: _____ Tính: _____ Nam _____ Nữ Bối cảnh dân tộc: ________________ Thẻ học sinh # (nếu biết) __________________ Tên trường: ___________________________________________________________________ Câu hỏi này được thiết kế để giải quyết các Đạo luật McKinney-Vento, 42 USC 11435. Những câu trả lời thông tin resi¬dency này giúp xác định các dịch vụ học sinh có thể có đủ điều kiện để nhận được. 5. Là địa chỉ hiện tại của bạn một sắp xếp cuộc sống tạm thời? □ vâng □ không 6. Nếu CÓ, các bạn vừa bị mất nhà ở của bạn hoặc trải qua một khó khăn kinh tế? □ vâng

□ không

Nếu bạn trả lời CÓ cho các câu hỏi trên, xin vui lòng hoàn thành phần còn lại của hình thức này. Nếu bạn trả lời là KHÔNG, xin vui lòng dừng lại ở đây. Trường hợp là sinh viên hiện đang sống? (Kiểm tra một hộp.)  Trong một nhà trọ  Trong một nơi trú ẩn  Với hơn một gia đình trong một ngôi nhà hoặc căn hộ  Moving từ nơi này đến nơi  Trong một chiếc xe, công viên, khu cắm trại, hoặc địa điểm khác không được chỉ định cho nhà ở thông thường Tên của Phụ huynh (s) hoặc người giám hộ pháp lý (s):_________________________________________ Chữ ký của Phụ huynh (s) hoặc người giám hộ pháp lý (s):______________________________________ ngày tháng: _________________________ địa chỉ:_________________________________________________ Ma bưu điện _________________ điện thoại: ________________________ Để biết thêm thông tin, xin vui lòng liên hệ: USD 265 Văn phòng của McKinney-Vento liên lạc, 265 USD PO Box 249, 201 S. Main St., Goddard, KS 67.052. Điện thoại: (316) 794-4000 Fax: (316) 794-2222 THÔNG BÁO VỀ VIỆC KHÔNG PHÂN BIỆT Goddard USD 265 không phân biệt đối xử trên cơ sở chủng tộc, màu da, nguồn gốc quốc gia, giới tính, tôn giáo, khuyết tật / khuyết tật, hoặc tuổi để treat¬ment của sinh viên trong các chương trình và về việc làm. Người có thắc mắc về việc tuân thủ của huyện với Tiêu đề VI, IX, 504, các Americans with Disabilities Act, Người Mỹ Khuyết Tật Luật sửa đổi Đạo luật và Đạo luật Tuổi Phân biệt đối xử có thể liên hệ với ADA và 504 điều phối viên của học khu, của huyện Trợ lý Giám Đốc nguồn nhân lực, 201 South Main, Goddard, KS, 67.052, Điện thoại: 316-794-4000. Những người muốn làm một yêu cầu thông tin liên bang có thể làm như vậy tại Sở Giáo Dục Hoa Kỳ thông qua Văn phòng các Quyền Dân sự. Liên hệ có thể được thực hiện tại [email protected] hoặc (816) 268-0550.

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Documentation of meeting between ESOL certified teacher and para professional in contact with ELL students ESOL Teacher:

Para professional:



Names and grades of students served and minutes of contact per week:

The following criteria need not be filled out every week, but there should be a variety of comments throughout the school year. Lessons Plans: On file with teacher(s)

Instructional Strategies: On file with teacher(s)

Evaluation Techniques: Grades, ESOL Assessments, STAR, other classroom assessments.

Student Progress: Grades, ESOL Assessment, STAR, other classroom assessments and progress reports

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