Upper-Intermediate - Traffic Report (D0418) A: Buenas
Upper-Intermediate - Traffic Report (D0418). A: Buenas tardes, les saluda Adriana L´opez con las. ´ultimas noticias de tr´ansito. Good afternoon, this is Adriana ...
´ Buenas tardes, les saluda Adriana Lopez con las ´ ultimas noticias de transito. ´ Good afternoon, this is Adriana L´opez with the latest traffic.
Tenemos reportes de no tomar la Avenida ´ Cristobal, ya que en la esquina con la calle numero tres se reporta un accidente de auto, por ´ ´ lo que se aconseja tomar el periferico. We have reports to not take Crist´obal Avenue, since at the corner of third a car accident is being reported, and for that reason it’s advisable to take the beltway.
La salida a la carretera de Valladolid se registra un embotellamiento a causa de una carambola ´ de tomar prede seis autos, por lo que deberan cauciones. The exit to the Valladolid highway is experiencing a bottleneck due to a six-car pile-up, for which you all should take precautions.
El eje seis esta´ bloqueado ya que existe una man´ y no ha sido posible establecer otra ruta ifestacion de acceso a la zona, por lo que se sugiere no tomar esta avenida. Expressway six is blocked since there’s a protest, and it hasn’t been possible to establish another access route to the area, so it is suggested not to take that road.
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2008 Praxis Language Ltd.
´ En el norte de la ciudad el trafico fluye sin problemas, unicamente en la avenida Vallarta existe ´ ´ en el kilometro ´ una zona de construccion 10. In the north of the city, traffic is flowing without problems, except for on Vallarta Avenue is there a construction zone at kilometer ten.
˜ Este ha sido nuestro reporte de la manana, si ´ o quisiera reportar un accituviera informacion dente, favor de llamar a nuestro numero de asis´ tencia, el 7765-4456. This has been our morning report, if you have information or would like to report an accident, please call our help line at 7765-4456.
Key Vocabulary
to advise
la carambola
Noun (f )
pile up
el embotellamiento
Noun (m)
traffic jam
la carretera
Noun (f )
to flow
Supplementary Vocabulary
Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version).
2008 Praxis Language Ltd.
la obra
Noun (f )
el atasco
Noun (f )
traffic jam
´ la retencion
Noun (f )
la cola
Noun (f )
to unleash
´ el trafico denso
bumper to bumper traffic
Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version).
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